Championship Region, Fifth Round: (1) John Cena vs. (2) Sting

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • John Cena

  • Sting

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a fifth round match in the Championship Region. It is a standard one on one match, held at the Super Dome in New Orleans, Louisiana. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.


NOTE ABOUT THE FINAL ROUNDS: The remaining three rounds are a one night only tournament in the style of King of the Ring. All damage from this round carries over to the next round and is based on the margin of victory. If someone wins a close match, they took a severe beating but survived. If someone wins a blowout, they didn't suffer as much damage.


#1. John Cena



#2. Sting

Polls will be open for six days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
I love me some Sting, and I will end up voting for him simply because he was my childhood superhero when I was 5 years old and watched him take on the nWo week in and week out. Both Cena and Sting have been at the top of their respective companies, but I think in the greater scheme of things Sting has and will have left a greater impact on professional wrestling than Cena.

Then again, Cena is Cena and will have a massive amount of support here, I like Sting, but I won't be all too bothered if he loses here.
THE CHAMP IS HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE, Look we are to the elite of the elite here (also Ric Flair and brock lesnar). As much as I like Sting and am impressed by him, when you list the all time greats it takes you a while to get to Sting. John Cena to me is one of those names. When I think greatest of all time, Cena's name is pealed off that list pretty damn quick. Not to mention he's still got years on his career. Cena has every advantage you can think of in this match.

Cena AA's his way into the semi-finals

This motherfucker? This motherfucker right here took on an entire faction of champs & all around bad dudes-- with a cable harness & a baseball bat.

No. Words. Necessary. Just a cold stare, some thunder & a bird. That is all Sting needed to fuck with your head & get a crowd going. The last man standing, friends turned & he is left with the task of judge. Who's side are you on? - is the question asked at the end of his bat. Sting flat out dropped in the middle of the enemy kamikaze style & laid an the entire nWo on their ass.

An entire faction-The biggest faction ever assembled. All of them fell by his hand.

So you if you want to talk about who people beat & how important & records, blah, blah, blah... This man took on everyone, all at once. Just a man and his bat.

What exactly has has John done really, that can even amount to that level of destruction? Hell, anyone for that matter. Sting takes this match folks. We cheer along with each chop & Stinger Splash as he drops Cena with a DDT or two & wraps this all up with a Scorpion Death Lock.

You are right John, we dont see you. Not in the next round, anyways.

This motherfucker? This motherfucker right here took on an entire faction of champs & all around bad dudes-- with a cable harness & a baseball bat.

No. Words. Necessary. Just a cold stare, some thunder & a bird. That is all Sting needed to fuck with your head & get a crowd going. The last man standing, friends turned & he is left with the task of judge. Who's side are you on? - is the question asked at the end of his bat. Sting flat out dropped in the middle of the enemy kamikaze style & laid an the entire nWo on their ass.

An entire faction-The biggest faction ever assembled. All of them fell by his hand.

So you if you want to talk about who people beat & how important & records, blah, blah, blah... This man took on everyone, all at once. Just a man and his bat.

What exactly has has John done really, that can even amount to that level of destruction? Hell, anyone for that matter. Sting takes this match folks. We cheer along with each chop & Stinger Splash as he drops Cena with a DDT or two & wraps this all up with a Scorpion Death Lock.

You are right John, we dont see you. Not in the next round, anyways.

You are correct, Sting, has done all this, with a ball bat and a "cold dark stare" problem is this is a match and not a scrum. Sting can drop Cena with a ddt, he can lock on that SDL ( come on everyone in the world knows Cena ain't given up), not only that but Cena powers out of it like always. Sting pursued, and pursued but was never dominate, while Cena has dominated for most of his career . Sting will fight hard but in the end, it just won't be enough because Cena never gives up, and in a Big match Cena gets it done.
The more Sting was featured in the war with the nWo, the higher WCW's ratings rose and rose (from 2.8 when Hall showed up on Nitro to 5.1 when Sting was champ). When did they begin to slip? When Sting's prominence lessened. Then WCW had a brief resurgence which just happened to correspond with the original Sting dream match up - a feud with Bret (rising as high as 6.0 at one stage). Coincidentally (sic), the last night than WCW beat the WWF in the Monday Night Wars? When Sting was written out of storylines for a period due to injury... that's for all the posters that might attempt to persuade you Sting couldn't draw - when WCW got behind the Stinger, he drew and drew big! John Cena IS WWe's biggest draw, no one can argue that. However, under the good ship Cena ratings have actually reduced from high to low 3s with major stars like the Rock required to actually move the needle upwards. It could easily be argued that the only reason the needle drops when John isn't on is because we've been programmed for so long to believe that he IS the reason to watch.

