Can The Undertaker character be replaced by someone else??


Dark Match Winner
The Undertaker has been a top performer for nearly two decades now and I don't see him being around for that much longer anymore due to his ongoing health problems.

In the WWE his character is the Deadman, the man that always comes back, the man that will not R.I.P.

Now I want to know do you think that when Mark Calloway decides to hang up his boots do you think someone else could take his place as the Deadman?

Let's say someone similar in size,similar look and just as talented in the ring? A near perfect replica? Could it work and would you buy into it?

They could play it into a storyline where Undertaker can say that he has spent 20+ years taking souls, his body is dying on him but his soul will live on forever in a new form. he can bring in a youngster and "train" him for a year.
Saying that he always said he cannot be destroyed and his soul will rule the WWE forever. I know it's far fetched but Takers character has always been supernatural and we accept it.

Anyway you can come up with your own ideas but basically I just want to know if you think it could work, if someone else could be the Undertaker. And as for the streak I would make the current Undertaker face the new Undertaker at his last Wrestlmania and lose,thus passing the torch and making the new Taker 1-0.

I have always loved the Undertaker and I still do. And I think if done correctly it could work and would be a great way to get a youngster over. But I am a bit mixed on this as I doubt anyone could pull it off aswell as Mark Calloway has. All in all I wouldn't be against such an idea although I do think it'll take a bit of time getting used to it.

Over to you....????
Anytime there is a new version of a wrestler it almost always fails, so not a direct replacement.

Kane is the obvious one that comes to mind, he has had a similar gimmick in the past and could easily revert to it if the WWE would like.. but he's practically always been a jobber.

In terms of who can really fill his void.. Batista is the only real legit main event.. big guy on smackdown.
i posted this in another thread a couple of weeks ago. But its fits perfectly in this one.

I think Cody could play the next Sting/Undertaker like character of the new
generation. With Sting and Undertaker retiring in the next year or so, we will need someone to play this kind of character.

TRUST ME THIS WOULD BE AWESOME... The story will go down like this. Cody accidentally eliminates Dibiase out of the rumble. This creates more heat between the two. Orton wins the tittle at RR and is the new champ. Cody and Dibiase both win their matches to be in the elimination chamber. Orton only helps Ted win his. Cody wins his the hard way in a mach agents HBK. At the end HBK shakes Cody’s hand in a show of respect. In the chamber I would have Cody put up a hell of a fight. i would make him look like the underdog putting him in there with, Orton, Dibase, Sheamus, Cena, and Kofi.. or who ever. As I said Cody puts up a hell of a fight, almost getting pinned many times. Cena eliminates Dibase, Kofi eliminates Sheamus, and Orton eliminates Cena. Now its down to Orton, kofi , and Cody. Orton smiles and thinks that he is going to win this with the help of Cody. Orton reaches out to shake Cody’s hand. With a sinister smile on his face, Cody shakes Orton’s hand but then delivers the dream street and covers Orton for the 1,2,3. Orton is eliminated and no longer the WWE champ and very pissed about it. Cody then has that look on his face wondering what did he just do. Kofi also in shock looks at Cody and starts clapping. The two shake hands and enter into a mach that could be considered mach of the year. A display of athleticism that plunges them into the main event. After many near falls, In the end Cody pins Kofi to be the new WWE campion. Raw starts of with Cody in the ring telling Ted, Orton and the WWE universe that he only did what any one of them would have don. He says that he did what Orton did in Evaluation and he should have nothing but respect for him for that. This leads into Orton and Ted beating the crap out of Cody. it would be the most blood we have seen in a long time. Cody gets taken out of the arena in a ambulance. As the ambulance is leaving Orton and Ted jack the ambulance, take it out of the arena and set it on fire with Cody inside. This makes the WWE title vacant. And Cody would be gone for a couple of months. Then I would have the Lights going out on Oron and Ted’s maches and all kind of other spooky things. Then finally the new Cody emerges from the rafters “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes. He would have a new look, maybe longer hair. A couple of months off would give him good time to pack on some more muscle. Maybe some face paint or something to make him look darker. You could also have the Undertaker security mentoring him in the dark arts or something like that. passing on the gift of the darkness.. maybe even say that it was the Undertaker who resurrected Cody from the grave because he saw a kindred sprit in him. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF THIS... :)
why Cody?

