Cena's Impact on TNA?

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Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
This is a hypothetical question but what if Cena actually had a falling out with WWE and was TNA bound. I'm sure it may never happen, but as they say never say never in this business. It could happen after a few years. What if Cena has a falling out with Vince over his contract? maybe after a few years Cena isn't top dog anymore and Vince wants to replace him.

I mean it happen to Hogan and Bret Hart. Even though I'm sure TNA doesn't have WCW's type of money. Look at Kennedy, not a main event star but someone who was going to be pushed just to be let go at moment's notice. I'm just using this to bring up discussion since Cena leaving WWE is highly unlikely. What if one day it wasn't? Could you imagine the Impact it would have on TNA? TNA has tried for ratings with Sting, Angle, Christian, Booker T, Foley, Taz, and even Bobby Lashley and they have come up short every time.

Nothing has worked. They have had an increase in ratings the past few weeks except for this past Thursday night. I understand that if this scenario ever happen it could take years if ever, if TNA is even in business within the next 5-10 years. Anyways, I think a big star like Cena is the only way TNA could be competition. Look at Hulk Hogan, he wasn't a big deal at first with WCW until he turned heel. Just imagine Cena cutting a heel promo at Impact insuling WWE and TNA causing chaos in the Impact zone.

It would be reminiscent of Steve Austin on Raw when he raised hell on Raw, stunning everyone from authority figures to cameramen. Austin was never seen as valuable until he was allowed to be himself in WWE. I think the same could happen with Cena and TNA. What do you think? If this situation ever did occur wouldn't it give TNA exposure it desperately needs? Do you think a Cena heel turn on Impact could be as big as Hogans? Would WWE ever recover if Cena were to leave?
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"Would the WWE recover if Cena was to leave?"


The WWE has gone through alot of tribulations yet always comes out on top in the end. This is because like him or hate him, Vince McMahon knows his shit. Lets look at a few examples of situations that were suppose to kill the WWF/E.

Hulk Hogan leaving for WCW
The steriod scandle of the 1990's Vince goes on trial
Eric Bischoff coming into power, using Turner's millions to raid talent
Nitro beating Raw for over 90 straight weeks
The Montreal Screwjob and Bret Hart leaving for WCW
The injury to Shawn Michaels
The Rock going to Hollywood
Stone Cold retires
The tragic deaths of Pillman and Guerrero
Owen Hart dies during a PPV
The Chris Beniot murder/suicide

The list goes on and on but in the end no matter what happens Vince always has "Plan B" in place. Hogan leaves, elevate Hart and Michaels. Bischoff steals talent, replace them with the Attitude era. The Rock leaves, replace him with Brock Lesnar, Brock leaves, bring up Cena. There is always a contengency plan in place.

Cena is a big draw, however lets not make him to be the second coming of Jesus. If Cena was to leave for TNA, there is someone out there that the WWE will make the next icon, its what they do.

Honestly, the only thing I see killing the WWE, would be the death of Vince McMahon and control of the company going to the Levesque's.
I don't think it would make much difference to TNA or WWE.

Cena is replacable, all superstars are...barring Taker.

It would be the same thing that happens every time TNA gets ahold of some old WWE talent. The Buzz, His Debut, TNA Fucks it up, everything returns to normal.

Just My Opinion
I actully think it would be a good idea to let John Cena go. Although the WWE would lose a lot of its kid fans (which would be a good thing so they could bring back the Attitude Era) it would also help the mid carders gete a push seeing though Vince is only paying attention to the main eventers and not to the Mid carders.

