Can DX Pick Up Where Jerishow Left Off?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Last night DX won the Unified Tag Titles by defeating Chris Jericho and the Big Show. It's been a while since HBK wore championship gold (the last time he was tag team champ with Cena) but now he is a tag team champion once again. DX is probably going to be the champions for a while seeing as how a Jerishow break-up has been constantly teased over the past few months.

Jerishow helped bring prestige to the Unified Tag Titles, and looked dominat during their entire reign. So what I'm wondering is, can DX carry the torch that Jerishow has been running with ever since NOC? Will they be able to bring as much prestige to the titles as Jerishow did?

Now I'm going to get to the one major problem(add in more problems if you want) Hornswoggle. This "merchandise" feud needs to end, and end quickly. Most people are not going to take them seriously if they're feuding with the little guy. Besides, the "feud" with Hornswoggle isn't funny any more, hasn't been for a long time, and is not entertaining. If DX can stop feuding with Hornswoggle, then I think they can have nice reign as tag team champs.

Will Triple H and Shawn have the same dominant feel as Jerishow? Thoughts?
If DX has a decent reign and actually puts over a tag team, then they will have done what Jerishow failed to do. I wasn't a big fan of DX winning the belts so I hope they can have feuds with Legacy again or the Hart Dynasty and lose the belts to them down the road. Jerishow didn't bring prestige to the titles but there's some small part of me that thinks DX can.
I think they could definitely be as dominant as Jerishow if they're booked right. I'm a fan of the 'feud' they have going on with Hornswoggle, but if they're going to be seen as credible champions that needs to stop pretty soon. He simply doesn't scream credible, and now they should be involved in feuds which surround the tag team championships - make them seem the most important things to them, act as if the feud with Hornswoggle means nothing anymore. Really push the idea that these belts are great, and that the 2 are now the best.

Shawn and Triple H are the two most experienced men on Raw, or very close to it. Shawn is known for being able to have good matches with a variety of opponents, and I hope they use that knowledge. I've started to enjoy the tag division with Jerishow recently, after a spell of indifference, and I think having established stars team up is a great way of bringing credibility and eventually building up a new army of tag team stars for when the main teams of Jerishow and DX have left.
Hopefully DX will put over the young teams. First, pick up where you left off with Legacy and finish it for good with the titles on the line. Then face Cryme Tyme or MVP/Henry and finally The Hart Dynasty. Want to push young talent? This is the team to do it with then. Have HHH and HBK make Smith and Kidd look very good and then drop the gold to them. If HHH and HBK are to feud at Mania, then this all needs to happen now and end by the Royal Rumble or a little after.

I think DX can do it, but will they is the big question. It looks like a big risk is being taken with all the young talent, and I really think the trend should continue.
I think DX will drop their titles back to Jerishow in a rematch after Xmas. I think they have put the titles on them so they can plug the merchandise on all 3 shows in the build up to Xmas. Hopefully though on Smackdown they can make The Hart Dynasty look good, as well as the team of Drew Gallows and CM Punk, who would actually be an option to drop it too, as Punks promos rock, and would be good on Raw.
HHH and HBK have made it known they want to push the younger talents as of late. IMO they will keep the titles for a time, probably Elimination Chamber, where they will lose them. Now since they can be on all shows who will take them? Hart Dynasty has been talked about and seein the past with Hart and Micheals, the screw job will be a factor in this fued. Look for the Dynasty to make an impact on DX in the near future, possibly as soon as tonite. As far as Jerishow goes, they are done as a tag team, will fued, maybe, and Show will be taking a Break to heal a nagging injury, I believe its his knee. If anyone can put over the younger tag talent it is DX because that is what they want to do. That is yet another reason they suggested Sheamus for the title match, IMO.
Since they can appear on all 3 shows, Shawn would have to work more on Tuesdays, the day Smackdown! is taped. They are 2 very over veterans who can pick up where Jerishow let off because they are faces so they will get more clean wins, and since the WWE is in the mood to make younger guys faster, they just might drop the belts to a young team which would be key. DX and Jerishow are essentially the same team, just heels and faces, so what they do after the win what's important. I'd like to see them work with the Hart Dynasty, even dropping the belts to them. I don't see Cryme Tyme winning. Maybe put Punk with a partner and he'd be a good tag champ.
Well, what I want to see is them either drop the belts, or drop the Hornswoggle bits, and fast. What do I expect to see? Neither.

