Brock Lesnar: Overrated or Underrated?

Brock Lesnar: Overrated or Underrated?

  • Overrated

  • Underrated

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BOSS Productions

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Not sure if this thread was done or not and I believe it belongs in the old school section but move if necessary.

Ok now here is the thread on one of my favorite wrestlers to ever hit the WWE. Now what this man did was remarkable he pretty much reached the level of Steve Austin and The Rock but yet it does not seem like he did. See while I was watching the Decade of Smackdown when it showed Brock Lesnar superplexing Big Show the crowd was dead silent (I was referring to the highlight shown during the decade of smackdown threw the titantron, not the actual match).and I know that is how the crowd is usually now a days but every other moment that was shown at least got somewhat of a reaction but this one moment in particular did not get anything.So after seeing this I am wondering do the people even care for Brock Lesnar? Was He a Draw? I am really curious to hear what you guys have to say because I have been watching his matches back in 2003 and he didn't seem over with the fans even though he was the face of the company that year. So the point of the thread is to answer the following questions:
Was Brock Lesnar a Draw?
Was Brock Lesnar Underated or Overated?
Was Brock Lesnars short Career a Huge Success?

and finally
Did Brock Lesnar leave his mark in WWE history and reached the level of the other wrestling greats ?
and also did Brock Lesnar lack any skills that prevented him from getting over with the fans ?
There is no question that Brock had success during his WWE run. However, he will not be remembered as an all time great. The reason is obvious. He was in the company for only two years. I don't think he is overrated or underrated. I think most agree that he was awesome during his short run. He gets proper recognition. When I think of Brock I will always think about what could have been.

See while I was watching the Decade of Smackdown when it showed Brock Lesnar superplexing Big Show the crowd was dead silent and I know that is how the crowd is usually now a days but every other moment that was shown at least got somewhat of a reaction but this one moment in particular did not get anything.

I have to say I don't know what you were watching here. The crowd went crazy when the ring collapsed. That was one of the best crowd reactions I've heard since the days of Austin and Rock. I remember watching that match in 2003 and the crowd reaction at the end is always what stood out to me. If you're talking about the crowd throughout the match I can't comment on that. I don't remember because I only saw the match once, when it originally aired. I do vividly remember the crowd erupting when the ring collapsed.
There is no question that Brock had success during his WWE run. However, he will not be remembered as an all time great. The reason is obvious. He was in the company for only two years. I don't think he is overrated or underrated. I think most agree that he was awesome during his short run. He gets proper recognition. When I think of Brock I will always think about what could have been.

I have to say I don't know what you were watching here. The crowd went crazy when the ring collapsed. That was one of the best crowd reactions I've heard since the days of Austin and Rock. I remember watching that match in 2003 and the crowd reaction at the end is always what stood out to me. If you're talking about the crowd throughout the match I can't comment on that. I don't remember because I only saw the match once, when it originally aired. I do vividly remember the crowd erupting when the ring collapsed.

No I was referring to when the highlight showed on the titantron during the decade of smackdown when it was shown there was no reaction within the crowd and I agree with what you said but even though his career was short he still was the face of the company so I think he should have gotten a bit more over with the fans.
No I was referring to when the highlight showed on the titantron during the decade of smackdown when it was shown there was no reaction within the crowd and I agree with what you said but even though his career was short he still was the face of the company so I think he should have gotten a bit more over with the fans.