John Cena has spent more time as the champion... no argument - this is true. However, from Bruno Sammartino on - faces get the big runs in (W)WWF/e. Name one lasting heel champion not called Triple H? The NWA and WCW however always followed the exact opposite format (a carry over from travelling the regions were the likes of Race and Flair were taking on every area's blue eyed home boys). It was in this background that Sting was, time and time again, picked to be the one to halt these despicable characters.

Quality of opponents beaten for World belts (because to be the man, you have to beat the man)? Cena has beaten JBL, Edge, Randy Orton, Y2J, Sheamus, Batista, Miz, Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio and the Rock. Sting has beaten Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Big Van Vader, Rick Rude, Hollywood Hogan, DDP, Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy and Mr Anderson.

New Orleans? I'd say Sting, it was NWA/ WCW country back in the day and Miami and Chicago have shown that cities are likely to love their own.

Stip (or lack there off)? This I have to give major advantage to Sting, Cena is famous for winning heavily stipulated bouts but his most famous defeats nearly always occur when there is no stipulation. Sting doesn't suffer this so much because stip matches just were not as commonplace, so straight up matches were still the norm rather than the exception for the Stinger.

The groundswell grows for Cena year by year in this tournament but I'll still argue that Sting (just) edges young John.
Sting's brilliant, and I think it wouldn't be ludicrous for him to win here, but for my money this has to go to Cena. Sting has proven to be a big draw, but Cena has proven he can do it when there are no other big draws in the company. That's a huge achievement, and why I'll be voting for him.
You are correct, Sting, has done all this, with a ball bat and a "cold dark stare" problem is this is a match and not a scrum. Sting can drop Cena with a ddt, he can lock on that SDL ( come on everyone in the world knows Cena ain't given up), not only that but Cena powers out of it like always. Sting pursued, and pursued but was never dominate, while Cena has dominated for most of his career . Sting will fight hard but in the end, it just won't be enough because Cena never gives up, and in a Big match Cena gets it done.

I think I just more than proved how dominant Sting was. Remember the part about knocking around the nWo? That wasnt one match, or a month buildup to a PPV. That was over a year. Testing & fighting. A faction made up of champions who ruled the land with shenanigans & ass-kickery.

People loved the nWo. Then Sting starts showing up in the rafters and fans everywhere fucking bricked their pants. It was awesome. So awesome that WCW was doing more damage in the ratings & ending Nitro with Sting vs the world each week. Remember the body count? I do, it was fantastic. Do you know why Sting is a bigger draw here? Because everyone has wanted to see this man in WWE so bad, we have listened to worldwide fans for over a decade clamor for it. Meanwhile half the fans during the last decade have hated John Cena.

Sting doesnt need a bat here. He has plenty to take down Cena & his super powers. Vote Sting.
I think I just more than proved how dominant Sting was. Remember the part about knocking around the nWo? That wasnt one match, or a month buildup to a PPV. That was over a year. Testing & fighting. A faction made up of champions who ruled the land with shenanigans & ass-kickery.

People loved the nWo. Then Sting starts showing up in the rafters and fans everywhere fucking bricked their pants. It was awesome. So awesome that WCW was doing more damage in the ratings & ending Nitro with Sting vs the world each week. Remember the body count? I do, it was fantastic. Do you know why Sting is a bigger draw here? Because everyone has wanted to see this man in WWE so bad, we have listened to worldwide fans for over a decade clamor for it. Meanwhile half the fans during the last decade have hated John Cena.

Sting doesnt need a bat here. He has plenty to take down Cena & his super powers. Vote Sting.

