Bryan being stripped of title


Championship Contender
It just came out that Bryan is going to be stripped of the title tonight because he is not cleared to perform at MITB.

The MITB match will be for the championship.

Question: Do they add another MITB match that is for the briefcase?

I hope so, because someone having that briefcase has been a staple of WWE for years. Not having the possibility of a "cash-in" for over a year would suck.

But they've already had a qualifying match (Del Rio won), I guess he would be in the Championship ladder match. And I'm not sure how they would determine who was in qualifying matches for either MITB match. Maybe the loser of the qualifying match goes into the briefcase match? That doesn't really make sense either.

The more I think about it as I actually type this, I'm thinking there won't be two MITB matches, and we just won't have a Mr. MITB until next year.
I hate that this is happening to bryan but I would have this happen... Wyatt wins title.... Beats cena at battleground... While bryan beats kane at battle ground... Then bryan challenge Wyatt at summerslam so we get Wyatt vs bryan/ cesaro vs lesnar/ hhh vs reigns at summerslam
I think it's a little early for Cesaro to get the title, especially with the inevitable programme with Heyman/Lesnar coming, whenever that'll be. I don't think the WWE title will get involved with the Evolution and Shield feud either. Rollins even sniffing the title before Orton gets another shot will cause issues between them.

I would love to see Bray Wyatt become champion, although how they make him go from not seeming to give a damn about any title, to suddenly going for the big one I'm not sure. I see money in resurrecting Wyatt v Bryan again, with even more on the line.

As for Daniel Bryan, how unfortunate for the guy. :( I'm certain he'll get a proper run with the title in the future, but these next few months were really supposed to be his after his amazing WM30 moment. Nothing will be able to replicate that, and I'm sad for him, even if he gets the title back quicker than expected.
wyatt cena and kane seem like locks for mitb championship match. 3 other slots are open. Id put del rio in another mitb match for briefcase.

My idea Championship mitb match:

Breifcase mitb match:
Del Rio
Bad News Barrett
It sucks that it has to go down this way. I read about this about an hour or so ago and even though it has to be done, it still sucks. Even if I wasn't a fan of the guy, I'd still feel sorry feel sorry for him because he's worked extremely hard to get to where he is in his career. But, one way of looking at it is that this presents an opportunity for WWE to POSSIBLY build another underdog storyline around Bryan at some point in the future.

As to who becomes the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, it's difficult to say since only Alberto Del Rio has been announced as a participant thus far. If the rumors are true that Cesaro was intended to be the frontrunner to win the MITB match this year, it's not impossible that WWE accelerates his push since the bout will be for the title this time. Personally, I don't think he's ready for it. The same may be true of any of the fresh faces in the match this year, which means we may get another Cena or Orton run. Either way, I'm sort of skeptical as to the immediate future of the title.

As for whether or not they'll add another ladder match for the briefcase, I've no idea, but I hope they do. Technically speaking, the MITB match for the title ultimately be a multi-man ladder match since there'd be no MITB briefcase. It'd be weird having a Money in the Bank ppv without there technically being a Money in the Bank ladder match.
I think they will have two matches, as it doesn't make a ton of sense to have Del Rio in a MITB match for the actual title considering what he has done lately.

I could see one for the championship with Cena, Orton, Wyatt, Reigns, Cesaro, and Kane and the one for the briefcase between Ambrose, RVD, Rusev, Rollins, Adam Rose, and Swagger.

Looks like it would be two good matches and both include the normal "don't have a chance to win" guys.
I think they will have two matches, as it doesn't make a ton of sense to have Del Rio in a MITB match for the actual title considering what he has done lately.

I could see one for the championship with Cena, Orton, Wyatt, Reigns, Cesaro, and Kane and the one for the briefcase between Ambrose, RVD, Rusev, Rollins, Adam Rose, and Swagger.

Looks like it would be two good matches and both include the normal "don't have a chance to win" guys.

