Carlito-Hope or Non


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This is my second of my series of threads concerning a superstars future. I want to know If Carlito has a "world champ" future. I will give you pros & cons to help you decide.
Pros: Former US champ and IC champ. He gets over with the crowd, Heel or face. He is very fast, but a the same time, he is strong.
Cons: He has been out of action for a while. Also, in most teams, 1 person makes it bigger, and Primo is getting more inring time.
Explain what you think about Carlito.
Carlito-Hope or Non
carlito as heel is where he gets over most with me, although i can be a fan who loves the heel and hates the face. his in ring and mic work are good but i just dont see him getting over. to me he could dominate the mid card but just isnt a main eventer. like said above, he isnt getting the time on air right now because guys like swagger and mark henry are in the picture. why? i'll never know.... thats not cool.
carlito is great but he has a poor attitude. the colons should of stayed in the tag division cause to me they were the only tag team left and now the only ones why have are jerishow cryme tyme hart dynasty legacy you really cant expect 3 1/2 tag teams can carry the whole division i hope jerishow lose the tag title before survior series so we can see a tag title match at ss. carlito is just not consistent at all he will be great for a couple months then he just gets lazy. i think carlito smokes weed and alot of wrestlers that do smoke weed while in the wwe dont get pushed because of that.
I would disagree Primo held him back. The two won the first unified tag team championships before Wrestlemania. Have the tag titles ever been unified before (I have no clue). If not, I would say that is a unique accomplishment.

But then again, when they split up and Carlito turned heel again, I guess you could argue that the feud was short lived because their wasn't much interest in either guy - or atleast certainly not to the extent of the Hardy feud.

Carlito is just another guy lost in the Bermuda triangle of mid-carders in the WWE. It's a shame because I always thought his in-ring work was great, and he had a unique personality.
I would disagree Primo held him back. The two won the first unified tag team championships before Wrestlemania. Have the tag titles ever been unified before (I have no clue). If not, I would say that is a unique accomplishment.

But then again, when they split up and Carlito turned heel again, I guess you could argue that the feud was short lived because their wasn't much interest in either guy - or atleast certainly not to the extent of the Hardy feud.

Carlito is just another guy lost in the Bermuda triangle of mid-carders in the WWE. It's a shame because I always thought his in-ring work was great, and he had a unique personality.

Well said.

I still say splitting up the Colons was a bad move. Sure, it set up a spot for Jerishow but I'd argue the Colons were a much more exciting tag team. In fact, they were a TAG TEAM as opposed to 2 talented singles wrestlers working together. But I digress.

Carlito's been around for a long enough time to have made a decent impact but he still hasn't. Especially not as a heel. I'd think a face turn and stick him on ECW to build himself back up. He'd work well going against Regal's cronies.
Carlito was way over in 2005 (he even recieved "Carlito" chants at WM22 being a heel), I thought at the time he had the makings of being a huge main eventer, in the near future.

What happened? Like MVP right now ... he turned face ... and the Triple H comments didnt help either.
I think carlito should just ask for a release from wwe. I think he would be better off somewhere else.No im not saying tna but maybe. I just think vince doesnt know how to use certain wrestlers. Not to sound rude or judgemental or bother anyone when i say this but vince really doesnt push wrestlers of different color or race. Not saying he's raciest but come on mvp, crime tyme,chavo,i can go on. But seriously whens the last timer u seena champion of the race or anything close.Its always the same people getting it and then they toss it back and forth.Vince crap is getting old, I'm sick and tired of seeing his son and law get everything he wants. Use to be a huge fans of h's but come on.I think carlito couldnt been something but now he wont be.As long as h is in the picture and vince listens to himself and his lil princess.Noone will ever step up or every explode to who there suppose to be.Just look at the names mr.anderson left cause of orton crying and wining, hogan vince just wanted him for the money,kurt angle, taz, paul haymen, the list can go on. So really the best thing for carlito is not to be sent to ecw to be repackaged but to be released.Let him fix his career and the superstar he's suppose to be.
Carlito. I saw this guy when he first entered pro wrestling. It surrounds his life. He definately has potential, lots of it. But he doesn't seem to have much of a drive at the moment.Possibly because of him not being used. His tag team with his brother Eddie was awesome. But unfortunately, I could smell the quick split a mile away. Its not because of the fad WWE has created with tag teams. Its that some brothers make better enemies than friends, and this was one of those cases. I had high hopes that instead of going in the tipical brother vs brother route they would somehow replicate their past rivalry. With a good feud they both could've been over by now. As for Carlito still having hope, yeah. Throw him a bone and he'll chase it. Throw that bone to ECW and bring Christian to Smackdown, it can work. Just him a chance.
Why would someone who has been labelled lazy in the ring be motivated to ask for a release. He gets paid a lot of money to do very little right now. I can't see him making more money anywhere else.

