Cage Match Round 2- Posters you grew to like or hate


Unregistered User
I'm going to mooch of the success of Coco's Least Favorite Posters thread and take it in another direction, are there any posters on here that you used to respect or like or get along with that you just can't stand now. Similarly, are there any posters that you used to think were utter shit but now see that they are great posters?

I know I have many.

Grew to like

Rattlesnake- Not to long ago I thought he picked ridiculous argument for no reason, but he's a smart guy with a lot of good points to make. I think if he continues to keep his cool he'll earn more and more respect from more and more posters.

Lita's Revenge- I never really didn't like her per say, but she used to annoy me with her crushes on Striker, Barrett, etc. She's a personality that you learn to appreciate though, definitely helps break up the sausagefests that are Live Discussions.

Macca- I used to think Macca was kind of just hanging around to troll people, and while he does his fair share of trolling I find him really funny and he can make a pretty solid wrestling post too.

Coco- When I first started posting regularly Coco red repped me and I definitely got more peeved about it than I should have. Hell, it's not so long ago that I voted for him for the Poster I would most like to Pimp Slap award for the EOY, but he's one of my favorite posters now. He's pretty funny, love to shoot the breeze with him, and his wrestling posts are always insightful, entertaining, and often providing of an interesting view.

Tiger- At the very beginning there was something about him that I just didn't like, but that changed pretty quickly. He has good taste in music and seems like a pretty decent dude.

Grew to hate... or in this case not like

Alex Eddytiger Waters- I was singing his praises in the beginning, but he went south real quick. He was a fine wrestling poster, one whose posts I usually stopped to take a look at, but he fell into the common trap of proving how much of an idiot he was upon finding his way into the cage.

GD- I used to like GD because he's pretty funny and he supplies an alternative view when talking about wrestling, but for whatever reason he has a problem with ICE. I can deal with people who have problems with me, but if it's for no particular reason it gets on my nerves.

FTS- First I hated him, then I liked him a lot, now I have no respect for him. Racism is ugly, and it makes me sad that a seemingly intelligent guy like him can hold such disgusting views.

J-Dogg- I liked this guy at first, mostly because I never went into the cage/GSD. And to think I once said that he was a better poster than Killjoy. My bad, KJ.
FTS really started to bug me eventually.

Crock and Angel both used to annoy the fuck out of me but both are definitely cool dudes.
You don't like FTS because you found out he was racist? You didn't already know that?

I didn't know he was racist prior to me finding it out, no. That tends to be how those things work, just like how I believed in Santa until I found out he wasn't real.
When was it you realized he was racist?

Also, Blue used to be my least favorite poster, now we're cool and shit, he's still a *** though.
When I came back from a brief hiatus and noticed he wasn't around. I didn't come in the spam sections prior to like, November/December 2010, so my personal interaction with the guy was limited to PM discussions we had.
FTS is a bag of dicks. Racist dicks.

I guess I'd put Coco under people I've grown to like. We might not agree on a bunch of things, but he's one of the best posters on this site.
FTS really started to bug me eventually.

Crock and Angel both used to annoy the fuck out of me but both are definitely cool dudes.

Really?! :lmao:

Damn, we've been chill for a long time, I don't even remember this.

Here are my lists:


- LR79 - Really used to get on my nerves, she's a cool lady now.

- Coco - Dude messed with me when I first came around, but he's actually a really awesome dude. He's helped me quite a bit.

- Deej - We used to dislike each other so much, especially since after a while me and Angel just decided to troll him daily, but now I like the guy.

- Sly - I thought Sly was a douche. Now, I respect his ability and I try to get the guy to hate me less. (He really despises me.)


- Michael V. Nexus - God, so annoying. I don't hate him, but he's an irritating little bugger.

- Alex "EddyTiger" Waters - Realllly stupid sometimes. 'Nuff said.

- Ryder - Creepy.
FTS is Jewish, guys, not some redneck hillbilly. He has legitimate reasons not to like Muslims, as Muslims have legitimate reasons not to like Jews. Jews and Muslims don't like each other, period. You shouldn't classify FTS as a racist.