It could Help Wreslters like The Miz, Jack Swagger, MVP, Carlito, Kofi Kingston.. get a push as Vince would need someone to come and take cenas spot so he would have to start paying attention to the Mid Carders and someone could finnaly get the push they deserve.
If Cena left WWE I actually don't think he's continue wrestling, he'd probably go the way of The Rock and hit the big screens or host a tv show, just something else. But he would diffinitely make appearances and be there for his Hall of Fame Induction.
But for the sake of this forum I would like to see Cena debut as heel in TNA. He could say that everything he did in WWE was for the fans and in return he gets screwd. He could be the next member of Main Event Mafia and I would love to see him feud with a lot of the guys on TNA.
As for WWE, being we are already deep in imagination land here, I could see Orton turning face and be the new poster boy for it. He does have the charisma and the ability to hold the company on his shoulders. In real life Orton probably has gone too far to ever be face but in this setting I could see the WWE writers some how making a believeable face turn for Orton.
I don't think it'll give TNA the huge bump in the grand scheme of things. For one, they don't have nearly the advert power the WWE has. This is what makes a good wrestler a huge star. All those guys that left for TNA are "former WWE Superstar _________". I'd much rather watch Kurt Angle wrestle than Cena, but I wouldn't turn the channel to TNA just to watch Kurt.
I actully think it would be a good idea to let John Cena go.

And I think it would be a good idea for you to not post. Seriously? You think Vince should get rid of one of the three guys he has that are big draws for the company? You think he should get rid of one of the five best in ring performers he has? I know, I know, "Czena onlee has 5 movez." But what he does with those five moves is more entertaining than anything that the guys you're about to list do. If you disagree with that, then you have no concept of ring psychology or wrestling as a whole.

Although the WWE would lose a lot of its kid fans (which would be a good thing so they could bring back the Attitude Era)

THE FUCKING ATTITUDE ERA IS GONE>>>GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!! The Attitude Era isn't gone because Vince wants to cater to kids. It's gone because Americans are so desensitized to everything, that nothing short or live sex or murder on TV is shocking any more. The Attitude Era was predicated on shock value. Furthermore, the Attitude Era thrived because the kids of the 80's, who had grown up with the product were now teenagers and ready for something new. Now, these kids are adults with kids and jobs and less time for WWE. He has to catch kids again, so Jeff hardy gets pushed, and Cena gets cleaned up a bit. As these kids get older, the product will get edgier. I am sorry that you caught on a little late in the Attitude Era, but that just sucks for you, and no one else.

it would also help the mid carders gete a push seeing though Vince is only paying attention to the main eventers and not to the Mid carders.

As soon as a midcarder besides John Morrison or Jack Swagger does something worth a push, I'm sure they'll get one.

It could Help Wreslters like The Miz,

The perfect midcarder. The middle of the card suits him so well. He is a modern day Rick Martel. He'll get a shot one day. He'll be in some EC matches, but he is where he is for a reason.

Jack Swagger,

No matter what John Cena does, he will be in the main event soon. Jesus Christ, he's been in the WWE for less than a year. Give them some time to develop him.

The guy who has screwed up at every big moment in his career? Give me a fucking break.

See above, but even worse.

Kofi Kingston..

He'll get a chance some day, but he is the body/character type that takes a little longer to ascend.

get a push as Vince would need someone to come and take cenas spot so he would have to start paying attention to the Mid Carders and someone could finnaly get the push they deserve.

So, John Cena needs to leave so your favorite wrestlers get a push? This is your solution? The answer isn't for your favorites to stop sucking? That seems like it would make more sense....

John Cena isn't going to TNA, but if he did, I think they would let him shoot. Signing John Cena within the next two years would be TNA's only shot to gain significantly on the WWE for at least a decade. Cena would shoot on Vince and HHH non stop. The WWE would be forced to recognize TNA at that point, and that is the rub they need.
If ever John Cena would ever go to WWE it will deal a big blow to WWE in ratings. Terms of rating because even though the demographic of audiences ages 18 and up will stay the same, the demographic for the kids will be substantial.
This, I believe, was a major aspect of why WCW did so well in ratings because of Hulk Hogan. All the Hulk Hogan followers tuned to TNT(Nitro) to see something that was different, Hogan as Heel. If ever TNA picked up John Cena they would have to do the same. Kurt Angle wasn't as effective when he switched companies because not much over with fans as Cena.
So yeah if ever Cena gets released from TNA and you see him in Disney World getting interviewed by Gene Okerlund(Err I mean Jeremy Borash) then you know what's going to happen.
Cena leaving WWE wouldn't hurt them one bit and neither would him joining TNA help them that much. Fact of the matter is the WWE has suffered through loses of many wrestlers (as mentioned by a poster above) and another fact is Cena isn't even that big of a draw. He may be the WWE's top draw and that is questionable and I think a case can be made he is just being pushed as the top draw, to make a long story short Cena is not even close to being on the level of Hogan, Andre, Austin or The Rock and WWE has survived the loses of all those guys. TNA getting Cena might boost the ratings a little bit from kids watching it but I don't think it would have the Impact (pun intented) that some might think it would.
What do you think?