What would be great is if DX can finish the job JeriShow started and give some clout to the belts. It would be awesome (kinda) to see the DX "road show" taking on all comers. Give people a reason to care about the belts again. Use some of those team you obviously aren't going to break up any time soon (Cryme Time, Hart Dynasty). Get these kids over and impress me. They put the tag title match at the end of the show last night, that's got to count for something right?
1) WWE doesn't "CARE" whether or not you or anybody else "CARES" about the "prestige of the tag titles".

2) The tag titles do not exist to reinvent the tag division anymore. They exist to fuel singles angles and give big names something to do when they aren't in the main event. I don't like it but it's the way it is. I think the titles are just being used to make a HHH vs HBK feud a little bit more interesting.

3) And I say this on every other thread... quit thinking that main eventers losing matches to your favorite nobody is going to make new stars. It's not. Just ask The Patriot about his win over Bret Hart, or ask Shelton about his three wins over HHH, or ask The Great Khali how well he did after beating up Taker and HBK. It takes more than that and without real star power, you can beat everybody and nobody will care. Ask Lex Luger.

You and I don't decide who "deserves a push" because it's not our job, we don't fully know or understand the qualifications for being a top talent, and we don't have the right or command the respect to make decisions like that. We're just fans. If impressing Triple H, HBK, Taker, or Orton is the way to be a top star, then so be it. You wouldn't have HHH if HBK didn't give him the nod, you wouldn't have Taker if the entire WWF roster hadn't done their best to make this nobody look like a million bucks, you wouldn't have HBK if guys like Piper, Flair, and Savage weren't behind him, and you wouldn't have Orton without... well, HHH, HBK, and Flair.

You want to be the best? You want tons of TV time and a big fued? Then start picking the brains of the men who came before. Every never-was has a sob story about how he was screwed. RVD blames politics. He never once says "I was stubborn and refused to learn the craft further." Heyman wasn't around to hide his weaknesses like ECW had done. Top guys in WWE weren't cool with being injured at house shows by a guy who hurled chairs randomly and threw kicks wherever they decided to land. BUT... according to the IFC, RVD never had a fair chance. BULLSHIT. Eat some humble pie, learn your craft and devote every free minute to studying even the most minute parts of it, then go out there and prove to the REAL stars why you deserve to stand next to them. Or, you can be like the new wrestlers. Do some athletic stuff, say something nasty about the local sports team, then post something funny on your Twitter account and wait for the IWC to nominate you as their new people's champ.

I'm a filmmaker. It took 8 years to finally start making money. I just got funding from the Lord of the Rings producer!!!! Know what I did? I made trips to Hollywood. I met with some famous people. I called them, e-mailed them, etc. I picked the brains of the people I thought were great and kept trying to make myself better every day. I made my OWN opportunities instead of whining about not having any. Am I perfect? No, but I'm a lot better than most of the people in my state. I hear them bitching and complaining about how you can't survive without being born with connections, that everything is all about politics and ass kissing. Wanna know the truth though? Most of them suck. Most of them don't have what it takes to actually move forward. That's the same with wrestling. Everybody's got a sad story about how they were robbed of their opportunity. The real sad story is that they weren't really all that great to begin with.

Whatever WWE does with the tag belts, it won't be what 99% of the IWC THINKS they should do with them and really, why should they care?
I don't want to say that D-Generation X won't be able to pick up where Jeri-Show left off, but I just think they have their work cut out for them. DX has been a tag team a lot longer than Jeri-Show, so I have faith in them. However, what Jeri-Show did with the Unified Tag Team Championships over the past 5 months is something that only the elite superstars in the WWE can do. Enter: Triple H and Shawn Michaels!

