Can factions stay together longer if they evolve?


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[P]I was looking at all the who will be the first to jump from the Shield forums around. When i asked myself what if they didn't have to break them up? Lets look at the group as a whole as 1 wrestler. Now if any 1 wrestler wants to survive and thrive in the business they have to evolve their characters. I was wondering why the business doesn't do this with factions. Now i'm not saying just add 1 or 2 different people.. I am proposing that they adapt the some of the same changes they do in singles to the group.[/P]

[P]This was kinda try'd with the wolfpack faction of the NWO. The NWO was way to stale at the time and they made it a new more fan friendly version. which at the time was a nice change of pace. [/P]

[P]Now i'm not saying they can't swap out a person or 2 if story lines need. I would like to see the shield evolve a little. Maybe take them into a Right to Censor type direction or whatever. Or have the Big Bossman come back and lead the LAW.. <JOKE> I am just getting tired of the same old new group splits up and fights each other gimmick. Lets see some of that CREATIVE we keep hearing about!!!![/P]
I didn't particularly care for nWo Wolfpack at all, namely because not only had the nWo itself been stretched out (for what I think was far too long) already, but there were just far... far too many members, so using them as an example probably isn't the best (in my opinion) choice to back your idea.

Wolfpack aside, I'm not sure how exactly a stable could evolve in the same manner as a singles star, namely because they'd probably want to be evolving amongst *other* stables, and usually you don't have more than three, maybe four at a time. Take the Shield for instance, who exactly are they going to "evolve" against to become new? Do they defy the Authority (HHH/Steph) and now become... something like "The People's Justice" or something where they're only taking out heels? Who would they now be triple teaming? How would triple teaming a single heel be viewed as "hero" status? They become like the old RTC? In what way does that actually change them?

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