Can This Solve Problems of TNA?

Can such help solve problems of TNA?

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Gone. For. Good.
So the question is:

Can a consistent & big financial source for TNA solve problems of TNA?

I guess that some problems can be solved via such financial help.

1. TNA could start going live.

2. Have more PPVs instead of just two.

3. Touring in USA and even in other countries.

4. Merchandise sales

Going live will eradicate the interest getting decreased due to spoilers. That should be a primary step.

So yay or nay?
Maybe. They had all of those things a few years ago and it made things incredibly worse. It showed that their footprint was not nearly as big and rabid as they claimed it was. It was a kick in the teeth to TNA and helped fortify their image as a "sinking ship" which people have been jumping off of for years.

Seems like having all these things now would just be a waste of that person's or organization's money. So if I have to answer I say "nay".
If the WWE bought TNA, all of TNA’s problems would be solved…or TNA would be dissolved. Same difference.

Now let’s say, for argument sake, that if the WWE bought TNA, and did the opposite of what the WWE did with WCW and ECW, TNA would thrive as well as Raw and Smackdown. With the WWE’s help, touring in other countries could increase significantly. Merchandise sales would be up due to better exposure of the product. Every show should be live and there shouldn’t be non-televised house shows anymore. The weekly schedule should look like this.

Monday – Raw
Tuesday – Smackdown
Wednesday – NXT and 205 Live (205 Live should just be NXT’s second hour and the Cruiserweight Championship Title Belt should be NXT’s mid-card Championship)
Thursday – Impact
Friday – SuperStars (a cross-branded live show featuring the WWE Intercontinental, the WWE United States, TNA Grand and TNA X-Division Champions)
Saturday – Saturday Night’s Main Event (a cross-branded live show featuring the WWE Universal, WWE World, TNA World, and TNA Legends / Global / Television / King Of The Mountain Champions)
Sunday – Pay Per View (each brand could have their own PPVs every month. On months with 5 weeks, which I believe only happens 4 times a year, they could have a cross branded PPV on the 5th Sunday)

Yeah, after typing this, it does look to be a tad too much. I’m off to my Universe Mode in WWE 2K games!!
Right now in my opinion the only way you could solve all the problems that tna as would be to close it down, take a few months off, restructure the main office which mean to get rid of dixie carter, big john and anybody else in the main office that as been a problem for TNA for years now, then rebrand the company and start back.

That'S the only way they can fix all their problems right now because the TNA brand is toxic right now. They burn to many bridges for anybody to really touch it right now.

In my opinion, they are lucky that they got Anthem to essentially buy them out right now but with that came the fact that Billy Corgan and Dave lagana left and they we're the 2 most important part of creative for TNA and that they brought some of the great stuff that TNA as been doing lately. They still Got the Hardy stuff happening but that won'T be popular forever and let face it, i think they are really pushing their luck with this whole 2 hours hardy compond special in my opinion.

In the end, TNA as a brand is done, as much as it pain me to say this, no amount of money will bring the company to where they were 8 years ago. They had their chance to be what NXT is right now and the mismanagement of the company by Dixie and others brought them were they are right now and unless Anthem be be able to keep them were they are right now, maybe they will be able to get a few more ppv, but forget about live shows that'S not happening in today'S environnement with a brand that only the hardcore TNA fans still watches.
I agree wrestlingmasters55, they need a complete re-brand. I've been watching TNA for a decade now (or when ever it started on Spike), and I love it.

I think with Anthem now in control, rebrand it, and push it. Matt Hardy has said he is interested in creative, and I think with his rebranding that made me care about Matt Hardy for the first time in his career, it would be nice to have him be on that board.

Money fixes most issues in businesses. Maybe if they don't go live every week, they can go every other week. The thing is, they need to have the money to be OUT of the Impact Zone. The crowds here in NY were HOT. But the rent went up on the place they were doing the shows, so not likely they will be back here. However, there are a lot of wrestling fans in other places that will show up. I think the key is to keep ticket prices low. I don't know the business aspect of putting on a show, but right now they get $0 of the gate because people have already paid to be there.

