"Cena VS The Miz" can be an awesome match!

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Here's why.

I came up with a really cool idea (although WWE will probably end up doing something really dumb instead) for what should happen before the inevitable match between Cena and the Miz. When Miz came out tonite and made fun of Cena by using his old entrance theme and old gimmick against him.... what if Miz took on the role of an imposter of the rapper Cena, similar to what he did tonite?

There are constant bashes on Cena's face character and wanting him to go back to the rapper, while others prefer "the champ". If this happened, then you could see the old gimmick VS the new one. I think that would be really cool if that happened!

What are yall's thoughts on that idea? I think it would be awesome!

.... These mirror versus mirror matches rarely work for the WWE.

Remember this little bundle of joy....


How bout this?



These are the last two times I believe the WWE has tried something like this? Know what these matches had in common? Little to no heat during the match.

Having the Miz as a copycat Cena completely places The Miz as totally inferior to Cena. It says that his gimmick originally wasn't good enough, so we'll settle for making him a rip off of another character.

I'll put it simply.... This would be the equivalency of having one of the Edgeheads turn on Edge, then challenge him to a match.

I'll put it even more simply..... NO!
Gonna throw a big no on that one. You're basically saying that the Miz can't get over unless he impersonates Cena's old character. The segment with Miz tonight was atrocious and to be honest, it was unnecessary. Why have Lawler of all people steal Miz's thunder? Really? And then have Big Show come out, to a face pop. Then Miz insults him and pushes Lawler into Show, causing a heel reaction to Miz...then Show attacks Lawler. Just plain stupid.

This can really work, but what I would do...since they're completely ignoring this...I'd have Miz come out and attack Cena during the PPV match, causing him to lose. Making an impact. That's what he needs to do. NOT become Cena's old character.
Meh. The gimmick vs. gimmick thing could work if Miz ever garnered any heat. His promo tonight was completely ragging on the fans, and he got marginal boos at best. Sure, once Cena gets into it he may get better reactions, but meh.

A match between the two should be good though. Cena has proven he can put on a great match, and Miz isn't totally inept. Cena would make him look great, while still having Cena win.
Yet another thread where I have to throw out the fact th the Miz is terrible. I don't know why some people like him. I hate him and have no interest in him. I especially have no interest in have him face Cena. And i ESPECIALLY do not want to see a terrible unfunny white rapper gimmick, let alone two. I don't understand why people liked ghetto Cena. I think that was a terrible gimmick. He was like a male Jillian Hall. He was terrible I can't believe that that gimmick ever sold.

Maybe I'm alone on this one but I have zero interest in rapper Cena and negative interest in the Miz. That's something that would make me flip the channel even more than I do now.
Actually I enjoyed the flow that Miz spit lastnight, I think cena should come back as the rapper and battle miz, when cena was the thug wwe had big ratings, i enjoyed cena rap, being a rapper myself i found it to be a great way to get people to hear you, so with that being said i would love to see the feud go on, especially with the miz as thug cena.. why didn't cena come out anyway and be like yo this guy miz is on the mic you want a flawless victory go home and play mortal combat select the character jax i will do his fatality rip your arms off beat you with them then give them back..TM
It has been pointed out that the matches get little to no heat and that miz is not a great wrestler, but one thing is definately true and that would be that Miz is a really good actor by wrestling standards. There is no heat in taker/taker or kane/kane because the opponent is impostering a character that does not talk or react. however in this case Miz would be impersonating a character that walks, talks, reacts, raps, poses and all of that good stuff and he wont be impostering a 7-foot guy who is always looking for a choke-slam. I think it would be kind of cool to see. No way would it be match of the year or even match of the night but it would still be worth the watch and worth the laugh.
In reality Miz would probably wip the hell out of Cena but we all know that the "kids icon" isn't gonna lose cleanly to Miz. The day that happens is the day I have 1% respect for Cena.
Say what you will, but I'd much prefer any segment Miz is in to the drab, boring openings of Randy Boring. Miz, despite not being born into the business, understands it better than Orton. My proof of this is he already garners more heat than Randy, meaning he is doing his job. If you hate him because he's a prick.....DUH! he's doing his job then. And as for tying this in to the thread, I'd rather see Cena in a program with Miz than getting involved with Orton and Batista.

Just to point out to the Orton lovers, ratings have plummeted since he was given the title. I say give time to the Miz and groom him for the main event where he belongs. The kid has some damn good mic skills and is one of the few that isn't staring into space trying to remember lines. I just hope this storyline doesn't turn into Jericho/Goldberg of WCW where Jericho could have gone big but got squashed and returned to nothing. Clearly WCW missed the boat on Jericho. Here's hoping WWE realizes what they have in Mike Mizanin.
Who knows how big DX would have been had they came out dressed as The Nation every time. Its funny to show someone how silly they look once maybe even twice but after a while it becomes pitiful, so for all those Miz haters that would do it...but maybe Heidenreich should join Animal "The Road Warrior" in a reformation of the LOD or have Shark Boy act like Steve Austin

