Bus Stations

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Anybody hate bus stations? Me too. They really piss me off.

I can drive. I have a van. But I dislike driving so I opt to take the bus. It's also cheeper to catch the bus than it is to pay for parking. So it's a no brainer for me. But waiting for the bus does my fuckin' head in.

In the morning I have to wait for about 15 min at the stop. I'm usually the first one there. Eventually more people arrive. And yet I'm always the last one one the bus. Why? Because I don't sport a perm and wrinkles? That's bullshit. I could push these deviant grannys out the way, but I don't because they would probably die. But I have no problem pushing Leo Parks' dad out of the way. Smug cunt. He has no reason to be smug. His son has the biggest head ever and he's fighting a battle with baldness and losing. This prick get's on the bus. Sits at the back and sits square in the middle. He then puts his suitcase on one chail. And his daddy long legs stretched onto the other. He then opens his big ass broadsheet paper and holds it in front of his face. I then get on the bus and shove his ass up. He has no choice but to move. Overwise he'll feel my wrath just like his son used to at school.

In the evening. When I finish work. At about 2pm. I wait at the bus station. Anybody else get asked for change? I do. Yes mate I've got change, a fuckin' pocket full. Get a job you lazy prick.

You get all the cunts walking about with there cans of special brew in there Henry Lloyd tops thinking there top shit. Dude yor 30. Get out your parents house and go work at Morrisons.

You get all the students. Some pimp daddy surrounded by about 5 squeiling girls. He is flirting and one of the girls stands on your toe in her 15inch stiletto.

Fuckinh emo's not moving out your way.

Grannys and there trollys.

Some random girl saying smile. Why? I'm waiting for a bus. Why the fuck would I be standing there with a goofy grin on my face. Your pretty darling, but you're a fucking idiot.

Anyone else hate bust stations?
Yep me too. Not so many grannies at my stop in the morning but there are fucking lots of stupid school kids in bunches of 3's & 4's. And have you noticed that if the bus stop area is full of people they are stare at you when you come around the corner to get to the bus stop? I also hate it when a packed bus comes along but it's not the bus that you want so everyone else gets on except for me and you can just tell that people are staring out of the window looking at you.
The Solution to all of your problems is to get an iPod and wear sunglasses while on the bus, While you could be listening to The Carpenters you get ignored by the other people on the Bus. Thats what I find because I always manage to get my own seat, probably because I am too tall to sit in the seats properly.
I also hate when you get some twat who buys a 42 inch TV then catches the bus home. What the fuck? You freakin' idiot. Get a taxi. Or get the free delivery they offer. They take up an extra seat with the massive TV then expect you to stand. Did your TV buy a ticket? Did it fuck. Did my arse buy a ticket? Indeed it did. Move up ********.
The Solution to all of your problems is to get an iPod and wear sunglasses while on the bus, While you could be listening to The Carpenters you get ignored by the other people on the Bus. Thats what I find because I always manage to get my own seat, probably because I am too tall to sit in the seats properly.

I'm from Minneapolis, around here, iPods are not always an option. We had a string of incidents over the summer of people getting mugged while coming off the bus for their iPods. Gangs of people would follow some poor sap of the bus and beat them for their iPod. The gang of kids responsible obtained over 30 iPods before they were caught by undercover cops. Now no one wears iPods on the bus.

Jake- The problem with those jerks is they have no pride. I have come across people who have had there TV, grocery bags, or some boxes full of random shit that in no way needs to be on the bus, take up a seat and watch an elderly person stand up for the entire ride, nearly breaking their hip.

The problem with buses is 90% of the people on them are assfaces.
I also hate it when people (mainly women) get on a packed bus with a fucking buggy. It's drives me fucking mad. I'm trying to get to work and their taking their fucking time. The worst ones are the foreigners because they think they own the bus with all their benefits. Especially this African women - she gets on the bus with 3 children, 2 in a double buggy. Because of this she stands by the back door like the fucking Queen waiting for the driver to open the back door so she can take her time and get on the bus with her kids who are too big for the buggy in the first place. With all of her benefits you'd think she'd take one of her free three cars.
honestly here in Madison the buses arent very bad. Madisons a very safe place so theres no people who would mug you for an Ipod or anything, plus the buses run often and there are many buses to take you wherever you need to go and because I have a free pass (Dads a driver) I can take the bus anywhere I need to go. So in Madison overall riding the bus is alright compared to other places
I've actually never ridden the bus. I live a little out in the country myself and drive everywhere. The nearest town is 6.2 miles (I reset my milage thing today.)
Bus stations in Cumbria are funny as fook, they are just a stick in the ground in the middle of nowhere. There is a big bus station near where I live though, but more people (i.e. chavs) go there to drink cider and smash things up than actualy use the buses. They are an absoloute rip off though £2.50 for a 3 mile journey is ridicolous.
One day I was going home on the bus.I sat on the barrier waiting for my bus then a firework nearly hit my arse.Also I enjoy the fights at the bus stop going home.So fun.
Jake got me :lmao:. Come to New York and deal with the subways/buses here. I'll bet anything you'll lick the dirt off you home bus station as soon as you get back.

Old people? I have to deal with pimps, hookers, whinos, people begging for money, selling cheap garbage and stinking like pigs swimming in a sewer. Then, I have to deal with a sick passenger crippling the whole line, or a suicide diving in front of a train. I never get to work on time.

And, if you really want to see hell, check out the Port Authority Bus Terminal. The buses come out of the station, and immediatly head into a deep, dark dank underwater tunnel, and end up in NEW JERSEY! God, the HORROR!

Lastly, there is the fun of waiting 30 minutes for a bus, and then finally 5 show up in a row! What fun!
Jeez, I can't stand fucking old people skipping the queue just because they have those bloody bus passes. Like come on, just queue. I commute to the city centre every morning via bus and people putting their bags on the seat beside them wrecks my head.
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