If they swallowed their pride and did $40,$20,$10,$5 tickets, they could fill some smaller venues. The thing is, they need to ADVERTISE in those markets. Like even when TNA films here, I see NO ads for them in the city. There are SO many wrestling fans in NYC, just putting a couple of billboards in the 34th st station would draw people in. (That's the station closest to the venue).

I think TNA needs 4 pay per views a year. That gives plenty of time to build.

As far as merchandise, that's a big thing. They need to come up with some merch that is cool. Like so many people wear the CM Punk shirt, or the Bullet Club shirts, TNA needs their money maker. Dummy Yeah is something that could catch on.

Thanks for this tread, I look forward to seeing what others write.
TNA is not going to rebrand. If that was the case, they would have done it already. Anthem is probably going to follow the LU model, which has worked. Have sporadic live events, and the rest wrap it around the TV show. I have long advocated for TNA to buy a theater in Nashville, spruce it up, and hold their events there. They would also have a commodity to collect more revenue from. The problem was that it was a tax write-off for Panda Energy. Just as true is that TNA was a doll house for Princess Dixie. Now, it has to stand on its own two feet. Right now, the LU model would be the most prudent.
TNA is not going to rebrand. If that was the case, they would have done it already. Anthem is probably going to follow the LU model, which has worked. Have sporadic live events, and the rest wrap it around the TV show. I have long advocated for TNA to buy a theater in Nashville, spruce it up, and hold their events there. They would also have a commodity to collect more revenue from. The problem was that it was a tax write-off for Panda Energy. Just as true is that TNA was a doll house for Princess Dixie. Now, it has to stand on its own two feet. Right now, the LU model would be the most prudent.

I don't think the LU model with work in a long run because lucha underground is losing money and fans since they first started. The only reason LU is still in business is because they are not really a wrestling company but more of a tv show with wrestling in it and it got some really big name owners that still want to put money into this expensive project.

I don't see anthem wanting to put that much money in the tna product that is going to be producing content every single week because I don't see tna going in a seasonal mode like LU.
TNA need to refresh the roster with stars that will make the product edgy again. Sign Lita to be in charge of the Knockouts (not just on screen), sign the Young Bucks to bolster the tag team division and sign Jay Lethal to bolster the Xdivision and feud as a Heavyweight/Grand Champion.
while i agree with filthyanimalz on his idea, unless they are willing to completly overhaul they're thinking on the management front about how to book the company, you could bring all the great indy talent you want, it won't make any difference because they will still be book to be afterthought plus right now WWE is doing a better job at being TNA from back in the day then TNA is doing with NXT.

The other thing is that Lita is still under a WWE deal, even if it'S a legends deal she still under a deal with them so she'S not going anywhere. The bucks are under an exclusivity deal with ROH for 2 years which means that outside of PWG, ROH and New japan, The bucks can'T work anywhere else so that out of the question also. And Jay Lethal if he decide to leave ROH after his contract is up will probably get a offer from WWE to go to NXt which mean that TNA will have to give him a hell of a great offer to bring him back since he's wasn'T very found of TNA management after he left TNA the first time.

They really need to find a way to get out of orlando at this point because right now, their playing second fiddle to NXT down there and NXT is the better product out of the 2 and is the more attractive option for indy wrestlers so they need a plan to attract top indy talents that WWE hasn'T sign yet which is getting harder to do plus they need to get top names that can still work and are not look upon like former wwe lower card guys that wwe didn'T need anymore.

