Bryan Danielson

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Dark Match Jobber
I'm a really big fan of ROH. I have purchased many of their DVD's and the only question that's always on my mind is why doesn't TNA or even WWE for that matter pick up Danielson. The man is a beast in the ring. I love how he wrestles an old school Backlund wrestling style. I mean Samoa Joe, Alex Shelley, Styles, Punk, Homicide, Lo-Ki, etc. all have been picked up by TNA or WWE. I think TNA (even WWE) pick him up. Dam I would love to see a Danielson v.s. Angle match.
TNA is a very intelligent company when it comes to scouting and picking up talented wrestlers. Trust me, both TNA and the WWE have been riding Danielson's ass for a while. However, he still holds the belt and he won't leave ROH as long as it's on his waist. Once his title reign ends, I'd expect his transfer to TNA shortly after
Best Wrestler In The World!

although i think him going to TNA or WWE would hurt the quality of his matches. ROH matches are just 10x better than the WWE or TNA are putting on right now. if all goes as planned he is supposed to lose the belt to Homicide at ROH's Final Battle 06. i really don't think that's gonna happen cuz ROH really isn't as predictable as the WWE. Danielson also has a shoulder injury that he has been trying to rehab.

matches to see:

vs Nigel McGuiness - Unified
vs Samoa Joe - Fight of the Century
vs KENTA - Glory by Honor V Night 2
Ive said it beofre,if TNA Wants to compete they need to take what ROH is creating and turn them into stars. They have done it with Joe,and they can do it with a dozen more. I hope the wwe dont get there hands on him, though i doubt Danielson would be stupid enough to wind up there. Look what they done with brett albright...
The only reason the WWE ever picked up CM Punk was becoz he was being compared to HHH whilst in ROH. And then when Vince and Steph actually got a look at him in the ring they said they were completely unimpressed with his mic and in-ring work. This is a perfect demonstration of how Vince has no idea about wrestling. If it wasnt for Paul E, Punk would still be a mid-carder in OVW.

As for Danielson, I have asked myself that very question possibly hundreds of times. I think TNA want him but cannot fit him into their schedule right now given they only have an hour. But I mean it took 3 years for them to finally give Joe a shot, so... But then again Jay Lethal is in TNA, and they cant find a spot for Dragon?? And I cant speak for anyone else in ROH, but Danielson will never ever wrestle for the WWE, no matter how much money they throw at him. Dragon is a guy of principle and takes his wrestling more serious than I think anyone in the wrestling world. If he knows that he will be held back and not given his opportunity to show the world just how amazing, brilliant and just plain fkn insane he is in the ring, he wil not go.
i finally seen this guy wrestle, and i loved it...he fought Sal Rinauro, and he finished him off with like 10 elbow smashes in the side of his neck...simple, yet i finally decided to plunk down some hard earned cash on ROH dvds...i am waiting for my dvds of Unified and Glory by Honor: Night 2...cant wait to see them
Didn't Dragon say he didn't wanna wrestle in the WWE due to the restrictions they put on the wrestlers?
Or did I just imagine that?
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