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Can Steve Austin Make Another HUGE WWE Run?


Now i have spent hours thinking about this Question. Can Stone Cold have a Huge WWE run again? Answers & explain. but first off. Stone Cold has said he could do another run in WWE again but will it be as Huge as his one before his body went down hill? im a Huge Stone Cold FAN!

Can he do it ?
Would you want him to return?
Who would be a great opponent (NOT JUST CMPUNK)

I Think yes he could do it. Yes i want him to return. i Think he could go against the likes of...

1. The Miz 2. Cody Rhodes 3. Dolph Ziggler 4. John Cena 5. Brock Lesnar 6. The Rock (AGAIN..)

Cause WWE knows he could put young Cody Rhodes, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler ect. OVER.
Can he do it ?

Yes. But not for a full run.

Would you want him to return?

No. It won't be as good as his last run.

Who would be a great opponent ?

Leaving Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton I don't think he has any credible opponent.
Can he do it ?

Yes, I think he's ready for a return at any times as he certainly implied it. But I don't think he wants to too much.

Would you want him to return?

Maybe for one or two last matches, but not for a full run.

Who would be a great opponent?

He admitted he'd only want to wrestle CM Punk if he returned so basically he contradicted your statement. But I think a great opponent could be John Cena. Though he won't ever wrestle Randy Orton (Stone Cold LOVES making fun of that guy). But now that Brock is back, I could see a match between the two.
I could see him coming back for WM29,

Austin vs. Cena

If there would ever be a "pass the torch" moment....

It would be THAT match.

Remember his HOF induction,after his speech the one beer he passed out to the wrestlers in the front row went to Cena.....purposely random,don't you think?
I honestly don't think so. I do think he'll come back for one more match but I don't think he will do anything more than that.

He has serious, serious neck injuries. I would be shocked if his doctor or WWE doctors would clear him to fight in more than one match. As much as we all love Stone Cold, no one wants to see him paralyzed, or worse.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see him come back for one more run culminating in him winning the belt but I really don't think it will happen.
We all would like a Stone Cold comeback but in reality is he not physically fit enough to wrestle because of his long standing neck injuries.

Lets put Edge as a perfect example, maybe in his head Edge would've loved to continue as an 'active' WWE Superstar but he was forced to retire by doctors due to his neck injuries.

I think people here are still trying to relive the ''Attitude'' era and wanting the Stone Cold's, the Rocks, the HHH's, the very first Kane's ect back on our screens. There is no doubt in my mind that era will return, we are slowly slowly seeing glimps of that with the Jericho/Punk angle, the HHH/Taker Hell in a Cell and more recently the crowd chanting ''Holy s##t when Lesnar returned on Raw (which btw Cole did an awful job getting excited about same when Kane returned)

The days of Stone Cold are over but to have him come out every now and then to 'Stunner' someone would be a pleasure to watch, maybe get him a job as a commentator but can you really see him sitting behind a desk calling matches... I really can't see that happening.
its time i give another opinion... stone cold should take over as gm again. did a great job when he was. and certainly do it again. the stunner to who didnt listen and in my opinion stone cold said he could do another 2 years. his knees r better and his kneck isnt in pain like it was. if he had doctors say he was phisically fit to return what would your opinions be?
Can he do it ?

*Yes. I bet he is still in shape and would be able to work well.

Would you want him to return?

*YESS!!! He was amazing during his last run, and still delievers good promos and makes moments everytime he returns(even if it was just a one day thing).

Who would be a great opponent ?

*Jericho- Would deliver great promos, and would put on an amazing match!!
*Daniel Bryan- the YES v. the WHAT?! they would give great promos and fantastic mathes!!!
I be shocked real shocked if SCSA returned!! He had been out of action for 10 years now thats one long layoff!! I think he could do it on a limited basis special matches here and there.

But the opponent i think he be best suited for is CM Punk!! That be a great great match for next years WM IMO and have punk go over!! When punk goes over punk would be a bigger star than he already is!!

