Bully Ray Screwed Up the Battle Royal


Occasional Pre-Show
During the battle royal on Impact tonight, just before Dreamer eliminated Styles, Bully Ray was clearly eliminated right in front of the referee. The referee looked surprised then waved off the elimination. It made it more obvious that something happened how they suddenly switched to such an odd camera angle from the opposite side of the ring during editing. You can see his hand slip from the top rope and both his feet disappear. He quickly jumps back up onto the apron. I realize accidents happen, especially in matches such as these but there should always be backup plans in case something like this happens. They tried to hide it in editing but unfortunately they couldn't hide the people in the front row pointing and laughing. :doh:
This is one of those things that is keeping TNA from being taken seriously, I mean mistakes do happen but big mistakes like that are inexcusable in this sport especially if you are in a legit organization. It sucks, but not much to do about it but shake your head in dissapointment. :disappointed:
Because it looks better when Cena throws Primo over the top rope and he starts to fall out but for some UNKNOWN reason Cena decides "I am going to hang on to this guys ankle and pull him all the way back in so Orton can clothesline him out instead."

I dont know how many times I have watched a battle royal or rumble in the WWE and thought...JUST LET HIM GO! Why are you SAVING HIM???

Point being, its a battle royal things happen.

Besides, we have seen in the WWE before where something like this is turned into a storyline I believe The Rock and Big Show were? What if thats the case here? What if it has to do with Dreamer some how?

Then again its Bully Ray, a member of Immortal, supposely one of the baddest men in the company. You could easily explain it as Bully getting his way because of who he is and what he did.

And remember...TNA is taped, TNA is edited... I am sure if TNA wanted they could of edited in a different (better) camera angle if they wanted but the fact that they didnt could imply something bigger.


Bubba Ray is like 300 and some odd pounds and sadly one of the main focus's of TNA at the moment a backup plan would of put someone else in the spotlight.
They all make mistakes, and while I'm not a huge fan of the TNA product, I understand that things can go wrong. It's funny to see them fail to cover it up, but hey, whatcha gonna do?

Wasn't too long ago, Seamus took the belt from Cena in a tables match and everyone was crying out against the "mistake" made to allow Cena to go through that table. Come on now, at a PPV no less....give TNA some slack on this one.
Because it looks better when Cena throws Primo over the top rope and he starts to fall out but for some UNKNOWN reason Cena decides "I am going to hang on to this guys ankle and pull him all the way back in so Orton can clothesline him out instead."

I dont know how many times I have watched a battle royal or rumble in the WWE and thought...JUST LET HIM GO! Why are you SAVING HIM???

Point being, its a battle royal things happen.

Besides, we have seen in the WWE before where something like this is turned into a storyline I believe The Rock and Big Show were? What if thats the case here? What if it has to do with Dreamer some how?

Then again its Bully Ray, a member of Immortal, supposely one of the baddest men in the company. You could easily explain it as Bully getting his way because of who he is and what he did.

And remember...TNA is taped, TNA is edited... I am sure if TNA wanted they could of edited in a different (better) camera angle if they wanted but the fact that they didnt could imply something bigger.


Bubba Ray is like 300 and some odd pounds and sadly one of the main focus's of TNA at the moment a backup plan would of put someone else in the spotlight.

dont you love how when tna fans feel butthurt they IMMEDIATELY change the subject to what wwe did. thats one of the basic teachings of debating. if you can make your oppeonent change the topic, youve won because they have no defence for their position or have nothing left to say on the topic because they know youre right.
just stroll through tna threads and look at how many times wwe gets brought up out of nowhere...it must be people like that who run tna.
"as long as wwe makes the same mistakes our company is fine! no worries here!"

yeah bubba ray's fat immobile ass fucked up and they didnt even edit it LOL...if you read the spoilers youll see that they taped the foley/hogan segment twice because they f'ed it up...why couldnt they film the rumble twice...or just have an editor who is slightly competent...
I didnt look that bad on TV. I only noticed it because the fan in the front row was sitting there and pointing (and because I read this thread before I watched it).

Also if you WWE clowns dont want us changing the subject to what WWE does badly, dont come in here and start flaming TNA. Youre just asking for it.
This isn't the Royal Rumble when Cena ( Rapper Gimmick ) gets eleminated and clearly hurts his leg and I do believe Batista eliminated him by accident not that Cena was going to win it's scripted in order of elimination.