Having Jeri-Show and DX hold the tag team titles back-to-back is a great idea. It's only a matter of time before we see how good of an idea it is. However, if a DX title reign is going to lead to a fued between the two, I'm not entirely sure if it's such a good idea for the tag titles.

The problem with a DX title reign, besides Hornswoggle is... D-Generation X will likely make the "accessible to all three brands" rule seem almost non-existent. Part of the reason that Jeri-Show succeeded so much as the tag team champions is the fact that they were on seperate brands and they appeared on both Raw and Smackdown almost every week. DX will likely not do that. They are both on Raw and with HBK having his Wednesday morning church sessions, it will be hard for DX to appear on Smackdown on a regular basis. Plus, it'd be boring to see Triple H on Smackdown wearing his titles and not have Shawn Michaels with him.

While, I can see both some pros and some cons about D-Generation X becoming the new Unified Tag Team Champions... I cannot really judge anything until I see how the WWE books their title reign, firsthand. That is all.
As I've mentioned in another post, the things that are wrong with DX are things that are very easily fixed. The thing with Hornswoggle needs to stop if they want this to be a meaningful run with the titles and the corn factor of the group, like these various skits that they sometimes do, they need to go as well. HBK and HHH are two of the biggest names in wrestling and, with the pull they've got with Vince, I believe they could ultimately make the entire WWE tag team division look great if they choose to do so.

The thing with JeriShow is that, until the WWE decided to put both of them in the WHC scene for a while, they were doing a decent job in making the various teams of the WWE look like legitimate threats. However, I knew from the start that they weren't going to lose to those teams because the tag titles were very much in need of prestige. Having JeriShow carry them did jack up the credibility of the tag titles. Having big stars like them carry the titles was a good idea. DX can ultimately do what JeriShow did but on a much bigger level I think.

Once more, I think it all depends on whether or not DX is actually going to become more serious about things.
DX doesnt need to stop their gimmick for nobody cause it's what brought them to the dance. Any incarnation of DX was like lil kids The New Age Outlaws when they were part of the group the were serious in the ring but the had characters outside the bell. As much as I wanted JeriShow to retain now @ least the can drop the titles after their time as champs hopefully to the Hart Dynasty not Legacy as they already had them twice. They'll bring more prestige to the Tag Titles. The DX curse is lifted.
I was an actual fan of Jerishow. I thought that their prestige and talent lent credibility to the tag belts. They somewhat reminded me of wrestling past for they did actually make other teams look good prior to their title defense. The question is will DX put their pride aside and do the same?

I like DX in PPV's. As long term tag teams and disregarding any shot a WHC matches for the near-able future, it's not in their attitude. I see DX having a good run for a while, then Jerishow or Christian/Edge taking the belts for a while.

I do agree that by having former champions becoming tag team holders lends credibility to the belts. Besides, it keeps them occupied while others get a shot for world titles-everyone was sick of the same old, same old every PPV.
I'm actually not sure what they are going to do now. They can't feud with Legacy again, as that would just become stale after one match. They could go over to Smackdown, but then they might end up dealing with Jericho still. I am hoping, if they appear on Smackdown, that the Hart Dynasty attack them and set up a feud with them and eventually put them over. I see nothing DX can do on Raw as tag team champions, as all the teams that exist over there are essentially makeshift teams. At least Smackdown features two tag teams in The Hart Dynasty and Cryme Tyme.
Will Triple H and Shawn have the same dominat feel as Jerishow? Thoughts?

Honestly, I don't think that DX will have the same dominance that JeriShow had. DX have never held the tag team titles together before and I'm happy that they finally are tag team champions.... but JeriShow were the best tag team champions we have had in a LONG time. That is going to be a tough act to follow. I expect their reign to not last very long, and I actually predict JeriShow somehow regaining the titles soon.

Jericho put down Edge again tonight, and my theory is that those two will feud as soon as Edge returns. If that is the case, Jericho needs something to do until then. JeriShow was great, and DX got their title win, so why not keep the feud going and have JeriShow win in another rematch?

That aside.... I think DX can put on great matches against teams like Legacy on Raw or the Hart Dynasty on Smackdown and maybe even Barreta & Croft on ECW (doubt that one though) because they can now go on all three brands, but I don't think they will go on any show but Raw very often.

