Cali Gov. to Force Minimum Wage on State Employees?


SmackDown! is MY Show
Governor Schwarzenegger is threatening to defer wages for 200,000 plus state employees, paying them federal minimum wage until lawmakers reach a budget deal.

A spokesman for the governor, Aaron McLear, says it's one of
several options Schwarzenegger is considering as California faces a
cash shortfall.

The governor is contemplating signing an executive order next
week that would pay state workers the federal minimum of $6.55 an
hour. That amount is $1.45 an hour less than California's minimum

Employees would receive their full salary retroactively once a
budget is signed.

The union that represents nearly half the affected workers,
Service Employees International Union, says it already is seeking
legal advice to block the action.

(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

I can understand that Arnold wants the lawmakers reach a budget deal, but to make state employees drop to the federal minimum wage when you know many state employees make more than that is bullshit. Sure, he is going give the employees there full salary back when the budget is signed, but come on what are people to do in the mean time? They have bills to pay and families to support. I like that he is trying to light a fire under the lawmakers to reach a budget deal, but at the expense of the good state employees of California is going about it the wrong way. Sure he may light a fire under the lawmakers butts, but what does that do the people? There will be such backlash is this does happen and I hope it doesn't as my dad is a state employee and like me he calls bullshit on this. Again, I like the idea to light a fire under the lawmakers butts, but no way should Arnold take it out on the state employees.

So what you all think should the Governor be able to such a thing to make lawmakers pass a budget?

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