Anthem as a hard road ahead of them to make this a profitable company again and i hope they can but until the cancers are not remove completely from the front office, they will have a hard time bring this company back from the dead.
Unlimited money doesn't fix anything. If you add more unqualified people to Dixie and her crew you get the same bad product. Just hearing the name TNA turns people away so a complete rebrand and change of creative people is needed but will not happen.
I don't think the LU model with work in a long run because lucha underground is losing money and fans since they first started. The only reason LU is still in business is because they are not really a wrestling company but more of a tv show with wrestling in it and it got some really big name owners that still want to put money into this expensive project.
They are losing money because they are on a BS Premium network in El Rey. They never could get seen elsewhere. At least Pop! has the potential to reach far more viewers than El Rey. Any other network, like Telemundo or a real spot from one of the Univision networks, and LUs numbers might have been far better

I don't see anthem wanting to put that much money in the tna product that is going to be producing content every single week because I don't see tna going in a seasonal mode like LU.
If they were not going to put money into TNA, they would have walked away, and Corgan would be running it today. Anthem is going to have to spend money in order for al the court battles to have been worthwhile.
They are losing money because they are on a BS Premium network in El Rey. They never could get seen elsewhere. At least Pop! has the potential to reach far more viewers than El Rey. Any other network, like Telemundo or a real spot from one of the Univision networks, and LUs numbers might have been far better

If they were not going to put money into TNA, they would have walked away, and Corgan would be running it today. Anthem is going to have to spend money in order for al the court battles to have been worthwhile.

Yeah I agree with you that anthem will have put money in tna but what i'm saying is that i don't see them putting the amount of money it takes on a daily basis to produce a LU type product.

This type of product is very expensive and like I wrote before, LU as the advantage of being a tv show produce by the top guys in all of entertainment plus is create to be like a normal tv show with a number of episode per season, so even if they are losing money and they are, it's not like they have to continue paying talent all year like tna as.

doing a LU type of production will it fun once in a while and they get a discount because they already got a place to film it would still run up the cost of production which is the last thing they need right now. Anthem need to make sure that TNA and is talent and crew is paid on time first before putting more money in production.

The real test for tna will be next year when corgan and lagana won't be there to help them with creative because all the great stuff we saw the last few months have been because of corgan who was able to convince those dumba$$ dixie and big john to let him do stuff differently. The other test for them will be next week. If total nonstop deletion doesn't do well in the ratings, then what to you do with that concept.

the bigger problem with tna is that outside of anthem and pop tv, nobody want to touch it so it will be hard to get outside licensing deal for tna, it will be hard to convince arena owner to rent the venues for a tna house show. Even getting a better tv deal or international deal will be hard because of how much dixie screwed peoples in the past getting new talent on the roster will be harder because nxt is going for the same guys tna is going for and if you are an indy wrestler and got the choice between nxt and tna, 9 times out of 10 nxt wins.

so I doesn't really matter how much money anthem put in tna, if they keep the peoples that ruin tna in any position of power within. The company then they will stay we're they are right now and will never be profitable.
Find a reason for TNA to exist. Because right now, they don't have one.

They don't have a simple, coherent mission statement that they can use to focus their efforts and build their brand strategically. It's really hard, because I don't see what they could realistically do better than WWE at this point. This ties into a thread on the General Wrestling Forum about how can we possibly watch all the wrestling content we want to watch every week--RAW, SD, NXT, 205 Live for starters is 6 hours a week, often adding a PPV, sometimes an NXT Takeover or CWC or other Network special attraction.

Before Hogan and Bischoff came in, they had the argument that they could have been THE place for womens, tag-team and cruiserweight wrestling, with STyles, Joe, Angle, Daniels etc in the main event, mixed in with new guys like D'Angelo Dinero and Matt Morgan.

Even two years ago, they could have (and to be fair, they tried) to build something on being YUUGE in the UK. But that's wiped out.

Since Hogan left, they haven't known who they are. They've lost the cornerstones like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode, and even Kurt Angle, they've even lost loyalists like Eric Young.

With the WWE Network building their own "wrestling alternatives" in NXT and 205 Live, and WWE forming a working relationship with the sub-TNA/ROH indies, I don't see how TNA makes any progress from what they are now.

