Cena fired tonight.. Triple H's plan?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So as we all know, Triple H & Stephanie are soon to take over WWE from Vince. Now with Triple H's plans and ideas coming into action e.g. Sin Cara, could another one of his or Stephanie's idea is to have Cena out of action for a good 5/6 months and build up other guys like Rey, Dolph, Swagger, Mcintyre so when Cena does come back, it won't just be him at the top of the food chain.

I think personally, it's a good idea. If Punk wins, taking the title with him, they can have a tournament and the finals at Summerslam with a brand new look on the title. This can elevate other superstars.
First off, Triple H said in a recent interview that everyone is talking about him taking over the company. He said that he will only get the company one he can pry it from Vince's cold dead hands. So it's not like they are gonna be in charge anytime soon unless god forbid something happens to Vince.

Secondly, instead of Cena leaving, wouldn't be better if he put over younger superstars? Like Triple H did for Jeff Hardy, RKO, and others when he was the top guy?
Whoa ...

Youve Got The Wrong Pitcure As If Vince And The WWE Corp Would Just Take Away The Face Of WWE That Sells The Most Merchindise , Tickets And Is Probs One Of WWE Greatest Superstars Since 2004 ... As Much As People Hate Cena You Gotta Give The Guy Creidit ...

I Think ... It Will End Up Nexus And Cena Emnys VS The Rest Of Roster Brawl In The Ring After _______ Wins ... I Think Vince Will Be Involed .

So No Am Not Saying Cenas Not Getting Fired And No Am Not Saying CM Punk Get Beat ... I Just Think It Will Be A Great Match .. And One Will Be Victoricus ...

And After The Paragraph In The One Before The Last .. Maybe Raw Is War ?
I think it would be great if Cena left for a while 5 or 6 months, come back and immediately turn heel! Somewhat like Hogan at BATB 96. It would be the most shocking heel turn since BATB 96. Can you imagine the hatred the betrayal his fans would feel, but at the same time it'd keep them interested. It'd be an excellent way to get other stars over, new heroes would be created, and there'd be no need to change PG, because then the kids would look for a new hero to kick their former hero's ass. IMO thats the kind of shock factor WWE needs, Have cena go into WM as a heel against The Rock. 1 good year for Cena as a heel is all the WWE needs for new heroes to be created.
First off, Triple H said in a recent interview that everyone is talking about him taking over the company. He said that he will only get the company one he can pry it from Vince's cold dead hands. So it's not like they are gonna be in charge anytime soon unless god forbid something happens to Vince.

Secondly, instead of Cena leaving, wouldn't be better if he put over younger superstars? Like Triple H did for Jeff Hardy, RKO, and others when he was the top guy?
Yea, Cena should pu over guys like HHH put over Booker T at Mania 19 when Booker was super hot and he hit the pedigree and waiting 30 seconds to make the pin, burying Booker. Or how he put over Kane and RVD when they were hot later in the year. O yea, HHH didn't really put anyone over.

I hate how people don't think Cena puts guys over but he does a better job than HHH did.

As far as HHH's idea, I think Cena might just need time off but I'm guessing ratings go down. To get other guys over you don't just take out the top guy, that doesn't prove anything. That just makes it look like you're watching a minor league program. You have to have these guys compete with Cena, Punk, Orton, etc.

I think it would be great if Cena left for a while 5 or 6 months, come back and immediately turn heel! Somewhat like Hogan at BATB 96. It would be the most shocking heel turn since BATB 96. Can you imagine the hatred the betrayal his fans would feel, but at the same time it'd keep them interested. It'd be an excellent way to get other stars over, new heroes would be created, and there'd be no need to change PG, because then the kids would look for a new hero to kick their former hero's ass. IMO thats the kind of shock factor WWE needs, Have cena go into WM as a heel against The Rock. 1 good year for Cena as a heel is all the WWE needs for new heroes to be created.
Yea, take your biggest face, your biggest merch money maker, and turn him heel. Oo oo, and even better, take an ICONIC character and totally change it before an "icon vs icon" match.

