Can It Work?...


Now Lately I've been thinking of ways to keep Undertakers name rolling after he hangs it. Or per say a storyline that nobody would expect to happen. Lets say the night after Royal Rumble hits. The Dong hits and the chills rise throughout the building ,The lights go out, and the undertaker slowly walks down the aisle. The crowd it intense and undertaker gets into the ring. grabs the microphone and says " Many years the deadman has risen. Opponent after opponent I have defeated 21. never lost one. I showed everyone that the only way to kill the undertaker is to defeat the streak. the only way to defeat the steak is to kill the undertaker. For the first time I stand here and say that the undertaker has killed the undertaker. Its time I hang up the boots. time I disappear in the darkness. for good." then he leaves. A rookie starts talking trash about the undertaker and downing his soul and says he is better then the undertaker, and undertaker only retired because he destroyed the urn and it holds the undertakers soul and the urn being broken weaken undertaker and he has destroyed the power of him. he has killed the undertaker. he killed the legacy of the former deadman. who breaks the urn and destroys it holds all power of darkness and nobody will see him again. he has the urn pieces in a towel and drops them on the ground the next week and stomps on them. furthering a return of the undertaker a week later. then the rookie defeats undertaker at mania and ending undertakers steak and taker retires.

Is this a good idea?
Add anything to it. please. be serious. if you have anything to say to make it better say it.
Not a very good idea...

1) Some rookie to end the streak? Its too important for WWE to make such mistake. Why should he deserve such an honor? You give that to someone who is proven that he can carry the company(proven star of the company: Cena, Punk, Orton etc) or someone who you could elevate to stars or trying(Sheamus, even Bryan) and not to nobody who proved that he can do exactly nothing for company.

2) In Mania Taker match is always high profile, even mainevent(over the course of last years and even before that). Taker vs Nobody doesnt nearly sell as much as Taker- Rock or Taker- Cena or Taker- Brock or anything they plan to do on next year even if Taker anounces that its his last match

3) Why should "The Streak" even have to be ended? Would not think of Undertaker as less legendary if its ended but from all the guys I counted as "worthy" I wouldnt like any of them to end "The Streak"...

4) You are thinking for average IWC point of view. WWE creative and WWE himself thinks from the bussiness point of view. Thats why they make millions of dollars and we just think that we can throw some idea that is better then their point of view. We just ramble mostly noncense and they make money. In my country there is saying "Everybody is football coach". We love football(godamnit Americans, its not soccer to me :p ) and we always think that we can be better coach than the guy who acctually has experience with that job. Somewhat like the IWC and WWE. So, no, dont like your idea and sorry, we cant all be WWE creative and make money on it. :)
Now Lately I've been thinking of ways to keep Undertakers name rolling after he hangs it.

Or per say a storyline that nobody would expect to happen. Lets say the night after Royal Rumble hits. The Dong hits and the chills rise throughout the building ,The lights go out, and the undertaker slowly walks down the aisle. The crowd it intense and undertaker gets into the ring. grabs the microphone and says " Many years the deadman has risen. Opponent after opponent I have defeated 21. never lost one. I showed everyone that the only way to kill the undertaker is to defeat the streak. the only way to defeat the steak is to kill the undertaker. For the first time I stand here and say that the undertaker has killed the undertaker. Its time I hang up the boots. time I disappear in the darkness. for good." then he leaves.

Undertaker 'killing himself', even just using the terminology, would be a little too graphic for PG-TV, would it not? Further, if Undertaker believes he is unbeatable at Wrestlemania, why would he stop at 21-0? Why not beat everyone there is to beat that he's never faced at Wrestlemania, such as John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and The Rock even?

A rookie starts talking trash about the undertaker and downing his soul and says he is better then the undertaker, and undertaker only retired because he destroyed the urn and it holds the undertakers soul and the urn being broken weaken undertaker and he has destroyed the power of him. he has killed the undertaker. he killed the legacy of the former deadman. who breaks the urn and destroys it holds all power of darkness and nobody will see him again. he has the urn pieces in a towel and drops them on the ground the next week and stomps on them. furthering a return of the undertaker a week later. then the rookie defeats undertaker at mania and ending undertakers steak and taker retires.

Horrible idea.

Even when we've heard names pitched around as supposed opponents down the line to end Undertaker's streak, they haven't been rookies. They've been names that have been establishing themselves in one way or another as up-and-comers. Your suggestion would be to have a no-name rookie simply talk trash and break Undertaker's urn. Did you watch the build to Wrestlemania this year? That's essentially the same angle they ran with CM Punk, Punk stole the Urn, talked trash, then broke the Urn over Undertaker's head to end the go-home show to Wrestlemania. And Punk, an established veteran, didn't break the Streak, but you'ld have "some rookie" do it?

After all the big names Undertaker has defeated at Wrestlemania, to have his streak end at the hands of a rookie, especially one you haven't put a name to, would tarnish the Undertaker's legacy. Even if his goal is to retire at Wrestlemania, that doesn't mean he should lose. In fact, at 21-0, I don't believe Undertaker should ever lose at Wrestlemania.

You realize how much time and effort is spent into building storylines, writing them coherently, and making them suitable so they meet Vince's lofty standards, only for him at times to have them torn up and re-started, correct? This took you, what, 15 minutes to type up?

We can't all be writers for WWE, and those that have jobs there do so because they're better then us. So no offense, but you're not. :shrug:
If we are booking crazy Undertaker angles, what about this one... The Deadman is told by his long term manager that his little brother, who 'Taker thought had died in the fire that killed his parents, is STILL ALIVE! Can you imagine the shock when this "brother" walks down to the ring during one of Undertaker's matches? They could even use red lighting and give him a body suit and a mask to hide the burns!! It would be epic. The twist...and its a fucking big that Undertaker WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED THE FIRE!!!!

God, I am good. Its more likely that WWE will book the complete Kane angle again then have Undertaker lose to a no-name rookie at WM and ruin his legacy.
Try Hard with a Vengeance said:
But this time, Kane is played by Hornswoggle, because he's always the answer to a WWE mystery.

This is true. If they pulled this shit and Brock didn't trash Triple H's office before...

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