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Can HHH vs Taker in Career vs Streak be as legendary as HBK vs Taker last year?

Will Taker/HHH in Streak vs Career be as legendary as Taker/HBK

  • Hell yeah, it will!! We're talking about 2 freaking legends here!

  • I think it will be close or at least on the same level.

  • Hell to the no! HHH isn't even good enough to be HBK's shoelaces!

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The Ace of Knaves

Getting Noticed By Management
First of all, I'd like to say thank u to those who responded to my first thread earlier. Thanks all, it's nice to see your opinions.

Just like the first thread, the title explains itself. And before u post your thought please consider some of these questions below:

1. Will the crowd be as emotional as HBK's retirement?
2. Will the crowd be as insane as during Taker/HBK matches at WM 25 & 26 if Taker/HHH happens?
3. I think no one can deny HBK's presence as ref will make people focus more on the possibility of a screw-job than the actual quality match itself. Will that make the match insanely underrated like, say, Undertaker vs Edge at Wrestlemania 24?
4. I believe Taker/HBK (both at WM 25 & 26) is remembered alongside other 'timeless Wrestlemania classics' such as Andre/Hogan, Bret/Owen, or Austin/Rock. Will HHH/Taker be remembered and mentioned on the same league with those matches or not?

Thank you for your thoughts. Always appreciate good opinions and debates here :)
Id say no , its just one months build and why would he come back all of a sudden just to be retired? I just dont buy that
Hell yeah, we really are talking about 2 legends here. Triple H may not have the ring magic Shawn Michaels had, but the crowd definitely respects Triple H and the match and feud with Undertaker would be great. Most likely, the actual match may be average at most because of the age and injuries of the 2 guys, but Hogan and Rock's match at WM 18 wasn't the best, but it definitely was awesome and legendary, and Triple H and Undertaker would also tear the house down.
No. It will be seen as an old idea. HBK at least has a story going into the career vs streak match where by beating Taker at Mania consumed him. HHH is out for almost a year and Taker is out for months. If and that is a big if that they return on the Raw after EC that will only give them about a month to build up the feud. HHH Taker previously was great because they made use of the arena as weapons but I doubt they will use that because both are older now and may not be able to make that kind of match work. It can be big but it will not be as big as HBK vs Taker last year.
I think it would be an awesome match. I just don't want it to be a career match because we've seen it done last year. Try doing an extreme match like a last man standing or something intense. It would be so much more awesome then let Triple H have a feud or two until we can get some more heels develop then he can go take his front office position.
I foresee this thread being banned because it contains a spoiler of sorts for something that hasn't been announced yet. But in case it stays up, I'll play along.


Can it be as legendary? Of course it CAN. BUT... it won't.

Sure we love HHH, but HBK has entertained us longer than HHH, entertained us BETTER than HHH, and gave us countless classic matches to revisit via dvd. HHH has also given us some great matches... but none compare to those HBK gave us. Look at the PWI's match of the year every single year since HBK's return. HBK was involved in the match of the year EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. That's evidence in itself. The Triple Threat match at WM20. HBK/Angle at WM21. HBK/Vince at WM22. HBK/Cena on Raw. HBK/Flair at WM24. And HBK/Taker at WM25 and 26. I'm not taking anything away from HHH at all, but HBK is a better in ring performer...period. Not even an argument.

As for the emotional investment, we won't be anywhere near as emotionally invested in this match. Because if this all happens, HHH will come back, and they'll only have a month or so to build towards it. With HBK/Taker, it was teased since November/December the previous year. Plus, with the quality of the match at WM25, many clamored for a rematch. We got it. It topped it.

