Brock Lesnar/Wyatt Family Scenario....


Dark Match Winner
Okay, so the other day me and my cousins got into a debate over Braun Strowman ... we we're speaking of wrestlers who could physically match up to the brute force and strenght of Brock Lesnar . Naturally , with my cousin being the super Lesnar fan that he is , he went on a rant stating that Lesnar would demolish the Wyatts ... but when you think about it , thats not entirely true. I thought about a story line right then and there and pitched it to them, and I would like to share that scenario with you

With the whole Shield/Wyatt feud going on I feel like it has the potential to last till at least Hell in a Cell . With that feud wrapped up with lets say the Shield going over , the beast incarnate brock lesnar makes a return that monday night . With heyman there of course as his mouth piece , he says Lesnar let go of the whole situation with Taker , labeling it as a " mercy win " and calling taker a " Broken Man " ... he seeks to move on to his next opponent , but finds there are not too many people willing to go toe to toe with the beast ... the lights go out , the wyatts are in the ring , Rowan included if he does indeed make his return . Heyman escapes the ring as always and the Wyatts destroy Brock ... although he puts up a fight at first , the Numbers game comes into play and he gets viciously beaten down , thus turning Brock full face or whatever you wanna call him and building massive heat against the Wyatts , as people would naturally side with Brock ... you could even go deeper into brocks whole " beast " persona , with Bray playing the usual mind tricks , claiming brocks inner anger is connected to a situation that happened during Brocks childhood , or some madness like that ... imagine the promos between Bray And Heyman ? The story basically writes itself , The 1 in 21 and 1 , against the ruthless Wyatt Family who are hell bent on " Taming " the beast ..

So there you have it , thoughts ? Feel free to add to or rip apart my story ... Ive seen that go down a few times on here too.

Oh , And SN: This is my first post so, give me a break ..
One way or another Bray Wyatt is underused.

He could potentially be this generations Undertaker. The problem I have is that I worry that they will have Braun Strowman overshadow Wyatt. Wyatt has serious skills and ability in the ring and on the mic. I'm not massively opposed to what you've suggested as long as the focus is on Wyatt and Lesnar. Strowman should just be the window dressing of a great feud.

My concern is that Lesnar is a legitimate athlete which has made him stand out from the rest of the 'characters' in WWE. Would a feud with a character like Wyatt lessen Lesnar's impact. Maybe.
Definitely. I agree that Bray is underused, and has alot of hidden potential he hasnt quite tapped into yet ... which isn't entirely his fault in reality. Back to topic thou I feel like the focus would be mainly on Bray And Brock, but as we all know the rest of the family would have to come into play at some point ... so why not just have them do Brays dirty work while Bray carrys the feud with his promos , have him go toe to toe with Heyman on the mic ... He'll probly learn some new things. I dont feel it would hurt Lesnar if he lost to the Family at all ... it is a Family he is up against and not just one person , so it would make sense that he lost with all these odds stacked against him ... it wouldnt hurt lesnar not one bit to help a young guy get over ... I could really see some pretty intense programming coming out of this
Hey Joseph your storyline is not bad but you have to connect it lets ssay Seth Rollins paid money to get Bray Wyatt interfere during the Brock Lesner/Seth Rollins match and Braun Strowman shows up runs it and attacks Brock Lesner making it a power force match and Wyatt continue attacking Lesner till Underflaker comes in and helps him
Yeah but then that would be too easy ... and it wouldnt make sense , logically speaking ... undertaker should just stay away from the ring all together , in my opinion ... I felt like the match the two had was just for Taker to get his win back before his eventual retirement , even though when it comes to wwe , thats most likely not the case . It would kinda feel cliche , something thats already been done before ... when was the last time we've seen a REAL one man army go against a faction of giants ? I can't see Brock reaching out for help , and I cant think anyone who would willingly want to help Lesnar ... it would be believable if Strowman gave him a run for his money , but it would also make more sense if the Wyatt Family as a whole delivered the beatings . I wouldnt tie seth into this , because from what I understand they are setting him up for an eventual face turn .. so for him to side with the wyatts would set him back instantly , and I dont think it would work given there history ...
:whatthe: To this whole thread right now...

