Brutus Beefcake to TNA?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Awhile back, I had read an article stating that during an interview, Brutus Beefcake said he was heading to TNA and he and Hogan were going to go "old school, NWO style."

Now that "They" have been revealed, how does Beefcake fit in all this? Was he just saying he was coming to get some attention? Beefcake to TNA has been the rumor for months, but it never happened. I'm not sure how his addition would benefit the storyline.
Hopefully, Beeface doesn't fit into the "They" storyline at all. Beefcase is a pretty good example of overrated mediocrity and is a shameless Hulk Hogan stooge. I honestly can't see what he would bring to this program whatsoever. Beefcake is very much dead weight in the same sense of the Nasty Boyz, Sean Morley & Scott Hall.

Also, I don't think there's any guarantee that Beefcake will be in TNA. I read an article last week in which Beefcake stated that he was heading to TNA, but the article pointed out that Beefcake hadn't been signed by the company or had been offered a position. Hopefully, it stays that way.
If Beefcake turns up in TNA it is a fucking disgrace. The man is the definition of "washed up". He has NOTHING to offer the company and never had anything at all to offer the wrestling business.

He only got as far as he has due to being Hogans buddy, and is completely undeserving of a spot in TNA, wasting TV time that could be used on someone with something to offer.

I will be so pissed off if Beefcake is on my TV in the near future, but hopefully we wont see him near a mic, or else when he tries to talk, Hogans sperm will pour out of his mouth
I'm with JH on this — Ed Leslie brings nothing to TNA and would be a piss-poor replacement to veterans like Sting and Nash who are rumored to be on their way out of the company (though like every year, Sting is being urged to sign another one-year deal).

Frankly I hope it's just Leslie blowing smoke, because that's not really a guy I wanna see again — certainly not in TNA.
I was a fan back in the day, but I dunno about this. IF he does show up on impact thats another over 50 year old in a company that is constantly critised for recycling WCW shtick. Personally I'm against it as TNA have enough "grizzled veterans" here.

Last I heard though he was still an active wrestler so you never know, they could make Jeff Hardy a corporate image and Brutus could be his barber :p
never thought much about Ed Leslie, even at his peak as Brutus Beefcake. he can't be pushed, gosh knows Vince & Bischoff tried many times.

Brutus The Barber Beefcake, Brother Bruti, The Butcher, The Booty Man, The Zodiac, The Man With No Name, The Disciple. need i go on? the guy had just about every opportunity to make it work, but he can't.

the guy headlined WCW Starrcade 1994 for crying out loud and it was nothing but a bust!

he's not profitable, not at all. if TNA brings him in for ANYTHING except being a Hogan crony or a bodyguard like he was as the Disciple with no significant storyline, he'd be a disgrace to this whole "They" storyline they've been pushing for months
the only time brutus was ever worth a look was when he tagged with greg valentine wayyyy back when. and valentine was the one who carried the team.
Didn't the Honky Tonk Man claim he was coming to TNA as well only to wind up in a big embarrassing internet battle with a few people from the company?

So basically, don't believe anything you read...even if the actual person states it so.
I think Brutus is just trying to get some attention and he's been saying for Months that he was going to TNA, I think that they have no interest in bringing him in and if they that wold be a terrible move.
The best thing Leslie ever did was set up a window for Shawn Michaels to throw Marty Janetty through. But that said, who really cares if he comes back or not? It's not like The Disciple did anything good or bad in WCW; just followed Hogan around and added to the image. Sometimes lackies can be a good thing (e.g. Briscoe & Patterson, Virgil/Vincent) since it gives the face someone they can grab and hit a move on when the main guy gets away. I always hate when the face hits the ring and the bad guys all get away free. At least Sting got to hit a couple of Death Drops on the likes of Vincent or NWO Sting every now and then while Hogan fled up the ramp. If Leslie comes back for that, then cool.
Even if they turn "they" into a NWO type faction, I don't think we will see the Nasty boys or Ed Leslie brought. At least, I hope not. Beefcake has been talking about joining TNA before and every time he mentions it, TNA shoots him down. There are a lot of wrestlers that "they" could for their team. If Fortune is done feuding with EV 2, then they could be apart of the faction. Anyone could that is a heel. There is no need to bring in Leslie or any other useless talent.
Nowhere just like hogan, he's a name from the past and pulls some draw but what can he actually do to enhance the power of TNA. More than likely nothing. Bischoof makes descisions, jeff is champ so that is the power, abyss is the enforcer or ensurance like morgan is for fortune, JJ is the guy who convinced everybody otherwise in the build-up.

