Cena/AJ - Probably Not Worth This Free Thread

George Steele's Barber

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I can't find it but during the time AJ was the best thing on Raw slapping kisses and in a love square with Punk, Bryan and Kane I made a joke in a post about AJ being so over that she would next work a program with and get fed to Cena. Last nights 'business dinner' reveal and subsequent hug made me feel that there could be something brewing between's AJ instability and Cena's white knighthood.

Was this just a single serving angle meant to simply further the animosity between Vicki and AJ? If it is more than that how could this work? Do you want to see it? After dinner, did Cena check AJ's breast cancer awareness? Is this the genesis of an upcoming AJ heel turn? Is there another wrestler (Punk) that is helping to pull the strings?

I'm not a Cena or an AJ hater, although there are times when I tire of them and start thinking about their over exposedness, staleness or moral abiguity. I am afraid that there is more to this story. It seems too far out of left field for the WWE to put it out there only for one night. Cena doesn't have much going on right now but WWE wants to keep him on TV, this is a way to do it. A combination of WWE not wanting to completely dry out the Cena/Punk milk and Cena's health may be reason enough to put him in a program with AJ. AJ was hugely over as the crazy chick compared to the incompetent GM. I think she is going to make his life confusing to the point where she ends up falling for him in the same way she did Punk and Bryan. There will probably be another shocking kiss. Not sure exactly how we are going to get there or if there will be some type of feud or match that comes out of it but I have a strong suspicion that that angle has some legs and will torture us for awhile.
I'm not a fan of the two of them together AT ALL, this is completely random ! Was Punk not just teasing AJ about voice mails and pictures he had of her that she sent him ? How easy would it have been to pick up from there with the "fraternizing"/affair charge ? It would have been a couple of weeks late but at least there'd be a back story the fans are already aware of. They could've even taken this a step further and had Punk blackmailing AJ with the pics and messages he had. Granted all this supposedly happened before her management position, but it still enough to go and grow on. AJ's a "crazy chick", wouldn't be that hard to believe she was still in love with Punk.

This Cena-AJ crap is just that, crap. It was forced, a little awkward, and I'll be glad when it ends.
I'm not a fan of the two of them together AT ALL, this is completely random ! Was Punk not just teasing AJ about voice mails and pictures he had of her that she sent him ? How easy would it have been to pick up from there with the "fraternizing"/affair charge ? It would have been a couple of weeks late but at least there'd be a back story the fans are already aware of. They could've even taken this a step further and had Punk blackmailing AJ with the pics and messages he had. Granted all this supposedly happened before her management position, but it still enough to go and grow on. AJ's a "crazy chick", wouldn't be that hard to believe she was still in love with Punk.

This Cena-AJ crap is just that, crap. It was forced, a little awkward, and I'll be glad when it ends.

Yep, certainly sounds like a Punk fan talking. I'm interested to see where this goes because I have a feeling Punk (and by extension Heyman) could end up interjecting themselves somewhere.
Great just what we need more Cena story lines to keep having him wrestle Punk. While I am by FAR a Ryback fan, its at least nice to see someone else wrestling Punk at a PPV.

As far as the Cena/AJ stuff, I for one am happy she's no longer the GM. As much as I can't stand Vicki, shes a few points up over AJ. So we're going to have a retread storyline again with Cena and some girl (Cena/Eve).

Seriously they wonder why viewership is down? LMFAO this is what happens when you hire out of work Soap Opera writers. Here's what's ahead for RAW (they did the wedding one already this year):

Most Overused Soap Opera Plot Lines:

1. Back From The Dead. Surely by now, soap opera scribes can come up with a more creative way to explain a character's absence than killing them off and miraculously bringing them back to life months or even years later. Taylor on Bold and the Beautiful has come back to life more times than I can count and Stefano on Days of Our Lives has more lives than a cat. Can't the characters just get plain old fed up with all the shenanigans in the fictional town they live in and ride off into the sunset for awhile? This way when the actor's maternity leave is over or when they don't get a job on prime time television, they can just pop back into town.