I guess one possible answer is MAtt HArdy's vision. Can you build a whole TV show, a whole company on that? I don't know, but it's about the only thing that WWE isn't doing better than TNA right now.
I have to agree with the above poster. TNA's ship began to develop a slow leak years ago and they've never been able to patch it.

Too many good wrestlers like Styles, Joe, Roode and others have left because they saw the writing on the wall. What the WWE is doing now is basically cutting TNA off at the pass. By forging relationships with ROH and the rest of the Indy companies, they are quickly grabbing up any good talent out there who want a try out with the WWE. Mind you not everyone wants to work for Vince, but those that do now have an opportunity to where they didn't before.

While the WWE is looking to the future, TNA doesn't have that luxury. They have too many problems to deal with in the present. When you are constantly putting out fires you don't have time to plan 6 months down the road, because they might not be around in 6 months. Anthem is not an ignorant company, and it's boss has learned his lesson the hard way. Asper has already made billions and lost it, he will not keep Dixie funded the way she thinks he will.

Once they pull the plug, TNA will again be on shaky ground, this time Carter might not have the time to find another investor. My thinking is that her time is running out, and so is TNA's.
to had to the above comment, all the great talents that they use to have and that left for either WWE or ROH left on bad terms with the company also and have been very public about it for the most part, especially Joe, Aj and christopher daniels. And if you believe everything that has been reported on this, again the 2 person that have been blame for all those great talents leaving are Dixie carter and big john guberick who pretty much told them that they weren't main event stars and they didn'T need them bad enough to give them raise or featured them in main event angles.

like written previous, TNA has been mismanage for years. Dixie as been giving a bill of good to a lot of peoples and now it's finally catching up to her. The sad thing about all this is that Dixie knows that she one of the main reason why TNA is in the state it's in but is to stubborn to step aside and let somebody else take over. So many peoples over the years wanted to buy the company only to be told that the only way a deal would be made is if Dixie stays in some sort of power position within the company. Spike TV wanted to buy it, toby keith wanted it, even if it was a joke, paul heyman wanted it, even this year billy corgan wanted to buy it but all these peoples wanted to buy it without the current peoples in charge of the company because they knew that you had to replace the peoples in power if you wanted to advance.

Anthem decide to keep the same peoples in charges of the company, yes they did put some of their own guys in some positions but for the most part, the 2 main problems are still part of the company and that's a problem that anthem will have to address at some point because where not in 2003 anymore when TNA had pretty much the market to themselves as being the number 2 company, Now with NXT and ROH, their real competition for them to bring in talent and they are a distant third in this war of indy'S still fed and pretty much getting the scrap and i'm sure that if any of the current TNA talents contract is due and WWE would come calling for them, except for some of the older ones like gail kim, abyss and james storm who seem to be lifer, the rest of them would probably except the offer in a heart beat and then where do you get new talents for the company. Even the bigger name like Galloway, EC3, the hardy's and Arron Rex at some point will get the itch to go back to WWE and at some point i wouldn'T be surprise that if the right deal is offered, especially for the hardy's they probably would accept a farewell tour in WWE.

I really hate to say this, but in my opinion Billy corgan was pretty much their last lifeline for them to finally get going again and they did the same thing they always do when they have somebody that has a different vision for the company that they do, they lied to him and then when they got what they want they get rid of them. So having said that it really would hate to see TNA go but when Anthem realise that they got sold a bill of goods like they did with so many others before them, i sad to say that TNA might finally die and that would be sad because the product has been good lately and so many talented wrestlers would lose their job and WWE won'T sign all of them to a nxt deal.
Once they [Anthem] pull the plug, TNA will again be on shaky ground, this time Carter might not have the time to find another investor. My thinking is that her time is running out, and so is TNA's.

I have to disagree. Anthem didn't rescue TNA just to shut it down. Dixie Carter's time is up, except maybe as an on-air authority figure, but Anthem has some sort of a plan for TNA and their Fight Network app. I doubt that it's a good plan, but they're going to stick with their plan for a couple of years. And part of that plan involves TNA's tape library, and TNA producing 150-200 hours of new wrestling content a year.

