Can the SES be the next nWo?


Dark Match Winner
The title says it all.The have all the potential.i think punk just have to end his feud iwh rey mainly because its making him look weak or atleast not as a main eventer.I think SES can rule the wwe .nWo and SES are just of the same type,both wanted the people to be like them,both wanted to change the world.So what r ur thoughts?
The Straight Edge Society is awesome and they're doing a great job as a heel stable, but I think that they will never reach the same level that the NWO was in. The NWO was great and it change WCW forever.

This feud with Rey is awesome and just because Punk is losing that doesn't mean that Punk is weak or makes Punk weak, not at all. I can't wait to see if this feud will continues or not.
Definately where near NWO..i think SES is a good heel stable, the thing is, the members(apart from punk) are more of less nobody's...they aren't big enough to pull it off..SES probs won't last til the end of the year...i don't see any more members..
Not sure if they will reach NWO status, but it is definately working. I hope it goes on longer. It is a nice change to see a group/fraction that is actually effective in the wwe. The SES is my way of re-living the old days of dx/nwo/nation of domination etc.... I can see the SES reaching the status of say the ministry. Not quite as huge as NWO, yet highly effective and feared with a very talented leader. could work as well if thet start going after other besides ray. They are doing a good job with the foreshadowing on smakdown when Striker keeps mentioning "just how many members are there?" creative teams could definately throw a curveball by adding someone to the SES.
I agree that the feud with Rey is making Punk look like a joke, but the SES is no where near the NWO. The NWO collected any and all main eventers, and midlevel guys (to the point the number of members was rediculous), while the Society is headed by a upper-midcarder, and supported by a chick, and a jobber. Not to say just because one member is female it makes the stable weak, but she's never had a match, so her talents don't add to the SES's credibility (not sure of a better way to put that). Gallows wouldn't be on tv ever if it wasn't for punk, wait, yeah he would, just jobbing to Rey like he does now ala Mike Knox. The NWO was THE stable to be in, while the SES may seem like the focal point of Smackdown to the IWC, in reality it makes up a small portion of the show and unless an intense, unnecessary growth is over the horizon, they won't be as important as the NWO was. To be on that level, the SES would have to draw in ratings to the point Smackdown outdraws RAW (like the NWO did for WCW), which I don't see happening.
"straight age society"? To tell the truth, I never heard of them. But if you're talking about the Straight Edge Society the success of the nWo, I hope you mean in numbers. I can agree there. They basically add one every week. If they were all wrestlers, then Smackdown would have about 12 new guys in a matter of weeks. It would actually be cool to have Punk run around with a 20 man posse of shaved people every week. It can really make him a heat magnet and finally make him a solid World Title challenger.

But if what you mean if for the SES to reach the nWo's level of impact, then no. This is PG. No way in hell will CM Punk be allowed to brain wash 30 something wrestlers and make a legit cult out of the thing. If it were allowed though, it could be huge. But not as huge as the guys who brought realism and monopoly into the world of professional wrestling. They say the first one is the best one, nWo was the first monster sized heel faction. It will be impossible to replicate such feel and success. ...And bankruptcy.
Not unless they're booked as strong and dominant and gain stronger members/enhance the existing ones (all the while trying to avoid member overload and burnout a la The nWo). Until that happens, which I don't see happening btw, they simply can't reach the levels the nWo obtained. And actually, upon giving it a second thought, The nWo really did capture lightening in a bottle and I doubt even with the above enhancements The SES could ever catch up, but perhaps they'd be up there with some of the other stables and factions of note.
Right now the SES could not be the NWO. They don't have the numbers or the star power.

I for one would love to see the SES add a bunch of members. Even if the last 5 or so are a bunch of no bodies or FCW talent that will just get nocked around by the other superstars. If I was on creative I would add, Hawkins and Archer. What better way for them to make a impact in 30 days then for them to join the SES? I would add Young, Tarver, Masters, and Reks. Those guys would be the run in guys. When Punk is in trouble they are the pawns that run in the ring and get there butts handed to them until the bigger guns of the SES make their way into the fight. Because we are in the pg era, I would put Hornswoggel in the SES to interact with Punk for comic relief. If the SES added a bunch of new members they could be a force much like the NOW.

