
Getting Noticed By Management
With the responses I have gotten from the first CWP? thread I figured it's time to do a second...and also feel free to add your own gripes to the discussion:

CAN WE PLEASE....stop pining for CM Punk?!?

He has not been a factor in WWE since the Royal Rumble, his contract is either up or will be up in a month's time. And every time I go to Wrestlezone...there is a CM Punk thread or report or response.

He is not the end all be all for the WWE. He told you himself when he had his summer pipebomb 3 years ago. "I'm just a spoke on the wheel, the wheel is gonna keep turning. And I understand that."

Well folks the wheel is turning and everyone is breaking their collective necks to look at the one dude who bailed off this train. And guess what? He is gone! Accept it and IF HE EVER COMES BACK (days/weeks/months/YEARS from now) genuinely surprised and happy instead of all smarky and shit like "I said he was coming back in 2014! I know this business!"

I just wish that the wrestling population that exploded in the Attitude Era because they were tired of seeing things/people "stuck in the past" would stop now being the ones stuck in the past...even if that past was 3 years ago.
I wish CM Punk would come back.

Threads like this are ENABLING people to continue to talk about Punk. If you want it to stop, stop contributing yourself by bringing him up.
The outcry for Punk to come back is wavering. Eventually he will be forgotten completely or we will at least hear very little about him. I do think eventually he'll return for a one off feud or two. He may even become a part timer. He seems like the kind of guy he is both smart with his money and doesn't care too much for material things anyway so if he does make any kind off return it will be because he wants to show his face again and gets the itch to wrestle.
You do know creating another thread about CM Punk will generate more talk about CM Punk, right? When you say people should accept that he's gone, what you're really doing is giving his fans more of a spotlight since clearly your gripe is on them, and with this being a website dedicated to wrestling fans of all types, someone is going to bring up Punk because Punk is still a popular topic. Telling an online group to stop doing something is as problem solving as yelling at your television screen is.

The best way to get your point across about Punk is to not bring him up at all. Conversation would die down and people would not have to look at one more thread made about him. This is literally asking for more talk about CM Punk.
I am an adult, I get it. I understand that by me bringing up CM Punk is actually feeding the beast that want killed. But if I didn't bring up that gripe (which is all it is...a gripe) I would still see all the CM Punk stuff that I complain about.

You do realize that right?

So explain to me how do I voice a complaint in a forum where I am allowed to voice a complaint in a thread dedicated to voicing complaints...where I don't contribute to the complaint?
CM Punk is done and I suspect probably will never return. As much as these fans who just won't shut up about him annoy me, I can understand why. He was my second favorite wrestler right behind Cena.
We need more threads about Punk. It seems like after he left, people just instantly forgot about him. It just makes me so sad. We need more speculation about when or if he will come back. We need more speculation about why he left. :'(
technically wwe could extend his contract for 1 more year without his say so since he missed all the time since late January like they did with misterio
With the responses I have gotten from the first CWP? thread I figured it's time to do a second...and also feel free to add your own gripes to the discussion:

CAN WE PLEASE....stop pining for CM Punk?!?

He has not been a factor in WWE since the Royal Rumble, his contract is either up or will be up in a month's time. And every time I go to Wrestlezone...there is a CM Punk thread or report or response.

He is not the end all be all for the WWE. He told you himself when he had his summer pipebomb 3 years ago. "I'm just a spoke on the wheel, the wheel is gonna keep turning. And I understand that."

Well folks the wheel is turning and everyone is breaking their collective necks to look at the one dude who bailed off this train. And guess what? He is gone! Accept it and IF HE EVER COMES BACK (days/weeks/months/YEARS from now) genuinely surprised and happy instead of all smarky and shit like "I said he was coming back in 2014! I know this business!"

I just wish that the wrestling population that exploded in the Attitude Era because they were tired of seeing things/people "stuck in the past" would stop now being the ones stuck in the past...even if that past was 3 years ago.

That's like asking Attitude Era fans to stop bringing up the Attitude Era every once and awhile. Same goes for CM Punk. Let people have their freedom of speech and express themselves. This is what wrestling forums are for. To discuss wrestling related matters and WWE superstars in particular. Putting a limitation on what people can or cannot discuss is just stupid and a hindrance. CM Punk fan base will keep fantasizing his return until it may or may not happen. I say let them have their fun with it. Stay out of those topics if it bothers you. CM Punk has made a big impact in the WWE the reason he gets talked about so much. That's common sense. He still gets mentioned in crowd chants on Raw and Stephanie recently mentioned him by name on Payback PPV.
Even though I try to limit the times I'm referring to Punk, you can't really demand that by people / writers. Cm Punk still has a contract with the WWE, which it is possible to be extended. Since no one has come out officially to talk about what happened, we can't know for sure. Punk "agreed" that he was retired in some recent interview, which means it might be legit. WWE is throwing jabs at Punk a lot more lately, either than being on Raw or on social media, which might indicate it is a work.

No one knows anything, apart from 4-5 people, which means that in the end, it might all be a work. On that note, people will try to speculate everything, from whether it is a work or not, to how he can be booked back, will he main event Mania if he comes back etc.

Until his contract is over, people will talk about him and I don't blame them. After all, you always see articles about retired and almost-forgotten past Superstars and Divas, so you shouldn't be surprised hearing about a guy who is the #2 in the WWE.
Who appointed you Grand Maester of "What people can talk about and what they cannot"?

If people want to talk about Punk they can talk about Punk.

He's a perfect example of a man that that takes his destiny into his own hands. I respect Punk a lot more for leaving than if he would have stay there injured and barely performing in matches ( he became a sin cara in my eyes at some point, yea he didnt botch that much but it was painful to watch him at times ).

And I like that you quoted his promo, that adds so much value to your useless thread. Everybody on earth is just a spoke on the wheel. When you fkn die, should people not burry you?Mourn you, if they choose so? Should people who commit suicide ( leaving while still in contract with life ) be instantly forgottten?

If your sole purpose on this planet is to make people not talk about Punk, than don't make threads talking about Punk. You're probably one of those dudes that wants to look cool going against the grain and if Punk returned tommorow you would be jumping up and down like a little fangirl.

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