Reigns and Ambrose won't even be sniffing a WWE WHC shot while they remain in this Evolution feud, which now has more mileage than we thought straight after Payback thanks to Rollins.
Honestly, I've got to say that while the story was entertaining; the fact that he still was on the road instead of being stripped and let recover in the first place just adds fire to "WWE doesn't care about their employees" debate. I get it, after the whole Dolph Ziggler thing, I'm sure WWE didn't want the fans to forget about Daniel. But this isn't Dolph Ziggler, this is someone that made bigger waves in the last few years than anybody... ANYBODY [Sabbatical included]. Plus, giving Daniel a "Get Well Soon" angle would've been refreshing and less stressful on him because I'm sure the jet lag, turbulence, and travel has weighed on him a lot in addition to many injuries he's had during his indy days.

As for the WWE title situation, I think WWE should go the unexpected route and put it on someone new... or Del Rio. I think building a new heel is the smartest route, so that Daniel has a better opponent to face after SummerSlam. Who knows, maybe they can find a way to hotshot The Miz back into the top heel role. Maybe have him return during the MITB and win it, then go on the same route he reportedly did at a house show this past week.

I wouldn't give the title to the Bray Wyatt/John Cena story because one of two things are going to happen; Bray Wyatt never gets the title or he gets the title and then jobs it to Daniel Bryan. Which would be fine hypothetically, considering the recent history... and Bray does have a clean win over Daniel back at Royal Rumble. But I just don't think a match this far since their last one would work the way they'd plan it to.

Either way, I'm glad WWE's going to be smart here and have Daniel forfeit the title. A little late, but you know...
What they should do is have the first match be for the contract, and the second match for the titles (should DB not be able to compete).

After the winner (maybe an established talent) gets the WWE WHC, have the winner of the contract (Cesaro) cash in and win.

DB can come out Monday night and say he is the rightful title holder, it was because of the Authority that he was injured and unable to compete. They have been after him since day one...blah blah blah.

That way he is now chasing the title and they can build him back up
What they should do is have the first match be for the contract, and the second match for the titles (should DB not be able to compete).

After the winner (maybe an established talent) gets the WWE WHC, have the winner of the contract (Cesaro) cash in and win.

See, but I was thinking about this and from a logical stand-point the WWE WHC Ladder match should be first on the card and, in fact, qualifying matches (at least some) for the MITB ladder match should happen ON the card. Because if you were a wrestler wouldn't you rather be in the match DIRECTLY for the Title or just in the match for the Contract to cash in for a title match? Probably the first one.

So the Qualifying Matches on Raw/SD would make more sense to be for the World Title Ladder Match. Only guys who lost their title match qualifying matches would make sense to then want to compete for a spot in the MITB ladder match. But, after the Title Ladder match on the PPV, if it happens first, if you did lose then you WOULD want to compete for a spot in the MITB match.
As a fan this completely sucks and is totally unfair.. But i understand the situation,and Daniel being unable to compete its the right thing there doing and stripping him of the title.. As to who would win it,I honestly have no idea i think its a little soon for the Swiss Superman to win it,as that could hurt him later on in his career.. With the Demon Kane returning,he would be an option a short term solution till Daniel can return hopefully at Summerslam and then they can have their originally scheduled Buried Alive match..