As for going down as a classic, I don't see it. It will be a great match, but I don't see any matches that HHH has ever been in on the 1-on-1 level as a "classic." At least... not at Mania. He's had some great ones, but classic... not so much.
I say no for many reasons:
1. Yes we have to legends and future Hall of Famers but in a grudge match at wrestle-mania.
2. Why HHH would wait 2yrs and didn't even try to help HBK the last 2 manias. ( HBK came back when HHH needed him). All HHH try to do was talk HBK out of it.
3. It would be to predictable Taker is not losing at Mania.
4. If HBK refs he has to take someone's side all special refs do. If he cost Taker the streak it will hurt HBK legacy at mania, if he turns on HHH he be throwing DX and friendship out the window and still hurt his legacy.
5. This match will take the spot light away from HBK HOF induction.
Taker and HHH have to be in separate matches at mania so they wont overshadow HBK , Shawn earned this honor.
No, you cant just randomly start a fued out of the blue a month before wrestlemania. If they are going to go with Undertaker ending HBK's career story , then they could have just had Triple H screw Undertaker in buried alive instead of Nexus. Im sure it would be a great match but the match itself would seem pointless
If this match does happened like rumored to be, then it will not be as legendary as HBK/Taker at 'Mania 25 & 26. For starters, HHH has been out of the ring and off TV for freaking ever. Taker has been out for months. You can't expect Undertaker and HHH to return (if they even have HHH return on the same night as Taker) and only have a little over a month to build this match. It's lazy booking. If this match were to happen at 'Mania 28 instead of this year, (again if it does happen.) it would have much more potential to be as legendary as HBK/Taker. HHH needs one last solid run...not just one last match. If 'Mania 27 features HHH vs Undertaker in a career vs streak match...it'll be a huge let down. Save it for 'Mania 28.
Yes, I think it would be on the same level as Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. This is probably the only match people want to see a rematch to. Triple H and The Undertaker had that EPIC match at WM17. Some people will say it's not on the same level as shawn and taker's match; but triple h vs taker was classic the first time and it would be the second time. Also you have two legends standing face to face against each other. The crowd will or would be ecstatic for this match. I think the emotions would run high too.

However with that being said, you have not just one but two guys possibly retiring after this WM. It wouldn't be a good idea to have two of your top stars retiring the same night. Also as mentioned before starting a fued out of the blue one month before the biggest show of the year wouldn't be that great of an idea. The story is there; you just need to build on that story and I think they need more than a month to do that. If they ever do face at WM again it should be WM28 (I'm not saying that I want that too happen though). So with that being said I think Triple H vs. The Undertaker can be on the same level as Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker.
Personally, no. We just had Undertaker retire Shawn last year. Do we really want to see him retire someone else, so soon? (if that ends up being the stipulation) The WWE shouldn't do the same storyline for a match this year. This would feel like deja vu. Right now it just feels like they would be throwing this match together & making Shawn the reason. Neither men are even on tv right now, with about a month & a half until Wrestlemania. Shawn/Taker had great build. I'd like to see Triple H continue his feud with Sheamus, and why would Taker let Nexus/Kane get off so easy? With The Rock now involved with Wrestlemania, maybe we can actually have matches that make sense.
No, you cant just randomly start a fued out of the blue a month before wrestlemania. If they are going to go with Undertaker ending HBK's career story , then they could have just had Triple H screw Undertaker in buried alive instead of Nexus. Im sure it would be a great match but the match itself would seem pointless

I agree with your statement, I believe HHH has to comeback to get even with Shamus. Taker has to get back at Nexus. The only match that Taker can do out of the blue is with Sting, just because their gimmicks and you may still have to involve Nexus and Kane in it. And I strongly believe Taker vs HHH is a slap in the face to HBK.
Simply no.

Trips doesn't have that IT factor Shawn had, sure he's over as a fan favorite but when Trips is heel the fans loath him for all the wrong reasons, when he's holding the belt for months on end the fans believe it's his backstage pull thats got him his position.

Shawn back in the 1990s was one grade a ass, when he returned in 2002 the fans embraced him and the fact he's put many people over since 2002 and continued to put on quality matches. HHH will be embraced no doubt but put on quality matches? doubtful.

