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Dufflebag Mod!!
(The scene open with a view of the WCZW corporate office. Then the camera pans down and around to view the parking lot and the cars parking. Then the camera quickly cuts to the entrance gate when a dark Green 2007 Navigator pulls up in the entrance to the parking lot. Then Sincade get out, he is dress in blue designer jeans and a black "paramount" shirt. He steps on the hood of the Navigator to get to the roof and throw his yankees hat to the ground then Bishop hands him a bullhorn.)

Sincade: I'm here for one reason and it not to sell girl scout cookies. Since I crash landed in this god forsaken company I been shafted by these so called "board of executives". It make me sick to my damn stomach when a man who come from another sport telling me what I should and shouldn't do. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to guess who I'm talking about. I'm getting tired of people kissing ass but can't wrestle they way out of a paper bag. Getting my shot, my opportunity.

(Then a large crowd of WZCW fans starts to crowd around the Navigator)

Sincade: All this old fart ever did since I came here was live off the welfare of High Society! If we just came down to the ring and fart. His bank account goes up, But all this wrinky ass bastard did was hold us back. First you put me in matches with a Drug addict that think he can bend reality. You gave a man like Ace Cannon, A man who was the Former primetime champion, a man who a year ago kept this company A float by himself and, You reward him with a match with Kenny? You got AJ, Who is a great talent. Who can be at the top of this business and you put him in matches with a person of opposite sex.

(Then the fans starts screaming High Society! High Society! High Society! Then Sincade take the bullhorn away from his mouth and pause for a minute. He looks around at the High Society Fans screaming and cheering he smile before he speaks again)

Sincade: You hear it for yourself! I said it once...I said it twice.....and I said it again Chuck ya ole bit*h until you take notice we will make your life a living hell, and we will turn this goddamn company upside down! You seen it yourself High Society own that damn battle A C to the E is going on to make History as the first WZCW champion... and that is something you can't stomach huh Chuck? So consider this the first shot of many, because by Hook or by crook High Society is taking over. So Mr Myles, Chuck , Assassin whatever! Don't take this as a warning, take this as a promise!

(Then a security guard run out trying to break up the crowd and clear the entrance way to the parking lot. Then Sincade jump off the roof of the car to confront Security)

Security: Excuse Mr Sincade I need you to leave the premises right now.

Sincade: Don't you see us having a friendly little get together?

Security: Please Mr Sincade I don't want no problem just leave or I have to use force

Sincade: Oh Force!! *look over at Bishop* now we wouldn't want that Right Bishop?.

(Then Sincade give Bishop a nod. Suddenly Bishop grabs the Security guard by the neck, Then the Security try and punch Bishop in the Rib to try and loosen Bishop grip but has no success. Security is slowly dropping to one knee when Bishop pick him up and "Club Bang" him thru the windshield of someone car)

Sincade: Now you see chuck. *Sincade walks over to the man body and grab him by the hair. The mans eyes are rolling to the back of his head* Now you see this is the First casualty of war Chuck. There will be many more like him if you don't take notice. You have to wonder now Chuck, Does this man have a wife? Does this man have kids?

(Sincade pull the Security guard limp body onto the hood of the car and starts checking the Security Guard pocket and found his wallet and start going thru it)

Sincade: Yes he have a Wife Chuck, yes he have kids. Now they have to see dear olé dad in a hospital bed, Because of you Assassin, Because you won't listen Chuck. *the camera zoom in slowly to Sincade face while Sincade is talking in a calm tone* There will be more bodies Chuck, Oh yeah There will be more. All you have to do is listen, Just listen Chuck. *taps Bishop on his shoulder* lets get the hell out of here.

(As the Sincade and Bishop leave the camera Examine the body of the security guard on top of the car with crowd screaming for more as the scene fades to black the camera scale down to the license plate that says "THE CAREER STOPPER")

OCC: I written this before my match with Micheal it was a Promo.
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