Brock could be a wild card here,he could hold the strap till Summerslam or NOC when Daniel can return to claim his title back.. Roman is an option but i think its a little soon for that. I just hope whatever happens we get the traditional MITB briefcase match along with the Title match as well.. Should be a very good card on the WWE Network!! sorry had to get that cheap pop in there
While bryan beats kane at battle ground...
i HATE that idea. my hope is that the whole Bryan and Kane feud is over and whenever Bryan comes back, he returns with "his" titles and says he's the rightful champion (and i would have him return when he's 100% healthy) and challenge the current champion and beat him and finally give him a proper run, but will it happen, likely not. HHH likes his wrestlers to have long runs with the title, so Bryan wont be the champion for a VERY long time sadly. as for what i would do with the title (if it were me) is have Rollins win the ladder match and title and then have him feud with other stars until Bryan returns from injury.
Im happy to see Bryan has lost what he never deserved (in my opinion). Bryan winning the WWE World title R-U-I-N-E-D 'Mania 30 which is a shame because it was actually a really good show up until that point. Now hopefully we get a champion who ACTUALLY DEFENDS THE TITLE! I mean cmon now, he has been world champion 4 times now, and every time he was a joke. His first WHC he was a weasely little coward who found the dumbest of ways to keep the title, his 2nd ended in under 5 minutes, his 3rd was stripped from him not even 24 hours later, and now this one, where he wins it, defends it ONCE, then is stripped of it AGAIN. Something tells me that there is just something out there that doesn't want Bryan as champion. Im all for having the title on someone who has never been World champ before but someone who is actually entertaining and will actually defend it. Someone like Cesaro, or Bray Wyatt. Im going to jump the gun and say we all know its a matter of time until Lesnar is champion so I guess whoever our next champ is will just hold it until Lesnar is ready to take it.
Im happy to see Bryan has lost what he never deserved (in my opinion). Bryan winning the WWE World title R-U-I-N-E-D 'Mania 30 which is a shame because it was actually a really good show up until that point. Now hopefully we get a champion who ACTUALLY DEFENDS THE TITLE! I mean cmon now, he has been world champion 4 times now, and every time he was a joke. His first WHC he was a weasely little coward who found the dumbest of ways to keep the title, his 2nd ended in under 5 minutes, his 3rd was stripped from him not even 24 hours later, and now this one, where he wins it, defends it ONCE, then is stripped of it AGAIN. Something tells me that there is just something out there that doesn't want Bryan as champion. Im all for having the title on someone who has never been World champ before but someone who is actually entertaining and will actually defend it. Someone like Cesaro, or Bray Wyatt. Im going to jump the gun and say we all know its a matter of time until Lesnar is champion so I guess whoever our next champ is will just hold it until Lesnar is ready to take it.

I have to disagree the guy is very good, and deserved to be champion. He had very good quarter hours and was selling a lot of merchandise. I think he is very quality to, and not as bad of a talker as people make him out to be. I also liked his heel stuff as well, but we can agree to disagree.
I am absolutely gutted for Daniel Bryan :( after working his entire life to get to that point at the end of Wrestlemania, his life (both personal, with the death of his Father), and professionally have been rocked in recent months. It's been a terrible period for him.

Reports have come out on Wrestlezone of Bryan's recovery "not going well at all", so it definitely is the wise move for WWE to take the belt off him, as with any neck injury you need to be extremely careful. They don't want Daniel Bryan to come back too quickly and reinjure himself, making the original injury worse. They had to take the belt off him unfortunately.

As for who I want to see win it? I don't think Orton will get the strap back so quickly, especially after being Champion for so long before WM. Del Rio winning would be a terrible decision, the Cena v Wyatt feud doesn't need the belt and neither does the Evolution v Shield rivalry, while I don't think Cesaro is ready to be WHC yet.

That leaves Kane. He's been feuding with Bryan over the title for the last few months, and giving the Big Red Machine a short term title reign until Bryan comes back, demands a rematch as he didnt technically lose the belt would be good to see.

However, what about TRIPLE H??? It would be perfectly plausable The Game to add himself to the Ladder match at MITB, putting the strap on himself and defending it against either Reigns or Ambrose at the next PPV, before Daniel Bryan returns to reclaim the gold from a man he has a lot of history with, and finally ending the Bryan v Authority storyline for good.

So, the only two people I want to see leave MITB with the title is either Kane or Triple H
I can see this as the way to split the WWE & WHC titles once again with two superstars at the top of the ladder with each of them grabbing a title each.....Who will win; maybe Cesaro or Shaemus WHC with a proven established superstar say Orton or Cena winning WWE title...Thoughts anyone!!!!
I'd say they almost have to have two ladder matches. Here's how I'd do it:

Championship Match:
Randy Orton
Alberto Del Rio
Chris Jericho (get him to come back for this)

Chris Jericho actually wouldn't be a bad winner here, to be honest. If he could make the commitment to the road for a few months, he'd be a transitional face champion to hand the title off to Lesnar, Cesaro or Barrett. Plus, that builds his credibility back up for when he eventually loses to one of those guys. Let's face it, the face side of the main event picture is kind of murky at the moment. You have Cena and Reigns, really. Everyone else is hurt, retired, or had their pushes halted. And those two will be tied up.