Another attribute that the NWO had was star power. Hogan, Hall, and Nash wear all established main event guys and the leaders of the NWO. As they went on they added guys like Big Show, Maco Man, Piper and so on. The SES only has Punk as there top star and main event guy. Serena has not had any t.v ring time and Gallows “atm” is not a big threat. If the SES is going to be on the same level as the NWO they need more star power. They need some huge names that we would have never seen coming. If I was on creative, I would shock the world by adding Kane. Kane would be the perfect muscle and a main event guy who could clear the ring for Punk.

I could just see all the cool story lines that will come out of all this. I could just see Punk capture the world tittle and spray paint SES on it. I could see the SES storm and take over Smackdown one night. They would “kayfade” shut down the beer stands, over turn little Rays merchandise tables. lol Could you imagine if they forced other stars to take pee tests.. lol . After thy take over Smackdown and all the baby faces are unsuccessful at stopping them, they can teas that they will take over RAW and the other world tittle... I know don't quit my day job, right? lol

Well back to reality...

I don't really see the WWE doing this with the SES. But imo it would be cool. and most importantly entertaining. And I would Mark out every moment of it.
Hopefully not. I don't want to see guys like The Dudebusters and Yoshi Tatsu in the SES and I'm sure many people feel the same way. There comes a time when a stable grows to big for itself; it loses it's own personality in a sea of faces. The NWO started off as one thing and ended up another because nobody knew when to say enough is enough. With every member they added they had lost a little bit of exclusiveness, a little bit of what makes them different. With the society you have a group of people who believe that after the vows they took and the processing ritual that in some way they have surpassed you; they're better than you are. What happens when you have a group of 10 wrestlers that are ''better'' than you? You have a stable that has become a majority. Stables aren't supposed to be open casting calls. Especially one that is based off the same notions that the SES is based from.

I'm ultimately failing to see the connection between the two groups. The NWO were the cool heels. They sold tons of merchandise and had a bigger fan base than many of the top faces had. There is no real way for the SES to become that sort of group. They judge you, they condemn you. They are ultimately better than you and the only way to change these things is to in fact become one of them. Punk plays the savior character. He tells you there is a sober light at the end of the tunnel. He works within the people behind the facade of helping them to overcome their addictions. The NWO never seemed to care about fans and they never had a mission other than to bring down WCW.

We have yet to see the impact that the Straight Edge Society will have on wrestling. Perhaps it could go down as one of the most influential and memorable stables of all time. Or it could be remembered as nothing more than a cool angle that took Punk to a new level. Either way, it's never going to be the next anything. It's going to be the first and only Straight Edge Society and will build a legacy all it's own.
The have all the potential.

No,.. they don't.

They have a former Heavyweight Champion indy Wrestler who's been nothing short of amazing as a stand-alone heel with a flock-like following of jobbers.

Beyond that, they have a guy who can't win hardly anything. A guy who's yet to reveal who he is, and I'm beginning to think it'll stay that way, and a bald chic that - while oddly attractive - likely isn't going to become the next Liz.

Somehow, I just lean toward believing when the n.W.o. started with its initial 3 members. They were slightly bigger than that of S.E.S. (only barely though. ;))

i think punk just have to end his feud iwh rey mainly because its making him look weak or atleast not as a main eventer.

Rey Mysterio is a former World Heavyweight Champion who's defeated numerous top names in the Company. How is Punk being made to look weak, when if anything he's having some of his greatest matches to date?

I think SES can rule the wwe.

Only if Mr. McMahon dies, and somehow the ink on the will gets smudged and a half blind, 3/4's mentally ******ed lawyer misreads "Paul" for Punk.

nWo and SES are just of the same type,both wanted the people to be like them,both wanted to change the world.So what r ur thoughts?

Uhm, but they weren't. Infact, they were exact opposites if you think about it.

