Can I Have You Attention Please....


Staff member
Don't panic guys, I know that thread title sounds like something involving Michael Cole and that annoying laptop for the RAW Anonymous General Manager. However it's actually just me and my laptop, and something less annoying and hopefully more fun.

It's that time of year again, time for the Wrestlezone Forums Poster Awards. This is something we do pretty much every year around this time for a bit of fun. Most of you I'm sure are familiar with it all, but for those of you who aren't, it is a series of awards involving our faithful Wrestlezone posters, on a variety of topics. I have a bunch of awards in mind already, however over the next few days, I encourage everyone to suggest additional categories to either replace some of my categories, or add to them. Also, as categories get proposed, I also encourage people to start nominating posters to potentially win these prestigious (or not so much ) awards.

By the weekend, I hope to have about 20-25 categories in place, which I will list at the end of this thread. And by this time next week, I hope to have the nominees in place, and I'll set up the polls. The plan is to have this all wrapped up somewhere between Christmas and New Years.

Some examples of awards are:

Rookie of the Year
Funniest Poster
Person Who Should Be in WZ Prison, But Isn't
Best Non Spam Wrestling Poster
Best Sig Quote

So have at it guys. Let's hear some suggestions for awards, and start nominating the guys (and gals) you want to see win them. Hopefully it should be fun for us all.
M, I would imagine most of the awards will indeed be the same as previous years. But I'm hoping to change things up a little, putting a few new awards in there and getting rid of some of the older or redundant ones. I have about 25 ideas in mind, which I'll probably start to post tomorrow (because it's late here now). And I want to hear some suggestions from everyone else as well.
OK, so here's a start on a couple of categories, and some nominees for them. I welcome as much input as possible.

1. Best Non-Spam Wrestling Poster

Mustang Sally
It's Damn Real!
The Brain

2. Funniest Poster

George Steele's Barber
New Name
Uncle Sam

3. Poster Who Should Be In Prison, But Isn't

Terry Silver
Scrotie McBoogerballs

4. Most Delusional Mark

Joe's Gonna Kill You
The Dragon Saga

5. Best Section

World Wrestling Entertainment
Total Non-Stop Action
The Bar Room
The Wrestlezone Symposium

OK, so here are a few more Posters Awards categories, and some nominees. Again, would love to hear some more suggestions for both categories and nominees as I hope to have these polls set up by Monday or Tuesday.

6. Best Non-Spam Non-Wrestling Poster

The Shape
Mustang Sally

7. Rookie of the Year

Frankly, I'm totally drawing a blank here.

8. Most Improved Poster

A few ideas here, but I'll hold off on mentioning anyone until I've given it a bit more thought.

9. Best Thread

CM Punk Finally Breaks His Silence
KB Answers Wrestling Questions

10. Best Staff Member

Everyone knows who is on staff, no need to list them here.

11. Worst Staff Member

See 10.

12. Best Spam Poster/ Best Barfly

The Butcher
Uncle Sam

13. Best Username

Mark Henry's Sandwich
Bray Wyatt's Hat

14. Brass Ring Award

Rainbow Yaz
Dagger Dias

15. Biggest Troll


Still have a few more ideas which I'll throw out there tomorrow, most of which are simply repeats of previous years, with a few new ones. Hopefully we'll see some more nominations come in.

Here are the last ones I was thinking of:

16. Best Thread Starter

17. Worst Thread Starter

18. Best Sig Quote

19. Best Bromance

20. Best Tournament

21. Best Rivalry

Rusty versus WBL

22. Best Return

23. Get Your Arse Back Here!

Battlezone Tournament
The Crock
Lita's Revenge 79

24. Nicest Poster/Person You'd Most Like To Meet In Real life

Hopefully no creepiness comes out here. This could be someone you'd like to meet because you are "e-friends" on the forums. It could be someone you've already met in real life, as many of you have.

25. Flying Under The Radar

Every year, the same people tend to get nominated for and win the same awards, and usually rightly so. My thought here is to nominate the posters who are under appreciated, guys (or gals) who are excellent posters (spam, non-spam, or both) but don't get noticed as much as they should, and who likely won't win best (whatever) award, bit still deserve a shout out.
Nominating Dirk and Butcher for both funniest poster and most improved.
That "Brass ring award"... I nominate Hatehabsforever *dumps ice-bucket over my head*

Unless Blade has been made mod, which I'm guessing hasn't happened... yet.
Scrotie McBoogerballs once told Habs to "Shove his fucking infraction up his homo ass." Clearly Habs is the worst mod.
Best Thread should be the WZ Big Brother Thread. That was hilariously awesome.

Also are you forgetting to nominate yourself for the Brass Ring habs? What a modest guy.

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