Cena Region Philadelphia Subregion,First Round:(16)Nick Bockwinkel vs. (17)S. Steiner

Who Wins This Match?

  • Nick Bockwinkel

  • Scott Steiner

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Shawn Michaels ❤
This is a first round match in the Cena Region, Philadelphia Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



#16. Nick Bockwinkel



#17. Scott Steiner

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
I'm going to get crucified, but I'm throwing my support Big Poppa Pump here. Before he even became the roided out freak, Steiner was one of the best in the ring, and could handle anyone with ease whether it was a power match or a technical match. Then he juiced up and became a suplex monster who could still work with anyone, as long as he kept his mouth shut.

I know it's sacrilege to go against Bockwinkel, but that's my reason and I'm sticking to it.
NSL makes a good point about Steiner. Before he started hitting the juice, he and his brother were a great tag team, arguably the best ever. Scott was always the better of the two, capable of hitting a variety of moves be they technical, power, or eve a couple high flying.

I could be swayed toward Bockwinkel, but I think I'm gonna throw my support behind The Big Booty Daddy.
"You can get anything you want baby, you want my room number? You wanna be like be a real man?"

* "You look at this face! This is the face of pain! I'm the bringer of pain! And I'm gonna destroy you! You can cry for mercy, but I don't know the meaning of the word!" (as demonic wrestler "Mega Man" in the Charmed episode Wrestling With Demons)

* "Say something nice and I'll make you scream twice!"

* "This goes out to all my freaks out there: Big Poppa Pump is your hookup; holler, if you hear me!"

* "Now last week, I was watching TV, and I watched a 53-year-old man come out here who has more loose skin than a sharpé puppy come out here and say he's still the man!"

* "He's s'posed to be the limousine-ridin', jet-flyin' son of a gun, but I'm sayin' ONE TIME, you shoulda took a cab and used that money to fix yourse crooked, yellow teeth!"

* "You know, I stand here in Las Vegas, Nevada...In the town that never sleeps. But I've been going for 30 days and 30 nights with a freak on my left, a freak on my right, and one in a box. So being in Las Vegas is a night off for me. So I'm just here to tell ya, Big Poppa Pump is in town and he's ready to pound."

* "Now I just heard that sniveling, crying, littla mama's boy Marcus Buff Bagwell say he wants to be, at behind my brothers back

someone I've beat up my whole life. Now Macrus, I knocked you down in Chicago in front of your mother, and I beat my brother up my whole life, so you guys are a bunch of losers!"

* "All my hoochies say: 'there's nothing finer than Scott Steiner!'"

* "You are not Big Poppa Pump and I'm gonna kick your ass!" (Towards then World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H.)

* "You know where to find me: I'll be flexin' my peaks, pleasin' my freaks... and when they say 'boom-shakalaka!', that's when you know that I'm the Big Booty Daddy! So Big Poppa Pump is your hook-up; holler, if ya hear me!!"

* "Do you want to be mesmermized by the physical phenomenon?"

* "All I care about is my peaks, and my freaks, nation-wide!"

* "DDP, you need to get a sex-change so you can get the balls to come out here and fight me!"

* "So DDP, when you in the hospital screaming in pain...your wife is going to be on her back screaming my name!"

* "All I see is nothing but a bunch of gas-pumping, tobacco-chewing, inbred, white trash!"

* "Buff Bagwell ain't nothin' but a chippendale dancer!"

* "As Chris Jericho discovered last Monday night, and this jackass found out tonight; I haven't just been sitting at home, eating potato chips, and wasting away. I'm still the genetic freak, with the largest arms in the world. So this goes out to all my freaks in South Carolina, Big Poppa Pump is your hookup; holler if you hear me!"

* "Any of you Hooches out there, wanna get some action? The Big Bad Booty Daddy will give you satisfaction!"

* "I'm not only a man, I'm a Genetic Freak!"

* "No-one can duplicate the highest peaks on earth."

* "There's nothing finer then Scott Steiner!"

* "You can handle a man, but not a Genetic Freak."

* "No, your mother sucks! YOUR MOTHER SUCKS!" (responding to fans chanting "Steiner Sucks")

* "You guys are just white trash!"

* "Tonight...I kill you."


* "Well this crap, is unsellable!" (in reference to the Samoa Joe DVD "Unstoppable: The Best of Samoa Joe")

* "You put whoop-dee-do in your hair!" (talking about Christian Cage)

* "I got a problem with Samoa Joe calling himself Samoa Joe. You're a freakin' half breed, and I'm gonna treat you like a half breed."

* "I got the largest arms in the world; you see that Joe? That's a vein. Something you don't have you fat bastard."

* "Big Poppa Pump is your hookup, and the next heavyweight championship of the world!"

* "Christian Cage, you made a big mistake bein' in Sting's corner. And when people make mistakes, the Big Bad Booty Daddy makes them pay for it!"

* "But you don't know me, and you don't know what I'm caple of."

