Brooke Hogan in WWE?


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Brooke Hogan says she has been approached a number of times by Vince McMahon to follow in her dad's footsteps and join the WWE.

The singer and reality TV star is the daughter of wrestling legend and 12-time world heavyweight champion Hulk Hogan.

And, in an exclusive interview with SunSport, Brooke revealed: "The WWE have told me that if I ever want to become a wrestler all I need to do is walk through the door and they'll give me a job straight away.

"They are always like, 'Hey Brooke when are you gonna put on some spandex and get in the ring?'

"But it's just not my interest. I'm more of a girly girl."

She added: "I would be good at it though, I would really kick ass at it — because I'm really strong and my dad's trained me up since I was 12-years-old.""

So, what IF Brooke were to join? What do you think she would be doing? Would she be a female addition to Legacy?
It would take around 2 years for her to be ready to even enter a brand as she will need to train and actually learn how to wrestle, and by that point Legacy will be disbanded more than likely, so I think she would just be in the Divas division as a singles wrestler.
It would take around 2 years for her to be ready to even enter a brand as she will need to train and actually learn how to wrestle, and by that point Legacy will be disbanded more than likely, so I think she would just be in the Divas division as a singles wrestler.

2 years to enter the Divas division? :wtf: It would take about a week and half to teach her everything she needs to know to put on a match with Kelly Kelly and The Bella Twins. And anyway, being in WWE doesn't mean she would actually be wrestling. Her role could be like Vicki Guerrero's or Tiffany's.
If Brooke entered the WWE she would be no different from any other diva. Eye candy. She would not do anything more than anyone else and since Playboy is with TNA now that means becoming someone in the WWE because you posed nude is not an option for her. If she wants to be a serious wrestler she would have to go to TNA or SHIMMER because the WWE is nothing more than a bunch of women, getting paid a lot of money, to put on a sub-par performance. Now if she doesn't care if her career would mean next to nothing to anyone then she should by all means join the WWE.

Right now she has made the right move staying away from Vince and his company. It is not the place for women to become a success in the business anymore.
I hate this wanna be "Pop star" chick... let her rot somewhere else... but she has nothing else so I expect her to sign
If Brooke were to join WWE, there is a possibility that she might join Legacy. I remember the Orton vs. Hogan feud and I think Orton had a little relationship with Brooke, but I don't know how its going to work now, because Randy is already married. Ted DiBiase is leaving Legacy so not him. Cody Rhodes isn't a big enough name for Brooke to have an on-screen relationship with him.

Plus I don't think Legacy will become huge. I mean, DiBiase is leaving, and Cody and Ted are being used as lackeys right now so I don't see a bright future for Legacy.
If Brooke were to join WWE, there is a possibility that she might join Legacy. I remember the Orton vs. Hogan feud and I think Orton had a little relationship with Brooke, but I don't know how its going to work now, because Randy is already married.

I don't think it would matter if randy is married, they could have an on-screen relationship like they have had in the past...

Brooke in wwe? i really wouldnt care... i personally don't think she is that hot... If she joined Legacy i don't think she would help them unless she manages RKO n help him win... as a wrestler i think they should recruit natalia
I can see her hosting a show, and God that alone would be terrible, but as an actual wrestler? Lol... while she fits the look at 90% of the WWE Divas (you know, plastic barbie doll with hideous face), it just wouldn't work. No one would take her seriously. Not the fans, and I'm sure the other divas and even some wrestlers would look down at her as well. She would have to prove herself, and personally... I don't think she has it in her to do so. Her singing and dancing is absolutely atrocious and she works her ass off trying to succeed at that, so what makes anyone think she'd be able to succeed at something she doesn't even have a passion for?
So this is my 1st post, but, I've been a long time reader of wrestlezone's forums.

I'll keep this one short and sweet.

Brooke Hogan sucks. Her music is shit and her show sucks. The only reason people will even look at her is because of her last name. Which is also pathetic, she is using daddy's wrestling name. If it wasn't for the name hogan she'd be pulling tricks on the corner.
So this is my 1st post, but, I've been a long time reader of wrestlezone's forums.

I'll keep this one short and sweet.

Brooke Hogan sucks. Her music is shit and her show sucks. The only reason people will even look at her is because of her last name. Which is also pathetic, she is using daddy's wrestling name. If it wasn't for the name hogan she'd be pulling tricks on the corner.

I gotta agree with you as far as her music and show go.I think at some point she's gonna have to turn to wrestling.But you never know,with the right training she could end up being another Trish Stratus.
Brooke Hogan in the WWE? Maybe. It could work. Hulk Hogan could be a guest host for a week and introduce her to the WWE. Beth Pheonix could be #1 Contender for the WWE Divas Title and make an open challenge, putting her title shot on the line. Hulk comes out and introduces his daughter to the ring. Brooke would definitely get over because she is getting endorsed by Hulk Fucking Hogan, plus she could be like the female John Cena in the sense that she uses her own songs as her entrance music. She could do music while she's on the road, becasue let's face it, her music was never five-star quality. This could legitimize the women's division and get people to but Brooke's CD's, so it's win-win.
She'd have to REALLY prove herself to be taken seriously if she were to join the WWE. She says Hulk trained her up, so in theory she SHOULD be better than half of the roster anyway.