But I honestly dont think the WWE doctors would allow him to return even if he wanted too. I don't want SCSA to be potentially paralyzed or even worse!! Neck injuries are nothing to mess around with let SCSA be!! Have him come in and stun some WWE stars drink beer raise hell but please dont let him compete!! I don't wanna see him hurt
Can he do it?

Of course he can, he's rested up and refreshed, plus did you see him on Tough Enough? Steve Austin can still go and he still has a great business mind.

Would you want him to return?

Not long term. I'd like to see him return like The Rock did, no more than two matches within a year, and not on a consistent basis like Brock.

Who would be a great opponent ?

I think anyone other than Punk is a waste of time, unless it's furthering his feud with Punk. John Cena is the name everyone keeps popping up with, I personally think that match would be atrocious. Austin would need a ring general to compensate for him and a ring general John Cena is not. I'd like to see a "warm-up" against Ziggler.
Could he? Sure.

Should he? No.

Will he? If he's smart, no.

As great as it would be to see Austin back in the ring, it's not happening. Age and his nagging neck injuries brought him to retire, and a full-time run just doesn't look to be happening again.

Austin had his time in the WWE. He brought that company - hell, the wrestling industry - back to relevancy in the 90s. He won multiple championships and faced the top competitors in the game on his way to becoming a household name and the face of the industry for nearly a decade. He has nothing left to prove to anyone. Plus, he's got a sweet set-up right now. He appears every now and then to come out, drink a few beers, hit a few Stunners, get a big pop and then fade back to the Broken Skull Ranch. It's good that WWE keeps that relationship with him. Hell, his recently usurped "WHAT?!" chant was still going strong well afer he hung up his boots. Why risk all of that to come back full time and hurt yourself further? For the "love of the game?" Dude's set for life.

That being said, if he is feeling good and wants to come back for a short program with someone just for shits and giggles, that's great. WWE can pump it all up, sell Stone Cold merch again and have him come out, cut promos and hit Stunners all night long. But that's all it would be - a short program that culminates at a big PPV like WrestleMania. And if he does come back, he'd work with C.M. Punk. The two have both expressed the desire to work with one another, and Austin has earned the same carte blanche that Rock has in picking his program. Those two would be gold working together. I can't see anyone else on the roster who could live up to that standard.
I dont think he could come back as a full time wrestler, but it would be awesome if he came back as the gm and wrestled a few matches here and there.Maybe a couple payperviews, but as a fulltime wrestler, no.
I don't think he's physically up for it. Stone Cold has been out of action for roughly a decade now and there's a reason for that: his injuries.

Just because Austin can still go to the gym and work out doesn't mean that he can go in there and take the bumps necessary to put on a good wrestling match that doesn't feel like a waste of fans' time & money. Look at Kevin Nash as good example of that. His feud with Punk was cancelled because of health issues discovered at a physical. WWE looked out for him and, simultaneously, covered its own collective ass.

I can see Austin coming back to work a single match but a run even similar to what's being planned with Lesnar? I don't see it happening.
Depends on how long of a run we're talking. One year? Absolutely. Will that happen? I doubt it.

I can see Austin coming back for six or so months, half of that spent as the Raw GM, eventually leading to a match at WrestleMania with Punk or someone like that. However, Austin's nearly 50 years old, and has serious health problems.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it. He's my favorite wrestler of all time, the best I've ever seen. He has another run in him, definitely, but not a long-term run. No way.
Can he do it ?

He could, of course it would be at his own personal risk due to age, but he could pull it off should he ever need to (not likely).

Would you want him to return?

I'm a stone cold fan, a die hard fan to say the least. Him and undertaker are like the 2 guy's that I liked the best, but I'm going to have to say no. Stone Cold is (was) a great wrestler in his day and age but he is old now. For his own health i hope he never comes back for a full frontal run. At best work a half (if not less then that) schedule tops (hypothetically speaking). And of course him and punk going at it at WM 29 is something i wouldn't be opposed to in the least.

Who would be a great opponent?

Well, Cena, Punk, he could possibly help out sheamus to some extent, lesnar (yea i went there ;P), miz, del rio, rhodes and a few other guys. Of course this is all in theory my hopes are that he never returns.

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