But then again, I don't hate the idea of a Bray/Brock program, mostly for the resulting promos that Wyatt and Heyman would produce.

And if the thought would be that Brock is forced to battle through a progression of monster henchmen to reach the big-baddy Bray like he's the fucking boss in an old school video game, that seems like it could be pretty cool.
This should happen sooner or later,the promos would be awesome!!
The beast vs. the face of fear!!
Here's a sample of a line that might be used in a promo;
Brock,Brock,Brock.....there are places,dark places in Suplex City where ever you won't go..
That is where you'll find me,Brock...FOLLOW THE BUZZARDS!!
The only problem I have with a Wyatt/Lesnar feud is this. At this year's Wrestlemania Bray Wyatt called out the Undertaker, basically telling him that Wyatt was the "New Face of Fear". Well we all know what happened, the "New Face of Fear" was beaten by the "Old Face of Fear".

Now if we all think back to last year's Mania, Lesnar came out and absolutely demolished the Undertaker, and then went on to give Cena the thumping of lifetime. So Lesnar has handily beat both men that Bray Wyatt lost too. I just don't think that Wyatt would win this feud either.

Bray Wyatt cannot afford another huge loss. There is only so many of them that you can take. I know this is scripted but win's and losses do mean something, don't they anymore? Now they could enter this feud and have Harper or Strowman fight Lesnar and lose. That would keep Wyatt strong, but Wyatt would have to enter the ring at some point, and I think Lesnar is just too much for him. Look how easily he handled Cena and Rollins together.

Yes the promo's would be epic, but I as a wrestling fan want to actually see them wrestle. I just don't think that Wyatt is good enough to take on and beat someone like Brock Lesnar.
I feel like this is going to happen within the next year. Lesnar will be attacked by the Wyatt's. It's only a matter of time. Bray & Heyman will kill it on the mic. I just hope they give Bray and Heyman creative liberty here. Don't PG the hell out of this. Really twist it. Take it to a more ruthless level. The mindgames would drive Heyman up the wall and The Wyatt's become even more must-see TV. Seeing Stroman take out the Beast after an entire Wyatt's attack. I could see Cole & JBL now, "That's the baddest man in WWE...being taken out like another buzzard. IF Brock Lesnar can't stand up to the Wyatt Family then who can? That is scary, Michael."
The only problem I have with a Wyatt/Lesnar feud is this. At this year's Wrestlemania Bray Wyatt called out the Undertaker, basically telling him that Wyatt was the "New Face of Fear". Well we all know what happened, the "New Face of Fear" was beaten by the "Old Face of Fear".

I don't see it that way. A young, overconfident rookie challenged a legend, and got his ass handed to him, which is exactly what SHOULD happen 99% of the time. It's much more believable for Bray Wyatt to outsmart, outthink, and defeat Brock Lesnar, than it would have been if Wyatt had beaten Undertaker.
After his loss to Undertaker at SummerSlam (although it was controversial), Brock Lesnar needs some wins to restore his legitimacy.

Bray Wyatt has tons of untapped potential. He's great on the mic, but he needs some original segments (sorta like the Ministry but toned-down). He also needs some wins and one of his opponents to "follow the buzzards" and perhaps even join the Wyatts or at least show some character development. Lesnar won't do any of that.

Neither man can afford a loss, so I would hold this off for a little while. It should definitely happen later on. Wyatt and Heyman on the mic sells me. Lesnar taking out Strowman and Harper to get to Bray would also be entertaining.
If The Wyatt Family didn't come out of the program looking like a bunch of chumps, I'd be highly interested in a program with Brock Lesnar. However, I don't have that much confidence in Vince McMahon when it comes to that and I think it's more than likely that he'd try to use the Family to jack up Lesnar even more, which is already at an absurd level. I mean, think about it, Lesnar is really the first guy in a decade to definitively get the better of John Cena; how much more of a badass can someone be when they decisively come out on the winning end of a feud with the face of the company? Personally, I don't buy into the notion that Lesnar's lost anything due to his loss to Taker; the loss was highly controversial, he made Taker "tap out", he's still the one responsible for ending the streak, he still handed Cena the most devastatingly one sided loss of his entire career, he still wreaks havoc whenever he shows up, etc.