Not even close man, Sting was huge on the hogan chase but in all truth that years of chasing and beating the NWO down. How many times did Sting wrestle? Like zero, it took them forever to get to a Hogan vs Sting match at Starcade, where Hogan beat the shit out of him like he was a bum for like 20 minutes and hogan dropped a leg and got a clean win before Bret Hart raced out and make up some bullshit about a fast count.

You are calling that his prime? A guy who got knocked around like a bitch and had to screw hogan out of the title twice as a Good guy just to beat him? That's his prime? Sting may have been able to swing a bat but he couldn't apply a wrestling hold without being winded. Cena would run circles around that sting. Beat that Sting and make a mockery of him.

You are talking about a guy who lost to Rick Steiner and Vampiro, and Vampiro had his ass pegged. Including lighting him on fire and sending him forty feet to the ground.
Sting personifies WCW, but even during the peak of his career he still took a back seat to Hogan and Flair. Once he finally made it to the ring against Hogan at Starrcade 97, he wasn't a decisive winner, held the belt for a while before losing to a way past his prime Randy Savage, who then lost it to Hogan, and Sting was left to join the NWO Wolfpac.

John Cena personifies the current WWE and if his career continues down the same path (no major injuries), he could be considered one of the greatest, if not greatest, professional wrestler of all time. After Austin, Rock, and Brock left, Cena took the reigns and became the #1 guy. Orton didn't live up to expectations for a long time, HHH was slowing down, and Batista cooled off. Cena was still the guy carrying the company.

As far as the match goes, it will be a classic. Sting will hit Cena with everything he's got and same for Cena to Sting. At the end of the day, Cena's strength and perseverance will be able to overcome the Stingers attempts and Cena will stand over Sting, victorious.
Not even close man, Sting was huge on the hogan chase but in all truth that years of chasing and beating the NWO down. How many times did Sting wrestle?

I guess someone missed the point of the story. WCW was trying to get him in the ring & he refused contracts to fight others- he wanted Hogan. The ending to Starrcade was mucked up because of the ref not counting faster as it was agreed upon when booked, so on the fly they had it restarted. Hogan tapped. Scramble aftermath & title vacated- Sting gets title back.

You are calling that his prime?

Is this the part of your posts where you make up things? I never stated I considered that to be his prime. But if you want to compare, Sting was Mr. Good Guy Superhero also & the face of WCW. Since that is Cena in WWE, Sting gets an extra point for the gimmick change & still being over as hell.

You are talking about a guy who lost to Rick Steiner and Vampiro, and Vampiro had his ass pegged. Including lighting him on fire and sending him forty feet to the ground.

Are we going to bring up the hierarchy of what random people beat Sting as a negative point? Ok then- I guess we get to count a few points off John for a few of his losses- lets talk about Tensai & Kevin fucking Federline.

If you want to talk about negative things people may or may not remember of a career- lets try this. Sting is responsible for one of the most bad ass storylines in wrestling history. Whereas Cena is responsible for one of the worst scars on wrestling history- The spinner belt.

A vote for Sting is a vote against spinning belts.
I guess someone missed the point of the story. WCW was trying to get him in the ring & he refused contracts to fight others- he wanted Hogan. The ending to Starrcade was mucked up because of the ref not counting faster as it was agreed upon when booked, so on the fly they had it restarted. Hogan tapped. Scramble aftermath & title vacated- Sting gets title back.
No I know the story, Sting looked horrid in that match, most promoters wouldn't have dreamed of putting Sting over in that state. It's sad when Hogan (who wasn't exactly mister. wrestler when it came to in ring work) Dominated and made Sting looked like a bitch, and at that time he couldn't lace John's shoes.

Is this the part of your posts where you make up things? I never stated I considered that to be his prime. But if you want to compare, Sting was Mr. Good Guy Superhero also & the face of WCW. Since that is Cena in WWE, Sting gets an extra point for the gimmick change & still being over as hell.
Nah, this is the point where I asked a question you still haven't answered. So I'll ask again. Is this what you're calling his prime?

Are we going to bring up the hierarchy of what random people beat Sting as a negative point? Ok then- I guess we get to count a few points off John for a few of his losses- lets talk about Tensai & Kevin fucking Federline.
Yeah but Federline and Tensai were never a threat to Cena, Vampiro took sting out.