How Anthem figures they're going to make more money off of that 150-200 hours of new footage than it takes to create it, or how they're going to get an audience interested in it, is a good question. But they're going to try--something.
I have to disagree. Anthem didn't rescue TNA just to shut it down. Dixie Carter's time is up, except maybe as an on-air authority figure, but Anthem has some sort of a plan for TNA and their Fight Network app. I doubt that it's a good plan, but they're going to stick with their plan for a couple of years. And part of that plan involves TNA's tape library, and TNA producing 150-200 hours of new wrestling content a year.

How Anthem figures they're going to make more money off of that 150-200 hours of new footage than it takes to create it, or how they're going to get an audience interested in it, is a good question. But they're going to try--something.

I've never even heard of the Fight Network until all this came up. So I don't know myself how Anthem will pull this off. If the only way in the future that you can watch TNA is on this app, I wonder how many more fans TNA will lose.

They would be much better off trying to get some sort of a TV contract and keeping it on TV. But as I said before, get out of Universal and start charging fans to play for the taping. Sell merchandise, go on tour even if they have to partner with something else. What they are doing right now is just treading water and you can only tread water so long. I used to be a loyal TNA viewer until they disappeared off Spike, and I would be interested to know how many other fans they lost that way. I'm willing to bet it was more than just me.

The WWE is in your face with their product. You can easily find it, TNA not so much.
I've never even heard of the Fight Network until all this came up. So I don't know myself how Anthem will pull this off. If the only way in the future that you can watch TNA is on this app, I wonder how many more fans TNA will lose.

They would be much better off trying to get some sort of a TV contract and keeping it on TV. But as I said before, get out of Universal and start charging fans to play for the taping. Sell merchandise, go on tour even if they have to partner with something else. What they are doing right now is just treading water and you can only tread water so long. I used to be a loyal TNA viewer until they disappeared off Spike, and I would be interested to know how many other fans they lost that way. I'm willing to bet it was more than just me.

The WWE is in your face with their product. You can easily find it, TNA not so much.

Sorry, I couldn't resist, your canadian and live in toronto and you never heard of the fight network. A network that's in base in your city and that's been on canadian cable for 10 years now. I've found it hard to believe. They've been the home of tna wresting for pretty much the whole 2016 if not more. They have pretty much every shows that tna as produce over the years. They have tna xplosion, greatest matches, epics and unfinished business plus the main impact wrestling show. Plus they have this app thay as been around for at less 3 years now and they just added all alot of bonus content.

they also show, pretty much every wrestling shows that aren't wwe on their network. They have have, ROH, AAA, ICW, CMLL, new japan, british wrestling and some wrestling show from nova scotia if I remember correctly.

That's outside all the MMA stuff they have and they have some of the prelim fight for the UFC show on te network.

My point is that anybody that is a wrestling or mma fans in canada knows what th fight network is. Anthem is the company that own the fight network and their the one that bought TNA.

So it's in their best interest to make sure that TNA is successful, because it's a big part of their programation. Right like I said, their only problem they have is that they still keep dixie in a position of power and john gaburick as part of creative and talent relation which is the main reason why tna lost so many tna originals left.

I didn't want to make fun of the fact that you didn't know what the fight network is, I just found it ironic that somebody that live in the town where the fight network as the main office, didn't know about the network.
TNA's problem is TNA. It is not money. It is not advertising. It is not what channel they are on. It is not the amount of PPVs. It is not merchandising.

