Championship Match: (3) Shawn Michaels vs. (11) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins The Tournament?

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Brock Lesnar

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's really funny that people call Cena "Super-Cena" and not Lesnar, "Super-Brock". Yeah, the guy is a wrestling machine, but he's a part-timer. With this logic, Brock is going to win every tournament from now on. Booking matters. First-fight=Brock, wrestling=HBK.

HBK isn't going all in on Brock. He's playing mindgames, he pushing Brock to his limit. HBK wins by any means necessary.

Do you want to talk numbers comparing each man's prime?
HBK's prime was 1996-1998. Always on top of the card with victories over Hart & Undertaker, who were WWF's best back then.
Lesnar's prime is mid-2012 till now. I'm generous enough to leave the Extreme Rules 2012 out of this. Brock's record is 7-3.

And about the streak ending: he defeated a washed up near 50 years old man. Taker was HBK's bitch during both of their prime, in the 90's.

HBK wins this one, with a perfect booking, wether it's an underdog victory or a wrestling god's victory.
Wow, yeah that is a good thing huh. Then someone would have to point out that a little broken rib wasnt enough to stop him from winning the match.

But then another person would have to point out the "more than a ten count nap" Lesnar had to take before he dragged himself back to the ring. And how one could away with that in a triple threat but not a singles match like the one we are voting on.

But hey, Shawn could always just miss one of his cross-eyed moonsaults & that would be enough to get him the victory right? He could even hit the table on the way down for good measure.

I don't think Lesnar supporters want to bring up missing high flying moves in huge match ups. Lesnar has one of the most famous botches in wrestling history. It was brave and a valiant effort but missing that move made him beating Angle shortly thereafter a painful (pun intended) finish.
This is a great point. I can easily see HBK refusing to lose to a part timer like Lesnar here and Lesnar willing to do the job for an extra $250,000.

Anyone who votes for Lesnar knows nothing about how things work in professional wrestling. If you already made a mistake by voting for Lesnar, PM kb to get your vote changed to save yourself further embarrassment and to save kb from breaking out all of his alts.

In the realm of reality, this is how an in his prime HBK would defeat an in his prime Brock Lesner. He'd refuse to do the job and threaten to no show the finals unless he was booked to win. Desperate, the organizers would talk to Brock, who would be more than happy to lay down for a bigger payoff.

After all, the Heart Break Kid lays down for no man!
Shawn Michaels would be the last person to beat Brock Lesnar, I'm surprised people voted him over the likes of The Rock, Bret Hart and Kurt Angle.
Shawn Michael's career ended because he was unable to defeat the streak, Brock Lesnar destroyed Undertaker and ended the streak with ease. Shawn Michaels is not capable of beating Brock Lesnar and I'm surprised he got this far in the tournament. Fanboys can make all the arguments they want but the fact is Shawn Michaels would just be another big name Lesnar would steamroll over, no different than Hogan, Rock,Taker, Angle, HHH, Cena, etc.. What makes HBK better than all the wrestlers Brock Lesnar's already beaten?
But then another person would have to point out the "more than a ten count nap" Lesnar had to take before he dragged himself back to the ring. And how one could away with that in a triple threat but not a singles match like the one we are voting on.

So selling a move\injury counts against Lesnar somehow? In the eyes of WWE kayfabe Brock gets points for the comeback win after such an attack.

I don't think Lesnar supporters want to bring up missing high flying moves in huge match ups. Lesnar has one of the most famous botches in wrestling history. It was brave and a valiant effort but missing that move made him beating Angle shortly thereafter a painful (pun intended) finish.

The shooting star faceplant was such a devastating move that the shockwaves were still enough to keep Kurt down. Lesnar is truly a brave man to attempt such a move in said high profile match. Lesser mortals would have taken the easy road out & landed safely on top of their opponent.

But yeah, that did ruin the ending a bit. Cant argue with you on that one my wise old friend.

HBK still does not get the job done here though. It will be like his matches with Taker at WM. Truly a valiant effort with tons of near falls, but in the end he comes up short & will just break your heart, kid.
I got two words for you, Shawn Michaels!! Brock Lesnar is good, but the Beast can not beat the Showstopper, the Main Event, the Icon (that can still go), Mr. WrestleMania!! Shawn Michales put in more time in this business after he retired than Lesnar did in his last Championship reign. There's no comparison.
So selling a move\injury counts against Lesnar somehow? In the eyes of WWE kayfabe Brock gets points for the comeback win after such an attack.

It is all a sell and it all counts. Every win, every loss, every written story. Cena got suplexed 8,633 times and we held it against him. Lesnar's history with flying elbow and his "weak" chin matter. Not that it is a driving factor in my decision making, just points I'm throwing out there. Here are my main points:

1) The little engine that could defeating the power engine makes for a much better story and performance than what really should happen.