Money in the Bank Match:
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Damien Sandow
Wade Barrett
Big E
Cody Rhodes

Have those guys put on a show, and ultimately have Wade Barrett win (IC title & Briefcase).

Other matches:
Reigns/Ambrose/Cena vs. Wyatt Family in a No DQ, falls count anywhere, elimination match

Tag Title: Usos vs. Rybaxel

Divas: Paige vs. Wake me up when AJ returns

Rusev vs. Someone to feed to him as a filler match
Im happy to see Bryan has lost what he never deserved (in my opinion). Bryan winning the WWE World title R-U-I-N-E-D 'Mania 30. Now hopefully we get a champion who ACTUALLY DEFENDS THE TITLE! I mean cmon now, he has been world champion 4 times now, and every time he was a joke. His first WHC he was a weasely little coward who found the dumbest of ways to keep the title, his 2nd ended in under 5 minutes, his 3rd was stripped from him not even 24 hours later, and now this one, where he wins it, defends it ONCE, then is stripped of it AGAIN.
ok, firstly i DISagree badly here. Bryan winning didnt ruin 'Mania 30, it MADE it a great show. Second, Bryan DID defend his title!!! he defended it to Kane, then the injury happened around that time and if you think a guy should wrestle injured, then you are crazy. so let's say that a wrestler you like wins, then gets hurt. does that mean he's a joke because he didnt defend his title when hurt!? as for his first title run, that was his heel run and it wasnt bad, but it wasnt great i admit it. his 2nd run was nothing more than a way to turn Orton and HHH heel and give him a run. his 3rd run was a storyline way of making HHH more hated and this run was supposed to be the "real" run, but he got hurt. that's NOT his fault. no wrestler can have a great title run when they are injured like Bryan is and neck injuries need to be properly heeled before returning as another neck injury could end his career.
I'd say they almost have to have two ladder matches. Here's how I'd do it:

Championship Match:
Randy Orton
Alberto Del Rio
Chris Jericho (get him to come back for this)

Money in the Bank Match:
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Damien Sandow
Wade Barrett
Big E
Cody Rhodes

Have those guys put on a show, and ultimately have Wade Barrett win (IC title & Briefcase).

Other matches:
Reigns/Ambrose/Cena vs. Wyatt Family in a No DQ, falls count anywhere, elimination match
i wouldnt mind except there's someone missing on the card. where's Seth Rollins??? now i dont see them having two ladder matches, but i think they should. IF they have two, then i would do this.
Championship match
Sheamus vs. Cesaro vs. Del Rio vs. Orton vs. Seth Rollins (who gets put in by HHH) vs. Kane vs. John Cena....while the other match is...
Briefcase match
Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust.

now like i said, i dont think it happens, so what i would do is add Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose to the title match. have Rollins get handed the spot while Reigns and Ambrose have to work hard matches to get in and i would still in the end give the title to Rollins.
ok, firstly i DISagree badly here. Bryan winning didnt ruin 'Mania 30, it MADE it a great show. Second, Bryan DID defend his title!!! he defended it to Kane, then the injury happened around that time and if you think a guy should wrestle injured, then you are crazy. so let's say that a wrestler you like wins, then gets hurt. does that mean he's a joke because he didnt defend his title when hurt!? as for his first title run, that was his heel run and it wasnt bad, but it wasnt great i admit it. his 2nd run was nothing more than a way to turn Orton and HHH heel and give him a run. his 3rd run was a storyline way of making HHH more hated and this run was supposed to be the "real" run, but he got hurt. that's NOT his fault. no wrestler can have a great title run when they are injured like Bryan is and neck injuries need to be properly heeled before returning as another neck injury could end his career.

if you reread what I wrote, youll see I did point out that he defended it once, and that was against kane. I just hate how everyone is making db and his storyline out to be so entertaining and fresh when it seriously isn't. we get several underdog stories all throughout the year. the only reason people are so into this one is because bryan is the "in thing" right now. and I never said bryan was a joke because he got injured.......I said db is a joke because he is just simply a joke
Im happy to see Bryan has lost what he never deserved (in my opinion). Bryan winning the WWE World title R-U-I-N-E-D 'Mania 30 which is a shame because it was actually a really good show up until that point.

