Cesaro possibly injured. Another one bites the dust.


With the safety off!!
It was mentioned last night on the SS LD thread, and the story is now circulating that the Swiss Superman, Cesaro has a torn rotator cuff and will most likely have to undergo surgery.

Jim Ross and a number of other sources have reported that he is working injured, and if he has to have the surgery, he will miss at least 4-6 months of action. As JR said this couldn't come at a worst time for both Cesaro and the WWE. With a number of big name players already out Rollins, Orton, Rusev and others, this might have been his best chance to break into the main event scene.

Also with the Rumble and Mania coming up, the WWE can't afford to lose another good wrestler in Cesaro. Already low on star power, as last nights PPV showed, the WWE looks like they are running on empty and they shouldn't be.

I'm hoping it's not as bad as it's reported and he can take some time off and surgery isn't required. It would be a shame to lose him until next year sometime. The WWE has to start taking a hard look at themselves because they can't afford to lose anyone else. This is a critical time of the year for them with the run up to the Rumble and Mania and their top names are dropping like flies.
WWE may need to look again at their house show rotation schedule to be honest. I know the WWE Legends like to go on about how they'd work 300plus days a year, often doing 30-60 minute matches, but, lets be honest, those matches were worked at a very slow pace and consisted mostly of punches and rest holds.

The modern WWE wrestler simply does too much in the ring to work that kind of schedule without holidays each year and limited dates on the house show circuit. I mean that for all of them too, not just the main eventers.
And there goes my major reason for watching WWE...... Just hoping that it doesnot require surgery..... I love him and want him to be healthy as soon as possible.... If he is gone for 4-6 months, it is a big loss for his fans like me and WWE and also his career in which he might have been pushed to main event level..... God Bless Him!
How would Cesaro's injury even matter to the WWE? The WWE care so much for a talent like Cesaro that he's frequently booked to lose, so much so that he lost to Roman effin boring Reigns on TV and didn't even advance in the semi-finals. And he certainly isn't the IC/US champion. It'd only matter to Cesaro fans such as Dark Lady and myself since the WWE/Vince effin McMahon/HHH don't really give a shit about Cesaro or what we want. After last night's garbage of a Survivor Series, it's pretty clear they don't give a shit about us fans either. We dislike the idea of a boring-bland-another-generic-power-wrestler Roman Reigns and yet Reigns is put into this "I got screwed" role similar to Daniel Bryan. And Sheamus as the WWE WHC!!?? My oh my, even Alberto Del Rio would've been less boring/undesirable as WWE WHC.

Sorry but this is just all the bitter feeling after having watched Survivor Series. As for Cesaro, we sure will miss him.
WWE is in a major funk. The booking is atrocious and that pay per view last night was a disgrace! Cesaro carried that stiff Reigns in that match on Raw last week. Reigns could barely keep up. Watch the WWE Raw ratings to continue to tumble! TNA now has a new home and has a chance to steal even more WWE viewers. I bet all you marks who proclaimed the death of TNA (for the billionth time must feel pretty dumb eh?)
WWE is in a major funk. The booking is atrocious and that pay per view last night was a disgrace! Cesaro carried that stiff Reigns in that match on Raw last week. Reigns could barely keep up. Watch the WWE Raw ratings to continue to tumble! TNA now has a new home and has a chance to steal even more WWE viewers. I bet all you marks who proclaimed the death of TNA (for the billionth time must feel pretty dumb eh?)

Not really. TNA won't "steal" any viewers and what the hell is the WWE vs TNA garbage anyway as if you can't be a fan of both. TNA's product has been disgraceful for months now and a new TV deal won't change that necessarily. WWE are in a bad place somewhat at the moment but they still have cards up their sleeve (Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar) and can still get Cena back to carry the show if needed. The situation they are in may actually force some creative and interesting booking though
As JR said this couldn't come at a worst time for both Cesaro and the WWE. With a number of big name players already out Rollins, Orton, Rusev and others, this might have been his best chance to break into the main event scene.

That's the worst part, for sure. Cesaro has started winning matches and it might have been part of the company's plan to let him gain star strength while the big guys were away. That he's been working injured is a true indication that his time was now; they were hoping he could work through it.