My mistake. I misunderstood what you meant about the crowd reaction. I think a lot of fans are still upset that Brock left WWE so suddenly after being pushed so far so fast. I'm sure you remember the crowd reaction at WrestleMania XX. I'm sure many fans still feel that way.
I think the WWE has done a great job of burying Brock. Considering the majority of the crowd now is 7 to 13 they dont even rember Brock. The only reason they still no guys like Eddie is Vince still shows them alot. You hardly ever see Brock on WWE now. I was actually shocked that highlight was shown.
Brock was great for being so green. Like the Brain I do't think he was under or over rated.
Brocks run wasn't that great for WWE. It was a lot of invested time and money that didn't pay off. Brock was supposed to still be there.
HOWEVER! Brocks WWE run was FANTASTIC for Brock. We all knoww what creates cash and that's what Brock is feeding off of in the UFC. Every MMA fan wants to see the pro wrestler get his ass kicked. The WWE has given him that notariety of being the HUGE wrestling star that walked away, of being a "fake" athlete. They made him marketable.
Brock screwed the WWE in a sense, but I'm a huge Brock fan in the UFC LOL!
Was Brock Lesnar a Draw? at the time yes
Was Brock Lesnar Underated or Overated? overrated but no one else was there except for kurt angle
Was Brock Lesnars short Career a Huge Success? yes and if he had stayed he would be the poster boy for the wwe
Did Brock Lesnar leave his mark in WWE history and reached the level of the other wrestling greats ? yes and no he made an impact but he wasnt there long enough to make a legacy
Did Brock Lesnar lack any skills that prevented him from getting over with the fans? MIC SKILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brock Lesnar was my all time favorite(at the time)everything about this man was impressive.his speed.his size.remarkable balance.could cut a decent promo.lesnar was the animal before batista made being an animal great.his run if he had stayed could of been great.

Lesnar as a draw.yeah id say he had some drawing ability.managed to put on some great matches.i think its his appearance was his main draw.built like a brick shit house.

I think he was very successful in his short 2 year run.became the youngest wwe champ(at the time)beating the rock no less.had some great moments.the ring collaps or his botched shooting star press.had some great fueds.nice build ups and gave us some great matches in his time.the F-5 will always be one of my all time favorite moves!

Lesnar did leave some form of mark.he did reach a level.but not on the same level as austin rock or hogan.shit no.but he left his mark

I dont think lesnar lacked anything.he had all the tools needed to become as great as he could of been.but ultimately had no passion for the business.he was tagged as the next big thing.just not in wwe.
I like the way D-Will went about this, so I'll do the same.

Was Brock Lesnar a Draw?
Yes. The Rock made him where others wouldn't, and it ended up being the best thing for him. Their training vignettes and the general buildup was good. From there he went onto what I consider his best feud, even better than the one with Angle was Taker! After their first match was thrown out and Brock was launched through the stage and people wanted to see them in HIAC. I payed to see that and it was worth every penny. With the exception of the WM20 fiasco I was always impressed and amazed at how good he got, real fast. I think many other people at the time were watching because of what a beast Brock was/is.

Was Brock Lesnar overrated or underrated?
I agree with many others here that he lived up to the hype WHEN he was there, but ultimately we don't know how great he could have been because, well, he left.
I don't think he was either.

Was Brock's career a huge success?
NO. If he had hit the shooting star @ 19 and not had his sendoff with Goldberg. There is no way WWE mgmt thought they would pull off a good match, probably didn't care since they were both out of there but still. Being better on the mic would have helped him be a Huge success as well. I thought he was awesome, but keep in mind I care less about the character, and more the wrestling. So there, I thought he was outperforming most on a nightly basis.

Did Brock Lesnar leave his mark on WWE history and reach the level of other wrestling greats?
No. He didn't sell merch like Hogan or Austin, he didn't cut a pro like Piper or Flair, and as each question ends it comes down to he left before he could have the opportunity to put some serious asses in the seats. He was among the top talents for the duration of his run, that's it.

Did Brock Lesnar lack any skills that prevented him from getting over with the fans?And, what shall be the answer of the night, mic skills. Kudos, to those have previously pointed that out. He obviously flourished with Paul E. as his mouthpiece. He did alright but needed to become great at it on his own to be completely over. I didn't really care what he had to say, I was just always excited to see him kick someone's ass.

Good thread.
Brock Lesnar was one of the best in-ring wrestlers and an incredible athlete (i mean how many people do you know that were a NCAA National Champ, UFC Champ and a professional football player).