The n.W.o. was all about Partying, rule breaking, and doing their own thing without believing in consequences.

Whereas the S.E.S. doesn't believe in parties, or anything illegal. They just want a flock-like following. Punk has a flock, thats all it is. And all it'll ever be. One man thats golden, surrounded by a bunch of people hoping they can cling to him for as long as possible - to save from being fired, because they have no real or true talent of their own.. yet look good, as a groupie.
The SES probably and should not turn into the next NWO but the focus should be on CM Punk. With the right tweaking he could become the new millenium Kevin Sullivan but work it from a purist stand point. Instead of "hypnotizing" his members, CM Punk appeals from to his members to straighten out, become clean, and eventually become winners. I would like to see him as a leader who is a mix of an evangelist and Kevin Sullivan but eventually leading them down a path of destruction since he couldn't show them the real light and be winners.
I have been thinking that the Straight Edge Society has needed more people for quite some time now, it seems as if Joey Mercury will be added very shortly, but three guys is just not enough. I have been asking myself who on Smackdown! can benefit from this push. Well, i couldn't think of any one. This leads me to my next point, CM Punk Needs to win the Unified Tag Titles. I don't care who it's with, but with those titles he can expand the society to RAW. I know the Harts and CM Punk are in separate feuds, but they should both end around the same time allowing this to happen.

If punk goes over to raw he can reach out to some of the unused guys over there with the main guy being Evan Bourne. That's right, my grand master plan includes Bourne getting a push. He can be CM Punk's #2 guy on raw, like Gallows is on SD! I can also see guys like Primo and/or Ryder joining.

After about a month or 2 the RAW SES will be set up, allowing Punk and (Gallows?) to loose the tag belts and allowing Bourne to take over. The way I see it playing out is Bourne's group turns face and give the Straight Edge message in a positive, such as punk did early on in his career. Soon they start having encounters at ppvs where punk is mad at the direction Bourne's group is taking planting the seeds for a feud.

This feud can end in a number of ways, but ultimately i would like to see Bourne vs. Punk, one on one, with Bourne getting the win. Maybe after that he can be taken seriously.

I haven't been very successful at starting new topics here, but tell me some of your opinions.
Not a chance in hell.

I love the SES, but there's no way they will ever become as big as the NWO. Evolution was the last stable in WWE to achieve supremacy. Triple H was the World Heavyweight Champion, Batista & Flair were tag team champs, and Orton was the Intercontinental champion. Also, Evolution dominated Raw, and I find it hard to believe that the SES would dominate Smackdown. Now there's a chance Punk could become World Champion again, but I just don't see it happening in the near future. I also can't see Gallows ever winning the IC title, and I don't think Serena will be put into the Women's championship picture anytime soon.

Even if every member of the SES weren't a champion, I still don't think the SES would ever become big as the NWO. As others have already mentioned, the NWO was cool. They were like the group of bad boys in high school who everyone wanted to be around. The ideology of the SES doesn't appeal to the majority of people. Preaching a lifestyle that doesn't approve of drinking, smoking, using illegal drugs or abusing legal drugs turns people off. Would it be different and refreshing if we saw a bunch of WWE fans attend live shows with their heads shaved, and recite Punk's pledge? Sure it would. It would also be creepy, and disturbing.

I'm a fan of the SES, but they will never be as big as the NWO. Never.
Bourne will never really take off to be honest. Not because he can't, but because something like this will never happen. It took the death of Eddie Gurrerro to get Rey were he is today, and other than him, when was the last time you saw a guy that small get to upper midcard? That being said, it is a nice story idea. But I don't think the SES should go beyond it's current roster of 4.
I have been thinking that the Straight Edge Society has needed more people for quite some time now, it seems as if Joey Mercury will be added very shortly, but three guys is just not enough. I have been asking myself who on Smackdown! can benefit from this push. Well, i couldn't think of any one. This leads me to my next point, CM Punk Needs to win the Unified Tag Titles. I don't care who it's with, but with those titles he can expand the society to RAW. I know the Harts and CM Punk are in separate feuds, but they should both end around the same time allowing this to happen.

