Cena's FU To Be Renamed


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

I love how the "FU" is now "the very solid, very good name" when just about a year or two ago, it was terrible.

Incredibly awesome. As far as the name change goes, losing the "FU" makes sense...but the "Throwback" doesn't.
1. I hated how he had the STFU and the FU. Seemed stupid to have FU in both, but you could argue that it was just to keep up the lingo. In that case, he could've had the STFU as the submission and instead of the FU, could've called it whatever stupid abbreviations he wanted. The WTF, the FTW, hell they're all equally stupid lol. Side note, I'm surprised nobody's given their finisher the name PWNED yet just to capitalize on that crowd.

2. I have to agree with one thing: what is it a throwback to?

3. All in all, The Throwback is a good name for a finishing move, especially one that involves throwing someone on their back, but it just seems like an unnecessary change. How about, instead of him keeping that move and changing the name, he tries to figure out a brand new finisher? Too much strain on Creative's heads?
Yeah that flipping face slam he did was the throwback. FU wasn't really that bad. I got caught by a kid asking me what it meant what. I told them it's because they land face up.
They should just leave the name as it is cause the lil kids are gonna figure out what it stands for eventually if they don't already know what it means at that age.
Doesn't Cena do a move that's already called The Throwback?

Yep. It's that reverse overcastle that he does. Perhaps the name of the FU should be "The Modified Fireman's Carry Into A Bodyslam Move". I'd like to see Good Ol Jr. say that three times fast without slobbering on his shirt.
I just want it to be known that I broke this story hours before the main site even had it.

I daresay they probably saw my post, and then scrambled to get a news story up.
I just want it to be known that I broke this story hours before the main site even had it.

I daresay they probably saw my post, and then scrambled to get a news story up.

What? You want a cookie or something? I mean you're like the 15th person they stole a story from this year already. Last year topped the previous year's record or 754 at 875.
Harthan FTW!

Anyway, I never had a problem with the "FU" so why change something that wasn't terrible?
Wasn't the name and move Supposed to be a rip off of Brock Lesnars F-5?

I can see why they would change the name in that case, to remove all old history of Brock Lesnar. So incase he comes back, Fresh Start.

The name Throwback still sucks though.
Throwback.. wouldnt that mean he would have to FU in the opposite direction? since he would be throwing the opponent back
This means then that when Cena ACTUALLY does his flipping overcastle, that all the commentators will refer to it as 'that move' instead of the Throwback from now on. All though to be fair, J.R. is probably the only person who ever bothered to refer to it by name, so he'll revert to his usual tactics when he doesn't know the name of a move and call it a powerbomb.

What's wrong with Death Valley Driver anyway?
Throwback.. wouldnt that mean he would have to FU in the opposite direction? since he would be throwing the opponent back
I agree There's a move on SvR08 that has a mmove called the widow maker which is a reveres FU or Throwback.
If you're going to change the FU why not the STFU to the Leg Trap Face Lock or Leg Trap Sleeper, or if you're going with sports terms Sacked.

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