As for him becoming a huge star I don't see that either. He doesn't have the look of a main eventer. He looks kinda small in the ring and definitely doesn't aspire to move up the ladder at all. A passionate wrestler will go places because they are always eager to improve in and out of the ring and learn new moves to get over.
HE is talented great in ring worker and he has mic skills I think that his time is coming now they are pushing Swagger and the other but they told Carlito that they have nothing for him now but that they will figure something out so he can be back
Carlito had a shot to be in the main event. He had a few of them back in 2005 and 2006. Even in 2007 he had a nice run, but since then, he has done absoluetly nothing. Teaming with his brother was the only thing that even got him back on tv, and just when things started going good for him, HE ASKED CREATIVE to pull them apart. Well sorry Carlito, but you sealed your own fate with that one.

As for Carlito having any hope at this point, I think he falls in the same category as Shelton Benjamin, IRRELEVENT!
I think Carlito could be huge. Maybe as big as Rey Misterio and/or even Eddie Guerrero. However, its not him that needs to focus. When he is "on", he's on. I just dont think he has the backing from WWE. Maybe he's been in the dog house a few times, but so was Shawn Michaels and Triple H at points in there careers, and look at where they are now. I have a great idea as how to bring Carlito back up.....

Carlito's next fued could be with none other than Rey Misterio (after he gets done with Batista). Carlito cuts some promo's bout Rey being mentioned as one of the greatest Latin wrestlers of all time, and how he [Carlito] is never mentioned in that category. He attacks Rey backstage and before, after, and during matches until he is granted a match with Rey at a future ppv. Rey manages to win, but Carlito isnt done. He calls in his backup: Primo, his brother. Together they harrass and beat up Misterio. They run down his old tag team partner, Eddie Guerrero, saying the Colons were better than the Guerrero's ever were. After Carlito picks up a Smackdown win over Misterio with the help of his brother, Misterio gets some backup: Chavo Guerrero. Being a Guerrero of course, Chavo would take exception to the bad mouthing of the Colons and the attacking of family friend Rey Misterio. These 4 guys being great technical wrestlers couldnt put on a hell of a show and it would be a great fued, maybe even lead up to a final WrestleMania confrontation between Carlito and Misterio.

From there he could enter the I.C. title scene once again and from there, they could start to push him up to the top much like they did CM Punk. Have him fued with the likes of Jericho, and Punk and the others.

From there I think he could be a World title contender
I really like Carlito a lot. He has the look, the aggression, the moveset, the mic skills, the music, his own show, the heel persona and the finisher. He simply needs to be pushed as hard as he wants, so that they keep him interested. Check this out, I wonder when his contract is up. If he ever makes his way to TNA, he is the type of talent that would really thrive over there.
Wow, I really forgot about him. Good thread. I am a fan of his. He's one of my favorites. They could really use him on Raw because of all the new guys (Miz, Swagger, Bourne, Sheamus) and they can make him a real player in the main event (not specifically to the WWE Title) like Kofi Kingston. That past Orton/Carlito feud was freakin good especially how it ended (Carlito does a high flying move from the TB/ropes and gets caught with and RKO<<). He can really be a big main event player heel or face (preferably heel). And it would be awesome if we get a classic Carlito/Cena feud where Carlito goes over.
I always liked Carlito but he seems to keep screwing him self over by saying the wrong thing to the media. Creative should push him as the heel he was on raw a few years ago when there was no room for him in the main event and push him on smackdown or ecw where theres a little more room. Hes a great talent who is both entertaining on the mic and in the ring. Personally I'd like to see a fued between him and Jerico.
Carlito, now this guy would of been the best heel in wwe right now. He just have that love to hate look and personality. Sure, he is a good face after being a heel. (like the rock after backlash 99) But he messed it up. Made John Cena look stupid debuting on smackdown 2004, made Shelton look like nothing debuting on raw.

He was giving a lot of opportunities to really shine in the wwe. But somewhere, he lost his cool. The Colons, a good ass tag team. The split to early, Primo wasn't really ready imo to take his single competition to the next level. Carlio, I thought he was going to be a bigger threat as a heel but seems like right now he is forgotten.