TNA had opportunities to grow. They proved that when they hit 1.5 (I think only once) when Hogan debuted. Yet there was still a problem. Something kept driving new fans away. None of the new fans ever stayed (hovered around a 1 for years). TNA was simply the problem. Product was not captivating enough for people to stay. Focus on the wrong guys. Kept clinging onto old guys instead of building new names. Take a look at Cena. He was (is?) the cornerstone of WWE yet WWE never stopped building other guys. They didn't get a big name and then do nothing with everyone else. They kept trying to build new people. TNA rarely did that. They had Angle, Sting, Originals (as in people there from the early years), etc. and kept it that way until they had to change due to them leaving. The biggest enemy to TNA has always been themselves. Stupid decisions. Wrong people in high places.

No amount of money will fix TNA. There is no quick fix. TNA's culture has to change.
I've never even heard of the Fight Network until all this came up. So I don't know myself how Anthem will pull this off. If the only way in the future that you can watch TNA is on this app, I wonder how many more fans TNA will lose.

Well, they're down to around 300-350,000 viewers per week. And they've never been able to turn viewers into customers, either through PPV or ticket sales or merchandise.

They would be much better off trying to get some sort of a TV contract and keeping it on TV.

They still have the POP tv contract, but advertisers don't want to touch them. And the audience declining from 1-2M on Spike to 500,000 on Destination America to 300,000 on POPtv doesn't make advertisers rethink.

But as I said before, get out of Universal and start charging fans to play for the taping.

TNA cannot sell enough tickets to pay for a venue and a TV taping. When they were doing the weekly PPVs at the Asylum in NAshville, Jerry JArrett had a budget of somewhere under $100,000 per week. I doubt they've done a $100,000 gate in the United States more than a dozen times in their history, and it's fair to say they never will again.

Sell merchandise, go on tour even if they have to partner with something else.

Something else like what? Who would partner with them? What would they get out of partnering with TNA?
Well, they're down to around 300-350,000 viewers per week. And they've never been able to turn viewers into customers, either through PPV or ticket sales or merchandise.

But the point is have they ever tried? When I used to watch them on Spike, it was always the same people, wearing the same clothes in the audience week in and week out. A friend of mine, another fan, told me they taped at Universal Studios on a sound stage. I didn't know they did that before he told me. I thought they where going to smaller arena's and playing to local fans, and those fans were following them. When you can get into a TNA taping just by paying to visit a theme park, then of course they aren't getting customers. It's like they are giving away the product free.

They still have the POP tv contract, but advertisers don't want to touch them. And the audience declining from 1-2M on Spike to 500,000 on Destination America to 300,000 on POPtv doesn't make advertisers rethink.

I have no idea who or what POP TV is. We don't get it in the Toronto area, and as far as I know, no cable company carries it here in Canada. Just the same as when they went to Destination America. Another channel that the Canadian market doesn't get. They lost a whole country of viewers by doing that move. Now I'll admit I have no clue how many Canadians watched TNA, but those of us who did were left out after they left Spike.

TNA cannot sell enough tickets to pay for a venue and a TV taping. When they were doing the weekly PPVs at the Asylum in NAshville, Jerry JArrett had a budget of somewhere under $100,000 per week. I doubt they've done a $100,000 gate in the United States more than a dozen times in their history, and it's fair to say they never will again.

Well getting something is better than getting nothing isn't it. As it is, they have no paying customer's at all when everyone gets in for nothing. No one here is saying they would do WWE types of gate money, but TNA gets by the looks of things 0 dollars. There is no reason they can't do smaller venues and charge a nominal fee to get in.

They were here in Toronto a few years ago. I found out about the show after it was over and done with. No advertising, nothing. It's almost like they don't want a paying audience.

Something else like what? Who would partner with them? What would they get out of partnering with TNA?

I don't know, it was an idea that I just threw out there. Lot's of promotions piggy back off of others. Maybe they could get out there with some of the smaller indy companies in different area's. That would get them some paying customers and give both companies some exposure. There are lots out there why not use them.
But the point is have they ever tried? When I used to watch them on Spike, it was always the same people, wearing the same clothes in the audience week in and week out. A friend of mine, another fan, told me they taped at Universal Studios on a sound stage. I didn't know they did that before he told me. I thought they where going to smaller arena's and playing to local fans, and those fans were following them. When you can get into a TNA taping just by paying to visit a theme park, then of course they aren't getting customers. It's like they are giving away the product free.

