Cage Match


Damn it feels good to be a Taylor!!
It was once more then just a throw away match only put on free television. It actually used to mean something back in the old days and produced many great matches for the simple fact that it was all about hatred. Now that it has been stooped down to a lower level than it once was i want to know what was you guys' favorite cage match.
has to be the hell in a cell at king of the ring 98 between mankind and taker--wasnt anything that would qualify as classic wrestling but just the brutality made it into something that was must see.
mulky mania i think its only cage matches(pin in a cage or escape). not to be mean.

and my fav is big show vs JBL, it was barbed wired cage match and had so much blood!!
and at the end big show choke slamed jbl through the ring.
great match and it was on smackdown
mulky mania i think its only cage matches(pin in a cage or escape). not to be mean.

and my fav is big show vs JBL, it was barbed wired cage match and had so much blood!!
and at the end big show choke slamed jbl through the ring.
great match and it was on smackdown

Damn i remember that. You can't understand how much i hated JBL lol i guess that made him good though because he was the top heel in the company and my young ass thought he was the anti christ or something
I have to go with Hulk Hogan vs Paul Orndorff from Saturday Night's Main Event in January 1987. The tie was classic. They did a great job with the camera to give the illusion that they hit at the same time. (There's no way they could have timed that perfectly) Having Danny Davis only added to the greatness of the controversy. Beyond the controversy was great too. It was a great end to the hottest feud of 1986. I think Hulk Hogan is the king of the cage match. He had so many great cage matches. His match with King Kong Bundy was great too and is still the only cage match in the history of wrestlemania. He had many great matches with the Big Boss Man.
Okay guys...the best cage match pick is....No holds barred, Hulk Hogan and Brutus the Barber Beefcake VS Zeus and Mach Man. Both members of the team had to escape the cage, Beefcake and Macho Man both escape leaving Hogan and Zeus in the ring and Hogan pins Zeus after landing 3 leg drops. CLASSIC.
So many but here are a few off the top of my head:

Blanchard-Magnum T.A. I Quit match. Love this match from Starcade 1985, violent and heated, the likes of which you won't see today.

Stan Hansen-Bob Backlund from MSG 1981. I'm a big Hansen mark and so I wanted to mention this match. Very stiff and a hot crowd.

Jerry Lawler-Austin Idol from the Mid-South Coliseum in 1987. This was the hair vs hair match and the stips were if Idol won Lawler would get his head shaved which had never happened before. If Idol lost not only would he get his head shaved but all the fans would get their money back if they turned in their ticket stubbs. It was also no DQ and it had to have a winner.

Well when Idol's tag partner Tommy Rich cost Lawler the match the fans almost started a riot ! Classic stuff !

Kerry Von Erich vs Ric Flair from 12-25-82. Michael Hayes was the guest ref and he cost Kerry the title when Terry Gordy slammed the cage door on Kerry's head and it started the best feud of the 1980's and one of the greatest ever, FREEBIRDS-VON ERICH'S !
My favorite is Diesel vs. Bret Hart at the In Your House before wrestlemania when Undertaker came through the mat and pulled Diesel under the ring. Not a great match by any means but i was like 5 and that moment always sticks out. Remember those old cages? when exactly did they switch to the ones they use now?...anyone know?
Triple H and Mankind had a great cage match at Summerslam in like 1997. It elevated both men I feel.
Mankind vs Rock vs Ken Shamrock was a good cage match and the one after Mania 17 when Austin and Vince were beating up the Rock and HHH came down to help the Rock and the crowd poped like crazy before HHH turned heel on the Rock and joined up with Austin and Vince.
Triple H and Flair was a good cage match in like 2005 or 2006 at Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday as they just beat the crap out of each other.

I'm sure there's more I've forgotten about but these ones were pretty damn good.
JBL vs Big Show was AMAZING, can't say how much I loved that match, and it's outcome.

Also, anyone remember Ric Flair & HBK vs La Familia (Chavo, Edge & Edgeheads)
That match was pretty enjoyable, and rather brutal.

Top one has to go to Taker vs Mankind. Classic match, best spots ever. Foley is a GOD.
Bret v. Owen from Summerslam 1994 is an obvious choice for me, two of my favorite wrestlers of all time, doing what they did best.

One of my favorite cage match moments is when the new DX formed after HBK left the RAW after Wrestlemania XIV. It was the New Age Outlaws in a rematch from 'Mania against Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie/Terry Funk for the tag titles. Triple H and X-Pac, who had returned earlier in the night to join DX, had joined the Outlaws in the ring and handcuffed Cactus and Terry to the cage and were just beating the hell out of them.

