Cena & Reigns Twitter Exchange: The Start Of Something?


While I don't think you could call it a "war" on Twitter, both Cena and Reigns sorta took shots at each other today.

It all started, according to the main page and other sites, when a video of Reigns in a match against Kevin Owens at a house show went viral; in the video, Reigns is on the ground in a reverse chinlock. Owens is there talking smack to some of the fans, and Reigns, as he usually does during his matches and it includes merchandise royalty checks. About 18 seconds or so in, Reigns covers his face with his hands and can be seen clearly laughing at Owens' smack talk.

After the video hit the internet, Reigns was asked about it on Twitter and responded: "I was laughing, at KO's merch check!! I made more splitting with The Shield. Imagine what it is now!"

John Cena fired back at Reigns on Twitter by saying: "While @WWERomanReigns was making fun of what people earn I was at @GeorgiaTechFB to #EarnTheDay #recognize. Cena posted the message with a vid of him in slow motion performing power cleans in the gym. Reigns responded to Cena's tweet with: "What I #recognize is you have no clue whats going on here. So just power clean and make sure you clean your weights up."

To my knowledge, the Tweets haven't been removed so that would indicate that there's no heat with WWE higher ups. It has me wondering if this little exchange on Twitter is the very beginning of a program for the two of them at WrestleMania.

I know that they're on different brands with Reigns on Raw and Cena on SmackDown, but it reminds me of a WON report from the past few days stating that Vince has been toying with the notion of Taker vs. Reigns rather than Taker vs. Cena as, allegedly, Vince feels that Taker vs. Reigns is more of a match about establishing Reigns as the future. The report further alleges that said match with Reigns, as with the proposed Cena match, might be for Raw's main event title, the Universal Championship.

WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year and Vince is all about spectacle, which means that certain guys may get certain spots regardless of whether or not they're on the same brand. Taker is almost always involved in one of the top matches; the WON report alleges that Taker vs. Cena is the frontrunner but it isn't ironclad at this point.

This would be the first WrestleMania after the brand split and I don't see brand continuity being that important to Vince when it comes to making matches for the biggest show of the year. Reigns & Cena's Twitter exchange could simply be an exchange by a couple of guys who may not be all that fond of one another but given how Vince loves to ****e WWE out on social media constantly, I don't think Cena vs. Reigns is impossible, far from it in fact. If WWE wants to go for a "pass the torch" sort of moment, I think fans would be more accepting to see Reigns go over Cena than they would seeing Reigns go over Taker.
I think it would make a great storyline if they brought that reality aspect of those reports in. Cena has been very outspoken about being tired of the new era. Reigns is considered in WWE's eyes anyways "the leader of the new era." And with Cena being very vocal about wanting Undertaker and Vince being keen on making Reigns vs. Taker because "Reigns is the future and Cena being the past." I think it only makes sense. I'd say have the Rumble happen before the title matches and Taker wins it. Cena loses his match to AJ Styles. Reigns vs. KO,the main event. Yeah I know I know, I'm against that idea too but its for storyline purpose. Cena cost Reigns the title for the simple fact that he didn't want Reigns getting the Taker match.

WrestleMania we have..
Cena vs. Reigns
Taker vs. Styles for the WWE Title
Owens vs. Bálor for the Universal Title
Lesnar vs. Goldberg
Rollins vs. Triple H
Kinda thought that was the plan for last year Mania before Cena got injured. Now I more think they would try to bank on Cena- Taker this year considering that its maybe Takers last match and that in the future you can always do Reigns- Cena when there is a chance. Or maybe they would give Cena his 16th title on Mania and we get Taker- Reigns. Dont think that its possible to get Cena- Reigns right now unless both men have nothing else to do but with Cena involved with Styles and Reigns with KO and possibly Strowman cant see it happening at this year Mania.

Interesting tweets though. Always thought they would be interesting pair just to see who would be booed more by smarks. Even thought that it could help Reigns way more then Lesnar or HHH matches in establishing him as face.
Reigns vs Cena is a money match that WWE is likely saving for a big pay day. Reigns is probably the only big name that Cena hasn't worked with yet one on one'll the full time roster. Both have many similarities in that while there both are billed as faces they both get mixed reactions and a lot of the smark fans resent them. I think that the match would be good and there's styles would compliment each other.
But I think it's too soon to see this match at and I think there's better options for both at Mania. It's literally now or never for Cena vs Undertaker and they need to to have it now because they might not be able to wait another year. Reigns could have a high profile US title match against Braun Stramaun. If they really want to push Straumaun they should have him defeat Reigns for the title on the big stage. Reigns vs Cena would be better fit for this Summerslam where it can get a proper build up and is not over shadowed by all the part timers returning.
It really would make a great storyline, but it's not happening because neither Cena or Reigns is in the Rumble match, plus it would be better if one of them was the heel.

However it clearly sets up something, possibly for Summerslam. Which I really don't mind. Reigns vs Cena will be a big money maker and I think a move to SD for Reigns is what should happen in the future.

Plus if this Taker's last WrestleMania then it would be a damn shame if Cena doesn't end up being his opponent.
I remember when this discussion was being had a year ago, or maybe it was two years ago... either way, back then I was of the opinion that this match should only happen when:

1. Reigns is more than ready to hold up his end of the feud and
2. The time comes when he could truly benefit from a win over John Cena at Wrestlemania.

