Can you guys help me? I can't remember the name of this movie.


Pre-Show Stalwart
I saw it about 2-3 years ago. There's like 10-15 people who where criminals in prison for crimes such as computer hacking, murder, theft. They go on this deserted uncharted island, and are given, knives I believe. They are put on teams of two, and will search for a prize ranging either one million to like a hundred million I can't remember. They will also search for crates with supplies or weapons. On their journey they though there threat was the other competitors (who they fight and kill.) but later on, zombies are shown attacking the prisoners. It later reveals they were part of an experiment or something and are American soldiers. It ends up being this guy (reminded me of Edge, exactly.), and this girl, who basically slid past (unlike the guy who played strategical.) And The two people in there didn't have their partners, and they needed their partners to get the money or something. But the end up getting it together, and then the guy kills the girl. He drivers away on the boat with the money, and is attacked by the zombies in the boat.

Can you try and help me find the name of this movie, I've been trying for months, it's basically become my goal.
Well, if it's YOUR goal, it would be unfair of all of us to help you. Who are we to take that glory away from you?
Well, if it's YOUR goal, it would be unfair of all of us to help you. Who are we to take that glory away from you?

I never made any rules to the goal, it's just my goal to find out, I really don't give a shit on how to do it.

Look guys, please don't be assholes about this. I just want to know the name of this movie. It's obviouse Dave didn't know the name of the movie, because if he did, I'm sure he would of told me. My name is Dave actulley, thinking of changing my username when I get out of here to something like......

The Daveinator. Yeah...that sounds cool.
Can you remember any of the actor's real names?

A friend of mine said she remember Ray Liotta being in something like that, but I checked all of his movies, and none of the names seemed familiar.

It had a name that got my attention, like...something I thought was another movie, or a game..but not the exact name, like a word off. Or a word added.
Oh har har har guys, Mean girls? Mean girls? At least Scooby Doo and Zombie Island was relevant, but Mean girls, common GD, or ND... How dare you...give me a Lohand movie. But I deserve it after what I did too you.
If it's with Ray Liotta, then it's probably No Escape.

I just looked through his movies again after mentioning his name, and that was the only one that rang a bell, read the summary on wiki, not it. But that may have been the one my friend was thinking of.
Why are you still asking about it? I gave you the answer.

Plot of Doomed said:
In the future death row criminals are given a chance to pardon them selfs on a "survivor" style reality show! Only to find the island is full of zombie ex-contestants! This film is awful and cheesie with really bad lines! But sadly this film is better directed and more enjoyable than uwe boll's immortal shit fest HOUSE oF THE DEAD! If you liked house of the dead this movie will blow you away!!

This is it yes?
This is it yes?

Hell TLC I might kiss ya. That sounds alot like it, and makes more sense because I of Doom-ed.

Wikipedia doesn't have an article on it, but Imdb does.

Looks like alot of people didn't like it though...I thought it was pretty good.
Don't kiss me. It was TM who put it first.

Oh damn, sorry TM. I do that a lot, when theres a few responses and it goes to the next page, I sometimes miss on of the posts. When you said TM got it, thought you we're talking about when he said Scooby Doo and Zombie Island.

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