Hogan is a name from the past who can barely move and isn't as smart as bischoff so couldn't have made any descisions and beefcake is just the same. The only thing he does is add to 'their' numbers makes it slightly harder to get the shit beaten out of them by fortune.....
I agree with everyone who's said that Beefcake coming to TNA is a bad idea, however in some ways it almost makes sense. If Hogan & Bischoff have "taken over" TNA, then it makes sense that they would surround themselves with their cronies.....the fact that the guy is washed-up & has nothing to offer, yet still getting the job via his Hogan connection, could be a part of the story line. Sets up a nice little feud for fortune once their EV2 feud concludes, perhaps all of their pro-TNA rhetoric was a part of the build....Hopefully, this also wont equate to a return of the Nasty Boys. Who knows, guess we'll have to wait & see.
Honestly, this is why I can't stand TNA's current state. The "They" storyline should be a huge thing right now, the last thing they need is some old man who can't even do anything anymore. Beefcake wasn't even good back in the days, bringing him in is stupid. I rather see the Nasty Boys (Not really). Hulk Hogan is just being a selfish idiot again, he's bringing in all of his jerk-off friends just so they can have jobs. Bubba the Love Sponge was ******ed. Now TNA brings in another useless wrestler into TNA. This time, unlike EV2.0, this man cannot wrestle anymore. He has nothing to offer. No in ring or mic skills. TNA would be stupid to hire this piece of trash.
If Ed Leslie appears anywhere near Orlando, he should be impaled by Janice and then b_tt marked by Bob.

This man is really a stain to Hogan's legacy. I might not be the biggest Hogan fan but really this guy's association with the guy has brought Hollywood nothing but bad coverage and all-round bashing.

Hopefully he stays the f*ck away, and if he does get involved...I hope Joe kills him. You know, metaphorically.
he is known best as Brutus Beefcake and IMO his best role was as the Barber. he can't be "Brutus Beefcake" in TNA, but he could still have a role. he dosn't need to be a wrestler or even close a main role in the group. he could be like the Vincent/Virgil of the group.
some have mentioned some of Hogan's other buddies, but you also have other has beens in TNA like most of EV2.0.
Personally I don't think Beefcake is headed anywhere near TNA wrestling at this stage of his career and life. I mean let's face it, this guy is old. He's out of shape. He hasn't had anything relevant to contribute to the professional wrestling business for many years. He's an old crony of Hogan's, and of course there's no place for someone like this in the world of professional wrestling in 2010.

TNA has always been known for making sound wrestling decisions based upon sound logic and good common sense. Their storyline directions are well thought through and they really have their fingers on the pulses of the modern day professional wrestling fan. I'm quite sure that they would never initiate a move of this nature which would negatively affect the product that they would put out there and expect their loyal fanbase to watch on free television or purchase on PPV.

Hogan and Bischoff have the purest of intentions with regards to TNA wrestling. They certainly would not do anything self serving like hire one of their old cronies and inject him into the picture ahead of more deserving, homegrown talent. After all, as we all know, TNA is all about the future, is all about the young talent. Remember, they are coming and they will ensure that TNA stays on the right track and fulfills all of the promises and lives up to all of the hype and hooplah promised for nearly a year now.

No, Beefcake won't be coming. There'll be no more nostalgia in TNA wrestling. Just progressive, logical, well thought out storylines which will mount a formidable challenge to WWE in the very near future.

Brutus has no place in TNA. Bringing him in would be a big mistake. I'm not sure anyone is interested in seeing him wrestle (or has been in 20 years). Even serving as one of Hogan's lackeys is a bad idea. The spot could go to someone else.

The only possible situation I could see Brutus being good in, is maybe coming out one night and being quickly destroyed by Joe or someone else in an awesome display of power, then never being seen again.

Honestly, if Brutus gets hired by TNA, I will lose alot of faith in the direction the company is going.
Have him come down, think he is about to join, and then get beat down by everyone in the ring. Hogan then cuts a promo about not wanting to carry his old trashy friends anymore and that these guys behind him are the young blood to take over TNA. Then we never see Beef Cake again.
The last time I saw Beefcake he was wrestling at the Whaling City Festival, a summer fair here in my home town. He was slow, awkward, a shell of himself (there wasn't much there to begin with anyway).

He's just talking shit, he's not coming to TNA and if he did no one would care. He was relevant for a few years at the most. Bringing him in would be useless and a waste of space.
Check out BeefCake in 2009 Click on the picture & enlarge it. He looks like a creepy old man, that if I were a 10 year old kid I would run from him. This guy has no business on camera. If he stays in the back I don't mind, but I don't want to see him anywhere near the ring. He is one of Hogan's buddies so it wouldn't surprise me if he did end up in TNA. Hopefully the budget won't allow it.


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