Do i have hope's for him in the wwe ? I don't know. It is up to Carlio and wwe to make it work. Carlito needs to come back as a heel or face go harder and knock down some of these main eventers, and be in a title picture. Cause he does have the talent to be there.
I really see nothing in him or his brother that make me want to watch him. If Carlito is a face, i dont want to cheer for him at all like i guess I'm suppose to, and if he's heel i just don't care enough to want to see him lose. He isn't entertaining at all to me, and it seems like he hasn't done anything except in his very first match in wwe where he defeated Cena for the United States title. Some people may disagree saying he has potential, but after what like 5 years, what has he done to show he is improving to be somewhat of something in wwe? Yeah sure he can pull of some high-flying moves but that will get him as far as Jamie Noble in wwe. I feel wwe sees nothing in him and neither do I.
In this business, having the natural abilities is never enough. This is a guy born into wrestling, a guy who probably has more intimate knowledge of the business than 95 percent of the guys at his age. However, that knowledge and bloodline has led him to have a feeling of superiority from the beginning. Debuting by beating the man who is now the face of the WWE should motivate a guy to rise to great heights, but it seems he took the path of believing that push would happen regardless of work ethic. It is known, and I don't have links as they are from a while ago, that he does lack motivation at times. You can also see this when he calls out guys with higher positions than him. Weak people make excuses, strong people work their asses off to overcome whatever may or may not be holding them down.

If you look at the past year, Carlito had a rebirth in a tag team with his brother. He got TV time and was somewhat relevant again. Then he asks for the split as he prefers to work heel. At this point, I think he assumed (and this is an opinion based on putting the pieces together to figure out his personality) that he as a vet compared to Miz and Swagger would get the top midcard heel spot. However, both young men have worked extremely hard to earn their tv time, while Carlito worked his matches and did little else. Miz and Swagger have gotten people to care about what they do, Carlito has not, Simple as that. If he ever matched a work ethic to the talent level, he might have a place working every TV taping, though I'm not sure I could ever buy him as a main eventer.
I like Carlito. He's a great in-ring performer, he's great on the mic, if he is given the chance, he can shine! You can't ask more from a WWE superstar. He has all the components of a star, but the problem is that he gets the wrong type of publicity. I understand where he's coming from with asking for pushes and whatnot, but bad-mouthing Triple is not doing him any favors at all. He can do great on any of the brands, but he's very underrated. I'd like to see him go far in the WWE, but it's not very likely.
No, this dude is hopeless, he is lazy and he has no desire to improve. When he first entered the WWE I liked what I was seeing, but he soon got lazy and his look wore off. I still had a little bit of faith in him, then he started looking lazy in the ring, and he looked like he wasn't caring. So I completely gave up on him. Then his brother came in, thought that was going to light a spark under his ass. That didn't work. His tag team run was short lived and his brother feud was even shorter. He doesn't seem to care and a person with no work ethic doesn't deserve to be picking up a decent size check from Mr. McMahon. So Carlito is pretty worthless. I can't believe he has lasted this long...
Carlito has the talent to hold a world title, but the way he's been booked and pushed, I would have to say it isnt in his future with WWE. His gimmick was good for a while, but got old. As a face, he was marketed like a cartoon character with the high hair. For him to even be considered a main event talent, he needs a major overhaul.. just like Kofi's recent change.

His brother did hold him back a bit. It's not Primo's fault, but anytime you get put into a mid-card tag team after having a pretty successful mid-card singles run.. not good mojo for your career.

At this pace, he'll be next to have a program with Hornswaggle.
Well actually he already did have a stint with Hornswaggle. Based on how much he's been used lately, chasing after the leprechaun again would be an improvement for Carlito.
Yeah, this guy is screwed. It would be nice to see him have some level of success again as he has been one of my favorites from day 1. But it just doesnt look like its going to happen, he doesnt want it bad enough. He had all the potential to make it big. He owned Cena for the longest time, and fought for the WWE Championship throughout the summer of 2005. Sure some wrestlers make it after being in the doghouse, but Carlito has been in the doghouse for nearly 3 years now! As for when the turning point happened, id have to say it was long before Primo was around. I would go all the way back to Unforgiven 2006. Carlito was the star on the rise and around this time Randy Orton couldnt stop fucking up and was thought to be on his way out. Carlito at the time was the bigger star in the match and after it was all over, Randy began his rise back to the top again and Carlito slowly went the other way.

Here's the link:
Big mistake in drafting the Colons to RAW and then splitting them up. They were getting some pretty good air time as a team on Smackdown. I guess you can blame his attitude for part of him not being pushed but at the same time creative should help him do something.

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