I'd have to disagree with that statement. To each his own but I thought that Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship was the icing on the cake to a great WrestleMania. To have that story go on for about 8 months (something I didn't think they could do without the fans giving up on the angle completely) and end it with the scene that closed out the show was perfect. You're not going to get many genuine moments like that in pro wrestling in today's world.

Now hopefully we get a champion who ACTUALLY DEFENDS THE TITLE! I mean cmon now, he has been world champion 4 times now, and every time he was a joke. His first WHC he was a weasely little coward who found the dumbest of ways to keep the title, his 2nd ended in under 5 minutes, his 3rd was stripped from him not even 24 hours later, and now this one, where he wins it, defends it ONCE, then is stripped of it AGAIN.

His first reign as World Heavyweight Champion went as planned due to the fact that he played the heel role. He's not the first heel to do it nor will he be the last who finds underhanded ways to keep their title. JBL, one of the best heels during that time he was champion did that constantly against the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, and The Undertaker. It just how most heel champions are. The second and third reigns weren't his fault storyline wise. In kayfabe sense, you should be upset with Triple H and not Daniel Bryan. This latest run, you can chalk up to the worst luck I've seen on a pro wrestler. With the honeymoon, his father passing away, and the surgery, it's a wonder that he only missed one title defense.

Something tells me that there is just something out there that doesn't want Bryan as champion. Im all for having the title on someone who has never been World champ before but someone who is actually entertaining and will actually defend it.

Again to each his own but, I believe that the majority of the WWE audience finds Bryan entertaining enough to be champion. Was easily one of if not the hottest thing going into WrestleMania and as far as the not defending it part, blame the way he was booked for not living up to your fancy.
I'd have to disagree with that statement. To each his own but I thought that Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship was the icing on the cake to a great WrestleMania. To have that story go on for about 8 months (something I didn't think they could do without the fans giving up on the angle completely) and end it with the scene that closed out the show was perfect. You're not going to get many genuine moments like that in pro wrestling in today's world.His first reign as World Heavyweight Champion went as planned due to the fact that he played the heel role. He's not the first heel to do it nor will he be the last who finds underhanded ways to keep their title. JBL, one of the best heels during that time he was champion did that constantly against the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, and The Undertaker. It just how most heel champions are. The second and third reigns weren't his fault storyline wise. In kayfabe sense, you should be upset with Triple H and not Daniel Bryan. This latest run, you can chalk up to the worst luck I've seen on a pro wrestler. With the honeymoon, his father passing away, and the surgery, it's a wonder that he only missed one title defense. Again to each his own but, I believe that the majority of the WWE audience finds Bryan entertaining enough to be champion. Was easily one of if not the hottest thing going into WrestleMania and as far as the not defending it part, blame the way he was booked for not living up to your fancy.

Well, first I would like to thank you for responding to me like an adult instead of the typical way most people would have by throwing a tantrum calling me a "troll band wagoner" and that "I don't know the first thing about pro wrestling" simply because I don't like Daniel Bryan. Second, I agree that the injury and all of that was bad luck. I have never once wished anything such as that upon him. To be fair, I found Bryan very fun to watch when he was in Team Hell No with Kane, I just never have and to be fair I probably never will be able to see him as a deserving and convincing main eventer. I may be a band wagoner for liking the likes of Randy Orton, Batista and Brock Lesnar but that's because you look at them and you can easily picture them as champions. Now I already know the point you're going to bring up "just because they're big that doesn't make them better, what about CM Punk?" I never once claimed you had to be huge to be a top guy cause CM Punk is still one of my favorites. I have just never taken a big liking to DB and don't want to see him as World Champion. If he wants to be US champion or Intercontinental champion or a Tag Team champion then he can knock himself out. I just don't want him cluttering up the main event spot is all, we can bring in new guys such as Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose, Cesaro, Wyatt, etc. Just leave DB out of it.

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