If you want to talk about negative things people may or may not remember of a career- lets try this. Sting is responsible for one of the most bad ass storylines in wrestling history. Whereas Cena is responsible for one of the worst scars on wrestling history- The spinner belt.

A vote for Sting is a vote against spinning belts.

Yeah and the spinner belt is also linked to one of the most successful periods in wrestling history. Where as Sting's epic storyline had one of the worst endings ever and made WCW look like a joke.

Cena > sting
John Cena has a strong chance of ending up on wrestling's Mt. Rushmore. Sting is moving closer and closer to being an afterthought.

There's no way this match doesn't end in a handshake between the two combatants, and I'm almost positive it ends with Stinger congratulating John on his victory.
Nah, this is the point where I asked a question you still haven't answered. So I'll ask again. Is this what you're calling his prime?

Since its hard for you to understand the context I brought up the gimmick in the first place, here. No it wasnt what I consider prime, but it shows how badass he can be if he turns it up - that sure was a force taking out that list of guys. The point was he did something Cena has not & is part of one of the largest storylines ever..

Yeah but Federline and Tensai were never a threat to Cena, Vampiro took sting out.

Tensai was supposed to be a threat, but obviously the desired effect was lacking. He did pick up the victory over John at Extreme Rules to help sell that fact.

You brought up those guys in a silly attempt to discredit Sting. Basically your statement implied 'Cmon, its just Sting. He lost to blah, blah, blah for christ sake." So again, the A lost to C so obviously he isnt as good as B hierarchy argument is not very solid.

Yeah and the spinner belt is also linked to one of the most successful periods in wrestling history.

Yes, the time that half the fans absolutely hated John Cena. During the time Sting was bleach blonde & carrying the WCW flag- the fans were never that split & very solidly in his corner.

Where as Sting's epic storyline had one of the worst endings ever and made WCW look like a joke.

One of Sting's epic storylines & you cant fault him for the failures of the company chaos that WCW became.

Sting is an Icon. Cena may well be there one day, but is just a few more big moments away. Thats what truly separates Cena from all the other true greats. His career is still going but short compared to guys who are 20\30 years in the business. Like I said, he will be there- but Sting is there.

Stinger takes this in a tough battle.
Take a poll as to who people would compare John Cena the most to. The winner of that poll would undoubtedly be Sting.

John Cena is like Sting in a lot of ways. Both have shown an undying amount of loyalty to their company for over a decade, both have been the face of their company for a long extended period of time, both have been the ultimate top "good guy" in their company for a long extended period of time, etc.

Really, the main difference between the two is that the fans never turned their backs on Sting. No matter how popular the nWo got, the crowd still exploded whenever Sting came out to fight them. Of course, Sting had to reinvent his character to make that happen, something which Cena and WWE has refused to do with him, but Sting was still the hero despite the reinvention. The fans loved and adored Sting no matter what. From all ages. Cena's 'love' from the fans is very different, but I'd still call it love, so maybe there isn't much of a difference in this area after all.

Work rate wise these two are about even, with Cena maybe getting the slight edge because his physical prime has lasted longer than Sting's did. But still, make no mistake about it, best Sting matches vs. best John Cena matches... it's pretty damn even.

Kayfabe wise, let's be real... if these guys fight 10 times, Cena wins 5 and Sting wins 5. It's about as even of a match-up as you could possibly ask for.

That leaves drawing power, and again it's even when you look at it objectively. Sure, Sting helped lead WCW to winning the ratings war for as long as they did while he was the most over babyface in the company, but it only lasted a couple of years. Cena has been on top for almost 10 years now and while it's not Hogan and Austin level numbers, when you combine it all up it's beyond impressive how much he's done for the company during these ten years when it comes to merchandise, publicity, Wrestlemania buys, etc. Raw ratings aren't everything and it's a shame Cena gets judged only by them by his detractors.

So basically, this is an even fight. Someone should win 75 votes to 74 votes. This is a fight where simply the fans decide. There's no legitimate argument to be made for one guy over the other.