What I saw last night made me cringe. Being that Impact is taped made it worse everytime I give TNA a chance something like this happens because they have to know the order of elimination. The only thing TNA could do right is take little shots at WWE
Also if you WWE clowns dont want us changing the subject to what WWE does badly, dont come in here and start flaming TNA. Youre just asking for it.
Not everyone who criticizes TNA is a WWE fan. However, it is a very frequent defense from people on the TNA boards that "well, the WWE did this, so this is ok then." The WWE isn't always right either. They are not immune from mistakes, and comparing TNA to the WWE every time someone criticizes TNA enforces the idea that TNA is a weaker promotion.

Considering how similar the two promotions really are at this point, the whole TNA/WWE rivalry has gotten silly anyhow.
Once again we see TNA make a mistake and the first thing we see is "well WWE did......"

How sad and pathetic that this is all TNA fans have.
During the battle royal on Impact tonight, just before Dreamer eliminated Styles, Bully Ray was clearly eliminated right in front of the referee. The referee looked surprised then waved off the elimination. It made it more obvious that something happened how they suddenly switched to such an odd camera angle from the opposite side of the ring during editing. You can see his hand slip from the top rope and both his feet disappear. He quickly jumps back up onto the apron. I realize accidents happen, especially in matches such as these but there should always be backup plans in case something like this happens. They tried to hide it in editing but unfortunately they couldn't hide the people in the front row pointing and laughing. :doh:

If you search youtube for the Armando Estrada/Colin Delaney match (assuming the suits at the E haven't forced its removal) you'll see the ref clearly make a 4 count, and what is sad is A) The show was pretaped, and b) the camera shot picks up the four count, especially when the Ref begins to count before Colin made the pinfall attempt.
I don't care what federation you like, don't like or whatever, but every battle royal has things in it that make no sense.

Why can eliminated wrestlers eliminate someone?....how can outside interference count for an elimination?....if the ref doesn't see the guy thrown over, why do they say it counts, he could be thrown through the middle rope?

Every federation is guilty of this but this post in general would be more valid if Bully Ray actually won as opposed to being eliminatedm last.
I didnt look that bad on TV. I only noticed it because the fan in the front row was sitting there and pointing (and because I read this thread before I watched it).

Also if you WWE clowns dont want us changing the subject to what WWE does badly, dont come in here and start flaming TNA. Youre just asking for it.

since you were clearly responding to me i just want to say that is another thing that gets over done. if you criticize tna then it means your a wwe mark in my case it couldnt be further from the truth.
Why do refs make the three count when someone barges in, knocks someone out and escapes without them noticing? Did they not hear the chair shot?

If you see some stranger in your house, are you going to assume he's there to clean it or immediately call the cops? If the refs didn't see how Roode got eliminated, and he is on the outside they can't do anything but send him to the back. Yes, he could've went through the middle rope, but he also could've went over the top rope. That's wrestling for you, I don't see what the big deal is. What's with people complaining about things that were going on since wrestling's inception?
Please...enough with the ohhhh u must be a WWE fan since youre criticizing TNA. Seriously, 1st off we are talkin about a Big fat ass glorified tag team wrestler who from what I have heard many wrestlers such as Shane Helms, Trish Stratus and especially Randy orton have had nothing but bad things to say about, and who seems to have slowed down tremendously as of late and plain and simple Bubba screwed up, so don"t blame the WWE fans for criticizing TNA, when they deserve every bit of crticism that they get. here is a company that can not decide from week to week if this guy is going to be a face or a heel or both. I mean if you miss one week after a guys heel turn, you have to make sure you tune in next week because hes a damn face again. it is really ridiculous. All that talent and not a damn clue what the hell to do with it. So yes they get criticized and chastized because they deserve it for the product they put out there that should be truly amazing with guys like Angle, Anderson, Styles, Sting, RVD and Daniels. But they have no clue how to write. They think fans would rather see 60 sumthin year old Ric Flair bleed like a stuffed pig for the 90th time on impact. Come on, Got a lot of respect for Flair but really...Or hogan vs Sting, yeah maybe in '99 not now. So put the blame where it should be....T N A!

It happens, bro. It may be a taped show, but it's a battle royal — things like this happen. They did a fine enough job editing it out. I didn't even notice it, personally. Who gives a shit, really? This wasn't that big of a deal.