If punk goes over to raw he can reach out to some of the unused guys over there with the main guy being Evan Bourne. That's right, my grand master plan includes Bourne getting a push. He can be CM Punk's #2 guy on raw, like Gallows is on SD! I can also see guys like Primo and/or Ryder joining.

After about a month or 2 the RAW SES will be set up, allowing Punk and (Gallows?) to loose the tag belts and allowing Bourne to take over. The way I see it playing out is Bourne's group turns face and give the Straight Edge message in a positive, such as punk did early on in his career. Soon they start having encounters at ppvs where punk is mad at the direction Bourne's group is taking planting the seeds for a feud.

This feud can end in a number of ways, but ultimately i would like to see Bourne vs. Punk, one on one, with Bourne getting the win. Maybe after that he can be taken seriously.

I haven't been very successful at starting new topics here, but tell me some of your opinions.

Wow. A total fanboy comes up with an idea on how to push Evan Bourne..yeah right.

Evan Bourne doesn't need to be anywhere near the SES. He doesn't fit their mold, at all. He doesn't wrestle a heel-style match. He is nowhere near aggressive enough to get over as a heel, and if he changed his style to fit that mold, people like you would be pissed. No, no, no. At some point in time, some of you are going to have to come to the realization that Bourne MIGHT just end up as a jobber to the stars. I don't like it, I wish there were a Cruiserweight title for guys like Bourne, but there isn't. He just doesn't fit with the SES, horrible idea.

However, I do agree they need to unmasking that guy in the hood. If it's Mercury, the guy from FCW, whatever, doesn't matter (as long as he can wrestle). Where I disagree with you is in having CM Punk win the tag team titles.

For too long now, solidified main eventers have been invading the tag title hunt. DX, Jericho, Miz, Big Show, etc. It's terrible. It leads to that one team dominating EVERYTHING, and making REAL tag teams look weak. I would love to see Gallows and the masked man get a shot at the tag belts, in a long-lasting feud with The Hart Dynasty. CM Punk, if that happens, should begin to chase the WHC (after Swagger drops it). Punk is a main event talent, and doesn't need the tag belts, but Gallows and the Mystery man do. It would be a good way to get the ENTIRE SES over, not just Punk.
Bourne will never really take off to be honest. Not because he can't, but because something like this will never happen. It took the death of Eddie Gurrerro to get Rey were he is today, and other than him, when was the last time you saw a guy that small get to upper midcard? That being said, it is a nice story idea. But I don't think the SES should go beyond it's current roster of 4.

I think 5 would be the maximum with Serena in the group. You have Punk as the leader, Gallows and another member the followers and one more deemed to be the future, the successor of the Society.

However to have someone like Bourne in the Society? Talk about instant kill, just because he has no direction doesn't mean you stick him anywhere. Same goes with Ryder. Primo could work, if he was renamed upon joining and dis-owning his family name in relation to why Carlito was released.
They could definately make it a larger stable, but not too big (like when NWO merged with wolf pac). I definately they should have Primo and Chris Masters. Chris Masters because he got fired for steroids and Primo because Carlito got fired for painkillers. I think this would be a good idea.
I'm fond of the idea of Punk and Gallows winning the tag titles as it's something I've wanted for a while now, but I don't like involving Evan Bourne.

I like Bourne as much as the next guy, but he just wouldn't fit in the SES. His style isn't heelish, and he just doesn't look the part. Bourne looks like a choir boy that could do no wrong; I wouldn't even cast him as Dennis the Menace. He also lack the mic skills needed to carry a storyline in the capacity that you want him too. It just wouldn't work.

I somewhat agree with the expansion, though 5 is the max number of people I would have in the group; it doesn't need to be another nWo. The group prides itself on being "better" than everyone else, so people shouldn't be able to join left and right; it should be a small, elite group. Personally, I wouldn't add anyone on the current roster to the group. Mainly because there's no one available that I feel would fit. I'd just call up someone from FCW or something instead.

