Cesaro turning face would be BEST FOR BUSINESS!


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Cesaro was red-hot during WrestleMania season and the fans were behind him 1000%. It wasn't an attack either, WWE was building this with Cesaro Section signs and showcasing him as the better of the 2 in the Real Americans. After all that momentum with his WrestleMania moment, Cesar should have gone solo and had a proper feud with Swagger with a match on ER. Then it could have been him who won the US title. from the battle royal, and he would be having an incredible run right now with a ton of awesome PPV wrestling title defenses to his resume. But the past is over with so there is no changing that. But what we can do is focus on the present. Cesaro should turn face because he was naturally-gifted born to be a face. The Cesaro Swing impresses ever audience member that sees it and fans like to cheer for it because its darn right awesome. And as a face, Cesaro could add more moves to his set-box. If fans are thrilled about seeing the swing every Cesaro match, then they'll be thrilled to see Cesaro PPV matches because that's when he does his UFO move!!!!!Plus Cesaro is a man who takes no prisoners. Instead of the attacks he did on Kofi, it would explode the roof off if he does those to a Seth Rollins or a Bray Wyatt during potential feuds. That would actually serve a purpose and be spectacular while doing so. Not only that , but Cesaro is an international superstar. They could use his star power to sell the Network oversees. And speaking 5 languages is cool, not evil.There will be lots of merchandise sales for Cesaro because he is the WWE Superstar with Superhero moves and a bad-ass vibe who represents the international cultures that brings us together as humans. Cesaro turning face would change the landscape of the WWE for the better !!!


I actually liked him better as a face myself, and feel he's been lost as a heel. His moveset, like Rollins benefits both of them when they're faces, much more than them being heels.

I can also understand though why he was held back after Mania. You had Bryan just winning the title, and the push was on for Roman Reigns, plus the Ambrose/Rollins feud was picking up steam. I guess the WWE can only push so many at once.

After Bryan went down with the injury and especially Reigns going out as well, the lack of top level faces hurt them. The Cesaro push should have been put back into place and he should have had a face turn by now. I just don't think they know what to do with him now. You have Reigns coming back, Bryan is still up in the air, Ryback just returned, and Bad News Barrett should be due back.

If Daniel Bryan does indeed need another surgery, then put Cesaro in his place. It's not going to hurt anyone, and like the OP says, with the Network going into Europe now, his speaking all the languages can only help them.
The one common knock on Cesaro is that he doesn't have great personality.

But, IMO, faces need less of a personality than heels.

I agree, a face turn would get him over.
And do what with him?

He is not involved in anything interesting at the moment and would just flounder and flop hither tither. It is better to be a directionless heel than a directionless face. Give him a reason to turn face. Give him an angle where he has to take out the bad guy. Where he is challenged to actually care what the people think.

Turning him face for the fuck of it will hurt him even more.
It is better to be a directionless heel than a directionless face.

There's a thought. Of course, he seemed to have a direction at the time the Real Americans were breaking up; battles with the obnoxious Jack Swagger. I found some of the ups-and-downs of their eventual disbanding to be interesting, yet I'm not sure if it was a program as much as disagreement within the Creative department about what to do with them. The result (intentionally or not) had them bouncing back and forth; while Swagger was strictly evil, Cesaro couldn't seem to make up his mind, which means the Creative people couldn't make up theirs.

It was interesting to see them tangle with each other after their tag team split; whichever one was the good guy was the man who won their individual matches. It was like watching a ping-pong game.

Still, I thought the Cesaro-Swagger battles should have been the launching point for Cesaro to turn good......and stay good. From there, the fan reaction he seemed to be garnering could have been used to build a solid following.

I have no problem with a good guy who builds his persona strictly with his ring work.....instead of his mouth. Cesaro has a crowd-pleasing style to watch, from those strength moves that can't be faked.....to that odd-looking neck twist he does on himself before executing one of the strength moves.

It's harder to be a good guy than bad since it's more difficult to make fans like you than hate you.....so if you've got someone who gives the fans something to cheer about while he's wrestling, make him a face and let him do it.
It seems the WWE is aware of this as it has been rumored for several months on the main page. APPARENTLY, WWE still wants to go ahead with a strong Cesaro face push, but want to wait until after Mania season when his push doesn't coincide with Roman Reigns'... At least that is what I read a few months ago.

I agree that Cesaro would make a much better face at this point but I did not always see it that way. Cesaro to me, screams heel but his lack of promo time and booking has just killed his momentum imo and that's not necessarily Cesaro's fault. I think Cesaro could still be a great heel, but needs to break out in a face run first and freshen himself up.

Frankly, I would be happy to see Cesaro win a match at this point...

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