If it was something that enhanced the Family while simultaneously not hurting Lesnar, it'd work just fine for me. I may be in the minority but in order for this to work, I think Lesnar would have to be humanized a bit in that he's unable to get the better of the Family on his own; he tries and tries valiantly but he can't overcome the numbers and any sort of bout he winds up in, he loses because of the numbers advantage. However, I'd keep the interference to a minimum, maybe a cheap shot here & there or jumping up to provide a distraction; it gives Lesnar a way out while still giving his opponents a solid victory.

Lesnar & Heyman realize they need help and approach someone, possibly Reigns & Ambrose, for instance. The story is that Lesnar's gained respect for Reigns due to their bout at WrestleMania, Ambrose is just a crazy fuck who backs down from nobody and both have a long history with the Family. With things being even, the tide turns in Lesnar's favor. The result would be an interesting bunch of matches, sensible allies that plays right into continuity and enhancement rather than derailing of the Family even if they ultimately "lose" the feud.

I know a lot of people like the notion of Lesnar being this invincible beast; that's all well and good, but I just don't see why, if this program went down, that Lesnar still can't look like a beast while the Wyatt Family isn't offered up as sacrificial lambs.
This would be awesome, Paul and Bray on the mic. Brock and those monsters in the ring. I would love to see Brock show up tonight to help Roman and Dean but I just can't figure out a reason why Brock would help them. Brock showing up tonight could start this feud, but we need a reason. This thread sounds very good and I would love to see it happen, tonight is the perfect opportunity to get it going. Bray wants to silence the beast that beat the Undertaker the same one that he could not beat. Bray figures if he can defeat the man who demolished the face of the company (John Cena) and the face of fear (Undertaker) than he would be the new face of both the company and fear.
I don't see it that way. A young, overconfident rookie challenged a legend, and got his ass handed to him, which is exactly what SHOULD happen 99% of the time. It's much more believable for Bray Wyatt to outsmart, outthink, and defeat Brock Lesnar, than it would have been if Wyatt had beaten Undertaker.

But he wouldn't be outsmarting and out thinking Lesnar, he's be trying to outsmart and out think Heyman. Two completely different people. Lesnar is someone who runs on adrenaline, he doesn't think, he gets in that ring with the sole purpose to destroy his opponent.

We're talking about a former World Champ here and a former UFC Heavyweight Champion, do you really think Wyatt and his henchmen are a match for him? He took out Big Show and Kane with two F5's, granted he might have a harder time with Harper and especially Strowman, but he's been built as the unstoppable force.

Like JH said, the Wyatt's could come out on the crappy end of the stick here, and that's not what they want. They also don't want Lesnar to look weak. While the feud would be interesting with lots of shenanigans, neither one can afford the loss.
I feel like , if given the right opportunity and time to develop this story , it could truly be one of the more memorable feuds we've seen in a long time ... The Unstoppable force vs a Few Immovable Objects ... at this point in his career , I think it is a real long shot for Lesnar to come out damaged by this feud ... he has nothing to lose , theres no reason why lesnar should come out on top in Every feud he enters , its just bad and repetitive booking ... we need something fresh , something that has never been seen before
.. Lesnar could get the Upper hand at some points during the feud , but SHOULD ultimately let the Wyatts Go over for once in their careers ... Imagine the physicality ? Brock vs Bray in a Extreme rules match ? With all the Wyatts at ringside ? The whole ring would probably be flipped over ... they could even go as far as having Brock sidelined due to an injury caused by the Wyatts ... Imagine what it would be like if Bray and the Wyatts ( storyline ) injured brock lesnar ? That would be incredible , the first time where brock actually looked like a Regular man and not a beast , which would bring serious credibility back to the Wyatts , Making Bray look stronger than ever ... if anyones gonna topple the beast it should be the Wyatt Family , the last real legitimate threat to Brock Lesnar. And besides , most of Brays high profile Feuds he went into alone ... he may not be credible on His own but with back up from the three Mountains he would seem almost unstoppable , just look at what they've done to Roman Reigns , Dean Ambrose and Company ...

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