How stupid are people on here? Turning Cena heel is a TERRIBLE idea. He's the most over guy on the company. People love to hate or love to love him. Nobody is actually bored of him. You may think you are, and "you" as in a few individual guys may be. However, if people were actually bored, they wouldn't make noise at live events.
Vince will never leave and if heaven forbid something did happen to him he would drag his bloody corpse out of the ground and show up at the next production meeting.

HOWEVER it is well known that Trips is the only guy Vince will listen to at all. So it is possible that Trips could suggest something to Vince. The idea you have is a good one though.
Punk can't win and leave nor can Orton do both shows--that does nothing to the RAW Money in the Bank winner! They could make Punk win then the Money in the Bank winner fight him at the end of that match and win-that way Punk is gone, belt stays, Cena is gone and there is a new champ on the show!
Punk can't win and leave nor can Orton do both shows--that does nothing to the RAW Money in the Bank winner! They could make Punk win then the Money in the Bank winner fight him at the end of that match and win-that way Punk is gone, belt stays, Cena is gone and there is a new champ on the show!
Then Cena uses his rematch clause immediately and wins it back!!!!

That'd be a bit much. I like the idea of 2 title changes in 1 night, but I think it's too obvious for WWE to do it.

I don't mean obvious as in "they should do it" but obvious as in predictable.
Do we need to run down the list of guys Triple H put over. Remind you, he lost at 4 straight Wrestlemania's and had a 4 year run where he was NOT one of the major champion.

Triple H put over Chris Benoit, Batista, and John Cena in consecutive WM main events. He also used his star power in Evolution to get over Randy Orton and Batista. He also feuded with Edge, Jeff Hardy, and even worked his ass off to try and get Kozlov over as a main eventer. John Cena has yet to create a new star by putting them over. The only one that is remotely close is The Miz.

People really need to get off Triple H's dick....the only wrestlers that say he "held them back" are the ones who don't have jobs anymore or work in TNA because they just were not that good (i.e Matt Hardy)
Everyone gets over by facing Cena. Cena is a babyface. In WWE that means you pretty much always carry the strap. A ton of guys got over simply by being against Cena.

Shit do you think Punk's promos would be anywhere near as effective if they were against ANYONE else? No. You could take any wrestler on the roster and put them against Cena and that match is getting a reaction.

HHH's matches didn't really get that loud of a reaction. Cena's always do. Let's not even go into the silly "WELL HE GETS TEH BOOZ" conversation because as most of us know, Cena works both sides. People love to boo and love to cheer him.

Who cares about Cena vs HHH who got more guys over anyways. The bottom line is the plan, whether HHH proposed it or not (more likely coz HHH seems smart) to have Cena leave is a dumb one. That'd be like having a MLB season with the Yankees gone. Yea I hate the Yankees, however if my team won the World Series without the Yankees playing the season, it doesn't mean as much.
Funny thing is that Vince has already died once on Raw. :lmao:

It's been reported that Cena has been hurting lately and working through injuries, so I fully expect to see Punk win the match and leave with the spinner belt. As for who steps up...they'll definitely need a face to fill that giant void that Cena leaves, so maybe it'll be time for John Morrison to get his push. Maybe they even start to promote more of the mid-carders into main event level to see what they can do (Kofi, Dolph, etc).

Cena isn't the only thing that gets people to turn on televisions. People will still watch wrestling when he's gone for a few months as long as there are some decent storylines going instead of the usual "I WANNA BE #1 CONTENDER" crap that has been going on for the past year or two, hence why we're amped up for Punk tonight.
I'm very good a predicting things (maybe because i'm psychic.. lol) But i'm going to make my prediction here.. The rock will return TONIGHT costing cena the title. VKM will march out and fire cena on the spot. The rock will tell vkm to slow his roll and have vkm re-hire because him and cena has a date at WM. VKM Will suspend cena instead of firing him for a few months so he can heel up.

Punk will be on the ramp laughing at cena first, but his laughter comes to frustration and as cm punk is having a tantrum, the MITB winner runs out with a ref and attacks cm punk, cashing in the briefcase, winning the wwe title.

So which one of you are going to call me god if all that comes true? lol
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will not be taking over the company any time soon.

