Cee Lo Green was robbed

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Heard this song? Of course you have. It's only one of the hottest new songs out today, with playtime everywhere, from radio (As the censored version "Forget You"), to movie trailers, even appearing as background music on The Today Show of all places.

So, what about this song? Heard it? Of course you have, everyone loves that duet, with the two singers, and they're talking about love and it's so sweet and moving! Wait, what song am I describing again? Oh yeah, about a million songs released within the past thirty years.

It's a travesty, a travesty I say, that Cee Lo Green didn't win any Grammies for his song, Fuck You. I mean, listen to it. It's funny. It's fresh. It's something you just don't hear every day. It's lit up the charts, the internet, the country with its style and pizazz. Compare it to the other song, which is inoffensive, but hardly anything special. And yet, the other song won over Cee Lo Green and several other songs for Best Record AND Best Song. It's just ridiculous.

Come on, Grammy Awards committee. Get your heads out of your asses. Grow some stones and try giving the awards to the songs that try something different instead of the same glurge-filled soppy dime-a-dozen love songs.

Yeah, I mad.
Yeah, Cee Lo got robbed, as did Justin Bieber after his spectacular performance with Usher and Jayden Smith, and Drake, who worked his ass off for the position he's in right now, all for... Lady Antebellum and Arcade Fire and... Esperanza Spalding...

Who the fuck are these people? I don't know, and I can't figure out how they're Grammy award winners. It's sad that they ask all these big names to come perform for the show, for the ratings, then give all the awards to the people nobody's ever heard of.

I agree about Lady Antebellum. She's the epitome of generic, and I can't understand why she swept tonight. It only further solidifies the idea that these award shows are a joke.
I absolutely HATE that Cee-Lo Green song, it is just horrific. Overplayed, irritating and doesnt show off his voice as well as it should


For the success of the track, its popularity and how it does sound different to almost anything else out there, I agree it probably deserved to win the award. Quite surprised it didnt.

I just hope I never have to hear it again, cannot stand it
Cee-Lo is one of the few original artists that mainstream music has to offer, so It's no surprise to me he wasn't given the proper respect that he deserves.

I mean the combination of Cee-Lo and Danger mouse as Gnarls Barkley produced some of the most refreshing mainstream music I've heard over the last few years, and his solo work has been just as invigorating.

Being unique and different in your music production and delivery will not get you noticed by the Grammys, perhaps if Cee-Lo where to have shown up in a Giant egg it would have been a different story.
I absolutely ADORE that Cee-Lo song. I've loved many of his songs. I agree it was a bit off-putting to see him not get an award. I'm also a fan of Lady Antebellum, but I didn't think their performance on the Grammys were really up to par with some of the others. I was like ":icon_neutral: Not that good, not awful, seen better."

However, Cee-Lo, he blew my mind that night, the whole colorful, Fraggle Rock looking concept and had Gwyneth Paltrow, which, girl can sing alright, didn't know that. She wasn't too bad. I LOVED it. He's just an original with anything he does. The one year, I think it was an MTV award show he dressed all his set up like Star Wars with Stormtroopers, that was pretty bad-ass. He also did the Saturday Night Live recently and was in a skit with Gwyneth leading up to his performance where it was debated whether or not what to call the song and they kept making up other words for the "F" in his song. He even nailed it that night live. I really like him and think he's very creative, and love the old-school vibe he's got going on in that song. I mean, I can't fault the "Grammys" or whoever chose to give Antebellum the awards, at least they didn't give it to Bieber, or there'd be millions of those screaming teenies and it'd never be the end. But Cee-Lo is probably going to be fine, I think he knows he doesn't need a grammy to know he's all that. :p

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