Yes, for Cesaro and the company, a serious injury couldn't be occurring at a worse time. Hopefully, it's not as bad as originally reported because if it is, Cesaro might be missing an opportunity that won't come around again once the top stars return to action.
Man, somebody has put the voodoo on WWE. Bryan's out and nobody knows when/if he'll be back, Orton's out until after WrestleMania, Seth Rollins may damn well miss most of next year, Cena won't be back for another month or so, Taker only wrestles on special occasions, Brock Lesnar wrestles maybe 3 or 4 times out of the year, Triple H is all but retired and now Cesaro might be out for a while.

Essentially, that leaves WWE with Reigns, Ambrose, Del Rio, Sheamus, Ziggler, Owens, Neville, Wyatt, New Day, Dudley Boyz, the Usos, Charlotte, Paige, Sasha Banks and maybe a couple of other Divas. The only thing I can see WWE doing is getting behind some of these fresher faces, give them momentum and keep the momentum going because they have to fill the gaps but that won't happen if these people are subjected to the stop & go push formula.
Okay, being real, this isn't the biggest loss for the WWE, but it still hurts.

Cesaro, like many of the other guys injured or on break right now, is one of the guys who can (A.) work a solid match with just about anyone and (B.) is over with the majority of crowds. Granted, he's not in the top 3 babyfaces in the company, and he sometimes doesn't even get PPV matches, but losing a worker is losing a worker, and losing a worker when they've already lost a batch of workers hurts all the more.

Personally, I wish him the best, surgery or not. I hope the right decision is made regarding surgery, and in the worst case scenario, maybe he'll have a nice return after Wrestlemania. Unfortunately, that's also the return window for some of the other guys on the shelf, so, once again, Cesaro may be lost in the shuffle, and that's a shame.

As to what might happen with the ever growing void and his absence, I'd like to think maybe the Divas get 2 programs going instead of one. Of course, there are other options, from NXT call ups to another mid card feud that wouldn't have happened otherwise. Staying positive, perhaps this is the chance for someone to have a career moment, but that's wishful thinking.
Essentially, that leaves WWE with Reigns, Ambrose, Del Rio, Sheamus, Ziggler, Owens, Neville, Wyatt, New Day, Dudley Boyz, the Usos, Charlotte, Paige, Sasha Banks and maybe a couple of other Divas. The only thing I can see WWE doing is getting behind some of these fresher faces, give them momentum and keep the momentum going because they have to fill the gaps but that won't happen if these people are subjected to the stop & go push formula.

All that and some people still won't get behind Reigns because, well he's Reigns :disappointed:
It's really time to consider calling up some NXT talent don't you think ,? Even Ryhno Goring somebody in half on RAW would be a refreshing change. Samoa Joe , Fin Balor , James Storm ...Austin Aries, Apollo Crews plus half a dozen more talents that could crack the main roster ....I'd say pull the trigger and bring a couple up.
This is the time when the WWE creative and the mighty old Vince Kennedy McMahon will realise that they haven't created enough big stars yet. Back in those days there were Shawn Michaels and Triple Hs who would put the talents over (Regardless of their personal vendetta on others) But in the recent times the WWE didn't spend much focus on rather than Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

They could've created a Megastar out of Dean Ambrose, mind you, he only got the chance to be in the title picture just because Seth Rollins got injured. Look how the stupid creative is, Sheamus lost fair and square earlier that night to a bunch of midcarders but won the World Title instead! Brilliant Mateys!!

It's a shame that Cesaro needs a surgery. I only hope for two things. Quick recovery for all the injured stars (Including Tyson Kidd coz it seems like most of you don't miss him. And oh Daniel Bryan) And I hope WWE creative work on creating real stars. The futures.
It's a shame when anyone gets injured. Cesaro was always fun to watch in the ring. The bad thing about rotator cuff injuries is they can linger. They better make sure he gets fully heeled up before he returns.
There is a strong likelihood that somebody else gets called up from NXT within the next little bit. Wouldn't be surprised if it was on Raw tonight.

This sucks for Cesaro, I doubt WWE gives him any sort of sustainable push at all now, considering their track record of blaming the talent for injuries. Then again, while I would never wish an injury on anybody, WWE is going to be forced to build at least SOME new talent up (even though I always say this and am proven wrong). This may be good for somebody like Tyler Breeze who's coming off a big win at SS. I know I say this a lot, but WWE can't keep pushing out the same stale product like they did at SS... they must realize that.
This is not a major loss since Cesaro is a lower card talent and can easily be replaced by anyone on the roster, still sucks to see another man get hurt though. It's happening too often lately.
On the one hand this is terrible news as he's one of the very few must-watch wrestlers in the business right now.