At this point, I think both Reigns and the fans are ready for this program, however I don't think this is the year to do it. WWE has a plethora of options with these two at the moment and they've had very little interaction over the past year. To me, the timing just seems off; it would seem really rushed and this is a match that should be anything but that. Besides, there are still years left for this thing to happen.

As for the twitter exchange, that's a very lame excuse for a feud starter, especially between Roman Reigns and John Cena. Some may not agree, but I've always been of that opinion when it comes to WWE and social media. I hope this isn't the start of a Mania program. As guy above me said, perhaps this can begin a slow burn to Summerslam.
I think Reigns vs. Cena would be fine for a SummerSlam maquee matchup, but not Mania. First of all, not that it's completely necessary to have a babyface, but most (adult male) fans hate both of these guys. So if you have this match in front of 75,000+, it's gonna be dead...just like during the Reigns/Triple H main event at WM32. So you can officially turn one of these guys heel, and it would work with either, but then you're still gonna have silence when the one who isn't a heel gains momentum in the match.

And secondly, what good is the brand split if they're already going to start having guys from different shows mix it up? Raw and SD should stay divided for at least a solid year and build feuds that actually last a while, before they start any kind of interpromotional stuff.
I'm open to the idea of a John Cena VS Roman Reigns match. It would be interesting to see, if anything for the fan reactions. Would the rude fans that refuse to accept the fact that Cena CAN put on great matches end up showing support for Reigns? Would the majority who boo Reigns end up showing support for Cena? Will someone turn heel? Lots of questions get raised here. If WWE were to turn Reigns heel this would be a good way to go about it. The main problem I see with the match is the WWE could wind up using it as a way to force a "torch passing" moment by having Reigns win. The fans don't want him as the top guy, WWE. Accept the truth already!

It is a better option than Reigns VS Taker would be. Sorry, but no. Just no. Why waste a Taker match on Roman Reigns when he could be in there facing AJ Styles in a potential show-stealer or John Cena in what is a dream match for many, instead. Heck, have Taker face Jericho. There are so many better options available and we all know that Taker can't possibly make it much longer. The guy's matches per year can be counted on one hand. If Reigns went over Taker then the fans would hate it. HATE IT. Imagine if Reigns had ended the streak? That ship has sailed, but I imagine the crowd reaction for a Reigns victory over Taker at this year's Wrestlemania would be about as bad as if he did end the streak.

The best option would be Cena VS Reigns and Styles VS Taker. If they go the Cena VS Taker route then I am among those who do really want to see that match at a Wrestlemania event, though it creates the issue of where does Roman Reigns go? I want him as far away from the Universal Championship and World Heavyweight Championship as possible. There's nowhere else he can go on the card at this time other than against Cena if he's not in a title match. There's the US Championship though I doubt he holds onto it much longer. We get two big matches out of it if they do Cena/Reigns and Styles/Taker. If they do Cena/Taker then Styles and Reigns are both likely to end up in the world title matches. Reigns/Taker is stupid, and we risk seeing Cena/Styles yet again after it has already been done multiple times in the past year.

Too much can still change between now and Wrestlemania though, that is the main thing to keep in mind for at least another month.
The amount of boos both would receive on a stage as big as Wrestlemania would be unbearable. Crowds already get bored mid Match and chant "whateverthefuck" the entire match. Imagine Cena and Reigns both trying to blow the crowd off by laughing or playing along with them - that's way too hard to watch. The outcome of the match won't event bode well for either men. If Cena wins, everyone will shit over the fact that he beat a younger wrestler that could use the rub. If Reigns wins, he would have finally cemented his spot on top as the new top guy and that isn't something the fans are going to go crazy about.

A match between the two enlightens me a bit. They both play a character resembling a superhero in that they can get beat up for the majority of a match and come back and win it. We've seen it from both men numerous times. This would be a match that will truly be unpredictable and hard to call. I enjoy Cena. Reigns is a lost cause for me but I feel if Cena can recapture that character from his promo on Smackdown Live's last week, this could get interesting.

Also, Cena should've demolished Reigns with a tweet stating how his merch sales squash both Owens' and Reigns' combined. I'd love to see Reigns' comeback for that one.
I think that it was just a tease by both guys for their inevitable feud in future.

I hope that this feud doesn't happen with both Reigns and Cena as face. Either of them should turn heel before or after this match.

If either of them turns heel for this feud, I will be interested. But if it's just face Vs face, I won't want to see this match and feud.
Geez it wasn't much of a war was it. Nothing came of it. Kevin Owens actually had the best response to Roman Reigns when he tweeted "You didn't think that up on your own, did you?" He's a veteran of twitter wars and has had some of the best ones yet. Scott Steiner as well is a hoot on twitter.

Anyway, with both being on different brands, and Cena working more of a part time schedule than anything else, don't see why this match should even be taking place at Mania. Maybe keep it for Summerslam, but Roman Reigns whether he's up against Cena or Taker will get crapped on in Orlando. Pretty bad considering it's his home state and all.

There isn't much time between now and the Rumble and that's when matches are usually starting to fall into place. This year Vince seems to be running around like a chicken in a hot girdle. Would be nice to see the WWE even look like they know what they're doing heading into two of the biggest shows of the year.

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