2) Vince loves HBK, WWE loves HBK, HHH loves HBK and kb loves HBK. Whoever is booking this tournament didn't bring him this far to fail at the end. Reach arounds for all when this is over.

3) No way HBK is doing the job in this tournament. He is a prick who thinks way too highly of himself. He is going to pull out every move in the back to make sure he gets the win. Lesnar on the other hand doesn't care and will take what he is given as long as the money is right.

4) I have no respect for this the rules of this tournament or themes others try to conjure up.

5) kb looks to have this thing fixed for Michaels anyway so may as well be on the right side of silly history. Seriously, how did this thing get tied?

HBK still does not get the job done here though. It will be like his matches with Taker at WM. Truly a valiant effort with tons of near falls, but in the end he comes up short & will just break your heart, kid.

Old Chinese proverb - better to have one's heart broken than their chest cocked (I.e. - penised)
Do you think HBK turning things around and winnig 51-49 is funny?

Do you know what's more funnier? Brock Lesnar supporters' arguments regarding this match-up.

People who vote for HBK write tons of reasons why HBK should win, but what about those who vote for Lesnar? "He's a machine blah suplex blah".

No logic. This isn't MMA, if booking is right, anyone can beat anyone, like in movies.

One more way for HBK to win?
Play it like Mayweather. Dance around the ring, superkick, goodbye.

If 4 finishers aren't enough to put Lesnar then this is what Shawn does to win:
At the beginning of every match, Lesnar goes for his usual "good morning F5". HBK, who wrestles like a monkey, evades and hits Sweet Chin Music No. 1.
Match goes on, Lesnar gets the upper hand, Shawn gets an F5, kicks out, starts playing with Lesnar nerves.. BOOM! Sweet Chin Music no. 2.
Match continues, HBK gets cheaty, Lesnar is chasing him, Lesnar catches him, goes for an F5, HBK counters.. 3rd Sweet Chin Music.
Lesnar gets up dizzy, 4th Sweet Chin Music. Add some nasty moves from HBK like a piledriver, add some blood, Lesnar's a mess. Finally catches Shawn, Shawn does some crazy monkey shit and steals the pin.

Music plays. HBK wins.

After that Lesnar sends HBK to the graveyard.
People who vote for HBK write tons of reasons why HBK should win, but what about those who vote for Lesnar? "He's a machine blah suplex blah".

He is a better draw.
He was a World champion for longer.
He beat a more impressive list of wrestlers in more important matches.
He has transcended professional wrestling.

Most people's reasons for voting in this tournament touch one of those ideas, and Lesnar is better than Michaels in all of them.

The only thing that is funny about the result is that someone has blatantly PMed people or something to orchestrate a sudden 12 vote swing in Michaels' favour. Michaels was miles behind, people stopped arguing in either wrestlers' favour and then from absolutely nowhere Michaels' vote went up by 12.

Look, I really couldn't give a shit if Lesnar doesn't win, he may be my least favourite wrestler of all time, but what's the point if it isn't a fair fight?
I'm glad Shawn Michaels is winning. It really saves the integrity of the tournament. If we followed the rules of the tournament Brock Lesnar would probably win via blowout, but nobody has been following the rules since the beginning. If we didn't have to tack on damage and shit, while still be concerned with voting the better guy forward, then that's Michaels.

Lesnar supporters really only have themselves to blame if he loses.

He is a better draw.

Yeah, I doubt it. Michaels was a shit draw, but Lesnar was too. Now he works 6 matches a year so how could he possibly draw? If you want to talk marketability then Michaels wins hands down. WWE named him their #1 star on their greatest ever DVD pretty much for marketability reasons.

He was a World champion for longer.

So was JBL. Is he better?

He beat a more impressive list of wrestlers in more important matches.

Debatable. Consistency may be the one category I'd concede to Lesnar.

He has transcended professional wrestling.

Hogan transcended professional wrestling. Rock transcended professional wrestling. Lesnar won a world title in a sport with a much smaller overall following than WWE, and became a draw there because he couldn't be a big draw as a pro wrestler. Brock Lesnar isn't a bigger name than the WWE brand. It's ludicrous to say he's transcended the industry or the WWE.
The people who don't read the thread vote on mass towards the end. Lou Thesz lost a twelve point lead the same way.

If we were going mono-kayfabe then it's an easy decision, but unfortunately we're not.

Now personally I voted for HBK on account of considering him to have had a superior career as a professional wrestler. Lesnar's latest run hardly counts in my eyes - he's not competing on a level playing field, and thus can be handled in a manner that would be literally impossible for any other talent in this era. He's a special attraction like modern day Rock of Floyd Mayweather.