They did try. It takes a massive amount of money to tour. They were never popular enough to tour consistently with good crowds. It wasn't sustainable for them to do so. They did house shows in the past which also did not draw well. They dropped that due to costs.

I have no idea who or what POP TV is. We don't get it in the Toronto area, and as far as I know, no cable company carries it here in Canada. Just the same as when they went to Destination America. Another channel that the Canadian market doesn't get. They lost a whole country of viewers by doing that move. Now I'll admit I have no clue how many Canadians watched TNA, but those of us who did were left out after they left Spike.

Pop TV is a US channel so you will not have it. They have a potential audience of 75 million (64%). For reference, the USA Network (WWE's US channel) has a potential audience of 96 million (82%). Around 116 million homes have a TV in America. Pop is not a desirable channel to be on and its potential audience sounds better than it actually is.

TV shows availability are (usually) not dependent on where it airs in the US.

Well getting something is better than getting nothing isn't it. As it is, they have no paying customer's at all when everyone gets in for nothing. No one here is saying they would do WWE types of gate money, but TNA gets by the looks of things 0 dollars. There is no reason they can't do smaller venues and charge a nominal fee to get in.

When that something isn't enough to cover the costs then it is not better than nothing. Remember touring costs are more than just the venue. TV contracts are what really makes money anyways. WWE makes $150 million per year from the TV deal in the US and about $50 million per year from the rest of the world ($200 million total per year).

They were here in Toronto a few years ago. I found out about the show after it was over and done with. No advertising, nothing. It's almost like they don't want a paying audience.

Could be one of two things. They didn't have enough to advertise a lot or they are inept. Or both.

I don't know, it was an idea that I just threw out there. Lot's of promotions piggy back off of others. Maybe they could get out there with some of the smaller indy companies in different area's. That would get them some paying customers and give both companies some exposure. There are lots out there why not use them.

I'm not sure what TNA would gain out of partnering with a smaller company. They would have to use guys that are even less over than their current roster. They would gain maximum a thousand fans. They would have to split the profit. Partnering in wrestling usually doesn't do much for anyone.

TNA really is in a bad place right now. I have zero clue how they can overcome their problems at this point.
The first step is firing Dixie Carter and everyone in creative. If that doesn't happen, nothing will ever change.

After that, rebrand TNA as something else. I don't know what exactly, but the brand is damaged beyond repair.

Also find a TV Network and stick with it! Goodness it seems like they change this once a month.

That's the main steps. After that there are minor changes they could make that would change a lot.

1 - Focus on the X-Division
2 - Quit relying on former WWE stars
3 - Build up their own stars
4 - Sign some talented wrestlers from the indies

These changes would make TNA easily the #2 wrestling company in the world and pretty good wrestling in my opinion. Going live won't help anything because it's still the same boring TNA. Besides they tried this around 6 years ago, and it didn't work at all. We all know nothing will change though, especially as long as Dixie's around.
But the point is have they ever tried? When I used to watch them on Spike, it was always the same people, wearing the same clothes in the audience week in and week out. A friend of mine, another fan, told me they taped at Universal Studios on a sound stage. I didn't know they did that before he told me. I thought they where going to smaller arena's and playing to local fans, and those fans were following them. When you can get into a TNA taping just by paying to visit a theme park, then of course they aren't getting customers. It's like they are giving away the product free.

I have no idea who or what POP TV is. We don't get it in the Toronto area, and as far as I know, no cable company carries it here in Canada. Just the same as when they went to Destination America. Another channel that the Canadian market doesn't get. They lost a whole country of viewers by doing that move. Now I'll admit I have no clue how many Canadians watched TNA, but those of us who did were left out after they left Spike.

