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CCS' Wrestlemania 25 review. Warning: it's long.


Getting Noticed By Management
First off, last night I was pissed off just like everyone else. But after thinking about it Wrestlemania really wasnt all that bad. They had some very entertaining matches, and one spectacular match. Here's my rundown of the card.

Tag title unification match
They really should've put this on the maincard. I was really looking forward to it, but instead we got ten minutes of Kid Rock! Anyways, I was hoping Carlito and Primo would win. They'll be great champion and Miz and Morrison need to go their separete ways anyway.

Money in the Bank
Shelton's dive off the ladder was awesome.

Christian is hugely over. I was rooting for him to win, but I didnt think he would. Last year everyone wanted Y2J to win, but he didnt because I'm assuming he was being punished. So I thought all along that it'd be the same scenario this year for Christian.

Shelton botching that flip powerbomb coulda killed MVP. Benjamin is a dipstick.

They did a lot of cool things with the ladders this year. Kingstons spot where he climbed the while Mark Henry was holding it was awesome, and I really liked the spot where Shelton ran up all the ladders.

I didnt care much about CM Punk winning. He's okay and all, but he didnt do shit with the case last year. Hopefully this time he gets a better push.

Kid Rock's concert
He sucked. I was really pumped up after MITB, but they killed that by having Rock sing forever...and ever...and ever. He shoulda just opened up with Cowboy, then went into Bawtiba, then played out the Divas with So Hott.

25 Diva battle Royal
I dont see why people are mad about this. Most people wanted Santino to win, but when he does win people pitch fits about it. Santino is more over than any of those divas, past or present. I dont even care that they didnt have "separate entrances" because I really dont care about any of the old divas anyway.

Santino was awesome as usuall. I think that's the hardest I've ever laughed at a Wrestlemania. The announcers playing stupid was a bit annoying. But I'm happy for Santino, he got his Wrestlemania moment!

Jericho vs the Legends
Jimmy Snuka or Roddy Piper had no buisness being in that ring last night. Theyr'e too old to put on a good show. The match would have been just fine if it was Steamboat vs Jericho with Ric Flair in Steamboat's corner. I was really suprised at how good Steamboat STILL is. He was simply great last night. I really think the guy could still have some great matches with a lot of current wrestlers.

Chris Jericho winning was nice. I really thought they'd job him to the legends. But he won, and he won clean. So I'm actually really happy with the way the match turned out.....Untill we get to Mickey Rourke.....That was just terrible IMO. Mickey took forever to finally get in the ring, and he teased the crowd FOREVER. Then when he finally gets in, he looks twenty different kinds of fucked up. (Seriously, dreadlocks and a fucking leathers vest?) Then to make matters worse he didnt even wrestle. All he did was dance around for a bit then hit Jericho with a crappy punch. Bottom line for that segmant is....FUCK YOU, MICKEY ROURKE!

JBL vs Mysterio
This was my peepee break. But I still seen just about everything. By the time JBL got done talking I'd done been to the bathroom, stretched, and got me something to eat. Then....we get to Mysterio.....I really dont know what to think of his little Joker gimmick costume. But I'm pretty sure I didnt like it. A Batman Mysterio would have been much cooler. (Remember Santino saying that Rey Mysterio is either the Bat-a-man or he's just plain ugly?) The match itself was what it was. You cant expect much from a 21 second match. But I'm happy that Rey won the title. JBL retiring is sad, he's been a great part of the WWE since 2004. He's one of the best heels I've ever seen. I'll miss the guy.

Taker vs Michaels
Fucking Awesome!!! The entrances where just great. It did a good job of getting people excited for the match. Then we get to the actuall match. It was just simply great. I really thought they'd have a hard time living up to all the hype, but boy they did! Shawn did a great job of making me think that he actually was going to win at times, even though before the match started everyone knew who was going to win. In the end Taker hit the tombstone and won, but I really think there was no loser in this match. I belive this is the first "5 Star" match I've ever seen live.

Triple threat for the WHC
Meh. I didnt really care about the match. But overall it was pretty good for what it was. I didnt expect a 5 Star masterpeice here, so I was pleasently suprised. Cena winning the WHC is cool. I like Cena and I know he'll be a great champion. Cena's entrance was pretty cool, and I marked out when Basic Thuganomics first started playing. I was a bit disappointed that Vickie wasnt all that involved in the match. The whole storyline was about her, then she doesnt even screw over one of her lovers! I think I prefer it that way anyway.

Triple H's burial of Randy Orton
Ugh. I have no problem with Triple H beating Orton. It's just the way he did it. I dont think they could have made Orton look any worse than that. It was just a bullshit ending. The crowd NEVER got into the match, but they would always pop whenever ORTON would get some offense in. Everyone one wanted Orton to win that match. He's become that great anti-hero that everyone wanted him to be. But then Triple H buried his ass. I dont think anyone in that building wanted Triple H to win. If you go back and listen the crowd is silent when Triple H is getting offense in, but they start getting louder when Orton's getting in offense and working the crowd.

Again I say, I DO NOT have a problem with Triple H winning. But I hate how he won. That's the biggest burial I've ever seen in a pro wrestling match. I dare anyone to try to defend Triple H after that shit.
I forgot about Steve Austin's little thing he did. It was pretty cool. But I wish he would of cut short little promo before he left. Besides that the segment was great....besides me thinking he was going to wreck the 4-wheeler a few times.

Also, people need to give Randy Orton props for that last night. The guy was great. He carried his part of the match and got himself over. And he sold every move Triple H gave to him perfectly. That's something Triple H has never done for him. Remember at Wrestlemania 24 when Orton punted Trips but HHH still jumped up and tried to break the pin? Well last night Triple H punted Orton and Randy sold it like he was dead. That shows you what kind of wrestler Orton is. He knew he was going to get buried, but he was still a professional and he layed there like he was dead through the whole thing. Do you really think Triple H would have done that? Hell, Triple H was still stirring around after he was smashed in the head with a sledge hammer...so yeah...
Most people wanted Santino to win, but when he does win people pitch fits about it. Santino is more over than any of those divas, past or present. I dont even care that they didnt have "separate entrances" because I really dont care about any of the old divas anyway.

Who the fuck wanted Santino to win?

I sure as hell didn't.
I remember a lot of people saying they wanted Santino to win. I know I did. I find Santino more entertaining than any of the Diva's, past or present. I dont even care if it did "spit on the face of the womens division" The womens division is best known for showing tits in playboy and bra and pantie matches anyway, so Santino winning really isnt going to hurt it's reputation.

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