2. Switching Paternity Results. Every hospital in every town on every soap opera has the most lax security on the face of the earth. It's no issue in soap opera land if the one you love is the father of another woman's baby. Simply sneak into the lab, switch the results and no one is the wiser. There isn't even a need for black clothing or a disguise. You can always bribe the lab technician or just wait for the results to be left in plain view on a desk.

3. Your Bitter Rival is Your Mother, Daughter, Sister, Son Etc. Months and even years are spent building up a rivalry between two characters on a soap opera that by now is a predictable precursor to the shocking discovery that the two are related. Only now, it's not so much of a shocking discovery. Olivia is Ava's proud mom on Guiding Light, Jessica and Natalie are sisters on One Life to Live and Katherine and Jill on The Young and the Restless turned out to be mother and daughter after years of being at each other's throats.

4. Weddings Stopped At the Eleventh Hour. Soap opera weddings get stopped by people on horseback, people being helicoptered to the chapel and people waving a piece of crucial evidence that implicates the bride or the groom in some evil deed which therefore makes the nuptials impossible to go through with. When the preacher says, "Does anyone here know of any reasons that these two should not be wed?", that is the cue for the doors to be blown open by someone putting a stop to the wedding. More times than not, they are also back from the dead!

5. Amnesia. Every soap opera recycles the amnesia plot line for one of their characters at least once a year. This usually results from the classic bump on the head, but can also be provoked by any one of the mystery illnesses that makes it's way through soap opera land at an alarming rate each year. If you watch soap operas long enough, you can almost become convinced that amnesia eventually befalls everyone and is a more common ailment than a toothache.
Funny, when Punk mocked John Laurinitis continuously, we had a Cena Laurinitis feud a few months later!
Now a few months back Punk and AJ were in a "fling" and now AJ's busted for dating Cena?

Seems WWE Creative considers Punk vs <insert name here> a prototype and Cena vs <insert name here> as the masterpiece. Unfortunately what they don't realise is that the prototype is much better. I'm not a fan of this angle, simply because it doesn't make sense.
Yep, certainly sounds like a Punk fan talking.
I'm interested to see where this goes because I have a feeling Punk (and by extension Heyman) could end up interjecting themselves somewhere.

What ? My screen name didn't give it away :rolleyes:

Them being interjected is just backwards, both Heyman and Punk have already had their problems with AJ, so what sense would it make for them to be interjected when anything that will or might happen down the line could've of just as easily started this whole "charge". AJ/Cena was a snap decision, and it came off as such.

Don't get me wrong I love AJ, and being in a storyline with Cena will do wonders for her, but the whole thing was forced and rushed.
this storyline seemed to just come together out of nowhere and maybe it could be interesting. i have a feeling that in the end AJ will swerve Cena and really be on someone else's side, maybe even CM Punk. no matter what happens though, i sense that Cena will get swerved by AJ here.
Funny, when Punk mocked John Laurinitis continuously, we had a Cena Laurinitis feud a few months later!
Now a few months back Punk and AJ were in a "fling" and now AJ's busted for dating Cena?

Seems WWE Creative considers Punk vs <insert name here> a prototype and Cena vs <insert name here> as the masterpiece. Unfortunately what they don't realise is that the prototype is much better. I'm not a fan of this angle, simply because it doesn't make sense.

See, I see it as this- I see that Cena is sooo bad at everything more then his 5 moves, they have to steal other's story lines and insert Cena to actually have something for him to do.

Soon I expect Cena to end up a Heyman guy.
If it ties into the Cena/Punk feud, I'm all for it. The love triangle gave Daniel Bryan something to work with in his feud with Punk, and that feud was so good, it led to AJ in charge of Raw and Bryan forming Team Hell No. AJ being caught between two men (get your minds out of the gutter!) is money in WWE, and could give Cena vs Punk new legs. With AJ involved, the two men can feud all the way to TLC, allowing the ultimate victor to just jump straight into build for the match against The Rock at Royal Rumble.