* "Everybody knowww…wants to know where I've been…"


* "The way I see it, you already got two strikes against ya. One; you're not big enough, or strong enough to go one on one with the genetic freak. The other thing is, you're from that stinking country you call Canada. So watch, I think it's your time, to go back up, to that cesspool, that place we call MEXICO NORTH. And I apologize to all the Mexicans out there." (to Christian Cage)

* "Jeff and I thought maybe he'd pick the Ultimate Warrior, someone that's from his past, maybe his good buddy Lex Luger, or even Goldberg. But he picked Christian Cage, a guy who says he can't understand a word I'm saying. Well, you see, I come from a highly educated university, so when I come out and speak to this white trash, I gotta dumb myself down. But apparently that wasn't stupid enough for Christian Cage!"

* "See, everybody knows American white trash is up here-" (puts a hand above his head for emphasis) "-and then Canadian white trash is way down here." (points down to the ground for emphasis) "So Christian Cage, I got a question for ya: what's it like knowing you're the lowest form of homie sapien there is!?"

* "All I care about is my freaks and my peaks!"

* "HEH?!"

* "Big Poppa Pump is your hookup and the next Heavyweight Championship of the World!"

* "I'm one of the most decorated tag teams ever!"

* "GIMME THE f***IN' MIC!"

* "You wanna know what's casting a shadow?"
(flexes muscles, blocking and unblocking Jeremy Borash's face in the process)
"See your head, now you don't. See your head, now you don't. That's casting a shadow, bitch!"

* "So all you gotta do, is dot your T's and cross your I's, and step back, i'll show you how to win bitch!" (To Tomko)

* "You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit."

* "Sting is a champion of trash."

* "I'll tell you when to kiss my ass! And that's at Slammiversary, after we beat you, and I say pucker up!"

* "HEH! Who's the man!?"

* "I'm the biggest sonofabitch that ever lived!"

* "Now I don't have a doctor's permission to wrestle, but I don't need an invitation to kick your ass!"

* "It's not gonna change mah focus on gettin' even with Go-berg for fractionin' my face!"

* "See when I have my freaks horizontal, they understand size, they appreciate size, and size does matter. And they know that they don't have to wait for the earth to rotate on a 47-degree axis so the stars can smuck the sky and create a equalax, so they can see the big dipper. No no no. All they gotta do is call up the big Poppa, cause I'm the man with the big dipper, and satisfaction's comin when I gobehein and do the bump'n'grind and its only a matter of time before they call me the BIG BAD BOOTY DADDY!"

* "Goldberg, you're not going to win the Royal Rumble, I AM!"


* "Just like at Hirojima, when Pearl Harbor bombed the Germans!"

* "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! NO SHUT UP NED! Get a GPS in this thing! You're a redneck! You drive a redneck truck! Yuri dump! Get my bags! GIT MAH BRAAAGS! And you can shine my shoes if I want ya to!" (to Tomko driving to the arena)

* "I'm doing him an egg! You're not me and you paris! I'm sanding into your dumb redneck ass! I'm hungry!" (to Tomko)

* "Now I've wrestled alotta countries!"

* "At Sackerfice (Sacrifice)..."

* "See Kurt Angle, what makes you think you’re so special. You haven't done anything that I have already done. Who have you beaten that I already beaten. John Cena, I beat him; Batista, I beat him; and I don't care how many times Triple H had to sleep with the boss' daughter, I beat him."

* Scott Steiner: "You know, they say all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Samoa Joe, and you can see that statement is not true! See, normally if you go one-on-one with another wrestler, you got a 50-50 chance of winnin'. But I'm a genetic freak, and I'm not normal, so you got a 25% at best at beatin' me! And then you add Kurt Angle to the mix? Your chances of winnin' drasticy go down. See the three-way, at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of wiinnin'. But I, I got a 66 2/3 chance of winning, cause Kurt Angle KNOWS he can't beat me, and he's not even gonna try! So, Samoa Joe, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25 percent chance, and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winnin' at Sacrifice! But then you take my 75 perchance chance at winnin', if we was to go one-on-one, and to add 66 2/3 ch… percents, I got a 141 2/3 chance of winnin at Sacrifice! See, McJoe; the numbers don't like, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice! See- but I'm gonna break it down for all you ladies." (turns to Lauren) "Would you rather be with me, or would you rather be with Joe?"
Lauren: "Well, I think Joe's kinda nice, I mean, you know?"
Steiner: "See, you're one o' those girls that like romance. I'm-a talk to all my freaks out there. Would you rather come home to me, a genetic freak, to be satisfied every night, or go home to that fatass Samoa Joe!? See, tonight, we're gonna win, and I'm gonna be the World Champion at Sacrifice! Come on, Petey! Let's go!"

And that, my friends, is why you should vote for "Big Poppa Pump". The man is possibly the most entertaining, roided out maniac I have ever seen. He was an INCREDIBLE athlete before he packed on the muscle too, the innovator of the Frankensteiner, one half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time, and had a devastating finisher in The Steiner Screwdriver.

Vote for the largest arms in the world, vote for Scott motherf'n' Steiner!
*stands in his 'I'm going to hell' box*

I betray any notion that I'm a well read individual who's wise beyond his years when a spectacle like Big Poppa Pump crashes into the scene like a tank blasting heavy metal music, funny hats and porn out of its cannon. He's truly the Mike Tyson of prowrestling, you never know what non-sequitur annihilations of the good Queen's English are going to curb stomp your senses.