On the other hand, he was headed for a feud with freaking Stardust, so it's not like WWE had big plans for him anyways.
This is not a major loss since Cesaro is a lower card talent and can easily be replaced by anyone on the roster, still sucks to see another man get hurt though. It's happening too often lately.

He's one of the best "talents" in the company. Don't confuse WWE being awful and not knowing what to do with someone for them not having talent.
He's one of the best "talents" in the company. Don't confuse WWE being awful and not knowing what to do with someone for them not having talent.

No he's not, don't be delusional. Cesaro is one of the top 50% of in ring workers, but he's bottom 10% for charisma, mic work, and his ability to get over. I really like him, and wish him really well, and I think he has the look and the talent in the ring to be top or best in his future, but that time isn't now.

But man, these workers keep getting hurt. I want to blame WWE, but I feel like smark fans are probably more to blame. This Cesaro section crap, the Daniel Bryan smark-fest in 2013 adn 2014, the Crossfit Jesus stuff, each of these smark darlings keep getting hurt, and it's primarily from their standard moves. If fans could just be happy and say that the amount the wrestler is giving them is enough, maybe, just maybe, there wouldn't be this many extremity injuries.
No he's not, don't be delusional. Cesaro is one of the top 50% of in ring workers, but he's bottom 10% for charisma, mic work, and his ability to get over. I really like him, and wish him really well, and I think he has the look and the talent in the ring to be top or best in his future, but that time isn't now.

But man, these workers keep getting hurt. I want to blame WWE, but I feel like smark fans are probably more to blame. This Cesaro section crap, the Daniel Bryan smark-fest in 2013 adn 2014, the Crossfit Jesus stuff, each of these smark darlings keep getting hurt, and it's primarily from their standard moves. If fans could just be happy and say that the amount the wrestler is giving them is enough, maybe, just maybe, there wouldn't be this many extremity injuries.

Pretty sure I specifically referenced his ring work, which is top 10% of the company for sure.

I never mentioned his mic work.

His "ability to get over" is determined by WWE. If they wanted him to get over, he'd get over. He's as "over" as one can get for never getting a significant push.

Try not to be so blinded by what WWE wants you to see and think. Thinking for yourself is ok sometimes.
It's really time to consider calling up some NXT talent don't you think ,? Even Ryhno Goring somebody in half on RAW would be a refreshing change. Samoa Joe , Fin Balor , James Storm ...Austin Aries, Apollo Crews plus half a dozen more talents that could crack the main roster ....I'd say pull the trigger and bring a couple up.

I'm not sure a mass influx of NXT talent will solve anything. It's a different product and a different audience. They've already taken three of the top women in NXT and made two out of the three an irrelevance in the space of a few months... and I'm not convinced they wouldn't do the same with Balor, Joe or Storm. Creative for the main product is so bad right now these guys would probably be better off staying on NXT for the foreseeable future.
He's probably not even in the top 50% of in ring workers in the company. On his best days he's probably in the top half, but not consistently.
He's probably not even in the top 50% of in ring workers in the company. On his best days he's probably in the top half, but not consistently.

This is hilarious.

I'd love to get your view on all the wrestlers who are better. I mean that should be so funny it would have me in tears.
He's probably not even in the top 50% of in ring workers in the company. On his best days he's probably in the top half, but not consistently.

And what do you base your opinion on? It's a serious question. I've seen Austin, Jim Ross, Mick Foley, John Cena and others praise Cesaro for his in ring skills. The four I mentioned have said basically it's a shame that he isn't getting better than what he gets.

I'm a Cesaro fan, find him highly entertaining in the ring, which is what counts for me. These guys aren't actors and I don't expect them to be. But when at least four veteran WWE employees say he's the real deal, I have to believe it. The only person who doesn't think that unfortunately is the one who signs off on all the booking, Vince McMahon. He finds him boring, but a lot of others think Cesaro is great.

Couple that with the fact that the WWE is in the crapper right now with the lack of star power, most being out with injuries, I can't take McMahon's opinion seriously at times. I think he won't push Cesaro because he fears he might actually prove him wrong and get over more than the guys he wants to push.
He's probably not even in the top 50% of in ring workers in the company. On his best days he's probably in the top half, but not consistently.

Not even in the top 50%? :shrug:
I really would want to know from you about guys better than him in in-ring work on main roster?

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