No matter how long this reign lasts, I'm looking forward to DX as the Unified Tag Team Champions because I have been waiting a LONG time to see them holding the tag team belts, and they can make almost any feud entertaining.
This is something. I really have no idea what DX could do at this point. Either feud with Legacy again, this time with gold on the line, or feud with the Hart Dynasty and build on the Bret Hart/Kliq tie in. That would actually make for some good storylines. And if Hart comes back, have him put over the Hart Dynasty as the next wave of wrestlers and then he could tear HBK and HHH apart verbally, and have Kidd and Smith jump them and beat them down. They'd make great tag champs, but they shouldn't be put on both shows. They're not good enough on the mic for that to happen.

But DX really has no direction at this point, and I don't see them holding the belts for long. I mean, they need DX available for a match at Wrestlemania, AND in the Royal Rumble.
I think I see history repeating itself here.

Of course, DX has all the tools necessary to make them a very dominant tag team. But will it happen? I think not.

They put the Unified Tag Team Championships on HHH and HBK to break up Degeneration X. Simple as that. It happened with Cena and HBK to set up their feud and match at WM 23. I believe that HHH and HBK will go the same route.

DX has limited options with the belts. Feud with Legacy? Done that. Cryme Tyme? No one cares, plus it's faces against faces. The Hart Dynasty? They're on Smackdown. Croft and Baretta? Please. A rematch with JeriShow? That's an inevitability, but it's hard to imagine them dropping the belts right back to them.

There have been talks concerning a HHH-HBK match at Mania, so what better way to build the feud than with bitter jealousy between the Tag Champs? It worked three years ago, why not now?
Will they be able to bring as much prestige to the titles as Jerishow did?

I never really did like Jerishow, so with that being said yes I do think DX can bring prestige as Jerishow. The reason why I think that is because I think DX has been part of WWE for so long that the prestige is already there. They have been a huge in WWE for ages. Let’s not forget that DX could be considered one of the all time great tag team, since they have been around longer then Jerishow. So in that sense if DX can bring much prestige as Jerisho, i say yes and that it's already there.
I would have to say no. DX might bring prestige to the title if it was ten years ago but right now absolutely not. DX just isn't what it use to be. The jokes are horrible and the only reason I even laugh is because their jokes are so bad. Their bit with Hornswoggle is stupid and I can't believe WWE is going to do the little court thing. Jerishow was actually a good tag team and the two of them together showed dominance. I love Jericho's character and it's always great to see him wear gold. I would much rather see them regain the title but if not hopefully Big Show won't be buried again. All I can say is Jerischow is the only tag team that deserves gold.
DX winning the tag team titles is actually something fresh for DX seeing as they have never been tag team champions before if you exclude the New Age Outlaws in theory.

Like most tag teams in the WWE they have close to no cohesion in the ring as a tag team such as double team moves etc and we all know that Triple H and Shawn Michaels are two singles wrestlers placed together for business reasons mostly.

I heard that they are due to feud with The Hart Dynasty whom are based on Smackdown and they are one of the few tag teams in the WWE at the moment who actually show respect to actual tag team wrestling.

So DX v The Hart Dynasty will be something new for the fans to witness and keep DX fresh and on their toes in the WWE.
I am a DX fan and I think DX winning the tag titles was a cool idea but how long are they going to hold them for? WWE NEEDS to develope more compatible and worthy tag teams if they want to keep the prestige of the tag titles.
I don't really have high hopes for a DX reign, and there are numerous reasons for that. The first is that Jerishow were good not only because they garnered exposure, but also because they made shitty teams look legitimate. JTG beat Jericho in a singles match, but he will never beat Shawn Michaels and neither would a heel of similar stature. DX made Legacy look good for one match, but like complete shit for the rest of a three month programme. If DX continue to defend the titles on PPV on a regular basis against the established teams, then I will be happy, but I don't foresee anyone being presented as a legitimate challenge, and I think we will likely get a long, dull reign that ends in a self inflicted, sloppy manner.
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