Presuming of course, Ryback doesn't win on Sunday...
I don't even remember Cena asking AJ out on a "date" last week on Raw, so I guess I must have missed it (either I skipped over it on my DVR, or it was so forgettable I just blacked it out or whatever). I thought that WWE was looking for a way to get both AJ & Booker T out of their GM spots a few weeks ago, but I also remember reading an article that said the plan to get rid of them had been changed. Obviously they decided to go ahead with that, at least in the case of AJ.

It seems that since the WWE didn't want to use AJ as the GM of Raw anymore, and this was the best thing they could come up with to write her out of her GM role. As several people have already suggested, it would have made more sense to use Punk for this instead of Cena...although I'm sure they wanted a babyface (Cena) in that role, instead of a heel (Punk). I understand that logic, because this angle will probably be better overall with a babyface who is/was the one "involved" with AJ (instead of Punk, who is currently the #1 heel).

Even though Cena said he was "medically cleared" last night, I doubt that the WWE wants to take any big chances with him right now. Cena can probably go, but I'd imagine they want to give him at least a few more weeks off before they put him back in a feud where he's actually wrestling. What's the solution for that? Put him in a dramatic romance angle with AJ! Of course! LOL!! I do see their logic in this though, since an angle like this will keep Cena on TV without him having to wrestle (at least for a little while). If this story keeps going for long enough, it will obviously have to culminate in some sort of match where Cena gets his long-awaited "revenge" on whoever is responsible for all of this. I don't necessarily see this angle as a bad thing, since it will keep Cena away from the Title Picture for a little while longer. Ultimately, I see it as a good thing (even though the story they chose is a bit trite).
This storyline is just really stupid A few years back Vicki was '' married '' to Edge and cheated on him with The Big Show, They never made Vicki quit but she did get a ''Divorce'' from Edge .

And now AJ had an '' Affair '' with John Cena and has to resign as GM. and here's another one Vince '' Cheating '' on Linda with Trisha and Torrie and another diva how does that logic work with fans who actually follow WWE and they reuse story lines.

Fans get sick of seeing the same old shit the WWE Writing team needs to come up with new shit and Vince needs to quit having them and himself rewrite the shit. I am shocked that WWE has not went on the air and the whole show was one big cluster fuck because of all the damn rewrites.

What they need to do is write everything the night before or at 10 - 11 AM Monday Morning make 2 to 3 copies and be done with it instead of 2 minutes to air time everything get done except a few minor things.
See, I see it as this- I see that Cena is sooo bad at everything more then his 5 moves, they have to steal other's story lines and insert Cena to actually have something for him to do.

Soon I expect Cena to end up a Heyman guy.

Shut up. I swear you are the one person on this forum that i dislike with a dying passion because you speak such garbage. No facts, No logic involved, just a guy/girl that talks out his/her ass like an idiot. I'm going to toss this out there, but I wouldn't be surprised if you were a Romney guy, you douche.
It was a very lame way to fire AJ. Teddy was the Smackdown GM and was "dating" Aksana. Vickie was "married" to Edge when she was gm. She is also managing Dolph which could be a conflict of interest.

It kind of came out of nowhere. I guess this is meant to give Cena something to do. It looks like Ryback might feud with Punk for the rest of the year. Other than being Ryback's head cheerleader Cena isn't doing much.
The saving grace for this is Punk can get involved and mention the fact that it can't be an "affair" as Cena isn't married anymore. Hell, that's a sure fire way to add some extra, personal, spice to a Punk vs Cena match at Survivor Series.

Otherwise it's a crappy move involving a crappy stipulation that Vince used to sum up the state of WWE at present "it is what it is"
AJ was hugely over as the crazy chick compared to the incompetent GM.

Part of the fun in watching WWE is trying to figure out where they're going with storylines and whether some of their decisions will wind up shrewd or stupid. As the OP said, AJ was hugely over as the "Crazy Chick in Love!"..... which could be subtitled: "Psycho Girls Gone Wild!" She was the most important diva since Trish Stratus.

I thought the GM role was ridiculous; a total misuse of a diva who had something hot going. Casting her as an administrator cut her off from the ability to do what she did best: act like a moonstruck teenager stalking guys. Instead, she suddenly had the authority to order them around. Stupid!