I've seen far worse botches in my time...
Not really a big deal, I know I criticize alot of shit TNA does, but this is hardly a big deal or worth bitching about at all, it was a botch, they happen, I watched the entire Battle Royal, and didn't even notice until someone pointed out, which leads me to beleive most of the other people watching the show prolly didn't see either. BTW you think for one second anyone on earth is even going to remember that tiny little meaningless botch ever happened a week from now?
Ok, let's clear something up. Before any of you go into nerd rages, you should at least read my whole post. At no time was I "bashing" or "flaming" TNA. If you bothered to read the entire post before lashing out, you would have read that I clearly stated that mistakes like that happen in those kinds of matches. I was simply pointing it out. I wasn't trying to make a comparison between every royal rumble in history or between this situation and every mistake that WWE or TNA has ever made. I just thought it was kind of funny. Seriously, some of you people really need to chill out.
Please...enough with the ohhhh u must be a WWE fan since youre criticizing TNA. Seriously, 1st off we are talkin about a Big fat ass glorified tag team wrestler who from what I have heard many wrestlers such as Shane Helms, Trish Stratus and especially Randy orton have had nothing but bad things to say about, and who seems to have slowed down tremendously as of late and plain and simple Bubba screwed up, so don"t blame the WWE fans for criticizing TNA, when they deserve every bit of crticism that they get. here is a company that can not decide from week to week if this guy is going to be a face or a heel or both. I mean if you miss one week after a guys heel turn, you have to make sure you tune in next week because hes a damn face again. it is really ridiculous. All that talent and not a damn clue what the hell to do with it. So yes they get criticized and chastized because they deserve it for the product they put out there that should be truly amazing with guys like Angle, Anderson, Styles, Sting, RVD and Daniels. But they have no clue how to write. They think fans would rather see 60 sumthin year old Ric Flair bleed like a stuffed pig for the 90th time on impact. Come on, Got a lot of respect for Flair but really...Or hogan vs Sting, yeah maybe in '99 not now. So put the blame where it should be....T N A!

Bingo!!! Loads of talent and most of it's being wasted in favor of, as you so succintly pointed out, watching Flair bleed like a stuck pig once more as though that's what gets the fans to pop! Or watching Hogan hobble, literally out to the ring to cut a promo as he looks like he's in serious pain. Bully Ray, who cuts a great promo but is doing little for me as a super heel. Wow, he powerbombed AJ thru a table. How original. Yep, never seen that before. And people criticize Cena for his moveset. LoL. The Dudley Boys used the same moveset for 20 years and were called "innovators." LoL Now we have this "Bully Ray" character who runs like a girl from AJ when they are head to head, but attacks from behind like a hungry shark. Yep, that's believable!

At the end of the day, it's more old guys taking up most of the air time and refusing to get out of the way for the young guys. Now TNA fans will have to admit at this point one of 2 things.

1. That TNA either is using older talent to keep people interested in their product or,

2. That the younger talent isn't good enough to be over with the mainstream fans yet so they actually NEED that older talent to remain relevant.

So which is it TNA fans?

1 or 2?
For the record in no way was I trying to say because WWE did something its okay for TNA.

I was simply saying what if it was apart of a greater plan for Bubba Ray and his character and I used an example that I felt was well known the Big Show and Rock one.

My comment about Cena saving someone for Orton to knock them out is just something that irks me in general, I have seen it in a lot of battle royals in many companies to be honest. Its something I dont like about Battle Royals in general.

Obviously, there is some sort of pattern they need to follow in these matches and if someone gets knocked out that shouldnt then that causes a problem but it to me it looks really bad if the person you knock out you immeditely try to save. Why would you do that?

I also didnt even notice the moment in the battle royal but I was simply saying if it were to be brought up in the near future it meant to happen.

Was it an obvious screw up? Yeah, it was pretty damn obvious. He fell out of the ring, and was eliminated. TNA can edit the show, so it's a bit surprising this wasn't made less obvious during post-production.

But is it a big deal? No, it's not. Not at all. The lack of quality editing bothers me, but it means nothing. If Bubba had won this match, I might have something to say. But he didn't.

TNA gives us a lot to complain about, but this means nothing, and shouldn't be an issue.
But is it a big deal? No, it's not. Not at all. The lack of quality editing bothers me, but it means nothing. If Bubba had won this match, I might have something to say. But he didn't.

Agreed. He didn't win so lets just drop it and move on.

I could be mistaken but was the ref on that side Jackson James, or whatever his name is? There was a story line a while back where they teased him possibly joining immortal.. perhaps he feigned innocence due to his connection with the group.

On second thoughts, it may have been Brian Hebner.. :shrug:

Anyway, whatever, doesn't matter.
I didnt look that bad on TV. I only noticed it because the fan in the front row was sitting there and pointing (and because I read this thread before I watched it).