to answer your questions, Yes he was and still is a big draw, he had natural wrestling talent and had been training his whole life for that. Secondly, if I had to choose, I would go on the underrated side as he was young and slightly overshadowed by the bigger names, for example, Rock, Undertaker, Goldberg, and Angle. Next, I would say that his time there was a huge success, he had 3 WWE championships in as many years. Finally, I think he has reached a higher status that many greats simply because of his crossover appeal and newfound success. And yes I agree his mic skills weren't the best in the world, but his in-ring skills and Paul Heyman helped that.
Brock Lesnars run in WWE was perfect. He was there long enough to make a HUGE impact and short enough not to totally fuck up his body so that he could go on to do what he REALLY wanted to do. Brock wasnt ever passionate about WWE and he used it as a stepping stone. In his short time, he did reach an unprecedented star level 4 only being there 2years. Like austin and rock, ppl who didnt even watch wrestling knew who brock was. He was great in the ring and he was even decent on the mic, especially as a heel. His run in WWE did what he was suppose to, perhaps even more and Brock will ALWAYS be remembered by older wrestling fans
no offense man, but how can you say brock is your all time favorite when you have a pic of benoit posted? it just throws me off a bit is all. like i said, no offense.

Does anybody even read anymore?i said at the TIME he was my all time offence but you should have noticed when i said thatit was the little comment in the brackets.
Ok I liked brock lesnar a lot but I think he is Overrated. let's think about this for a second. He had Paul Heyman as a manager so he got instant heat and he was put over by Hogan The Rock The Undertaker and Kurt Angle, 4 hall of famers (I don't care if Angle went to TNA he is a WWE hall of famer.)
Brock Lesnar in the two years he was in WWE was IMHO, must see TV. Every single week, if he was having a match, it was must see TV...that's how entertained I was by his skill set, feats of strength, speed for his size, etc. He is in my top 3 personal favorites of all time. I think he put on CLINICS with Kurt Angle, and had classics with the likes of Taker and Big Show. I still remember random Smackdown moments from his must see TV era like where he would suplex A-Train literally across the ring or where he would treat Zach Gowen like an action figure....not a ragdoll, but a 6 inch action figure. He was truly amazing.

I don't care how people remember him. I really don't. I personally remember him as a super-athlete who had a legitimate claim to be called the baddest man on the planet, and though some people might have thought I was crazy cuz he was fighting in a 'fake sport' now look at him. He deserves the opporturnity to compete at a legitimate level, and I'm glad he is doing that now in the UFC. He accomplished all he needed to in his time. He won the World Title three times or so, and had a Wrestlemania main event victory, as well as a Royal Rumble win. I still think his match with Kurt Angle at WM 19 was a huge draw. Even TV Guide did a feature on it for Christ's sakes.

Bottom line, Brock Lesnar was the man and I could give a rat's ass if people think he's overrated or didn't draw. He was the sole reason I watched Smackdown, I'd even go as far as to say he was a BIG reason why they even THOUGHT of having a Brand Extension. I do think that most people remember him as a freak of nature, though so I think he gets his props. I think his legacy and remembering power is about a tad below Ultimate Warrior, but for me, he's in my top 3 with HBK and Hennig, but that's just my personal taste.
Brock was a physicall speicmen and an awesome wreslter. His downfall is his mic skills.. I always thought he was terrible on the Mic. They should have kept it to where he had a handelr like Paul Heyman. WWE use to be good in matching wrestlers with good heel managers who can talk for them. For example Yoko never talked and was one of the most domiant wrestlers in his short error. The same with the deadman when he did the american BA gimmick that was terrible stick to not talking. Guys today like Batista, Kahli, MArk Henry, and some of these younger heels need managers.. Sorry I got off
The guy above mentioned mic skills. I would probably say Brock is underrated because people underestimate his mic skills. Yes, he sucked on the mic in 2002 and most of 2003. But around the time of his last heel World Title reign, late 2003-2004, like when he started feuding with Eddy Guerrero, he had GREAT heel work. He really did. When he started using the, "I will show you the meaning of OFF...THE HOOK PAIN" by then, his promos had improved DRASTICALLY. So I think some people might limit him to just a physical beast, but really, he was getting better on the mic and as an all around heel and with more time, who knows? Plus, look at him now...he has some of the best promos in the UFC, lol. But yeah, Brock's my guy as I said in my post above.
Brock Lesnar run in the WWE reminds me of the Warrior u know he was a good heel, had a great manager, but when he decided to leave early to go into the NFL that was a stupid move, then steps back into wrestling in Japan, gets sued by the WWE, leaves wrestling again, and is now in the UFC. when i first heard about that i thought he would be gone within a few matches but i think he found where he wants to be i am just hoping for Lesnar vs. Lashey in UFC that would be a great fight to watch
Brock Lesnar was probably the reason why I became a wrestling fan. His match with Hulk Hogan on Smackdown in 2002 amazed me. I knew about Hogan and that he was this big, unstoppable force... and Lesnar completely destroyed him. I remember both being shocked and hugely impressed that this rookie more or less managed to beat Hulk Hogan with a bearhug (I believe he managed to wear him out with that move for the win, don't quote me on that)!