Still, I wouldn't be surprised if Creative wasn't making the smart decision of giving the "femme fatale" routine a break so it wouldn't be overdone, as so many of WWE's programs have been in the past. Take the whole John Laurinaitis gig: I figured they'd stick with it until we were so sick of it we'd rebel. As his (kayfabe) power grew and grew, I was sure of it. Instead, they wisely got rid of him before the program could start to stink like yesterday's garbage. It was a smart move by Vince McMahon and Creative.

But since AJ was so over, they needed something new to re-establish the appeal she held earlier. I doubt it was ever intended to keep her as GM for long, but if it's time to feature her again, what better way to do it than: (1) Put her in a guy-chasing situation (2) Do it with the top guy.

Like some of the others in this topic, I don't know why they'd start a Cena-AJ program if they don't intend to pursue it. Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't used Cena in this manner before. Romance is a new frontier for Cena.....and he's got the right girl for the part. Go.
Nah, they're going to do something with this. The fact that they injected John Cena into this scenario rather than someone like Zack Ryder or Santino Marella is all the evidence I need that this will be a significant storyline. Whether or not it'll be a good one is another thing entirely.

I read a report on PWInsider.com this morning that mentioned this angle. The site is reporting that people close to Ric Flair are saying that he'll be at Raw next Monday. The Raw after HIAC takes place in Charlotte, North Carolina and the belief is that Flair will be involved in the Cena/AJ/Vickie storyline. I don't know if there's any truth to it or not, but Flair returning and taking part in this might be very interesting.

If this is legit, at least as far as Flair popping up on Raw next week, then it'll generate some interest. The reason Flair hasn't shown up in WWE long before now is due to the TNA lawsuit. If he shows up this Monday, I think it'll mean that WWE is either just tired of waiting for the legal issues with TNA to clear up or they're very confident in their legal team's ability to beat the lawsuit.
This is just plain a waste of characters lets face it its damn near a mirror of Christopher Daniels/AJ Styles from what two month ago maybe in TNA. Shit they couldn't even use a character with a different name in it. AJ Styles was having an affair with Owner Dixie Carter, they had photos and quick video clips that could be inferred as anything, now Cena is having an affair with GM AJ Lee and photos of them at dinner and video clips that can be inferred how you want. Also as already mentioned GM Vicky with Edge, its been implied 1000 times that her and Dolph are more then just business partners but she is the replacement for AJ. Cena got hurt needed a way to get someone else in match with Punk, now Cena is cleared needed a story to keep the Face of the company in the for front and really try to keep him in front of your Champ story wise. The writing keeps getting worse, they've had to go to pulling from a TNA storyline, its just sad the rumors that top performers are telling Vince he's out of touch, I hope are right because its getting awful. If they go with a Cean/Ziggler story to try to push Ziggler to a more main event guy to make it better when he cashes in the brief case they could of get it better then this crap. I hate listening to Vicky talk in general
There is 1 reason and only 1 reason why I am willing to give this story line a chance.

It appears Dolph Ziggler is going to enter a program with John Cena.

Frankly done right this could be a huge thing for Ziggler. Everyone knows that Ziggler will make Cena looks like Superman on steriods, but if at the same time Cena givens him a proper rub and allows Ziggler to come out of this strong, not dominate but heel strong think Triple H during Evolution strong, it could be the perfect thing Ziggler needs to push him over the edge and cash in his brief case.

Beyond that I think his story line is stupid.
Continuing this topic for another week. I wasn't entertained at all by what I saw last night. The prospect of Ziggler feuding with Cena does nothing for me. Ziggler has fought like crap lately and other than holding the briefcase he is coming off like a mid-card enhancement talent. It might as well be Cena-Tensai. That being said I am a tiny bit intrigued by the prospect of AJ falling for Cena (she did have a little crazy lust in her eyes when Vicky was threatening her to admit she cared for him and then after her match) and I definitely think that segment will be if not the highest rated for the night at least the one with the highest viewership.

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