The name “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes would be awesome. It plays off his father who was “The American dream”.

Yes Cody looks nothing like The Undertaker but I think thats a good thing. If you would get somebody who looks likes The Undertaker I don't think people would by into him to much. To most people he would be a ripoff of the real deal. The character that I am suggesting would be more of a Twilight like character “ but not a vampire”. I didn't like the movie but lets be honest, the kids loved it.

I think Cody could pull this off. He is getting better and better in the ring. He has proved that he could play face or heal. And it would be so unexpected and unpredictable. Who would see this coming??
It's hard for me to picture there being another Undertaker. However, if someone does eventually take his place and there is a passing of the torch, his replacement will have a nearly impossible legacy to live up to. While this could be a good idea, it would be an extremely huge risk especially if they try to give this kind of a push to a new guy...there's really no one currently on the roster who could replace him. This idea is definately worth thinking about but it's very risky. If WWE chooses to give this big push to a new guy, this person would need to be someone who they know can stay with the company for a long time and remain over with the crowd. I'm pretty sure 'Taker will eventually pass the torch to someone and when it happens it will be an awesome moment to remember.
Simply put, no. Nobody will ever be able to successfully reinact the Undertaker character when Mark retires. It's impossible.

I just couldn't picture anyone else doing nowhere near as much with that character as Mark has done. He really is the last of the gimmick characters in the WWE and he is one of the most successful wrestlers of today. He wrote the story on how to make a gimmick come to life and he has done a damn good job with it.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, will ever be able to play the 'Taker character like Mark has done.
There could never be another Undertaker, for one simple reason: That gimmick is successful because, Mark Calloway makes it successful. A gimmick isn't something you can stick any guy into and it'll work, it takes hard work from the guy behind it, and even then there are intangibles that can make or break someone. Case in point, Rick Martel and HBK were at one point essentially the same gimmick, but only one is still around getting referred to as a future hall of famer. Why? Shawn wasn't as big, both were talented in the ring and on the stick, but Shawn always has and always will have the "it" factor that keeps him at the top of the card. There have been imitators of the "deadman" gimmick even recently, but where are they? Gone. Remember Mordecai? no? didn't think so. what about Sean O'Haire? Point is, no one can take Mark Calloway's place.
When Mark calloway retires. so should the Undertaker. my reasoning is this, the Deadman came around when WWF/WWE was still doing the comicbook characters as wrestlers, and yes, somehow he made it work. and continues to make it work. not sure how though, but let the deadman RIP when its his time to go, dont make it drag out and "hand down the torch" that would be pointless. I like Mark Calloway, dont get me wrong, its just i dont especially care for the undertaker gimmick and really never did. i liked him more as Big Evil the angry-as-fuck biker. we all know wrestling is scripted, but seriously! hes not supernatural, he doesnt actually take souls, he just beats the living shit out of people. like he did as the big Evil character! but on a positive note, at least he isnt wearing those gay as hell purple leggings and the phony ripped off sleeve shirts, luckily they left that back in the comic book era of WWF
Lol? Are you kidding? There's only one Undertaker. That's so not gonna happen. It'd be ridiculously ignorant to even attempt to try another Undertaker. That's just one gimmick that's gonna be locked up in the vaults forever. Mark made that gimmick what it was. The gimmick itself is kind of stupid if you go back and look at it, but he made it work. 20 years now right? I can see someone reincarnating the Big Evil character, easily. They still won't have that charisma and skill that Taker' had on the microphone though.
No. The Undertaker character could never (and SHOULD never) be replaced by someone else. Mark Calaway made that gimmick as awesome as it is today, and when he retires then the character should be retired too. It would be unfair to Calaway if someone else used his character after he's gone because the legacy he leaves behind should be his alone. I wouldn't mind seeing a character similar to or related to Undertaker.... but "The Undertaker" will always be Mark Calaway's character and should always be exclusive to him out of respect for the many years of hard work he has given WWE.
