Calgary is in A State of Emergency.... And I'm pissed

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Hello, I'm posting at the freakishly wee early hours if the morning not because I have some genious idea I need to say, no because Calgary Alberta, is currently suffering from it's worse flood in over 8 years. Nearly 100,000 people are evacuated, and I'm one of them. I know they're keeping me safe and all but it's just really inconvenient weather cause I have a really important day tomorrow. Not nearly as bad as some of my friends wh have completely lost their homes, but yah currently frustrated. Thank goodness south land leisure center has free wifi lol. I'm serious I'm typing this from my phone. Don't really know what the point of this thread is other to vent my frustration and to inform you about Calgary. Yah.
Eh It could be worse. Last night/morning I was in a pissy mood about it all today I'm glad Im safe. I'm more lucky than others as my house is actually on a hill on the neighborhood so it'll most likely be fine. The reason our good got evacuated is we have homes right next to the Bow River and that's quite literally a scary place to be.
The fuck's up with the deluge!? The floods near my place have been the worst in 35 years. Its been catastrophic in India.
That awkward moment after I tell you it's all going to be okay and then I get word that my room has been flooded. I've now good there are some problems with having your bedroom in the basement. Should be fun when I get back. Good news is phone reception and wifi is great at the shelters.
The fuck's up with the deluge!? The floods near my place have been the worst in 35 years. Its been catastrophic in India.

It's a toss up between climate change and Poseidon's wrath.

That awkward moment after I tell you it's all going to be okay and then I get word that my room has been flooded. I've now good there are some problems with having your bedroom in the basement. Should be fun when I get back. Good news is phone reception and wifi is great at the shelters.

That sucks, man. Seems like you're in good spirits, so that's good. Stuff is just stuff.
So before this gets stolen from me I must say that I am the first person to use this quotation as I posted it on my Facebook first and now people are stealing it:

"Although it is flooding, this water will never put out our Calgary Flame."

That was mine!!!! Newscasters do not steal an incredibly liked status.
Be grateful you're alive. Fuck Facebook unless you're letting loved ones know you are fine.
Today has made me feel like a bad person. In time of crisis I've been selfish, and I'm disappointed in myself. Oh and they cut the water lines... Joy.

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