Also if you WWE clowns dont want us changing the subject to what WWE does badly, dont come in here and start flaming TNA. Youre just asking for it.

This pisses me off a lot. Why just because someone is criticizing TNA are you suddenly only a WWE fan or whatever? Can someone not be a fan of something and criticize it. The whole things so bloody petty.

I can't say I noticed it but I wasn't paying that much attention I just don't like Battle Royals apart from the Rumble because it staggers the entrants. Other Battle Royals are just a huge cluster fuck until you're down to the last few entrants.
This pisses me off a lot. Why just because someone is criticizing TNA are you suddenly only a WWE fan or whatever? Can someone not be a fan of something and criticize it. The whole things so bloody petty.

I can't say I noticed it but I wasn't paying that much attention I just don't like Battle Royals apart from the Rumble because it staggers the entrants. Other Battle Royals are just a huge cluster fuck until you're down to the last few entrants.
Well, WWE fans are generally the ones crapping on TNA for every single thing they do, no matter good or bad. We just trust the probability factor and calling someone a WWE fan is the strongest insult to some of us, namely - moi, because I associate WWE fans with this mild fellow over here.
He is the voice of the IWC. A personification of 99% of the WWE marks out there. BEHOLD YOUR LEADER!

Well, WWE fans are generally the ones crapping on TNA for every single thing they do, no matter good or bad. We just trust the probability factor and calling someone a WWE fan is the strongest insult to some of us, namely - moi, because I associate WWE fans with this mild fellow over here.
He is the voice of the IWC. A personification of 99% of the WWE marks out there. BEHOLD YOUR LEADER!


You do understand that insulting those who criticize the work of TNA doesn't strengthen your position right? However, it does weaken your position greatly. Acting in this way does nothing to help advance the cause of TNA or the discussion of how they could improve from the perspective of the fans in any way, shape, or form.
You do understand that insulting those who criticize the work of TNA doesn't strengthen your position right? However, it does weaken your position greatly. Acting in this way does nothing to help advance the cause of TNA or the discussion of how they could improve from the perspective of the fans in any way, shape, or form.
... strength ... positions .... weakening ... causes ... discussion ... what is this, a competition? Some people take these forums are as a freakin' battle field it seems. I'll discuss and call anybody whatever I want to call them, because I bet you 9 times out of 10 that's exactly what they are. You can't tell me half the WWE marks in the IWC don't act like this guy. And it's not just the WWE marks, it's marks in general.

"BULLY RAY BOTCHED" to me sounds like the kid in the video saying "HOW CAN FOLEY BE A NETWORK EXEC, HALF OF HIS EAR IS CUT OFF!". It's that attitude, that ignorance and stupidity that screws Impact Wrestling up so frequently. Half the fight is you busting your ass and making a nearly flawless product (which no company has ever done, by the way), the other half is getting the fans on your side, but how in the world can Impact Wrestling grow and attract more audiences when people like THAT walk freely on God's Green Earth? People who clearly hate Impact Wrestling for all the wrong, fabricated reasons, and no matter how good it was they'd still not watch it simply because it's not the WWE. That's my issue, and we all know those *******s exist, and as scary as it is - they're the majority. It's stupid "fans" like that who ruin the business and allow McMahon to keep putting out this absolute dreck of a product week in and week out. It's fans like that who continue to watch DESPITE the fact that he's drilling a big red or blue dick up their ass, depending on whether it's Monday or Friday. They give him the freedom to do anything he wants, booking wise, and get away with it because it's the WWE and they grew up watching it, they can't turn away. "Fuck you, I'll have Cena and Orton dominate the shows and give nobody else equal time and attention. Fuck you I'll remove wrestling from our name. Fuck you, where's that midget, I want him to beat some people up. Fuck you, let announcers wrestle in bubble wrap. Fuck you, The Rock will have his birthday and we'll waste the entire show on him instead of actually having a show. Fuck you, Christian will lose the belt in 2 days and no one will say shit about it because they're sheep. Fuck you, bring in David Arquette and have him wrestle. Fuck you, let's have mediocre people swarm our Main Events. Fuck you, we'll not build them up we'll strap belts and huge wins on them because we're lazy to book them consistently over a long period of time so they get over with the fans. Instead we'll shove them down everybody's throats before they get a chance to taste them." If Impact Wrestling did ONE of these things they'll get all the shit in the world and it makes it "unwatchable". When WWE does it it's A-okay! A lot of fans are like that, and it hurts not only I.W but the busniess as well, and that's the sad part.

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