And since Sting is my favorite pro wrestler of all time, and Cena would have trouble even cracking my top 20, I'm giving my vote to the Stinger.
I'll make this short and to the point...

I'm not a fan of John Cena. I respect what he's done for the WWE and that he's a big time draw and sells as much merchandise as anyone ever has for the WWE. He's a machine and has been the face of the WWE for nearly a decade now.

Sting was the face of WCW for the same amount of time. Once Flair passed his prime, Sting was set to be the person to carry the ball for the long haul. Hogan came in and that was derailed, but it didn't stop many from associated the company with the Stinger.

Also Sting is one of my all time favorite wrestlers. Vote Sting!
I went with Cena, but it's not out of the realm of possibility for Sting to win here.

The fact is, Cena has somewhat struggled when he's run into top faces. Daniel Bryan is jusat the latest of top faces to have beaten Cena in a face vs. face matchup with no stipulation. The Rock did it at Wrestlemania 28, CM Punk did it in 2011 at Money In the Bank, HHH did it on Raw in 2010 and at Night of Champions 2008, and Randy Orton did it in 2010 when he was fresh off a face turn. If Cena loses to a heel, it's usually in a screw-job, but he's lost more then his fair share against faces in face vs. face matchups.

But Cena, with the exception of Daniel Bryan, has won the biggest match between the two. He beat Punk to get his rematch against Rock, for the WWE Championship, on Raw. After Summerslam, he beat Punk clean to get a shot at the WWE Title against Del Rio. In both matches, Cena won, defeating Del Rio at Night of Champions, and Rock for the WWE Championship at the highest grossing Wrestlemania of all-time, Wrestlemania 29.

We can bring up the loss to HBK on the Raw in London...only if we bring up the submission victory in the main event of Wrestlemania 23. We can bring up the HHH long as we recall the submission victories over HHH in the main event of Wrestlemania 22, the pinfall win over HHH at Backlash 2006, and the submission victory over HHH at Elimination Chamber 2010 when the two were the last men left, winning the WWE Championship for Cena.

Both men were humungous draws as faces, but the difference for Sting is that he had someone to "draw" off of, the NWO. Cena? He's drawn and carried the company for the past ten years during a time where there's been no significant competition or sustained "second draws" for Cena.

Again, it's not hard to see Sting winning this. He's exactly the kind of guy that would give Cena problems. But problems and achieving victory aren't the same thing, and I don't think they would be here. Cena goes over with a roll-up.
I have to be honest, I'm incredibly saddened here. Sting who helped move WCW's ratings needle from mid-high 2's up to 5's and 6's and in the process helped wrestling as a whole move from mid4's into double figures on Monday nights does not deserve to be this far behind John Cena whose effects on RAW's rating are far from impressive when set out (Av. rating/week 2005-2013: 3.81 ,3.9 ,3.61 ,3.27 ,3.57 ,3.28 ,3.21 ,3 ,3.01).

I know that people have stated that Sting only drew because of who he was facing... the same can be said for Steve Austin and the Rock AND John Cena. It's naive to say that he is solely responsible for carrying the WWe but from Triple H and Batista to (his favorite protagonists) Randy Orton and Edge to CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and (most recently) Bray Wyatt to the dream rivalry with the Rock and his shorter program with Brock Lesnar - like Hulk Hogan before him he has been supported by heels people want to see him beat (or to see him be beaten by).

Kayfabe can be argued for either guy (although I stand by my assertion that a standard match is more in the Icon's favor than the stip specialist Cena) but I doubt that is the case here and we are simply seeing the vote swung by members too young to remember just how electrifying a period the MNWs were, and how much Sting had the WCW fans in the palm of his hand.

Quick edit: Sorry, just spotted something. Sly has voted STING - surely this is a turn up on biblical levels; he refused to vote last year when John met Hulk despite debating himself for some time!
Phoo. Both these guys are pretty much the same. Similar build, trained by the same guy, yada yada. Cena had the luck of the draw though, came in at the right time and ran with it.