Also, any Ric Flair v. Dusty Rhodes cage match.
I wouldnt classify Taker-Mankind as a Cage match. A Cage match is different from a Hell in a Cell, there's 2 ways to win a Cage whereas there is only one way with a HIAC match and HIAC matches has a rep of where both guys destroy each other but Cage doesnt.

Anyway my fav Cage match would be a tie in between Rock vs. Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock & Austin vs. McMahon. I'm biased though because both took place in the Attitude Era which is the era I grew up watching wrestling and I liked the old blue & black square holed steel cages better than the modern day WWE cage.

Rock vs. Ken vs. Mankind was different than any other regular 1 on 1 Cage match, it featured 3 people of course which made the match more challenging, unpredictable as to who would win & exciting. It had some pretty hilarious moments in there with Mankind and it had a good ending to the match with Mankind looking like he would win when he was climbing the cage only for Rock to pin Shamrock to steal the win.

Austin vs. McMahon was intense and showed that their hatred was beyond just a Cage match, the two started fighting outside the Cage, McMahon took that bump off the cage through the Announcers Table which Stone Cold mentioned in his What?!?! DVD that McMahon didnt need to take the bump but he did for the sake of entertaining the fans and even though he was injured & couldnt carry on with the rest of the match Austin brought him back into the Cage cause the match never officially began as the fight took place outside not inside which was a good twist & a lot of people loved as it was there opportunity to see McMahon get more damaged than he already was and whenever Austin was about to leave the cage and win, he came back into the Cage to kick Vince's ass more when he kept flipping him the bird to that unexpected debut of Big Show coming through the ring mat into the ring, tossing Austin into the cage walls like a rag doll forcing one of the cage walls to eventually break open and drop Austin to the floor to win, it was an awesome match.

Out of the two, I would go for Austin vs. McMahon more.

On a small note, my fav endings to a Cage match would be Ken vs. Rock vs. Mankind as mentioned above & JBL vs. Big Show's cage match, it was a clever tactic on JBL's part, crawling underneath the ring to the outside to win after getting Chokeslammed off the top rope through the ring, very unpredictable & smart.
One of my Favorites has to be Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit on June 11th , 2001. this match had great technicality for a cage match. And the Missed moonsault and Diving Headbutt Spots were epic.
wow i can see alot of you guys are a little younger than myself.i'm going to go with Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich xmas day 1982 for the NWA World title with Michael Hayes as the special referee. the Freebirds had just came to the World Class area and were faces at the time. during the course of the match, Flair shoves Hayes, Hayes clocks Flair and rolls Kerry on top of him. Kerry refuses to take the cheap pin and the two argue. Flair then gets up, and shoves Kerry into Michael Hayes as he was walking away. this prompts Terry Gordy to come down to ringside, slam the cage door in Kerrys face, and begin one of the single greatest fueds not just of the 80s but of all time...Freebirds vs Von Erichs.
It has to be the classic Owen Hart vs Bret Hart match at SummerSlam 94. Just superb wrestling from two of the most talented men ever to step foot in the ring. Bret has said he is intensely proud of that match from the fact that they went all out, but he was able to take care of his brother in a way that neither of them suffered any form of injury in the match.

I still think that Bret nailing a superplex on Owen from the top of the cage is a thing of beauty, Bret Hart was quite simply awesome in the ring. What a talent he was.

I do think most Cage matches are best when they are violent and bloody, with a guys face being scraped down the cage walls. The match is meant to be brutal, but the Hart brothers showed us that this doesnt not neccesarily have to be the case, in a true classic
In a perverse may I loved the Bruiser Brody-Lex Luger cage match from Championship Wrestling from Florida (CWF) in the mid-80's ! Luger was trying his best but Brody just wasn't gonna sell or work with him. At a few different points you could see the look of confution on Lex's face, he didn't know what to do. Bruiser was stiff and the sight of Lex getting himself DQ'ed and jumping up and over the cage was funny as hell !
I remeber seeing highlights of this one on Championship Wrestling From Florida, i want to say in either Late '82 or Early '83.
it was Dusty Rhodes Vs. The Purple Haze and Kevin Sullivan Cuts through the bottom of the ring and spays dusty in the face with purple mist. what a great fued that was
Does anyone remeber the tag team cage match between the Fantastics & Terry Taylor vs the Sheepherders & Jack Victory from the UWF back in 1986 ? Wild and bloody and what made the match unique was that the cage was made from 2x4's and barb wire ! Great stuff !

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