Cena Was Gonna Turn Heel In 2012...

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
On the recent Cheap Heat podcast, they had Chris Hero talk about his NXT experiences, Demott, current WWE, etc.

In the discussion, he briefly mentioned there was a plan to turn Cena heel in 2011 after Mania. He mentioned it as an after thought, but Rosenberg and Masked Man freaked when they heard this and demanded the whole story.

How far along the plan or idea was, it wasn't discussed. But it was far enough or even relevant enough for Cena to put a $5,000 deposit down with a woman who makes wrestling gear. As in, no more jean shorts and sneakers. The deposit was for actual wrestling boots, trunks, etc to change everything about his in-ring style for the heel turn.

At some point, WWE came to him and said "Sorry, plan changed/idea nixed, you're never turning heel" The point of his "Cena is a good dude story" was that since he couldn't get the $5,000 deposit back, he let developmental use the money to reward guys who they felt were working hard with a $500 week bonus/scholarship or whatever you want to call it for new ring gear.

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but this was the first time I've ever heard this, and by Rosenberg and Shoemaker's reaction, it was their first time too. Of course it didn't happen and it probably wasn't close to, but it had to have been discussed enough for Cena to put $5,000 down of his own money for traditional boots and in ring gear. The story blew my mind.

EDIT - I think Hero messed up the date, should be after Mania 2012 because Hero started in early 2012. 44 mins into the podcast the story begins. Says Cena came down to developmental face to face, so he just got the year wrong.

Well, fuck.
Personally I would love to see Cena turn heel, and i'm talking a heel turn at a point no one sees coming and so bad that even the people booing him NOW as a baby face continue to boo him.

But thinking about business, it makes no sense at all to turn Cena heel. If you think about it like this, he draws in majority women and children.

Parents will take their kids to wrestling if their kids really want to go to see Cena. Parents tend to spend more on their kids then on themselves, so marketing Cena to kids means people will spend more.

The only time it makes sense for Cena to turn heel is if there is someone outselling Cena in these or more areas
The fact that they are so scared to turn him heel because it would kill business is actually the biggest indication that they have failed as a company

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