The rest of the arguments for Lesnar smell to me rather like those that get trotted out for Khali every year - in that they were incredibly dominant for a short space of time. That doesn't impress me. The mark of somebody being great at anything is being able to stand the test of time. Smile loss aside, Shawn Michaels stood the test of time, Lesnar never attempted.

I like HBK. Him winning this thing is a fucking joke, but at least he managed 20 years of relevance, for the majority of which he was a big deal. Brock Lesnar has been a relevant component of WWE TV for less time than Shawn Michaels was a member of the Rockers.
Yeah, I doubt it. Michaels was a shit draw, but Lesnar was too. Now he works 6 matches a year so how could he possibly draw? If you want to talk marketability then Michaels wins hands down. WWE named him their #1 star on their greatest ever DVD pretty much for marketability reasons.

Lesnar sells more merchandise, and events headlined by Lesnar make more money. These days, he even affects the Raw rating well.

So was JBL. Is he better?

Clearly meant combined reigns. JBL is well behind both of them.

Debatable. Consistency may be the one category I'd concede to Lesnar.

Well, it's not debatable is it? Lesnar beat 2 of the big 4 of pro wrestling - Cena and The Rock - when it mattered and at their best. Michaels lost to the only two he wrestled - Hogan and Austin.

Hogan transcended professional wrestling. Rock transcended professional wrestling. Lesnar won a world title in a sport with a much smaller overall following than WWE, and became a draw there because he couldn't be a big draw as a pro wrestler. Brock Lesnar isn't a bigger name than the WWE brand. It's ludicrous to say he's transcended the industry or the WWE.

UFC 100, which Lesnar headlined, drew more buys than any WrestleMania in history. People who don't follow pro wrestling know who Brock Lesnar is, that's what transcended means.
Well, if anyone was wondering what Becca is getting for a wedding gift I guess we have the answer. Sure beats a bread maker, huh?

From a few different points, Brock should win this. Aside from voting HBK as a default because of disliking Lesnar, there are not as many reasons that make sense other than the longevity argument. Apparently being around longer negates a logical ass kicking by someone clearly capable of doing so.
Jesus fucking Christ. What part of "the damage carries over" do you people not understand?

Straight up marks. All of you.

If HBK wins, we riot.
Jesus fucking Christ. What part of "the damage carries over" do you people not understand?

Straight up marks. All of you.

If HBK wins, we riot.

Unfortunately rules on the internet are about as useful as a dog with two dicks.

The blind HBK love is rather ridiculous, tournament rules aside I don't see HBK going over Lesnar in any universe. Lesnar is the bigger star, the better draw, the more well known name and one of the most dominant forces in the WWE history.

Do the right thing and vote Lesnar.
And the fix is in. Go to bed in the Eastern Time Zone, Lesnar up by 10, wake up and Lesnar down by 1. Call it the San Francisco Screw Job. It's funny how some people are trying to say HBK was a bigger draw than Brock Lesnar. In what universe do you occupy, because clearly you don't live here with the rest of us. Lesnar has smoked two guys, basically smoked everyone he's been up against in this tournament, and Shawn Michaels of all people is going to beat him? If anything, it solidifies the HBK is the most over rated guy in the history of the business arguments.
And the fix is in. Go to bed in the Eastern Time Zone, Lesnar up by 10, wake up and Lesnar down by 1. Call it the San Francisco Screw Job. It's funny how some people are trying to say HBK was a bigger draw than Brock Lesnar. In what universe do you occupy, because clearly you don't live here with the rest of us. Lesnar has smoked two guys, basically smoked everyone he's been up against in this tournament, and Shawn Michaels of all people is going to beat him? If anything, it solidifies the HBK is the most over rated guy in the history of the business arguments.

So you're saying Shawn survived an early onslaught, stayed close, then made a comeback before we're even halfway done?

Yep, totally fixed. No one has ever seen Shawn do that before.
There must be some hellacious offers being made underneath the table.

But I did vote HBK. I thought it over and Shawn has made me genuinely care about the matches he was in. I've laughed my ass off and felt tears in several feuds he was a part of. Lesnar hasn't for me.

And let's not pretend anyone cares about the rules anymore. Can't wait for BattleZone Tournament to commence, though.
Would I rather watch HBK or Lesnar?


I just cannot see any promotion with both men at their peak putting Lesnar over HBK. It just doesn't make sense in any world. Scrappy Underdog vs. Genetic Freak. It's David and Goliath all over again. I can see this having a scrappy finish though, Lesnar refusing to release a hold and getting DQed or something of that sort rather than Sweet Chin Music and a 3-count but doesn't matter how, only who.

