Can Taz debut successfully in TNA?

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Dark Match Winner
There's so much speculation about Taz joining Tna and people have thought of so many scenarios and even wrestlezone has posted so many spoilers, so my question is that is it possible for taz to debut in Tna successfully and it being something interesting? He's one of my favourite wrestlers but he's already said that he won't wrestle again so that might take a little steam out of his return perhaps..... But really if he debuts with samoa joe now, will it be interesting?
Tazz debuted with a bang in WWE back in 2000.

Fast forward a few months and he was lost in the mix.

Now with Taz in TNA, the main problem he has is that he won't wrestle again.

So if he's just essentially going to be a glorified manager, then I see the exact same thing happening in the same period of time (if not sooner).
I think so, or lets hope so anyways. Since he can't wrestle anymore I don't see him replacing the announcers anytime soon. He would probably stay with the MEM unless Samoe Joe is just in the Mafia to fool Kurt and then turn face again, it would be interesting. Him joining the Mafia would seem too obvious since they have a ton of people in it anyways. It will probably happen, unless he swerves us and joins up with AJ and Daniels.
i think taz will make a great impact(no pun intended) on TNA but you people can't forget one thing,Taz's storyline with samoa joe is not going to be long term,Taz's is only in TNA to be an announcer and thank god.No offence to Don west,but his announcing skills and voice make me almost turn off TNA.Taz is an AMAZING announcer and he'll really help bring up TNA,he'll work great with mike tenay and maybe watching TNA matches will be more fun now with Tazz annoucing because announing is like 25% of the show and if the annoucing sucks,then the overall product sucks.I know people who don't watch TNA only because of the announcing because it sucks soooo much

i'm happy to hear that dixie carter and jeff jerett also don't like Don wests announcing so having Taz replace Don west most likely will happen,i don't think anyone can stand a
3-way annoucning,don west would work better as a backstage worker

can't wait for Taz
I think eventually Taz and Joe will go their separate way and turn on Angle, but not back to AJ and Daniels, but more a sole "nation", maybe eventually incorporate Richards and Raven into it. Having Joe head a stable of "legends" but still remain heel will push him further, and allow for feuds down the road with AJ, Daniels, Abyss, and all the other face TNA guys. Perhaps even wait until October and have Joe screw Angle out of the title at Bound for Glory. Being they want that to be their big PPV, it would show Joe as an impact player for the company. Maybe have a triple threat where Joe is there to ensure Angle wins, then as Angle goes to cover whoever the 3rd person would be (probably Foley or Jarrett or Sting), Joe grabs Angle and does his clutch submission. The Rock really broke out once he took over for the Nation, so something similar with Joe heading a faction would definitely be good for his career.

But yes, Taz can debut successfully, but only if they're willing to go through it and keep him (Tazz) relevant...debuting him and then having him end up like Lashley would be unsuccessful
Taz's impact with TNA will be nill. Just like Shane Douglas and Raven, Taz is a guy that's remembered fondly because of his association with ECW, thereby becoming a beloved darling of the IWC. When Douglas and Raven came back to TNA, there was all this buzz and excitement about how these two were going to jumpstart TNA and all this other bullshit. Well, it's been over a month and nothing's happened.

The 40+ Club hasn't been able to bring in ratings to TNA. Most of them aren't involved in interesting storylines and half of them simply can't get it up in the ring anymore. I might be interested if Taz could wrestle, but he can't anymore. So what's he going to do exactly? Is he just going to stand around wearing his sunglasses and his suits outside the ring, occassionally grabbing hold of the feet of one of Joe's opponents? Maybe jump up on the apron now and again? Please, TNA is just firing off another smokescreen like they've done with Lashley, Douglas and Raven.

Now, if they were to put Taz on as a commentator and get rid of Don West, I'd consider that an improvement.
I actually believe that Taz is going to make it in TNA, he has the experience and the talent to make TNA a better show at least a little bit.

Of course I can´t tell in which way he is going to be used, whether he´s going to be a manager for Samoa Joe for the next years or sometime as a commentator, he could make it both work.

