Bryan Danielson/Nigel last match

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Okay, Ive been a ROH fan since its inception and I try my best to see as much as I can, which isnt easy with limited internet access and lack of funds to buy the dvds.

But I do go out of my way to find or at least see the most important matches that ROH has had over the years.

I had the privilege of seeing the last match between Nigel and Bryan before their respective departures to TNA/WWE. I know it was a little while ago, but as I said, I have limited access at times.

As expected the match was phenominal, the emotion they had during wasnt necessarily one of intensity, but almost of sadness driven focus. They looked genuinely sad that this was their final match their, and possibly their last match against each other depending how fate draws their paths apart.

The thing that got me, almost tear jerked, was when ''The Final countdown'' played, the crowd was on fire and blew the roof off singing along with the words, and Bryans face was one that put me over the edge.

Even the funny parts when the crowd chanted about Cena, and Danielson said ''I can kick him if I cant see him'', I died laughing.

Im a emotional wrestling fan, Not necessarily an over the top ''mark'' (I hate that term) but I love realism and pure emotion, not from storylines as much as its from the wrestlers themselves.

Nigel, who is not known for a ''face'' type mentality in ROH, Even seemed happy for their performance, and was saddened by the end of their great feud.

I bore witness to alot of the ''Last'' appearances of ROH alum, Joe, AJ,Daniels, even Aries. But I would have to say that in the terms of emotion, and the appearance of realism, This match and post match goes up their with when Punk and Cabana ended.

As I mentioned when Daniels music played that was as tear worthy as when Punk kneeled in the ring and the streamers where surrounding him.

Thank you Nigel and Bryan, I wish you both the best, No matter where you are in the wrestling world, You have my support.
Well, twiztid_lestat, you may be my new best friend. I was at the Sept. 10th Philly show of the Final Countdown tour- which was the first show of the tour- so it was sad but not overly emotional. Dragon gave a nice goodbye speech at the end, and of course, they played the Final Countdown as he left the ring. I got a little misty eyed.

A few days ago, I finally got the see the final Danielson/McGuinness match from the NYC show. And your take is spot on. It was so emtional. Hell, I cried just watching the entrances as Nigel was choking back tears during his introduction.

The speeches afterwards were so good. Oddly enough, Nigel's speech was the emotional one. And again, when he got down on his knees and kissed the ROH logo on the mat, I cried. Dragon's speech was more cute and funny but became unbelieveably emotional when the music hit. As the Final Countdown played he hugged or high fived every single person in the front row, which I thought was a very nice gesture. And of course, you could see numerous people crying in the crowd when Dragon requested that the music stop and he stated that "there's only one thing I want to hear when I walk through that curtain for the last time" and the crowd starting chanting "ROH".

ROH has always had very emotional and very well done fairwells, and this one ranks right up there with Punk's last match. Well done Bryan and Nigel.
Simply put the two guys that for me were ROH for several years. I'd go as far as to say their rivalry was the best the company has ever or maybe will ever have. Joe and Punk put on phenomenal matches but there were only three of them and they were born out of title contention. Nigel and Dragon's feud was about more than titles, it was about who was the best in the world.

Dragon raised the bar so high for being a champion that it was almost silly. He defended that belt so often and against such a diverse range of opponents from the world over. He wrestled 60 minute matches, wrestled through injury and was the best wrestler in the world during his reign.

Nigel in my own personal opinion was an even better champion because he was the man at the top when ROH moved into its new era. He drew incredible heel heat but begrudging respect too. The crowd wanted him to get beaten but they had no clue who by.

When I heard Dragon was leaving the company I immediately said to myself "Let him face Nigel one more time for his final match". At first it appeared that wouldn't happen but when Nigel was revealed to be leaving as well I got my wish and though I disagree with them not going to some kind of draw, it was the most emotional match I've seen in a very long time. They proved to me why they no longer belong in ROH in that match, they are both far too good to remain out of the national spotlight.

They revisited some familiar ground, they gave us their signature moves, they flipped the script a bit (Dragon headbutting the post) and they showed off some of the moves they've developed since last feuding. It was a showcase of what both men were all about and it was a beautiful match.

The promos after? Icing on the cake. Nigel is always so modest and his previous goodbye speeches felt quite restrained to the point that when he shared stories about Roderick and Eddie Edwards I was elated. His final promo was a good one because of how heartfelt it was. Kissing the logo was just a very classy touch. Then Dragon's promo made me laugh more than I have at a thank you speech in my life. Saying he'd punch Cena in the ear was gold. And then they finish with THE FINAL COUNTDOWN.

What more could we ask for? Not a lot, because they've given us so much already. They will forever be missed.
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