Championship Region, Fifth Round: (1) Steve Austin vs. (11) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Steve Austin

  • Brock Lesnar

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You people are ridiculous. Essentially what has happened in this thread is Slyfox went in early for Lesnar and people are too scared to be upstaged that they've gone with it. In what realm of anything is Austin a worse wrestler than Brock Lesnar? He's certainly drawn more. He's certainly more decorated. He's certainly not better.

Look, Lesnar looks dominant because wrestles people on their way up and on their way out mostly. His feud with Punk was the beginning of the end. Triple H? Already done for all intents and purposes. The Rock? Same story. Rollins and Reigns are clearly on their way up and if John Cena's loss to Bryan was past his prime, then better beleive that his losses to Lesnar were. Not to mention the fact he beat Lesnar in 2012, way closer to his prime.

Lesnar's record against wrestlers at the top of their game is far less stellar - Angle, Guerrero, Goldberg and Big Show?! Have all had the beating of him. A lot of those wins may have involved shenanigans but fuck me, he's facing the king of the attitude era. Look, I don't want Austin to win the tournament again either, but I see really no other option here.
In a tournament to determine the best wrestler of all time, people are pushing Brock Lesnar based on about five matches in the last 12 months over Steve Austin's entire career. Baffles the hell out of me.
See, I was going to post a picture of Steve Austin with a cock on his chest to appease the chestnut fans but sadly I was given the thumbs down by our overlords. So here is a monkey riding a dog instead.


PS: Really, Brock Lesnar is a better wrestler than Steve Austin? Everyone who voted for Brock has got the aids big time.
Sooo in this thread people are basing it on their careers but in the Cena vs Bryan thread people are giving it to Bryan because he beat him at SummerSlam. Wtf which is it? How are we supposed to be judging this? In a one on one match right now I think Lesnar would fuck Austin up. If you look at their careers I'd say Austin had the better one but I'm confused on how it looks like some of the criteria is switching from thread to thread. I voted Lesnar because of his current run.
It is a bit distracting. If you saw this guy in a bar, you would point and laugh.

Then he would choose whether or not you walked out in one piece. Because he is a beast who destroys the hopes and dreams of neon shirt wearing children & grown men who believe in the power of a phenom.

Now he adds eating rattlesnakes alive to his resume.
I envy those of you with an understanding of this match-up that would be described as anything but topical. Me on the other hand, I'm one of many people whose nerves still seize up when I remember the beatdown Lesnar gave Cena.

For the record; I don't think Stone Cold ever "ran" from Lesnar. I think Stone Cold ran from bullshit booking, not the classiest thing to do but that's not what we're judging here.

I'm not even considering Lesnar's UFC run when I believe that for this year's tournament; Brock Lesnar would defeat Stone Cold. I wish that Stone Cold had more votes in this one to be honest, because I'm pretty sure that he'd have Lesnar on the ropes a few times.

In terms of accomplishments and status, these two men are dead even with me. I give the edge to the guy who's left a lasting impression more recently and I'm a fucking bastard for doing that.
In a tournament to determine the best wrestler of all time, people are pushing Brock Lesnar based on about five matches in the last 12 months over Steve Austin's entire career. Baffles the hell out of me.

Let's be fair now.

The time at which Austin was a big deal ran mostly from about '97 to '01. The time that Lesnar has been a big deal has ran from like '02 to '04 and now '12 to '15. Now, Lesnar has wrestled far less than Austin did on the whole in that time, but that's hardly a detriment to himself. If you are comparing the two guy's careers at the top of the card, they're roughly similar.

Yes, I voted for Lesnar, not just because of the run that he's on now entirely, although I do think it's a rare beast in an impressive time for said run. I also voted for Lesnar because he'd more than just conceivably be a guy that could beat Austin from both a kayfabe and business perspective, he has a track record of doing just that to other similar guys.

If this was in '98, Lesnar get a mudhole stomped through him. If it was in 2015, Austin is tinder for the fire. People can argue historical perspective and ratings and drawing power until they're blue in the face. I pay less credence to those things when both guys are of this modern era as s much more goes into deciding those factors. What matters is that in reality, Lesnar dominates people. Frequently.

He certainly could win, he wouldn't be unlikely to win, and because over time I've seen enough of Austin winning by default in this tournament, I'm saying Lesnar is going to win. And as much as I like Austin, I think I'd probably enjoy his admission into suplex city.
Some day members of this forum are going to look back at this run Lesnar is on and say to themselves, "I've been in a fight, it hurts. It took me two full weeks to feel healthy again and I pretty much won the fight that lasted less than two minutes (to my eight year old little sister). Maybe Brock competing four times a year, beating a run down Big Show, a even more run down Taker, a past his prime Cena, and then losing to basically a rookie isn't all that worthy."

But that day is clearly not today by the logic of the Lesnar voters. Throw in the "damage" rules and we may as well give him the title (unless KB has the tourney completely fixed for Michaels).
Some day members of this forum are going to look back at this run Lesnar is on and say to themselves, "I've been in a fight, it hurts. It took me two full weeks to feel healthy again and I pretty much won the fight that lasted less than two minutes (to my eight year old little sister). Maybe Brock competing four times a year, beating a run down Big Show, a even more run down Taker, a past his prime Cena, and then losing to basically a rookie isn't all that worthy."

But that day is clearly not today by the logic of the Lesnar voters. Throw in the "damage" rules and we may as well give him the title (unless KB has the tourney completely fixed for Michaels).

I think he is romping away. Its strange that Austin's legacy hasnt been pointed out here till like the 4th page and people have been braying about Cena's legacy on the other one from page one.

I chose Lesnar after much thinking, I was still torn because at the end of the day LESNAR IS A HEEL. and Austin is the ultimate babyface, in a big match at Mania who puts who over? Thats right.

The thing is though this is CM Punk shouldnt be in the ring with Lesnar again. Collectively peoples suspension of belief in the fact that Austin with a bad neck can beat this beast is whats the issue.
I can see where the Brock Lesnar supporters are coming from, I really do. Not very many men can fight the Zorlocks and defend planet Voltron at the same time but by god not very many people can do it without the aide of his phallic blade of Ragnarok. What has Stone Cold Steve Austin done in his life other than destroying the evil king Walmart and ending his tyrannical reign as supreme overlord of the Rugrats. If we're going off of achievements alone, Lesnar takes it. However if were to look at the longevity of their heroic primes you can not underestimate Stone Cold's period as the Duke of Asskickington.
I think a lot of people are taking Lesnar's ability to shoot on Austin into too much consideration. Austin can shoot on an opponent too, just ask his ex wife.
And both Debra and Bork are used to having dicks on their chests...

Quick side note, Bork's chest dick is awful; but Austin's leg tat might legitimately be one of the lamest and worst tats I've ever seen in my whole life. Worse than the tat on Tyson' face.
Absolutely no bearing on the match, just thought people would be interested to know that Brock Lesnar has had the highest number of votes (tied in some cases) in every round of this tournament.

I mean, I didn't mention drawing power bt yaknow...

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