However a Triple H return to WWE TV would be great as he is truly an all time great and his presence and experience are sorely missed.
I think "Kor420" has a pretty good prediction. Not to say it will happen because everything is a possiblitiy, but his prediction is the most sensible and sounds like something WWE would do. Anyways, to the point "willross" was trying to make... How could you say Cena has never put anyone over. back a few months ago Barrett was one of the hottest heals in WWE because of Nexus and Cena. He had great matches with Cena and most Barrett won, with the exception of TLC 2010 but it was the end of the storyline anyways. Heck, Cena had to obey his orders. Plus, Miz got his first wrestlemania victory over Cena (I know because of rock but its still a win and its still Wrestlemania). And Punk has never been as big of a topic as he has now due to his recent fued with Cena and McMahon. Plus Cena even started trying to push R-Truth but that fued was ended pretty soon.

So i think its pretty obvious that Cena is pushing younger stars. But you cant push younger stars without WWE creative giving you the oppurtunity. Once your givin the oppurtunity, then its up to you at how hard your gonna try with it and i would say Cena gives everything he's got everytime he steps into the ring. Enough said about that.
[cL];3270371 said:
Daniel Bryan just won, the smackdown MITB, so I say he's the first person out when Punk beats Cena and the first money in the bank winner to lose. Del Rio immediately out and beats punk for the title.

Yeah because the Smackdown MITB totally lets them cash it in on Raw's top champion... -_-

Anyway, I can see what OP is saying. Cena dropping the title and leaving for a good bit could help in establishing new stars. Maybe Rey can take over as the main draw while Cena's away and work with Truth. Rey's almost as close to Cena's popularity as you'll get.

And to the idiot who says that Triple H never put anybody over, I suggest he go back and rewatch Triple H's time in the main event. He's probably the single most person responsible for developing guys like Jericho, Angle, Test (he was once a big name), Cena, Orton, Batista, Edge, Hardy, Kozlov, Brian Kendrick, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Sheamus... the list is pretty much endless in the number of people Hunter has put over. People constantly confuse "put over" with "winning the WWE title" and that's where their ignorance shines the best. Roddy Piper never got the WWE title, but the guy was without a doubt one of the most over bad guys in WWE. In fact, Piper hasn't won any world title...
Heres a scenario I can see happening
Tommorow Night Punk comes out and crows. ABR attempts to come out and cash in and Punk says go ahead. But beating me does nothing since I am not a contracted wrestler there is no champion and thus...your MITB is not worth the paper its printed on. Then we hear
HHH comes out and says Vince likes to play with carrot he likes to play with stick. You want to make this personal...then lets do that. He then calls out Beth Phoenix and says that she is Punk's GF and just like Punk she too is now a former WWE employee as she's fired. Punk is pissed but Hunter continues. You know I am not a bad guy I have a proposal for you. I will give her job back and even give your buddys Luke and Colt a chance. You face me at SS for the title and you win and I hire all three.

HHH can play the savior and it can be revealed that HHH arranged for Punk to leave and for Punk to be reinstated by Vince and for the Cena fired thing to happen as he is jealous of Cena and ants to be the spotlight again.
Come SS Cena interferes and Punk retains and then set up for Survior Series Its team HHH versus team Cena where if Cena wins he gets his job back...and he has a suprise one night only partner ....The Rock...
Rock says he may not like John Cena but damn if he isnt going to face him at Mania an deprive the people. Besides how can he pass up the chance to layeth the smack down on HHH's candy ass one more time
I don't think Cena is leaving for a long time. Punk winning the title tonight and leaving with it means that he would have to come back or be forced to come back at some point and lose the title. That would be the logical decision as, after all, he is not employed with the company. And it would be best if he loses to Cena only because after the epic match they had at MITB, that is the only decision that would make sense. If some superstar other than Cena gets the better of Punk, it might send the impression that that superstar is better than Cena. And no superstar on the roster is ready for that kind of push.

I expect Punk to be on TV for a month or two and during that time Cena can afford to be off TV. But after that, with Punk leaving Cena needs to be on WWE TV more than before because with Punk and Cena both leaving, the ratings will surely go down. Mysterio is a guy that works very well as a number two babyface but has faltered in the past as the top babyface. All the other superstars on Raw, be it faces or heels, are pretty green to handle the responsibility of carrying Raw.

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