Cam Newton makes more headlines at a press conference

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
I imagine some of you have heard about this by now. It's front and center on sports news sites and easy to find on YouTube as well.

Cam Newton, in reference to their recent win against New England, was asked a perfectly normal question during a press conference:

Charlotte Observer reporter Jourdan Rodrigue:
Cam, I know you take a lot of pride in seeing your receivers play well. Devin Funchess has seemed to really embrace the physicality of his routes and getting those extra yards. Does that give you a little bit of enjoyment to see him kind of truck-sticking people out there?

Newton's response:
“It’s funny to hear a female talk about routes, like… It’s funny.”

Breaking news: Women have been reporting on sports for decades.

Where's HH? He'd have a field day with this.
I cringe when I hear reporters talk so specifically about in-game issues. However, that goes for men as well as women, or people who just never played the game.
It's possible to have knowledge on the tactical side of the game without having played. Over this side of the pond, a lot of our football pundits are ex pros and they offer some of the most boring cliches ever.
While what he said wasn’t cool, this is being made a way bigger deal than it needs to be. The dude screwed up, said some outdated shit, and it’s the biggest damn headline of the last few sports days. Probably doesn’t help that it’s Cam who said it though.
He sounds pretty stupid. He pretty much reacted in the worst way possible in our current environment. A person with even the tiniest amount of brain power would have just answered the question.

But we're talking about Cam Newton here so I'm not surprised.
The female reporter has been found to have used the n word on twitter back 2013 along with two other tweets making jokes about racism.
The female reporter has been found to have used the n word on twitter back 2013 along with two other tweets making jokes about racism.

Yep, a handful of tweets totally excuses Cam Newton for making a sexist comment to a reporter who was giving Newton and his players praise.
Yeah this was a dumb thing to say.

Women can understand the game just like men, and although men are probably bigger fans that doesn't mean women can't be.

It's also not that surprising Cam said this. He needs to grow up (and fast) because he's already 28.

Also the past tweets don't justify this. It goes back to the old saying "two wrongs don't make a right."
Dannon dropped him as a spokesperson. Clearly someone (like a company that has a predominantly female clientele) thinks it's a big deal.

I cringe when I hear reporters talk so specifically about in-game issues. However, that goes for men as well as women, or people who just never played the game.

By this logic a Lingerie Football League player has more credibility than John Clayton or Peter King, for example. One of them is an NFL Hall of Fame voter. They've both been sports reporters for several decades but never played.

It also gives me an excuse to post this:
I do think Dannon dropping him is an overreaction, but at least it got him to issue that half assed apology. I love half assed celebrity apologies.
Just a phenomenally, jaw-droppingly idiotic thing to say. How can you say that in 2017 and not immediately known you are ten kinds of fucked :lmao:

Holy SHIT that was stupid
I lied, the best part of this wasn’t Cam’s apology, it was Emmit Smith wondering why Cam Newton is held to a higher standard in the media that Donald Trump.

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