I have no problem with Cena taking the win, per say. But I voted for Sting on the merits of me liking him better, and the crowd not shitting on him too harshly, which has to count for something when your job is to make people like you.
When Sting arrived, I started watching TNA. When Sting stopped wrestling regularly, I stopped watching TNA. My favourite wrestler of all time- The Icon- Sting.
John wins plain and simple. I'll give all the credit to Sting were he deserves, but as people said Sting was in a war against the NWO. However, that ain't no comparison to as to what Cena has accomplish thus far. Like for example, beating The Rock at WM 28, being a 14 time World Champion, the top star of the main wrestling shown, and most importantly being a household name. Sorry Stingers, but Johnny wins this one in a classic bout.
I am just as big of fan of Sting as everyone else. I grew up on Sting actually, but he was always had plenty of other guys to carry the ball with him. Another poster mention this and I agree, Sting was always the guy that was used to take down the biggest heel in the company no matter who it was. Sting did draw, but look what he had around him. Cena has done what he has done with mostly as the only draw. He never honestly had a very strong supporting cast. If I chose this one on personal preference I would go with Sting, but in the end I really think this is Cena's match to win. It will be a war, but Cena moves on.
I keep seeing this argument of 'Cena was a draw without help, unlike Sting'

Is this implying that being a standout among many greats is a bad thing? Does it somehow mean that being the only draw is better? Way I see it, a draw is a draw. Who else is on the roster isnt that important. Although I would give a nod to the guy who managed to stand out among a packed roster.

Or are people trying to say Sting was only a draw because of his opponents at the time? Either way, weak arguments.

But this one made me giggle.

Sting was in a war against the NWO. However, that ain't no comparison to as to what Cena has accomplish thus far. Like for example, beating The Rock at WM 28,

What the fuck did you just say? I have got to hear how you consider John Cena beating The Rock a bigger deal over Sting vs The nWo. Go on. I'll wait.

the top star of the main wrestling shown, and most importantly being a household name. Sorry Stingers, but Johnny wins this one in a classic bout.

Kid- and I call you kid because you so obviously are- what the fuck are you babbling about? Household name? Kids like you were running wild around the family backyard bbq with face paint & tank tops on back then. How was\is Sting not a household name?
I keep seeing this argument of 'Cena was a draw without help, unlike Sting'

Is this implying that being a standout among many greats is a bad thing? Does it somehow mean that being the only draw is better? Way I see it, a draw is a draw. Who else is on the roster isnt that important. Although I would give a nod to the guy who managed to stand out among a packed roster.

Or are people trying to say Sting was only a draw because of his opponents at the time? Either way, weak arguments.

But this one made me giggle.

What the fuck did you just say? I have got to hear how you consider John Cena beating The Rock a bigger deal over Sting vs The nWo. Go on. I'll wait.

Kid- and I call you kid because you so obviously are- what the fuck are you babbling about? Household name? Kids like you were running wild around the family backyard bbq with face paint & tank tops on back then. How was\is Sting not a household name?

I won't deny any of Sting's fame all that jazz, but comparing it to Cena's fame is close, but Cena out beats him. Go around and look 35-45 yrs. old who never watch wrestling in their life and ask them who Cena is and who Sting is. Odds on are that 85% will know of Cena more than who Sting is/was.

Also, like it or not(and even I don't like it much), but Rock's fame outshines NWO a tad cause he is known worldwide. Thus concluding Cena's win to be huge cause he beat Rock whom was WWE Champion in the most known PPV of wrestling.
I won't deny any of Sting's fame all that jazz, but comparing it to Cena's fame is close, but Cena out beats him. Go around and look 35-45 yrs. old who never watch wrestling in their life and ask them who Cena is and who Sting is. Odds on are that 85% will know of Cena more than who Sting is/was.

Also, like it or not(and even I don't like it much), but Rock's fame outshines NWO a tad cause he is known worldwide. Thus concluding Cena's win to be huge cause he beat Rock whom was WWE Champion in the most known PPV of wrestling.

Ummm..... is Japan still part of the world? Because last I checked, there was some major numbers of black & white shirts being sold over that way. I think even some of their top guys may have even been members, but I could be wrong. Im not, I just want you to go read for yourself because god knows you could use a bit more knowledge.

Rock is a big deal movie star & yadda yadda, but to diminish the level of awesome that was achieved by the nWo is just crazy. That storyline turned the business on its head.
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