I doubt this will ever happen, but if it does it would probably be one of the biggest events in wreslting history.

If this situation ever did occur wouldn't it give TNA exposure it desperately needs?

I don't think it would give them enought exposure to make them more popular or bigger than WWE, but it certailny would help. Even when TNA signs guys like Lashely who were only semi-successful in the WWE, they automatically give them a huge push into the main event.

Lashley is one of the top faces in the company and will likely be headlining BFG just becuase he was in the WWE. Imagine what would happen if they signed Cena; he'd probably win the belt within seconds of his debut. It would certainly be different than most of TNA's other signings of WWE guys, who were either not that significant or past their prime.

Do you think a Cena heel turn on Impact could be as big as Hogans?

No, Cena is in his prime and is the biggest star in wrestling today, but it was Hulk freakin' Hogan. He is the most popular wrestler of all time. When he turned and joined the nWo, millions of children were crying. If Cena turns into a mega heel in TNA, I just don't think it would be on the same level. That being said, I still think it would be a huge deal and something that would help TNA out a lot. Imagine a Styles feud against heel Cena, that would be epic.

Would WWE ever recover if Cena were to leave?

Yes, their popularity would take a hit, but it's still the WWE. They have many other big stars like HHH, Hardy, Orton, Batista, Undertaker, HBK, and Punk to fall back on. WWE isn't going to be destoryed by any one wrestler going to TNA, even if it is Cena. If they could survive Hogan leaving, they could survive Cena leaving.
If it were to happen, I think it would be the first real slap in the face the WWE would receive from TNA. While the WWE would recover from it of course, the fact is that Cena is the face of the WWE. The IWC can mock the guy for only knowing "five moves" and all the rest of that shit, but the bottom line is that the fucker draws a lot of money for the WWE. If he were to head to TNA, nobody could legitimately call him a "WWE Reject" and have any shred of credibility.

That being said, I highly doubt Cena will ever leave the WWE. The relationship with the WWE has been too mutually beneficial and it would take something really disasterous to rip it apart. I'm talking something along the lines of Titanic/iceberg disasterous. Cena heading to TNA at any point in the forseeable future would be a gigantic step down for him. Cena makes some very good money in the WWE, makes movies now and again(Yes, I know they're shitty movies but at least he gets his shot to be in a movie at all), and he's not selfish. He doesn't seem to have problems putting other guys over, it doesn't have to be all about him.
Well here's the problem...

So Cena leaves for TNA. All the younger fans would have no idea. How are they going to know where he was. TNA doesn't have the cash to advertise now, so unless they if this happened, or basically bet the whole company on it, no one would know to watch iMPACT. If you have a product/service and no one knows about it, it's useless.

Also, I think people are overrating Cenas value. Sure he's big in WWE, but if he left they would be fine. They'd lose a top guy but they get over just like they've done in the past with bigger stars. He's not Hogan level, so him just coming to TNA wouldn't be a Hogan type draw. And I actually think the way he acts in WWE is his personality, so there would be no Austin style turn.

Also think about Cenas mainstream popularity. He really doesn't have all that much outside of wrestling. And if you think he's being booked on talk shows and radio shows and interviewing in magazine because he's Cena...you're wrong, it's because of WWE's public relations department, which TNA obviously cannot compete with right now.

However, if TNA could sign Cena to a manageable contract and promote him in TNA it would be a good signing.
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