I think I mentioned a similar kind of topic before but for kane. As for the undertaker being replaced by a younger performer, I personally can't see it working unless they are able to make the storyline pretty damn good. However, I still believe that the character of kane can potentially live forever. All they have to do is mask glen jacobs again and when the time comes for him to hang up his boots, replace the person behind the mask. However it is easier said than done because you need someone who is at similar size and is able to imitate glen's movements like his signature upper cut/chop whatever you want to call it (it is not really fair on glen for his character to be replaced). As for the undertaker, it is much harder to do because firstly, he doesn't wear a mask, as a result you need someone who is able to mimic undertaker's moves almost perfectly. Though there maybe another way of bringing a new undertaker to the wwe. What they could do is call the next undertaker either the nephew or son of the original undertaker and therefore make him carry on the legacy from his father/uncle. But as Dagger Dias put it, this person can't be named the undertaker, however he can be referred to as the undertaker's nephew or son - but he would need to go by his own unique name.
If it was a masked character, then I think that people would buy into it, but I think that this could be a massive failure. The nature of the character means that it is feasible, they can have a Dr. Who style situation and they can have some sort of soul transfer or whatever. However, I don't think that it is a very good idea, because people will realise and then they will probably react negatively to the new guy. The Undertaker is an institution and unless the next person was better, the people would never accept them. It's not worth the risk of tarnishing the character with a disasterous run.
I think it's safe to say there will never be another Undertaker. I do think there could be a distant relative of Undertaker we've never seen. But the person who falls into those shoes has to respect what that type of character demands. They also must put in the time to have great in ring work, and also must have the same ethic to get better over the years. Taker is unique because not only has he gotten better his mic work is great, and he has never really had a misstep in it. Mark Callaway is about as unselfish as they come. He respects the business, and knows what the fans want and how to give it to them. He doesn't have many title reigns but the reigns he does have makes it all the more special because the reason he is irreplaceable is because he has become a master at the Undertaker gimmick. He was always evolving it, and got away from the awkward style they had him work in the beginning. Then entrances were enough to capture the imagination. His in ring work, and the fact he could do things at his size nobody else could do made him stand out. Even with the hybrid dead man, and the chain wrestling at Wrestlemania he always gives the best matches. Always looks good & makes a bigger star out of his opponent that is going to lose. Keeping the streak intact means whoever faces Taker is going to be a bigger star because of it. Mark made the streak what it is today, and from all that I've read it wasn't planned.

I think the WWE will always need an Undertaker type character but unfortunately those of us who have, and keep seeing him work understand we're seeing something special because while the Undertaker character can be a blessing, it can also be a curse. The Undertaker is the neutral party. He is the cornerstone because he has been there the longest, and also because WWE uses Taker to pass judgment upon it's younger talent. The rewards are worth the journey but finding another "Undertaker" type character will be near impossible. Whenever the person comes along who actually takes the time to care more about presentation, quality in ring work, longevity with the company, who is equally respectful, who can deliver excellent mic work, and one who has a dark personality. When or if WWE ever finds somebody with a dark personality. Somebody they can compare to Taker. Somebody the fans embrace like they've always done to Taker then you'll see a new Undertaker even though they may never call him that. The foundation has already been laid with what Mark has done with the Undertaker character. It's just doubtful you'll see it again. So you might as well enjoy, or get lost in whatever experience you have when you do get to see him at a taping, house show, or live event.

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