Nick Bockwinkel, yeah. He's a very basic, very vanilla perennial legend of a prowrestler. He fought his way to the top by beating equally generic guys when everyone looked alike right down to the mandatory short shorts.

This would be like the Raging Bull vs Immortan Joe, I'm pretty sure that -- given a choice -- doof warrior would proudly rock Scott Steiner to the ring.

I better stop here before my IQ dips into the negatives, but I'm voting for Scott Steiner.
Hopping on the Steiner train.

Before he became a cartoon character, the guy had everything you could want in a pro wrestler. Size, speed, skill & a kickass jacket. Always been a favorite of mine. People dislike his antics now & somehow that discredits his ability, which is a shame. If he would not have lost his marbles & thus been difficult to work with, then he would have been a solid constant at the top of every card. Multi time champ for sure.

He has more than enough to put down Bock with his power & keep up with him on the mat. A few suplexes and the Screwdriver puts him into round 2.
The fact that Bockwinkle is in this tourney and not "The Living Legend" is enough for me to vote Steiner. Not that I wouldn't have anyway. Voting Steiner until the Cena matchup.
Vote is close, so I am officially throwing my support behind Steiner because he has a bad, possibly phallic, chest tattoo. Brock Lesnar also has a bad, possibly phallic, chest tattoo, and Brock is likely to win this thing this year.

I know Steiner said some crazy funny shit and had one heck of a unique look, but let's be honest here.....he is nowhere near the wrestler Bockwinkel was. Steiner might be one of the greats of his era but Bockwinkel is one of the greats of all-time.

Steiner had a great presence and charisma, he was unpredictable with a microphone. Bockwinkel was better. Bockwinkel was among the best talkers of all-time; intelligent, articulate and condescending, he was among the most despised wrestlers in the world.

Steiner is on the short list of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all-time. He truly was legendary. Most of his success was as a tag team wrestler and this isn't a tag team match. Steiner's career pinnacle was defeating Booker T for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Which he held for four months. Bockwinkel's was defeating Verne Gagne for the AWA World Heavyweight championship. Which he held for almost three thousand days. Though not Steiner's equal, Bockwinkel was no slouch in the tag department, either, winning multiple world tag titles.

Steiner was an excellent technical wrestler, a collegiate amateur star. During the large part of his singles run, he had changed a lot as a wrestler and relied mostly on his power. Bockwinkel was known to be among the best technical wrestlers in the business, and his ring psychology and awareness were second to none. He's far too smart to let Steiner use his strength to his advantage. He would target one of Steiner's many injured body parts, grind him down, wear him out and pin him after a piledriver at the fifteen minute mark.
When I see AWA, I automatically think 'boring'. But a few years ago, Bockwinkel was in one of these and I looked into him and I found a very entertaining wrestler who was quite a long way ahead of his time in terms of presentation and character. Steiner is ludicrous and funny because of it, but I can't in good conscience vote for someone because they're off the rails.
The Steiner Hype Train needs to get back on the tracks!

Yes, he had success as a tag team wrestler, but in a tag team where he was by far the better wrestler and most interesting piece. But he did also have success as a singles guy, in WCW, WWF/E, and TNA. And to say he's "nowhere near the wrestler" is ludicrous. Don't think about the end of his career where it was nothing but suplexes, which strangely enough works for Brock Lesnar, but think about the ealry part of his career, where he was innovating moves and going toe-to-toe with some all-time greats.

Bockwinkel never gets the respect he deserves in this tournament. He was one of the top wrestlers of a generation. Bockwinkel exemplified what a wrestling champion should be. I know a lot of people think of the AWA as very distant third to the NWA or WWF but the AWA was no joke.

The pre Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner would have been a great match for Bockwinkel. He was a fantastic performer but I think he would be outclassed by Bockwinkel. As for Big Poppa Pump, Bockwinkel would have wiped the mat with him.
People joke about Sheik making people humble and fucking their ass. I would worry about Scott doing just that because he is freaky strong and bat shit crazy. He has more than enough talent to win this.
Except Steiner's not nearly smart enough to defeat the most intelligent wrestler out there.

Bock would use all of Steiner's wildness and unpredictability against him, and come out on top.

It's all he did for his entire career.

Remember, Bockwinkel is the guy that Hulk Hogan couldn't beat. Prime, about to take over the world, unbeatable Hulk Hogan could not get the win over Nick Bockwinkel, and had to get as far away as he could from Bock before he could finally win the big one.

If the biggest name of all time couldn't put this guy down when he was in his prime... there's no way that someone like Steiner has a chance.
Except Steiner's not nearly smart enough to defeat the most intelligent wrestler out there.

I'm not saying Scott is a wrestling Einstein, but he's certainly no idiot, especially early in his career, when his ring skills were at their peak. So even below Bockwinkel a few steps in intelligence, I'd argue he has more than enough ability to make up the difference and pick up a win.
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