However I don´t think that it would be a good idea to bring him back as a real in-ring performer, he has been out of shape lately and hasn´t wrestled a real match in years. The ring rust is something that has be shaken off.
Well now with the ECW invasion with the likes of RAVEN,STEVIE RICHARDS,RHYNO,SHANE DOUGLAS and TAZ now a stable can work out and have them feud against MEM besides where the hell is Bobby Lashley? He signed with TNA so where is he now?
To be honest I don't see why Tazz is going to TNA. I thought he was leaving the business after his WWE Contract expired. Im not knocking Tazz but what can he really bring to the table besides maybe Announce? He can't wrestle anymore obviously because of his Neck. Good luck to him is all I can say because he will need it in TNA.
Well now with the ECW invasion with the likes of RAVEN,STEVIE RICHARDS,RHYNO,SHANE DOUGLAS and TAZ now a stable can work out and have them feud against MEM besides where the hell is Bobby Lashley? He signed with TNA so where is he now?

Minus Douglas and Rhyno, Raven/Richards/Tazz can help Joe by creating an actual "Nation" of Violence. Perhaps even Abyss can turn heel and join. Having Joe the leader of a faction made up of "violent" veterans will give him a huge push.
I definitely would like to seem him come in and replace Don West. Taz is great with the play by play and announcing and it can really help TNA in that department.
Well now with the ECW invasion with the likes of RAVEN,STEVIE RICHARDS,RHYNO,SHANE DOUGLAS and TAZ now a stable can work out and have them feud against MEM besides where the hell is Bobby Lashley? He signed with TNA so where is he now?

I like the idea of the ECW stable, but really hope to god he is doing Color Commentating, replacing Don West. Mike Tenay is pretty good as a Play by Play man, but Don West is the WORST Color Commentator EVER. How the hell that guy has a job is amazing to me. He has to have incriminating photos of Dixie Carter or Jeff Jarrett or something.

Lashley is not in TNA right now because he is currently (as is tonight on PPV) fighting Bob Sapp in an MMA Contest in Biloxi, Mississippi; and has been training for the fight. Maybe he will make an appearance after this fight.
It seems like alot of people seem to debut huge in TNA and then got lost in Vince Russo's cluster f*** book. Kurt Angle has really been the only one who has been the Main Event from Day 1 until now.

Christian Cage disappeared for a bit and he made the biggest debut next to Angle.
I loved Taz, was a huge mark for Taz and felt if pushed right, a Taz vs Austin match could have made A LOT of money. But really, TNA? Is TNA really going to make a future announcer's debut a big deal? IMO that would make them look so little and worthless. Even for a Manager. If he can't wrestle he is worthless. I thought he was good, not great at announcing. And if he replaces West and not Tenay then what is the point.
Can't see them being able to do much with Taz unless the ECW faction thing becomes a reality. Which is now looking unlikely with Franchise and Raven apparantly gone.

About to watch this weeks impact, thought last weeks was one of the best wrestling shows I'd seen in months. Am really looking forward to Victory Road, its usually a pretty meaningless affair but Taz's debut gives it an edge this year :)
ECW faction? What? Ok right now we have Samoa on the verge of his biggest push of his career( ROH marks, don't kid yourself) and you want him to lead a stable of former ECW guys that can barely wrestle anymore? Great plan! He is already in a faction of older guys, but the one he is in now consists of legends. Not veteran curtain jerkers. The thing about Taz debuting, why is it a big deal? He can NOT wrestle. Sure he could be a good mouthpiece or an announcer. The mark in me would love to see him choke out Don West.
If you look closely in the Sting segment where he attacks the guy in the car you can see part of Tazz's head. So using logic I say Taz is Joe's adivesor and will probably be in the MEM the only question is how could Sting not see Taz if he clearly reached in the car and started to pull Taz out of the door. Another stupid TNA mistake. Also they've spoiled his appearence themselves with survive if i let you and 13 on a picture. So I think Sting will have Joe in the Scorpion Deathlock and then Tazz will run out and lock in the Tazz mission becuase the ref was conviently knocked out and then JOe will lock the Rear Naked Choke on an unconsios sting and get the win.
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