She has the look of a Diva, and she has that famous last name. I'm pretty sure her first wrestling match would garner a lot of attention, so yeah, go to the WWE Brooke. Just make sure you can wrestle first, and it's gonna be good.
It would somewhat interesting as a novelty, but the novelty would wear off after about a month or so. Lots of people have followed Brooke Hogan through her family's reality show, they know about her father essentially trying to buy her a music career, her own exploits on her own reality show, etc.

I think the shows have been a hindurance to her as far as a music career goes, because people see that she's basically just a typical spoiled rotten Barbie doll daughter of a rich celebrity. She wouldn't be taken seriously in the WWE because, just like most of the WWE Divas, she has no real love for the business and would only be there to collect a paycheck. Women's wrestling isn't a big deal to Vince, so she wouldn't make some sort of big splash and change women's wrestling forever and all that.

All in all, she'd wind up another bit of fluff running around in a skimpy and/or skin tight outfit.
If Brooke Hogan were to ever step in the ring, It would be a great thing for her and WWE. He music career is horrendous, and even her dad will tell you that. But in the WWE, she will make $250,000 a year to do what is in her blood. She could have great feuds with Natalya over who is the better multi-generational superstar.

But to get there, she will need to do training. She should get in there now while she is young. Fit Finlay could train her into something great. She could get a good push up either side of the women's division, but I would prefer her on Smackdown. If not, I can see Natalya and her as a great alliance, taking on two challengers from Raw if need be.
Ugh. Please no. Brooke Hogan is a dumb twat who's useless. Her latest album bombed selling less than 4,000 copies. She really is terrible, and dumb.

But, I guess she should go to the WWE, for her sake. Her reality show isn't doing as well, and her music career is all over(pretty much)so this could be a last resort. Personally I doubt Brooke would ever train and put the work in to becoming a diva. But I think she would make a great heel(manager, Gm, ect).

She's easily hated and the Hogan thing could help. But I hope to god she doesn't go into the ring, although she;d probably be on par with the bellas and maria, I still don't want to see her wrestling. But honestly Hulk isn't really known for his "great in rring skills" so you never know.
Hulk Hogan was good at wrestling because he was charismatic and huge. That's essentially it. A quick flick onto VH1 has taught me that Brooke is not charismatic, and the fact that she's a woman that isn't Awesome Kong means that if she gets huge, she won't be in wrestling.

I don't see the appeal for the WWE. They get what would essentially be a ridiculously overpaid Diva, who would have little to offer. This is the situation...

"Have you heard Hulk Hogan's daughter is in WWE?"

"No, how bizarre".

Notice it doesn't end with "I best check Raw out this week".

There is nothing to gain for the WWE, because she has nothing to offer. There is nothing to gain for Brooke Hogan as a WWE career is essentially career suicide for someone who wants to be a mainstream celebrity, and there is nothing to gain for big Terry, as he will face further accusations of sending his family into the public eye unecessarily.
Fact is, she doesn't want to, or she would already be taking steps to be in the ring. In fact I don't know if she has any intention of working and earning money for herself. And yeah, if I had that money I could make an album and sell a few copies too.
I wouldn’t care if Brooke joined the WWE or not. She fits the look they usually look for in women they are hiring so I’m not surprised that the WWE would be interested in hiring her. I really wouldn’t care if she joined or not because I doubt she would make much of a difference in the divas division. They no longer care as much as they did about the division a couple of years ago and I don’t see them suddenly making the divas division better because she joins them. All she really has is the last name of Hogan. She would need to be trained in FCW and I don’t see her as someone who would want to wait for her training to be complete. I just wouldn’t care if she joined because it probably wouldn’t make a difference. Anyways, she has said that wrestling isn’t for her or that she is more of a girly-girl, she said something like that so I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t join.
K well she has nice knockers and a pretty face, perfect fit for the WWE criteria of the womens division, plus hello shes Hulk Hogan's daughter. And TM's right, with training she can be big, and again hello she's Hulk freaking Hogan's daughter! But I just hope she takes her time and learns to wrestle, and doesn't go her fathers way and just use charisma and weasle her way into history. But I could dig her tearing her shirt off. :D
I probably wouldn't recommend her being a wrestler. I wouldn't recommend Nick joining up either. The shoes would be way too big for either of them to ever fill. If they couldn't live up to Hogan's name, which they couldn't, they would be perceived as massive disappointments.

Hogan is the biggest star ever in the industry. Unfortunately, his kids could simply never accomplish anything near what he's done, therefore will be automatically and perhaps unfairly dubbed as "failures".
I'd only like it if it was maybe a Raw guest host sort of deal. Just an appearance or 2 and then fuck off, that wouldn't be too bad. But to actually sign up as a wrestler wouldn't be worth it. As Sidious said above, they would automatically fail as they would constantly be compared to the Hulkster himself.

I'd prob tap Brook though.... for a manly type of bitch.... just to know you banged Hulk's kid.
Bring Brooke and Nick in as the new GM's of Raw and Smackdown.......or have them as Co-GM's on one show, and try and outdue Steph and Shane every week with a better product.

Worse things have and are currently happening in the WWE...."Cough" Guest GM's on Raw "Cough"
It wouldn't make that much difference to me if Brooke joined the WWE. Who knows, she might actually be very talented in the ring? But i somewhat doubt it. I think the only way she'll join the WWE is if her show on VH1 were to get cancelled or if her music career gets gets worse than it already is lol

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