I wish FTS would come back. He was easily one of the best and most entertaining posters WZ has had here since I began posting.
FTS is Jewish, guys, not some redneck hillbilly. He has legitimate reasons not to like Muslims, as Muslims have legitimate reasons not to like Jews. Jews and Muslims don't like each other, period. You shouldn't classify FTS as a racist.

I wish FTS would come back. He was easily one of the best and most entertaining posters WZ has had here since I began posting.

Bullshit. I'm Jewish, I have friends who are Jewish, and none of us hate Muslims to that level. What he did, to say such disgusting things about ALL Muslims, was completely uncalled for. Yes, there are some extremists out there who are terrible people, just like there are some terrible Jews, Christians, Catholics, Atheists, Hindus, etc. That does not give anyone the rate to hate an entire race.

But let's not change this to another FTS thing. Stay on topic people, this is the fucking cage!
Grew To Like
Shattered Dreams- Still agree on absolutely nothing, but I've found he isn't stupid.
The Crock- Never hated him, just didn't care about him. Funny guy who I like going back and forth with.
Nate- I usually hate juggalo's right off the bat, but he's shown that all of them are not retarted after all ;)

Grew To Dislike
Prax- Heard a lot about this guy before his latest 5-minute run, and he turned out to be nothing special. Had a short debate with him about Bret Hart, and found him to be the most condescending prick I've had the chance of conversing with here.
FTS is Jewish, guys, not some redneck hillbilly. He has legitimate reasons not to like Muslims, as Muslims have legitimate reasons not to like Jews. Jews and Muslims don't like each other, period. You shouldn't classify FTS as a racist.

I wish FTS would come back. He was easily one of the best and most entertaining posters WZ has had here since I began posting.

I agree with that last part, FTS is the shit, but c'mon.... dude is racist.
Bullshit. I'm Jewish, I have friends who are Jewish, and none of us hate Muslims to that level.

LOL... "to that level." So, what, you only hate them a little bit?

Besides, I'm pretty sure FTS has family in Israel, which again, gives him leeway to be bitter towards Muslims.

I'm just saying, don't judge the guy. It's not like he's some ignorant hillbilly spouting off a bunch of bullshit that has no validly behind it.
Seriously? Half the fucking racist jokes in the cage are at least part truth. everybody has some form of racism in them, The only difference is FTS said it. Just because FTS had a problem with muslims don't make him an evil guy, he is still 10 times the poster then what most of the people on here are.
LOL... "to that level." So, what, you only hate them a little bit?

Besides, I'm pretty sure FTS has family in Israel, which again, gives him leeway to be bitter towards Muslims.

I'm just saying, don't judge the guy. It's not like he's some ignorant hillbilly spouting off a bunch of bullshit that has no validly to his claims.

I suppose I should have been more clear. I don't hate Muslims because they are Muslims. I hate extremists because they are bad people, but that goes for extremists for any religion.

Like I said, though, there's no reason to okay any of what he said. Whether he has family in Israel, or on one of the planes during September 11th, hating all people simply because they call the same God he worships by a different name is not okay.
I agree with that last part, FTS is the shit, but c'mon.... dude is racist.

FTS has never said anything racist towards blacks or Hispanics that I can remember (fact is, FTS has fucking better rap tastes than most around here), just Muslims. And in my opinion, he has a right to feel the way he does, as I would say a Muslim would have the right to feel a certain way about Jewish people.
I hate my own people. I fucking hate reggaeton and I fucking hate the jackass teenagers I see run around the streets I sadly call home. Does that make me racist?
- Sly - I thought Sly was a douche. Now, I respect his ability and I try to get the guy to hate me less. (He really despises me.)

Crock, Whenever the opportunity arises you have to let us all know Sly doesn't like you, this is like the 10th time you posted something of that nature. We all know this by now, C'mon Man!!
I've grown to really like The Wolpac. When he first started here and did the whole "Hey yo" thing, I couldn't fucking stand him. But he has really found his niche in the MMA section and I really enjoy reading his posts now.
It's OK not to be liked by Slyfox....... I am 90% sure he hates me, the other 10% thinks he thinks I don't exist (which is good when you think about it)
By this token, we can all hate each other for things people now or in the past of our race has suffered from others. On second thought, I'm against the spread of ignorance for ignorance's sake.

FTS is a racist fuck, end of story.

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