Well getting something is better than getting nothing isn't it. As it is, they have no paying customer's at all when everyone gets in for nothing. No one here is saying they would do WWE types of gate money, but TNA gets by the looks of things 0 dollars. There is no reason they can't do smaller venues and charge a nominal fee to get in.

They were here in Toronto a few years ago. I found out about the show after it was over and done with. No advertising, nothing. It's almost like they don't want a paying audience.

I don't know, it was an idea that I just threw out there. Lot's of promotions piggy back off of others. Maybe they could get out there with some of the smaller indy companies in different area's. That would get them some paying customers and give both companies some exposure. There are lots out there why not use them.

In canada, tna is playing on the fight network which is a real tv channel in canada based out of toronto and it's been playing on this network since the destination america days with alot of other wrestling shows like tna epics, xplosion, greatest matches, unfinish business, roh, new japan, icw from ireland, aaa & cmll. How you didn't know that by now is beyond me. Really, that's the only reason why anthem bought tna in the first place because it's a great rating getter for the fight network, so I understand why they would want to keep it on the air. From what I heard, the only show that get better ratings on the fight network then impact wrestling is ufc shows so why not keep the show on the network.

I'm not doing a plug for them but you should really watch if your cable provider as the network which I doubt they don't becauseit's been around for 10 years and pretty much every cable providers as it on their lineup.
The first step is firing Dixie Carter and everyone in creative. If that doesn't happen, nothing will ever change.

After that, rebrand TNA as something else. I don't know what exactly, but the brand is damaged beyond repair.

I agree that what they have there is either worthless, of negative value, or of minimal value. The problem is what do you replace it with, and nobody has a good idea there.

Also find a TV Network and stick with it! Goodness it seems like they change this once a month.

It's not like TNA decided to leave Destination America. It's not like they wanted to leave Spike either--they made it easy for Spike to give them the boot, but it's not like TNA tried to hardball Spike.

That's the main steps. After that there are minor changes they could make that would change a lot.

1 - Focus on the X-Division

You mean the cruiserweights, who have their own show now on the WWE Network?

2 - Quit relying on former WWE stars

Besides the Hardys, they don't rely on former WWE stars anymore, because they don't have any former WWE stars. They have some guys who were in WWE, but they were never stars in WWE. It's not like when they had Jeff Jarrett, NAsh and Hall, Raven and DLo Brown, Jeff HArdy in the main event, Sting, Angle, Christian, Booker T, Scott Steiner, RVD, Ken Kennedy/Anderson.

And it's not like TNA has other guys who would be better than EC3, Lashley, Aron Rex, Tyrus and Drew GAlloway to put in their spots. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, Kazarian, Matt Morgan (was in WWE, developed in TNA into a top guy for a few months), Bobby Roode, Austin Aries don't live here anymore.

3 - Build up their own stars

They're trying, but it's not easy.

4 - Sign some talented wrestlers from the indies

A few problems:
1. WWE is interested in "indy guys" now, especially for NXT and the Cruiserweight Classic.
2. TNA doesn't have the money anymore to pay guys a lot more than ROH and a bunch of indy dates.

These changes would make TNA easily the #2 wrestling company in the world and pretty good wrestling in my opinion.

I don't know that #2 is achievable anymore for TNA. They're light-years behind Raw and Smackdown (which tour separately, so you might count them separately.) They're not ahead of New JApan or AAA, who pack arenas for their big shows. NXT is higher on the totem pole.

TNA is now competing with Ring of Honor, not to be #2 in the world, but to be the top non-WWE US promotion. Look at it this way--by what metric is TNA ahead of ROH? By how much, and for how long?

In canada, tna is playing on the fight network which is a real tv channel in canada based out of toronto and it's been playing on this network since the destination america days with alot of other wrestling shows like tna epics, xplosion, greatest matches, unfinish business, roh, new japan, icw from ireland, aaa & cmll.

I looked up the Fight TV schedule yesterday and they ran something like 6-8 hours of TNA content yesterday and today.

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