Butcher Knife Division - Pinhead vs The Tall Man

Pinhead vs The Tall Man

  • Pinhead

  • The Tall Man

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Films - The Hellraiser Series

Prefered Method - Chains with hooks of various sizes tearing flesh and limb apart.

Body Count - Very high in the later movies. Often worked in tandem with the rest of the cenobites.

Backstory - VERY deep. Originally a Victorian Sea Captain and a British Naval Soldier in World War 1. Went insane after the Battle of Flanders, claiming the human race should not survive and that God was dead. Turned to drugs and sex for hedonistic pleasures, and eventually to occultism and black magic. A true satomasochist. Became a depiction of an Aztec Demon thru the use of "The Lament Configuration" puzzle box.

The Tall Man

Films - Phantasm 1-4 (Part 5 due in 2009)

Prefered Method - "The Sentinel Sphere," a silver ball that cuts and drains victims of blood and life.

Bodycount - Fairly high, though he existed largely to stalk the main protagonists. He must have killed hundreds judging by the size of his slave race, but you don't see those murders.

Backstory - Not well known. Once lived as well-known and liked Jebidiah Morningside, he began to learn how to travel between dimensions. It is unknown what made him the evil killer he became. He steals the bodies of a town's dead (often killing them himself) and shrinks them to a dwarf-like clone, possessing them as slaves. His only goal is to become The Lord of the Dead, but he only invades small towns and not big cities.
This is an interesting match-up, one that's kind of hard to choose from. They're both intimidating motherfuckers who I would never fuck with, and they both have extremely scary supernatural powers, but when thinking about it for a couple of minutes, I have to give my vote for The Tall Man.

Not only does The Tall Man have the powers that can compete with Pinhead's powers, but he has an entourage, who are scary as fuck in their own right, to go with it and that's something to be considered when comparing these two. Also, The Tall Man has more psychotically power then Pinhead and can just do more damage to Pinhead, then Pinhead could ever do to him.

So, in the end, its close, but I have to go with The Tall Man. Great match-up though.
Fucking shame pinhead is winning here, I will not vote again if the tall man loses in the first round. Trust me here.

The one thing about the tall man people might not no is this HE CANNOT DIE! He has been killed before in past movies, but being from the future he has I guess a mass clone army of himself, and he allways comes back in better shape than his fighters. Thoes metal balls are nuts, and just to get to the tall man you have to get through hundreds of them and then hundreds of more things, PEOPLE DO NOT JUST VOTE ON PINHEAD'S NAME. THE TALL MAN IS THE BETTER CHOICE HERE!

There is a small chance that pinhead to get to him, but really if he kills him he'll come back. The tall man might look old but I would put him and his army above the pinhead and his few at most of cronies.
I voted for the Tall Man, just on a count of his psychological prowess.

Pinhead keeps changing identities. In the original two movies, he is simply the leader of the Cenobites. In the original Hellraiser, Frank is the villain and Pinhead is merely the being who ends him. With Christy in the room, Pinhead commands her to leave, saying "this is not for your eyes, child."

All of a sudden, in the 3rd film, he is free of the Cenobites and is essentially an evil demon. He stays that was for a few movies, and in the final films in the series (the prequels) becomes a Cenobite again. Make up your mind.

Tall Man, played by the ALWAYS creepy Angus Scrimm, is a question mark from start to finish, and is essentially (it appears) immortal. He keeps on coming, single minded of purpose. He speaks, cryptically, and in stark contrast from every other slasher I know of, he seem to actually RESPECT his protagonists.

Pinhead is a great character, and has the name recognition. But The Tall Man was a better killer with a better explanation, though Pinhead has the best backstory (other than Candyman) of them all.
Well it seems the only people who took the initiative to actually post here have voted for The Tall Man. It is a tough choice, that is for sure, but Tall Man, if placed in a Jason vs Freddie type setting would win time and time again. He does have the upper hand, in the since that the monster is considered immortal. Two examples of how Killers can be more than just mindless slashers.
Thank you guys, I don't want the tall man to go down in the first round! Get all your friends to vote tall man, because he deffinatly just beats the hell out of pinhead. So lets go! battle lines have been drawn, the tall man is deffinatly the better choice here! Its 6-6 now Please don't let the tall man lose!
I'm sorry Alex, I know we have the same appreciation and taste in horror movies. But I simply cannot vote against Pinhead. Pinhead is an evil motherfucker. Plain and simple. If I saw him in the street, I would simply piss myself. No joke. He wouldnt have to do a thing and I would probably die of a heart attack.

The Tall Man is fucking sweet too. Very scary. Great arsenal too. But I simply cannot vote against Pinhead. But I might just watch Phantasm to soothe my heartache for having to vote against Tall Man.
Well at least you respect the tall man for what he is monkey. Pindhead is an evil fucker. Possibly if you took out all the well known names in the contest like jason, mm, jeather face ,and freddy. He along with chucky would be one of the best known and possibly win it. Because lets face it the devil is scary to people, otis driftwood is a satanist. He's scary as fuck, but pinhead is basically the dark lord. I just liked the tall man for the reason that he allways came back and had basically an army of shit the size of china. That could and would fuck you up.
I do respect the Tall Man Alex. He is one of the best horror villains ever. But man, Pinhead is just a scary motherfucker. Tall Man looks creepy, but Pinhead looks like...WHOA! Thats the only word I could use. Lol. If this were against anyone but, Pinhead, Freddy, or Jason I would have gave the Tall Man the nod. But Pinhead is too much for him to overcome. Shame really, as he is pretty fucking epic.
Aww, I thought it'd be the Tall Man from the Chzo games. And Pinhead from the Puppet Master films...ah well.

Everything in the Hellraiser films is just too cheesy. At least the first Phantasm film didn't suck. Hellraiser has never been anything but a complete waste of time with its pseudo-scary "cool" hell characters, but Phantasm wasn't really a freakin' wonder either. So it's basically the lesser of two evil. The Tall Man gets my vote. Heh, Pinhead looks like a really bad wrestling gimmick, come to think of it. Why didn't WCW ever hire him?
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