Calling all Mormons or Jehovahs Witnesses

The Crazman

Dark Match Jobber
I'm currently studying Religious studies at university and I was hoping I could find some people who would be willing to answer some questions about their faith.

Would any mormons like to answer the following:
1. How did you become a Mormon?

2. What attracted you to Mormonism rather than any other Christian tradition?

3. What issues, if any, do you think a Mormon has to deal with in today’s society?

4. What sort of misconceptions do you feel there are about Mormons? And do you feel that this leads to any undue prejudice?

5. Have you ever been involved in missionary work? If so could you describe your experiences?

6. Do Mormon views on the idea of Jesus or the trinity differ from other Christian denominations?

7. What are the Mormon views on the afterlife and salvation?

8. What is the Mormon view on plural marriage and what is your personal view?

9. Why do you believe Mormonism prohibits alcohol, coffee and other substances and what is your personal view?

10. Do you feel that there will be any major developments in the Church in the future and if so what are they?

And Jehovahs Witnesses:
1. How did you become a Jehovahs Witness?

2. What attracted you to be a Jehovahs Witness rather than any other Christian tradition?

3. What issues, if any, do you think a Jehovahs Witness has to deal with in today’s society?

4. What sort of misconceptions do you feel there are about Jehovahs Witnesses? And do you feel that this leads to any undue prejudice?

5. Have you ever been involved in missionary work? If so could you describe your experiences?

6. Do Jehovahs Witnesses views on the idea of Jesus or the trinity differ from other Christian denominations?

7. What are the Jehovahs Witnesses views on the afterlife and salvation?

8. What is the Jehovahs Witnesses view on blood transfusion and what is your personal view?

9. Why do you believe Jehovahs Witnesses prohibits alcohol, coffee and other substances and what is your personal view?

10. Do you feel that there will be any major developments in the Church in the future and if so what are they?
Hi, First off let me state that I am no longer religious (since circa 1998,aged 12) and do not currently practice or hold any faith...

1. How did you become a Jehovahs Witness?
Like most other people, because of my parents. I was born and baptised as a Roman Catholic like most Irish people. My folks converted when I was about 5.

2. What attracted you to be a Jehovahs Witness rather than any other Christian tradition?
Again, I was too young to have a choice in the matter.

3. What issues, if any, do you think a Jehovahs Witness has to deal with in today’s society?
Ignorance. The majority of people see Witnesses as hell-bent religious nuts. They are some really nice people. As a child, the lack of Christmas, Halloween and Birthdays was hard.

4. What sort of misconceptions do you feel there are about Jehovahs Witnesses? And do you feel that this leads to any undue prejudice?
As Above. People tend to see Jehovah's Witnesses as religious freaks who just want to convert everyone. They are family people who just have their beliefs like other groups.

5. Have you ever been involved in missionary work? If so could you describe your experiences?
Yes, but again I was just a child. I would accompany the adults door to door as they spread the word of God. Some people would give you time but the majority were not interested.

6. Do Jehovahs Witnesses views on the idea of Jesus or the trinity differ from other Christian denominations?
Yes. The Trinity is actually not taught in this religion. Jesus and God are viewed as totally seperate entities

7. What are the Jehovahs Witnesses views on the afterlife and salvation?
They believe that saved humans will be given everlasting life, but that it will be here on Earth, which will become Paradise. They believe that there will be 144,000 chosen people sent to Heaven. They do not believe in a literal Hell for bad people.

8. What is the Jehovahs Witnesses view on blood transfusion and what is your personal view?
Blood transfusions are forbidden. I think this is something to with a Bilble passage which roughly says No Blood shall be spilled unneccesarily. There are alternatives in medicine other than blood.
9. Why do you believe Jehovahs Witnesses prohibits alcohol, coffee and other substances and what is your personal view?
Coffee is not prohibited. Alcohol in moderation is allowed.

10. Do you feel that there will be any major developments in the Church in the future and if so what are they?
I cant really answer this. Sorry. Again, I was in this religion from the age of 5 until I was about 12. I hope this has helped somewhat :)

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