Cesaro's new music.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Anyone a fan of it. Personally, I currently don't like it. Sirens and all that. Reminds me of Scott Steiner. I thought the real americans theme was perfect for him. Especially since everyone was basically singing the theme at him thru-out wrestlemania weekend. I know everyone has to evolve but damn.

Not a fan of the new music.

The debut theme with the swiss rap music, that was interesting.
The sirens are fine, it's the mish-mosh of sound that comes after it that sucks. It's like they took leftovers from other recording sessions of entrance music, stuff that didn't make the cut, and overlaid them on top of one another to make one single entrance theme.
Wasn't in love with it. No shame in changing it this early imo. He and Big E could both benefit from better themes.

I agree, especially Big E. It's so stereotypical for the big black wrestler to have a rap theme.

He needs something to reflect his personality more.
No, not feeling it. I loved his debut rap entrance music. It was something different. I really wish they would of went back to that. The rap suits his rugged/strong look.
I'm guessing that the siren's wavering tone is supposed to signify the idea of being swung. The garbage that played after that, I could have really done without.

Yeah, it sounds really stupid. I can usually tell when something has the ability to grow on me over time, I hated this theme the second I heard it. Props to SoS for calling out the Saturn theme as an influence.
On Aftermath in Canada, they said the siren is an audible version of the Cesaro swing. I kind of like that idea. It's the generic sports highlights music that followed the siren that sucked.

Cesaro should have been given something more majestic, epic, and grand. Something along the lines of Ric Flair's theme.
It's an OKAY theme but IMO Cesaro's first two themes when he would be accompanied to the ring by Aksana were far more pleasant to the ears and Aksana's sight made it that much better. I'll be damned if this theme continues for the next 2-3 years because it reminds me of Perry goddamn Saturn and Terri.
i was expecting some kind of modernized swing music especially as they keep using KING OF SWING

i dont like it at all horrid defo if they plan on pushing him need something catchy
I thought it sounded awful. The sirens reminded me of the opening for RAW is War back in the Attitude era, yeah that bad! With WWE always being hailed as creative geniuses for their entrance themes, that Cesaro theme was pretty bad. Looks like all of WWE's "creative" juice is gone these days as they can't even get the themes right! But, at least it wasn't the older theme where it was rapping in Russian which made literally no sense! He's Swiss, yet it sounds like his old theme was a Russian rap session? Makes sense :)
I was hoping they'd continue with the no entrance music for a while, and then possibly go back to his debut theme or something better than that. I muted the television when his theme music came on. Ugh. Horrible stuff. I'm just hoping that they don't change it ever week like Barrett's was for a while. Go back to the old entrance music or a modified version of it. Fits better, especially with Heyman digging up the "Swiss Superman" nickname again.
I truly have no idea what they are thinking with Cesaro.

It is SO HARD to make a face organically get over at the main event level, in fact the only two in the company really are Cena and Bryan, they finally have it happening with Cesaro and then they stick him with Heyman who is constantly reminding us of another wrestler who broke the streak and isn't even there. It's like it's their goal to both make Cesaro hated by association and viewed as an afterthought at the same time.

Then you top that off with this theme that doesn't fit him AT ALL. Why couldn't he have just stuck with his original Malenko remix theme? That was actually pretty good for him (even better when it was instrumental). WWE's logic is astonishing sometimes, someone finally starts getting over in a big way and it's like they do everything they can think of to stop it from happening.
I liked Cesaro's original theme music (before the rap theme, it had a pop punk sound to it), and I was hoping they'd go back to that. His new theme isn't horrible, but I'm not a fan of it either. I have a feeling they'll go through several for him before finding the right one, like they did with Bad News Barrett.
Yeah, that's pretty damn bad and so were the two themes that Cesaro used before. Cesaro is gonna be a star in a year or a two, they need to create a theme that will fit him as a future main eventer and a future world champion. The moment Cesaro wins his first ever world championship and he's celebrating his first WWE Title win in the ring, if this theme is playing in the background, it will ruin the moment cause it's just fuckin awful.

I would love it if he used a remixed version of "Superstar" from Jesus Christ Superstar.


It makes me think of power and strength. Everything the "Swiss Superman" is about.
His new theme is terrible. Give him something epic like this (or just give him this):


Now that's a main event theme.
Reminds me of Scott Steiner.

You say that like it's a bad thing...

The new theme is better than the previous week's option of no theme at all. The Real Americans theme is no good for Cesaro either, at least not anymore. There's not much more to expect out of the new one. It's got a signature intro and it's hard(ish). It's somewhat generic I guess, but they also seem to have thrown it together on the fly, so it's pretty good all things considered...

How it's remembered and whether or not it's associated with the guy (Cesaro, in this case) will all depend on how long he uses it and more importantly, what he accomplishes while using it.
You just have to let the theme grow on you. There was a few themes that I didn't like at first when they debuted, but have grown on me:

- Big E
- Wade Barrett
- The Wyatt Family

I even use The Wyatt Family's theme song as my ringtone now and I like how they added fireworks to Wade Barrett's entrance. I was hoping they would one day because it fits perfect with the music.
You just have to let the theme grow on you. There was a few themes that I didn't like at first when they debuted, but have grown on me:

- Big E
- Wade Barrett
- The Wyatt Family

I even use The Wyatt Family's theme song as my ringtone now and I like how they added fireworks to Wade Barrett's entrance. I was hoping they would one day because it fits perfect with the music.

Yeah some themes do take longer to grow on you. I especially like how Wade Barrett does the "BOOM!" word and elbow motion at the same time his theme music does. :lmao:
I agree, in fact when it first started, I heard the sirens and couldn't help shouting out "HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME!"

Wasn't in love with it. No shame in changing it this early imo. He and Big E could both benefit from better themes.

I wouldn't mind Big E's if they would continue his 5 count gimmick from NXT. the only lyrics you can plainly make out in Big E's music is "3 ain't enough, man, I need 5" unless people watched NXT when it was online exclusive they don't know that he used to demand a 5 count instead a 3 count.
Sirens are ok, but the music that follows is horrible. Should just be sirens playing the whole time. And its a Perry Saturn ripoff, enough said.
I don't like it. I live in Tornado alley and when I heard his music my instincts told me to hide under a table. In all seriousness, he was better the week before without music. The thing they've got going where Heyman cuts a promo while he and Cesaro make their entrance is perfect. There was no need to add music.

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