HBK to win (again... seriously can't we just ban guys who've won multiple times from the tournament? It's usually the same couple of guys at the top every single year)
Look at all the rejects looking for any reason to vote HBK.

1. "Lesnar has been beaten by Angle, Benoit, etc. and has a hard time with smaller, technical guys."

This is Lesnar in his PRIME. The man hasn't been beaten in his prime. He ended the streak and demolished the undisputed face of the company for the last decade.

2. "Brock Lesnar is overconfident going in to this match."

Lesnar just handily defeated Austin and Cena with ease while Shawn had 2 hard fought victories against Bret Hart and Kurt Angle. You expect me to believe that there's any way Lesnar loses this match by overconfidence? He doesn't even need to try here.

Look, if you imbeciles just want to throw out the few rules in this tournament along with logic then be up front and honest about it. But don't try to feed us these bullshit excuses just because "lulz Bork loses".

Jesus fucking Christ. What part of "the damage carries over" do you people not understand?

Straight up marks. All of you.

If HBK wins, we riot.

I'm leaning toward Lesnar but you might get me to change my mind. You have no imagination. No creativity. Let's just have a guy steamroll through three of the most popular guys of all time in the tournament without any real effort. That's what the people want. That will have them coming back for more. We have a monster heel coming in against a baby face underdog. The damage suffered in the previous rounds makes HBK even more of an underdog which, pardon the oxymoron, works to his advantage in a scripted story. You are familiar with storytelling, right?

I haven't voted yet. I was going to vote Lesnar but your posts are making me look at this differently. Thanks for the unintended insight.
And the fix is in. Go to bed in the Eastern Time Zone, Lesnar up by 10, wake up and Lesnar down by 1. Call it the San Francisco Screw Job. It's funny how some people are trying to say HBK was a bigger draw than Brock Lesnar. In what universe do you occupy, because clearly you don't live here with the rest of us. Lesnar has smoked two guys, basically smoked everyone he's been up against in this tournament, and Shawn Michaels of all people is going to beat him? If anything, it solidifies the HBK is the most over rated guy in the history of the business arguments.

I 100% agree with this and always have. His buyrates were awful, and his gates were inflated due to many tickets being comped for his major shows, including the Royal Rumble in the Alamodome that didn't even sell out half the dome for their hometown hero.

Could he work? Better than probably anyone aside from Flair, Austin, and guys like Thesz, Gagne, etc.

Could he draw? No he could not. He presided over the worst business the WWE has ever done and if Vince didn't catch lightning in a bottle with DX and the Attitude Era, it's entirely possible the WWE goes under and where would the blame go? To Vince and the wrestlers working the top of the card.

Lesnar's a huge draw, even though he's a money mark and doesn't have a ton of respect for the industry. The reason I picked HBK isn't due to legacy or better resume - it was due to the fact that when you book a match such as this, it's very rare that the heel would steamroll through the face with no real threat to him. Lesnar may beat Shawn within an inch of his life, but all it takes is three seconds to get a pin.

But the fact that Shawn's gonna win this is a travesty on it's own. The fact that he'll probably beat Lesnar to do it just borders on absurd.
Folks, there has been a lot of Tom Foolery, Shenanigans, and simply put, hurtful accusations being put out there. It's time to take this thing seriously, and get this Final Match back on track.

Yes, we are in the middle of a conspiracy. This conspiracy, however, does not start with our Administration. No, this conspiracy starts with the selection committee.


Brock Lesnar was screwed from the beginning by our selection committee. Our selection committee took, potentially, the greatest wrestler of this generation, and made him an 11 seed. You see, we have bias on our selection committee, and Brock Lesnar, or as some have chosen to call him by the derogatory name of Bork Laser, has been the victim of bias from so called "All-Stars" on this forum. Brock Lesnar is a man with 5 years of professional experience, yet only 7 men can claim to be WWE Heavyweight Champion longer than him, Shawn Michaels is not one of those men.

You have a chance to right this wrong. Three days remain to make sure Brock Lesnar's Boyhood Dream of becoming the Reigning, Defending, Undisputed, 9th Annual Wrestlezone Tournament Champion, come true. A small town farm boy, who only wants to entertain people, needs your help against the big machine that seeks to sully the integrity of our great WrestleZone tradition. Help stop the San Francisco Screwjob, help the little guy.

This final match is teetering on this Tournament, and the Tournament over all, Jumping the Shark. The last time a shark came near Brock Lesnar, this happened

You have a chance to Be A Star, you can be Brock Lesnar F5ing that Shark back into oblivion. Do the right thing, Vote Lesnar.

Paid for by friends of Brock Lesnar.

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