Bull Dempsey....slob


Championship Contender
This guy Bull Dempsey debuted on NXT last night and his gimmick is that he is a "throwback", the "Last of a Dying Breed".

Apparently the dying breed he's referring to is fat, sloppy, bad-guy jobbers from the mid 80's. Except he's not a jobber. What a mess.

He was good on the microphone after his match, but damn, he is a sight to behold. Generic fat/hairy heel in a two strap singlet, literally looks like he should be taking a flying forearm from Tito Santana on Wrestling Challenge.

The WWE is doing this as a wink to people who say they are obsessed with physiques. This guy makes Kevin Steen look like Rick Rude.
, literally looks like he should be taking a flying forearm from Tito Santana on Wrestling Challenge.

This is wonderful.

Anyways, everything you are saying is the point of the gimmick. Try not to be so hard on it. Not everyone/thing is destined to be the next coming of the Rock.

I was much more concerned with the underwelming translation of the character within the match. I see many boring matches with Sheamus that the commentators jizz over "how physical" they are in his future.
I actually like his look and character. He was trained by Tazz, I say give him a chance. Love the fat sloppy greasy hairy look, he is indeed a throwback. Someone said on twitter he's the love child of tommy dreamer and tazz. I'm looking forward to see him progress. Plus I love that name, Bull Dempsey.
Is this the guy who had a match and lost against Mojo Rawley?
If so, then I agree....this guy makes me wonder why they had such an issue with Cassius Ohno's lack of fitness.

I get that its part of the gimmick, and that NXT has to have its jobbers etc. But I did not like him.

Edit : My bad, I got it wrong.....I had not watched this weeks NXT yet. But the answer still remains the same, I can't see this gimmick going anywhere. Didnt like the moveset, didnt like the character.
I am one of the people who misses having a variety of physiques and characters on the roster, because it helps to give everyone a personality. However…

When I was in college (art school) one of the instructors said something to me that always stuck with me, and it applies here: "When you are drawing something and you're trying to make it look distorted/disproportionate, make sure it looks like you did it on purpose, otherwise it just looks like you don't know how to draw"

That's the problem here. Bull Dempsey looks like the kind of guy who is "kind of" in shape, or at least trying to be. So what he really looks like is your average out of shape person with some size, as opposed to say a Yokozuna or Mabel/Viscera where it was obvious their size was an attraction and part of their persona.

I realize his contract is probably next to nothing, but when I see a guy like this, I scratch my head over how they could release people like Drew, Evan, or Brodus, but keep someone like this. This guy would have a loooong way to go, to become a someone that could be taken seriously as a star.
"When you are drawing something and you're trying to make it look distorted/disproportionate, make sure it looks like you did it on purpose, otherwise it just looks like you don't know how to draw"

That quote was fantastic. And I agree totally. This Bull Dempsey character (and that nobody who was beaten by MoJo Rawley last week) just seem out of shape for lack of trying. And not as part of his gimmick.
I saw the guy and I'm on the fence. I thought he did a nice job on the mic, but I thought the match went much too long for a squash and half of the time was spent keeping Xavier Woods in a side headlock. As far as the guy's look goes, if he's intentionally going for some sort of retro look in which most wrestlers back in the day weren't exactly hardbodies, it makes him stand out. I'm not necessarily sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing as I'll have to wait to see more of what he can do. He obviously doesn't look like someone who spends any real time pumping iron, but that doesn't mean that the guy can't be a beast when it comes to cardiovascular conditioning.

I think Dempsey's biggest problem is that he'll have trouble getting his look over with Vince McMahon. I think if Dempsey shows that he's able to go in the ring, shows himself to be an interesting character and has phenomenal stamina; his look may well hold him back. Guys don't have to look like they're chiseled out of solid rock in Vince's eyes, but he generally prefers some degree of muscle tone and firmness. That's especially true if the wrestler is someone who's wrestling gear exposes a lotta skin. Bray Wyatt isn't super cut, but he's mostly covered up, he's deceptively strong and in great cardio shape. Maybe if this guy covers up, Vince may not focus so much on his physique.
PeterSellersSTL, I have no clue what you're talking about with your Tazz and Tommy Dreamer comparisons. He reminded me of Rhino more than anyone else. An out of shape Rhino, that is. The "Bull!" from his entrance was the only remotely interesting aspect of the part of NXT that he was in. In short, I didn't like him. His promo sucked and he looked extremely out of shape. The match wasn't that great either. Granted he has plenty of time to improve so it's not like I will never be a fan of his if he improves. If he doesn't though, chances are I'll be heading to the fridge for a snack when it's time for this guy to have a match. Nothing about him impressed me.
Usually the NXT crowd is (typically) very forgiving. But even they seemed to jeer at him. In fact they seemed pretty confused. At one point they were telling him to "Put some pants on" and toward the end they actually started the "bull" chant...I'm not impressed. But its to early to give a valid opinion.

His mic skill seemed pretty good tho.
Not horrible, not spectacular. Dempsey has a long way to go in order to capture the audience's affections, but he seems to have potential. Maybe he could carry on an Earthquake/Typhoon gimmick. Mr. Tremor, anyone?

Side note: someone please post the lyrics to his theme music. I didn't write fast enough to get them all down. :-(
Oh my god. His attire was just awful. I get that he's a throwback, but at least make the singlet cover more than half of his stomach.

I wasn't really impressed with him in-ring. I can see why some people said he has a Rhyno-like feel, which is what I got as well. I honestly thought he'd bust out a gore/spear, but oh well. I really wasn't impressed by his mic skills, but they were better than others.

I guess my final assessment is that I'm indifferent. Maybe with a better attire and more powerful moveset, he'd get over more. They just have to make his gimmick work for his body. Bray is a big guy and even when he was Husky Harris, his body was even more exposed, but it worked for him. I could take him seriously in the ring (not as a character until he turned into Bray). When I look at Bull, I just feel sick.:disappointed:
The first words out of my mouth when I saw him were "King Kong Dempsey". I like this gimmick as an idea, time will tell if he can make it work. Too bad Big E already used the 5-count gimmick in NXT...
The worst thing a debuting character can do is have a horrible outfit.

Why does Bull wear a beach onesie that would make Borat jealous?

It look horrible and just pure boring. And BORING is not good for a 'Sports Entertainer'.
I'm on board with most of the people on here - he just looks like a fat slob. And - being a fat slob myself - I know that fat slob does not equal bad ass (current company excluded of course).

I remember watching Brodus Clay in the ring, who I liked for a bit, but every time he would rip those stripper pants off and dance or run around the ring, all I could see was those jiggling thighs. They were hypnotic.

Back in the 80s that was fine, because those fat slob guys weren't standing on every street corner in America - they were an oddity. Now most of America is obese. For a guy like Bull to get over, he has to use old school dirty tactics. Eye rakes, (Indian) rope burns, choking, cheap shots - just be a jerk in the ring. Even with all that, I doubt he could win the crowd over or draw any real heat.

Finally, I think most fat guys make for poor matches. When guys try to clothesline them or punch them, they just look like giant wobbly babies. Maybe I'm biased being a back-and-forth fat-guy/skinny-guy my whole life

In summation: I'm a fattist.
Week 2 of his push in NXT did nothing to make me change my opinion that this guy is useless. Renee Young and company's fawning over this guy, acting like its something to be proud of to be a disgusting slob, is laughable.

Here's hoping that if he get's called up, we get some "throwback" ECW CHANTS aimed at this "throwback". YOU FAT FUCK, YOU FAT FUCK, YOU FAT FUCK.

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