Change It Up: 2004

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
The objective of this thread is to change one thing in the given year in the WWE and explain why and if you think the change will be better.

If I had to change one thing in 2004, it would be Chris Benoit winning his first championship from Brock Lesnar instead of HHH. You may ask the question, "Where would this leave Goldberg?", but I believe this would have made for a better match for both competitors. Heyman made Benoit's life hell and so when Benoit won the Royal Rumble, he decided to go to RAW and challenge HHH. Heyman did his own Royal Rumble in which Eddie Guerrero won and would subsequently win the championship from Brock Lesnar at No Way Out with help from Goldberg.

Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar put on a great match on Smackdown in late 2003 and I feel that a Wrestlemania match could have been better. The great moment Guerrero had beating Lesnar can hold the same for Benoit. The change would give the opportunity for HHH and HBK to end their feud at Wrestlemania rather than Bad Blood.

What is your change and explain why?
At the time I wanted to change the WrestleMania main event to Triple H vs. Chris Benoit in a singles match. I don't like the idea of triple threat title matches at WrestleMania. Benoit won the Royal Rumble from the number one spot and was on a roll. I felt Michaels was stealing his thunder a little by getting involved in the main event. Benoit and Hunter would have been able to deliver a solid Mania match. I had the idea of putting Michaels in a ladder match against RVD. This was the tenth anniversary of the first ppv ladder match and they were back in Madison Square Garden. RVD would have been a worthy opponent to face HBK to mark the anniversary of the ladder match.

Looking back I'm glad things happened the way they did. While I still don't care for the triple threat idea in general, this match delivered. It is probably the best triple threat match ever. Adding Michaels to the mix made Benoit's title victory more improbable and special.

I still think my idea is better from a booking standpoint, but things turned out pretty good the way they went down.
The moment where Evolution turned on young Randy Orton after winning the World championship has marred this mans career. I would have done it a bit differently since he wasn't quite ready for a face turn in some peoples eyes. I'd have had Randy take command of Evolution since he was the champion and the top of the food chain rebelling against the leader of Evolution Triple H. There would have been a three on one beatdown on him and Triple H being a proven draw as a face would have had more success as his cocky young protegee turned his back on him and took everything. This kind of feud would have deserved a Wrestlemania payoff and would have culminated with the Game finally getting the belt after going through Evolution the stable he built for months. Thats what I would have changed.
I too would change Orton's face turn. Here is how I would work it. The night after he woud face Benoit again and beat him to retain the belt. Then Evolution would come out to celebrate. Batista would have Orton on his shoulders and when Triple H gives the thumbs up to a down Batista would do the same but instead throw Orton off his shoulders at Triple H and Batista would brawl with Flair while Orton and Triple H battled it out to end Raw with security trying to break them up.

The next Monday Orton and Batista would come out to the ring. Orton would get on the mic and say " Triple H and Ric Flair. You two are looking at the future of this business. We are better and stronger and younger then you. Triple H I knew you would try to take me out after I won the belt. Unfortunately for you I got to Dave before you did. Dave has my back. "

Batista would then grab the mic.

" Hunter!!! You're too cocky for you're own good. You've always looked at me as just some genetic freak. Some kind of animal. Well I am animal but I will not let you ruin the future of this industry. Me and Orton are going to take over the industry starting with the decimation of you two !!! "

Anyway that's just a snippet of how I would have booked it. I would have eventually given Batista the Intercontinental Championship and had Orton and Batista feuding with Ric and HHH for the next couple of pay per views with Orton and Batista going over them and becoming the huge superstars that could never lose in this business.

I would then recreate the two man power trip with Batista and Orton with the eventual feud where Orton would turn heel again by taking out Batista for having suspicions of Batista wanting the World Heavyweight Championship thus it would be Orton vs Batista at Wrestlemania 21 instead of Batista vs HHH.
My Choice would be JBL Beating Eddie Guerrero at The Great American Bash, this Moment pissed me off so so much, Eddie Deserved a much better reign that what he got, I almost had tears in my Eyes When Kurt Angle came out and showed the footage of JBL actually winning.

But if that did happen would we have John Cena how he is today, the Face of the Company, hmmm not sure. It may of saved us from seeing such a crappy match between the two.

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