I love what they have been doing with Miz. His promos feel unscripted and unique to me and hopefully it will continue to build slowly and maybe with the right push we will all see Miz in a new light
What I hope happens is that Miz can keep doing this for awhile until after Extreme Rules, that will prob be the end for Big Show vs Cena. The Raw after Extrme Rules Miz does the same thing, coming out and making fun of Cena, but this time Cena comes out and tells the Miz to put up or shut up. Miz hits him w/ his mic, his finisher and then leaves. This could lead to match between them, hopefully on a PPV. Cena will get the win, but that doesn't matter if they put on a dencent match b/c having Miz is a real match w/ Cena will help him get alittle more into the main event picture and give Raw a new and refreshing main event heel.
The WWE will more than likely drop the ball on this one. I don't really like either of these two men, but I think if the WWE went this direction I could get interested. First, keep up with the Miz bashing Cena as it is working. Cena not really hearing The Miz is also creative, and they should keep that up until his main event match against Orton, and Batista. The next part is big. Does Cena win the World title?

I say no. Here is why. If he loses the match he can carry a feud with The Miz. No one will expect The Miz to beat Cena while he is world champion. Hardly anyone would expect The Miz to defeat Cena without the title as well, but it could happen due to that very reason. Not having the title, Big Show on his case, losing the title match, and being disrespected week in, and week out will make him snap. Let me also add that I think creatively speaking The Miz may be able to actually get more of a repsonse from the fans against Cena if this is done right.

Imagine if you will The Miz in the ring having a rip session with Cena. I think the Miz may be able to get "Cena sucks" chants going especially if he is in the right arena. This isn't out of the realm of plausible either people. There are a ton of fans who don't take particular liking to Cena, and if a superstar like Miz gets them going it could be ground breaking. This could put The Miz on the "map" for the WWE fans. Ultimately Cena turning heel, and snapping on The Miz is what I am waiting for, but I don't think the WWE has any of what I said in mind.
I'm going to do my best to state this as unbiased as I possibly can. John Cena sucks, The Miz sucks, and The Miz impersonating John Cena sucked. Also, John Cena vs. The Miz would suck. That would be as bad as Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy, who and which also suck. They wasted that time when they could have done something productive, like a Santina vs Goldust bra & panties match.
:wcw: I'm gonna go with no on the gimmick, but yes to a feud. I am so done with Cena, I can't stand it. I was watching the 2006 One Night Stand match with him and RVD, and that crowd was murdering him. I loved it. But this thread isn't about Cena so back to the matter at hand. I just dont like imposter mirror matches. Does the creative team have no other angles to go with? Also what are they saying to the Miz? Your character is that bad so we are going to recycle another one for you to have. I think the Miz will have a decent mid-card singles career, but this would be a bad way to start off/.
I personally hate the way Cena doesn't come out. It makes him look like a coward who will in a few weeks just come out, adjust some attitude and that'll be it.
I don't like the gimic idea since it will never work since cena as a rapper is not going to happen again since the dumb champ thing kids love who like whoever they are told to like. As for a fued between these guys I would love it, hopefully it could somehow refresh Cena who is a little warn out. I think Miz gets a hell of a lot heat and just needs that one fued to put him on the map. Right now I think his is opening since big show is getting the most heat on the show and this really scarry. I would love to see a title fued on raw without orton but I dont see that happening.
The WWE will more than likely drop the ball on this one. I don't really like either of these two men, but I think if the WWE went this direction I could get interested. First, keep up with the Miz bashing Cena as it is working. Cena not really hearing The Miz is also creative, and they should keep that up until his main event match against Orton, and Batista. The next part is big. Does Cena win the World title?

I say no. Here is why. If he loses the match he can carry a feud with The Miz. No one will expect The Miz to beat Cena while he is world champion. Hardly anyone would expect The Miz to defeat Cena without the title as well, but it could happen due to that very reason. Not having the title, Big Show on his case, losing the title match, and being disrespected week in, and week out will make him snap. Let me also add that I think creatively speaking The Miz may be able to actually get more of a repsonse from the fans against Cena if this is done right.

Imagine if you will The Miz in the ring having a rip session with Cena. I think the Miz may be able to get "Cena sucks" chants going especially if he is in the right arena. This isn't out of the realm of plausible either people. There are a ton of fans who don't take particular liking to Cena, and if a superstar like Miz gets them going it could be ground breaking. This could put The Miz on the "map" for the WWE fans. Ultimately Cena turning heel, and snapping on The Miz is what I am waiting for, but I don't think the WWE has any of what I said in mind.

Truk24 great point, this is where I expect the angle to "unintentionally" go. In the right arena, and at the right time, The Miz can get huge Cena sucks chants going. Creative will have no choice but to respond.

Please everyone don't start with the "he's the biggest face, he will never turn heel, kids love him, its bad for business" bullshit. Ratings are down, so anything is fair game, even Cena.

If they do this right, the Miz with his mic skills can be a Wrestlemania type Main Eventer in about 2 years. He will fill the "edgy face" void that has been left by Stone Cold & The Rock. He may not reach that level, but he fills that void. I like him, and I like the angle, and I hope it continues. Good job WWE with the Miz thus far IMO.

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