Thou WrestleMania 27, Triple H Vs The Undertaker; will be well and truly thought out, from a storyline aspect to the match itself and the aftermath.
I don't believe Trips is retiring no matter what the stipulations of the match is, Trips won't go out at just any WrestleMania, he'll retire at a nice round figure like WrestleMania 30 (XXX). He might loss come WrestleMania 27 but he will return for one final run, I simply don't believe he has it in him to retire yet, semi retire maybe but not retire for good like HBK. Vinny Mac will need him at some point and Trips will go lacing up the boots and trunks and get ready to the play game.
I genuinely believe it won't be. Because a) only one months build and I just don't buy into why trips will come back maybe wrestle a couple of matches pre 'mania only to then be retired. B) if what is rumored to be the case and HBK does indeed ref the match then that will detract from the match up as majority of people commentators included will be more focused on the potential for a screw-job from HBK. Just my 2 cents.
For me personally, it'll be a lot better than the HBK Vs. Taker match from last year because I actually like both Trips and Taker. Trips has been one of my favs on Raw since Evolution, I didn't like DX because well, the Geriatric Kid. Taker on the other hand, he's been my fave since he made his debut, I even endured the biker gimmick even though I found it to be rather generic.

But although the match will most likely impress me, it's going to end on a sad note one way or another. If they do a screw job thing and Taker loses his streak, that'll be a let down because I want him to retire with it intact, but if it does remain intact, it means no more Trips. Which based on the rumors is going to happen sooner than later regardless.

Once Trips and Taker are gone, there's only a few old school wrestlers left that are still entertaining. And the new kids on the block, they may have the in ring ability but they don't have that rock n' roll swagger that so many of the old schoolers had, like Trips and the Geriatric Kid. I may not like Shawn, but I'll never be able to say he didn't have what it took to be a WWE star.

So it'll be a great match with a sad ending.. but well, Empire Strikes Back was one of my favorite Star Wars films..
Triple H vs. Undertaker in a Streak vs. Career match sounds great but, it shouldn't happen at WM 27, it should happen at WM 28. I say this because it would take away from Shawn Michaels going into the Hall of Fame. On top of that, it would only have a month of hype... not good.

This kinda of match needs the build up that HBK/Undertaker had for WM 25 and 26. Triple H needs to have one more great run before he hang's up the boots (let's face it Undertaker will not lose at WM). Triple H has unfinished business with King Sheamus so that could be his last big program starting at WM 27.

Undertaker at WM 27 should face off against Wade Barrett. I say this because it's the logical choice. Barrett and Nexus buried alive Undertaker at Bragging Rights and now that Barrett is on Smackdown making a name for himself with the Corre, it sets the stage for Undertaker getting even and making Barrett #19.
It obviously won't unless your the biggest triple H mark. Everything about last years match was legendary. The build up was just amazing. It was a rematch of another legendary match. It was Shawn Michaels last match. It was two of the best workers f'n going at it in the main event of the grandest stage of them all.

When was the last time Triple H has even had a classic match. Don't get me wrong I was a huge fan of triple H but he has done nothing special since wm 22. While Shawn Michaels was having match of the night constantly, and had it each year at wrestlemania.

Just on the premise of it being a rehash of last years match would make it second.
I would have to say no. With all due respect to HHH, he is no HBK. Shawn had been around the WWE for years, was forced to retire due to injury and managed to come back and be perhaps better then he was.

He was involved in many firsts in the WWE, was in many matches that most people would claim to be in the top 10 of all time. He has held every title and had a long History with the Undertaker.

The build up for HBK vs Taker both times was executed perfectly and the people just cared about HBK more then HHH.

The fact that HHH is married to Stephanie McMahon and has a big executive job also kind of ruins the possible sadness if he was to retire. As opposed to HBK, where you didn't know what he would do, if we would see him again, etc.
There is just way to much unfinished business laying around here! Sheamus, Nexus, Kane, the Corre (because that's where Wade is now). My only problem with people saying Nexus and Taker have unfinished business is what would Taker do? Go after the Corre then switch over to Raw and try to take out Nexus? Not buying it.

