can you rate my first sig?

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Hmmm, that is the best siggy I have ever seen. My love goes to you. Lmao :p
Porky, you can't say shit. You have two goddamn posts. STFU, fucking noob.

And BTW, I cant see the first one Zachman. I can only see the Edge one, which I give an 8/10 on a beginner's scale (If you really did make it).
thats really good considering its your first sig...wel done m8
Yaszie_123 said:
Hmmm, that is the best siggy I have ever seen. My love goes to you. Lmao :p
***. Why do that? Anyways it is really good for a first try. I would take that for mine if i didnt have my own forums. It is a 9.5/10
9.5? Dude, I hate to tell you, and I'm going to be constructive, but it's pretty damn poor. Here's why, and here's how to improve it:

1) The filter on thos epics as the BG is hoorendous. Filters should be used sparingly, as they hardly ever help a piece.

2) The DX logo is a little dull, did you blur it? Also, the positioning of it is OK, but it could be better.

3) The border would look better as a 1px black border.

4) Improve the blending. I can see the line where the 2 pictures meet, and that's not cool. Either screen them and put a PSD over the seam, use a mask and blend them in or feather it.

Apart from this, I like the 'Are you ready' text, it fits DX's character, and the pictures you've actually used are decent. The text for the name shouldn't be the same, use a simple, small text, a pixelated one or arial or something.

Overall, it's about a 4/10. But, I can definately see room for improvement. Keep at it.

My first sig was far worse than that and I can churn out far better stuff easily now. Play around and experiment. And sorry if you get offended by any of that criticism, I'm calling it as I see it.
Thanks man for the comments. I just wanna know how do you make your border. I use photoshop elements but i can't find it.
Ah, sorry I can't help. I have no idea how elements works. I press control and a on a new laer and go to Edit > Stroke. Might not work for you.
the dx one is pretty good, but its not very clear, i love the other 2 tho...awesome...good work!
Now that I see the DX, it's OK. 5/10 on a beginner's scale.

And BTW, I was just asking if you actually made that sig. You don't have to snap at me you ingrate.
i'M not an!!! i was not trying to snap you!!! lol
BTW your sig is reall cool(the cruiser). i like your work
Which one are you talking about? the "Last Survival" PPV sig or the Petey Williams video sig?

BTW, sry for calling you an ingrate. Im having family troubles right now.
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