His match with The Rock at Summerslam was the day Lesnar arrived and everyone knew it. He had the ability to beat one of the greatest of all time within 5 months... amazing. He defeated The Undertaker inside Hell in a Cell... even more amazing. He F5'ed a 500 pound man and did it with absolute ease... oh my freakin' god amazing. He defeated Kurt Angle at WrestleMania XIX, after he almost fucking killed himself attempting that imfamous Shooting Star Press. Lesnar over came the odds so many damn times, and that's why I become such a huge mark for him. He was the dog's bollocks as far as I'm concerned, and I watched him wrestle Undertaker for the WWE title at a house show in 2003.

He was amazing! The fact he left the WWE is just unfortunate... because unless your my age or above, you've probably never even heard of Brock Lesnar as a WWE superstar. Such a shame, cause as far as I was concerned the guy was a god!
I never really liked Brock, he awalys came off as alittle generic and bland to me. He was someone you would expect in the main event and the outcomes to his matches were well contrived since I seen about a handfull of others exactly like him before he debuted. I just never liked him and he was boring for me in the ring and promos and if he was still around I would have to say he would be in batistas spot today which would fit him well because batista is a better clone of Brock.
Brock Lesnar was most certainly a draw...a big one at that. I wouldn't put him at the level or the Rock or Stone Cold though. He was amazing during his two year stay but he will not be remembered for much. When people think of Brock Lesnar and the WWE they will more then likely think of his shit match with Goldberg and his failed attempt at the NFL. I know that is what I think of. Sure he had some amazing matches but it's not the first thing I think of about him and wrestling anymore. It is hard to tell just how huge he could have been though seeing as he left.

Brock Lesnar was not a huge success. He was merely just a guy who made an impact and had begun to make an imprint on the WWE. He was seriously could have been the next big thing. He was huge and was on his way to becoming the face of the company. Unfortunately he chose to leave the WWE.

Lesnar never reached the level of a wrestling great. He was a top the business for his tenure in the WWE but as quickly as he rose he quickly plummeted. As soon as word got out he was leaving people stopped caring. He was the youngest man to hold the WWE championship but all glory of that was taken when Orton became the youngest World Heavyweight Champion.

I think the only time I saw him cutting good promos were the few he did with Kurt Angle. He was never very good on the mic though. Paul Heyman was great as his mouthpiece...but Paul has always been a talker so who could of expected anything less then his usual?

It sucks to say this but I would say Brock was overrated. He came on the scene and instantly made a name for himself. He was one of the most dominant forces to ever step in that ring. He truly could have been the next big thing. But after him leaving I would say John Cena filled that void of being the next big thing. I mean look at Cena. In such a short time he has become the face of the company. But that is for another thread and another time.
Brock Lesnar was an absolute beast. Plain and simple. The size and build of the guy made him stand out from others as he effectively had the power of a heavyweight like Big Show and Vader but also the speed and agility of smaller guys like HBK and Angle. I remember the KOTR when he just went through everyone... the way he destroyed RVD in the final was brutal.

Was Lesnar a draw? Yes, in the brief time he was with the company but there are so many what if's? with regards to feuds. Yes, The Rock, Angle and Taker feuds were amazing but imagine if we had seen him feud with HBK, HHH and others. I always associate Lesnar with Show, not just because of the superplex but the whole Heyman swerve and betrayal at Survivor Series 02.

I believe WWE tried to make Bobby Lashley into a 'Lesnar Lite' as Lesnar was that big a draw. They are both similar builds and have amateur wrestling experience but Lashley was never Lesnar. I watch Lashley in TNA and see them try and build him up to be this behemoth but when he stands in the ring with the MEM, i don't believe he could beat them all down. Lesnar? Jesus Christ, it would be over in minutes! And i think this is down to Lesnar starting off as a heel. The expressionless face which was occasionally broken by a sneer; Heyman going wild on the mic; Lesnar was a ruthless heel. Lashley was booked in WWE as a 'nice guy'; no character at all.

