Bruno Sammartino: The Ultimate Anti-Legend.


Pre-Show Stalwart
So.. I've got a really good idea for how I'd like the Jericho storyline to progress. And I know this probably wouldn't happen in a million years even if WWE (Vince), wanted it to, but I think it would be highly interesting if some how Bruno ended up on Raw in a couple weeks. Initially doing something backstage that was very low-key, but then Jericho tries to exploit Bruno being there, puts him down, calling him a hypocrite for actually ever showing his face there. Then suprisingly.... Bruno agrees with him. Bruno goes on the show to cut an emotional promo talking about how he hates what the WWE has become and how he told McMahon to "take the Hall of Fame and shove it." Jericho takes a shine to Bruno and the next week convinces Bruno to join his crusade and accompany him for his match at WM. Where Jericho fights Rouke w/ Flair in his corner. I know this entire thing has a 99.99% chance of not happening but man wouldn't that be cool? Problem is the fans might start cheering Jericho when he has a wrestling figure the caliber of Sammartino in his corner. It would all fit together too, this is how Bruno really feels. Him and Jericho would be a good pair. Only Bruno would never work with Vince in any fashion and Rouke's agents already advised against a Mania match.
The only problem with that is most casual fans have no idea who the hell Bruno Sammartino is, to them he's just some old guy talking to them.
Yeah, very true. But I'm sure WWE could put together a nice video package on him. Who he was, where he's from, what he did.

But I guess even then they might not get why this old man is so pissed at Vince or why he does what he does or why they should care. Video packages! That's my best guess. They would need more time than they have now to reintroduce him properly so most of the new age fans would actually give a shit.
The only problem with that is most casual fans have no idea who the hell Bruno Sammartino is, to them he's just some old guy talking to them.

That's a fact and it irks me when I talk to some young folks who claim to be wrestling fans and discover they think that WWE first opened for business during the Attitude Era. The company has a long, rich tradition and Bruno is a big part of it.

Or, he should be.

Unfortunately, he's become a bitter old man who doesn't seem to realize that his profession has passed him by. On the other hand, if anything might entice him back, this idea by mont3818 could do it. Bruno would get his public forum to denounce everything he thinks has gone wrong with wrestling......and get paid a few bucks to do it.

On the other hand, he's probably too old and stubborn to even consider it.

I like your thinking, though.
The only problem with that is most casual fans have no idea who the hell Bruno Sammartino is, to them he's just some old guy talking to them.
Agreed, and he's even said he will never be on WWE programming. And, I can respect that as he's sticking to his morals, even if I disagree with said morals.
I don't know what they're doing with Jericho... I guess his return didn't go over as well as they planned and it probably hurt his pride that Orton has more heat than him.

I mean he's an easy guy to hate... but that schtick usually only works for the GM's.

He's kind of in purgatory right now...
Brunno Sammartino Is Indeed A Legend, The Fans Of Today Didn't Look Back To The History Of Wrestling And Don't Know Who Is He? What Matters? Put Several Video Packages All Mondays On Raw For The Next 3-4 Weeks, Then Ut All Play By Play Announcers To Talk About Him A Little Bit During Matches And Comparing Him To Current Stars, Also Put Some Current Stars To Talk Good About Him, Maybe Triple H, Michaels And Others, Say That He Was A Phenomenal Champion In The 60's And 70's And One Of The Greatest Of All Time, With The Longest World Title Reign In Wrestling History And That's It! Everybody Will Know Who Is He........ !one Of The Best!
The only problem with that is most casual fans have no idea who the hell Bruno Sammartino is, to them he's just some old guy talking to them.

Thats what makes me sad about casual/modern day wrestling fans, they don't care about the history and the honor that the sport had and they don't really care about the legends. I suppose they don't have to and they don't feel the connection to these greats that I did when I was growing up, but still, these guys laid the foundation for what these unappreciative wrestling fans of today are watching and they should get more than a sympthy clap when they make an appearence.

I was watching the Ric Flair DVD recently and I got pissed when I saw the reaction Harley Race got when he came down to the ring to bid Flair a farewell, it was weak. Race is an all-time great and was possibly the best World's Champion ever.

But again, these kids didn't grow up with them and don't have a connection to them so I don't begin applying scorpion deathlocks to these fans because of it. But you catch my drift.
Thats what makes me sad about casual/modern day wrestling fans, they don't care about the history and the honor that the sport had and they don't really care about the legends. I suppose they don't have to and they don't feel the connection to these greats that I did when I was growing up, but still, these guys laid the foundation for what these unappreciative wrestling fans of today are watching and they should get more than a sympthy clap when they make an appearence.

I was watching the Ric Flair DVD recently and I got pissed when I saw the reaction Harley Race got when he came down to the ring to bid Flair a farewell, it was weak. Race is an all-time great and was possibly the best World's Champion ever.

But again, these kids didn't grow up with them and don't have a connection to them so I don't begin applying scorpion deathlocks to these fans because of it. But you catch my drift.
That's just how most people in general are now-a-days, not just casual wrestling fans, they just want their satisfaction and they want it instantly. But the Harley Race idea could work, or even one of the Funk's, maybe have one of them come out and hype Wrestlemania and the Hall of Fame. After they really get into it have Jericho come out and interrupting them going off on his bashing of legends and hypocrite rants, which could lead to a Terry or Harley punch to bust open Jericho's eyebrow or something like that. Probably more towards Terry on this, because if a match does happen, Terry seems more able to put on a match than Harley would.
So.. I've got a really good idea for how I'd like the Jericho storyline to progress. And I know this probably wouldn't happen in a million years even if WWE (Vince), wanted it to, but I think it would be highly interesting if some how Bruno ended up on Raw in a couple weeks. Initially doing something backstage that was very low-key, but then Jericho tries to exploit Bruno being there, puts him down, calling him a hypocrite for actually ever showing his face there. Then suprisingly.... Bruno agrees with him. Bruno goes on the show to cut an emotional promo talking about how he hates what the WWE has become and how he told McMahon to "take the Hall of Fame and shove it." Jericho takes a shine to Bruno and the next week convinces Bruno to join his crusade and accompany him for his match at WM. Where Jericho fights Rouke w/ Flair in his corner. I know this entire thing has a 99.99% chance of not happening but man wouldn't that be cool? Problem is the fans might start cheering Jericho when he has a wrestling figure the caliber of Sammartino in his corner. It would all fit together too, this is how Bruno really feels. Him and Jericho would be a good pair. Only Bruno would never work with Vince in any fashion and Rouke's agents already advised against a Mania match.


I know another cool "anti-Legend" to use in this angle, eventhough his chances of doing it are less than Bruno's, and that would be Bret "The Hitman" Hart. If anyone has gripes against the WWE, it's him, and more of the fans would know who he was.

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