I can't really see where WWE is going with this. Are they TRYING to just write HHH off really fast? I mean holy hell if I'm not mistaken the last HHH/Undertaker feud that was REALLY good was HHH/Austin vs. Kane/HHH in all sorts of matches. Singles matches, tag matches, stipulation matches etc etc. Throwing HHH out there with this little time to effectively build it up is terrible. They would have a grand total of 12 combine Raw/SmackDown! episodes to work with plus the PPVs. I mean it could be done but it would feel very rushed and almost a slap in the face to HHH as well as HBK AND the Undertaker.

This may very well be Undertakers LAST WrestleMania. I personally wish he would take time off, and skip this years Mania. Giving himself ample time to recover and not rush his rehab/recovery process. That way WWE could give HHH/Undertaker a HUGE year long feud! Here's how it SHOULD go down..

HBK gets inducted into the HoF. We see both Undertaker and HHH in the crowd. Cameras pan from 1 to the other. Obviously HHH is going to get emotional because it's one of his close friends. WWE can feed off of that since it will be airing the day AFTER WrestleMania. Have Undertaker come out on Raw and he and HHH start their feud with a standard face-off. HHH then claims Undertaker is the only one responsible for his best friend not wrestling anymore. HHH could then say "All you had to do deadman, was say NO...now you're really going to be a dead man". From there the 2 could battle back and forth on Raw/SmackDown!. As Kurt Angle said many years ago HHH is very careful in the ring. As a crafty Veteran it's almost certain that if HHH/Taker were wrestling both men would be safe and remain fairly injury free.
The best part of HHH/Undertaker is they don't necessarily have to WRESTLE every week. They could just come out and cut serious, deep promos. All of this leading to their huge, epic rematch at WrestleMania Streak vs. Career.

This would be a long, well thought out, well executed storyline. Giving time for plenty of emotion to set in and for the little kids to actually think this is serious.
Having them build for ..43 days at most? makes it look like it was literally thrown together at the last minute. Give HHH/HBK/Undertaker respect, and give HHH/Undertaker one last tremendous feud to end their careers.
There is no current anything between Taker and HHH, so building up a major feud and getting this to the level HBK's was at is impossible.

If Hunter came back a few months ago, then maybe. This is way too late to be doing this.
I don't know if it'll quite be on the same level asTaker vs. HBK Both of those matches had very unique hooks to them that really just helped put them over the top.

For Taker vs. HBK people were just blown away by how good the match was. We all knew it'd be good but it far exceeded the expectations that anyone had going into it.

For Taker vs. HBK II, it had that emotional aspect of HBK possibly retiring for good to help put it up. We knew how great the action would be so everyone was pretty prepared for that, but the emotion generated by this possibly being the very last time we saw Shawn Michaels wrestle made it just as good as the first one. This match also did have roughly 6 months of build to it.

As for Taker vs. Triple H, I don't know if it can produce the same magic. Triple H has been out for a while, they haven't had the same time to build this up. I just had a thought that maybe that they could somehow work Triple H into the invovlement of The Nexus attacks on The Undertaker. They jumped him when SD! debuted on Syfy and they helped Kane bury him alive. Triple H could just be portrayed as being too injured to participate himself at the time and that he was kinda directing traffic. That coupled with the aspect of seeking to avenge his best friend HBK could add some interesting layers, if they decide to go the route.

Even if it's not as good, it should still be an extremely good and competitive match and that's enough for me. Something as special as Taker vs. HBK doesn't come along very often. At the same time, however, maybe Taker & Trips will give us all a bit surprise just as Taker & HBK did their first go around at WM 25.
To wrap up Triple H's career buy having him go over, or under Undertaker is a waste in my eyes.

Taker should go out on a round number, and if I am not mistaken this WM will be his 19th?

There has been no build up to Triple H putting his career on the line in revenge for Shawn Michaels.

I would think it would at least make a little sense to push on for one more year, and then focus this "Game Over" match up for next year.

At least then people would wonder whether or not this is Triple H's, or Taker's last match up. It's hard to imagine Vince saying both men are done on the same night, but to have Triple H's last match get completely overshadowed by the mere presence of the Rock... doesn't seem fair.

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