Overall, I believe if Lesnar was still with the WWE, he could have gotten to the same level as Rock and Austin; maybe just a bit lower. The pop he used to get when the guitar riff of his entrance music hit and when Tazz would go 'here comes the pain!' created a big fight atmosphere and that Lesnar could come out and beat anyone.
The semi-originator is back with the Over/Under that will draw a LOT of banter back and forth in my eyes. I like to thank Will for the idea of these threads. There are a lot of wrestlers out there that get a lot of praise that possibly shouldn't and wrestlers that are under appreciated. But this is a case of a wrestler who was one big hype machine.

Brock Lesnar was someone who didn't spend nearly enough time in wrestling to make a name for himself, yet he was one of the most dominant wrestlers during his stay in the WWE. Lesnar came in like a boss and just smashed people. Beating up both Hardys, nearly murdering Spike Dudley, and beating the likes of The Rock, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, and other main eventers along the way. Despite those said wrestlers not at their prime conditions, it still says a lot when you beat those wrestlers clean. During his stay, he was someone who was unstoppable and could have really been, "The Next Big Thing". Instead, he decided to give a big 'Fuck you' to the fans and quit during his peak and try out NFL Football. It didn't work, and now he's the biggest draw in the biggest up and coming company right now, the UFC. Brock Lesnar Overrated or Underrated?
My problem with Brock Lesnar was that he just didn't stay around long enough to make a lasting impact.

I believe him to be completely overrated.

Sure he fit the McMahon bill, big build, tough guy persona, and he was booked very well. I think that giving him Paul Heyman as a manager was a stroke of genius on the WWE's part. He was booked in a tonne of squash matches, as The Lariat mentioned, almost ending what left there was of Spike Dudley, and then moving onto 'bigger' stars like the Hardy's, and then he was well booked in the King Of The Ring, where for the one and only time, he, as the winner got the title shot that led him to beat the Rock.

But I think that the WWE has learned a lot from Lesnar. They don't seem to be pushing stars to the top so quickly now. And although some may argue that that is not a good thing, it keeps history from repeating itself.

Brock had all the makings of a true great in the WWE, and while all his attributes fit neatly into place, the man just didn't have the staying power, the belief because he achieved everything so early on. He took fro granted the stardom that he received from the WWE audience. He wasn't the most amazing wrestler on the planet, and his mic skill weren't great, but maybe as Hulk Hogan tried to say to Vince McMahon once 'he was just the right guy, at the right time'.

And that is why I think Brock Lesnar is overrated
I wouldn't call him either one to be honest. He didn't stay in WWE for long but has had quite a few memorable matches in the time he spent with the company. It is hard to find a wrestler out there whose had 4-5 classic matches in 2 years and Brock did that. He was great in the ring, solid on the mic and he is legit. But at the same time I can't say that he is underrated because he was pushed as the biggest star in the company during his tenure in WWE.

And for all of those who say that Brock was shits and said "Fuck you" to the fans you need to get over yourselves. He gave you 2 years of good entertainment and got paid well for it. He didn't like to travel and who would want to be on road 200+ days/year? Now he is making more money in UFC than he ever made in WWE and all he has to do is fight 3 times/year. As I said, Brock is legit and being a top MMA fighter is a lot harder than being a top WWE superstar.
Brock Lesnar is a fantastic athlete, you cant deny that, still as a pro-wrestler, fucking overrated in my opinion.

You get a guy who looks like him, push him to the top, thats cool, thats believable, he looks like he could destroy anybody. Yet as a wrestler he just wasnt especially entertaining, his matches with The Rock are some of the worst Rock matches I've ever seen, now Rock was on his way out, but he's never given less than 100%, yet it was one of Brocks best matches, it doesnt make Rocky's top 20.

The guy could do a lot in the ring, yet he just couldnt make all of that natural ability interesting. As a UFC competitor, the guy is awesome, he's where he should be in the world really.
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