Points for creativity, but this angle, I feel, would ultimately fail.
No, not possible and I don't see it heading in that direction. SES is far too "polarized" as a stable to grow into something so huge as the nWo was. You'd have to have a lot of top card guys converting to "straight edge" and somehow, I just don't see that working (who is there, after all?). SES may grow by one or maybe two members, but it's going to get old at some point (probably by the end of the year, realistically).

If WWE want to go in the direction of a new nWo type stable, I see that happening on Raw, rather than Smackdown. Raw is already loaded with top stars, while Smackdown is kind of lacking in that department.
I think that the SES could grow and grow well so long as it was kept in check. I also like the idea of having a representative on Raw, but I think that a few things should be considered. First, it shouldn't be a main eventer. Make it a mid-carder, lower if possible so that he will benefit from the push. Second, it should be someone who needs to be "saved" as was mentioned with Masters and Primo. Such a person would need to have lead an extravagant lifestyle or at least had some problems with substances. Last, this person should be a heel to begin with or an easily turned face.

Bourne? I agree he could use the push, although I don't know about extravagance of lifestyle, but he's too much of a face to be believable turning to the society. The only way I could see this happening is if he were "kidnapped" by the society and forcibly turned like when Mabel was turned into Viscera by the Ministry of Darkness.

I have a few suggestions, though.

Primo: I agree that his brother being fired for drugs would be enough to get Punk interested and he definitely needs a new affiliation in order to become relevant again.

Goldust: Okay, maybe since he's getting near retirement, he doesn't need the push, but he's definitely the sort that needs saving by Punk's standpoint. Still, I guess we can dismiss this one seeing as Punk would probably think him not worth the effort.

Ryder: Now we're talking. This is just the sort of decadent-living club kid that Punk would see as needing his guidance. He's a heel already and he certainly could use the push. He's not making it as a single, but maybe getting into a group will give him what he needs.

There are a few others I could see him going after and having no chance of recruiting. John Morrison, R-Truth, and William Regal among them, but this is a starting point.
NWO had everyone and their grandmothers in the faction. It became too big, and pretty much controlled anything and everything to do with WCW at least booking-wise. It was rare to see anyone not part of the New World Order.

The group is legendary, but for Straight Edge Society to somehow gain the recognition that NWO did is a ludicrous thought.

Let's say the stable takes in, say, 20 people. In WWE's standards that's a LOT of people, and odds are you have taken some Main-Event talent as well, like Edge, Jericho, and perhaps John Cena. Now try to look at these guys as anti-partying, no alcohol (there goes Y2J's name for his fans "Jericho-holics"), no drugs, all these people supposedly bowing down to one man. That one man that can save them all, CM Punk.

Punk is GOLDEN, but I doubt he could start a trend where people like Cena or even Orton would take a step back and have him as the leader. I want SES to get as much recognition as Evolution does, but to be the next NWO? It's a PG Era- looks good on paper, but a superior cult with shaved-head members raise their arms to recite their creepy pledge in unison? That will most likely scare children.
what if bryan danielson surprised everyone a joined the straightedge society that would be a twist. nobody could have guessed it.
evan bourne is to much of a face he could never be a heel (succesfully) and he is to small to wrestle like a heel.
zack ryder is someone i could see in the straightedge society
I was trying to be original....i guess i failed.

But i still think the idea of punk expanding to raw could really work, do you guys think it would work better if I replaced Bourne with Ryder?
punk spending time between raw and smackdown would further bury smackdown imo. having punk involved in a feud on raw (ala jerishow v. dx) would distance/distract him from smackdown, which is already lacking in solid heels.

altho swagger is considered the "top" heel since he has the whc, punk does a much better job of drawing heat.
I can see it happening now...

The Straightedge Society adds another "masked man". For weeks, They don't reveal who he is just like they've been doing with Joey Mercury.

Once the "masked man" thing gets old, Punk and the SES can be beating someone down. The masked man gets on the top rope and....
Uses Air Bourne!

That would be so awesome.

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